Na RZ | Jméno | Komentáře jezdců |
6 | ADDERLEY Scott | Got penalized, Managed to survive |
6 | HONZEK Tony | THX |
6 | KADERABEK Jan | Thanks! |
6 | keyboard__ | thx PRa |
6 | KOCHETKOV Anton | spin first corner +5s, help rear gear ((( Badluck race for me. Thx guys |
6 | Konttinen Ismo | clean final stage |
6 | LAU Chiyung | Not clean but i finished atleast. Hard to not stall with keyboard |
6 | MARTINA Dominic | awesome rally :D thanks for hosting !! |
6 | PAAKKINEN Aleksi | good |
6 | SCHENK Mike | thx |
6 | VARAS Ariel | nice rally |
5 | ADDERLEY Scott | Hit a rock and rolled, got away with minor damage |
5 | CIN Ramon | Thx! |
5 | KOCHETKOV Anton | horrible, no concentration today....very slow run on every ss |
5 | Konttinen Ismo | hit a rock and rolled |
5 | LAU Chiyung | ok |
5 | LEONARDO Johann | could be faster but eh made it lmao |
5 | PAAKKINEN Aleksi | slow af |
5 | VARAS Ariel | nice |
4 | ADDERLEY Scott | Had a close call with some stumps. made it through ok |
4 | KOCHETKOV Anton | +3s |
4 | Konttinen Ismo | still going on |
4 | PAAKKINEN Aleksi | felt good |
4 | Ross McGregor | shit |
4 | VALA Stanislav | asi jsem skoncil:-) koukal jsem se na poradi a narazil do stolku casomiry za cilem:-)))) |
3 | ADDERLEY Scott | Took it vert easy and managed to get through clean |
3 | KADERABEK Jan | Out for 5s |
3 | KOCHETKOV Anton | +4s, bad section, 6/6 tires, ok, now try other settings |
3 | Konttinen Ismo | cautious |
3 | LEONARDO Johann | funnily enough I\'m using a snow setup rn since I don\'t have a gravel setup yet |
3 | Ruben VERMAAK | N |
3 | SCHENK Mike | c4h after half roll-over |
2 | ADDERLEY Scott | Slid into trees, Only minor damage |
2 | GARBI Gian Matteo | rolled 2 corners in and radiator went on strike |
2 | KOCHETKOV Anton | first split made few spins, +8-10sec lost here |
2 | Konttinen Ismo | okay without pacenotes today |
2 | LAU Chiyung | Quiet surprised that i could drive the car with tarmac tires and tarmac setup on this gravel setup. Nothing fast of course. Also one crash |
2 | LEONARDO Johann | nipped my front suspension luckily didn\'t total the water pump ;D |
2 | Nisbet | bugger |
2 | Ruben VERMAAK | Bad stage pacenotes are so slow |
1 | ADDERLEY Scott | Hard time getting around those hairpins |
1 | ARAUJO Isidro | cfrash |
1 | BOUCHARD Daniel | Hello all! Running this because FMOD is coming so, gotta test out this bad boy. plan on running Fife in it too. |
1 | ELO Viljo | got lost |
1 | FAHEY Andrew | Damn! tyre stack. |
1 | GARBI Gian Matteo | hate this stage |
1 | KOCHETKOV Anton | bad start |
1 | Konttinen Ismo | one reversing |
1 | LAU Chiyung | I choosed tarmac tires and setup wtf |
1 | LEONARDO Johann | mistake= had to reverse and lose shitloads of time lmao |
1 | Nisbet | that was terrible |
1 | PAAKKINEN Aleksi | false start |
1 | Ruben VERMAAK | Good stage could be much faster but hey |
1 | SCHENK Mike | hi all |
1 | Tomoyuki Tachi | :( |