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--- OLD RALLY --- Rallye de Portugal 2021
Facebook / List of payments for licence Old Rally 2021 / Oncology Support / Lousada - RX does not give a penalty, so you can ride the last lap without a joker lap !!!
14.3.2021 0:01 - 20.3.2021 23:59
RZ/SS 6 - Vicar
Results for class (group): RC2
surface new and dry, good weather, morning, crisp, partialy cloudy
4.7 km
All / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
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NameSSDesription / reason
Czech Republic KEST Karel11Crashed on SS 11
Czech Republic ADAMEK Ondrej11Crashed on SS 11
Russian Federation Larionov Sergey14Did not start to SS 14

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SSNameDrivers comments
20Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasThe most important goal was achieved. Thank you for the event! See you on the next event!
20Spain BENITEZ echedeibad rallye for me. bad luch in this championship
20Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriHuge shame to end rally in this way, I believed we could catch Karel and fight for victory... Aaaah, not our day. Congratulations and see Ya!
20Czech Republic DOHNAL MichalJsme tu, s Mariom to vyslo, druhou sekci na soto nejel tak rychle jako prvni a na asfaltu to znam, tam jsem si zajizdel pb casy, takze jsem tam neco nahnal a udrzel az do cile, PS vysla na vybornou a z Portugalska si vezem plnej pocet, za to jsem moc rad... a TEXACO !!! GOOO
20Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariosom rad jedine za ciel vysledok slabucky moc chyb som porobil dik za zavod
20Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinVelika skoda... Ale jinak hezka rally a jsem rad ze jsem se mohl zucastnit. Zatim ahoj
20Finland KARIMAA JoonaHoped for a better 2nd leg but still made stupid mistakes. Well atleast we get some points out of this. Still waiting for the upgrade from Lancia, where is my Integrale :)
20Czech Republic KRALICEK Pavelok dikes
20Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirja jsem spokojeny, chyb bylo dost, a jak jsem se docetl tak muj vysledek je jeste horsi, nez slabucky. ;-) Dik za rally!!! HB!
20Czech Republic KUCA Milansorry tyme, pohnojil sem to
20Finland LAAHANEN JanneGood run through here, got the class WR. Struggled through leg 2 with rhythm and flow again. Three rallies in a row now. Thanks!
20Czech Republic LABUDEK Michal2E mi sedla nejak vic, citil jsem se jistejsi. Nekdy ale zas moc a tak chyby byly. Nastesti ne fatalni a auto ty skrabance ustalo. Diky za rally, bavilo me ;-)
20Finland LONN JoonasVery bad rally. Again. Ok, I did not any practise for leg 1 and only little for leg 2 but still the pace was bad and I did like 1:30 mistakes total... But at least some points for RSH and after this I know how to be stronger on next gravel event. THX!
20Czech Republic LORENC Martindiky za turnaj, mam dobrej pocit z jizdy, snad se to ukaze i pri porovnani s ostatnimi ;)
20Portugal Luis Carreiroand to end i greatness, another spin... good rally, a lot of mistakes by me in this second leg but finished it. Thanks to the OLD RALLY guys for a great roadbook!! See u all on the next one!
20Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubDiky za zavod. Uvidim s cim pojedu priste, ve vsech tridach se jede neskutecna palba.
20Czech Republic MALENOVSKY LubomirDruha etapa bez vetsich potizi,ale bylo to narocne.
20Czech Republic MAREL JiriNarocna rally. Pekne poskladana RZ. Vykon mohl byt lepsi, ale cil jsem videl, takze spokojenost. Jeste jednou dik za hezkou rally. Mej te se
20Spain MARZOA Juanbad day..., congratulations Victor!!...thanks Michal!
20Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavU nas o.k. - pekna skladba RZ.
20United Kingdom MORGAN OwenNot the best of rallies really, lots of mistakes but with no recce for leg 2 I can be happy to be a the finish and hopefully will keep my top 5 in the rwd class with the little skoda
20Czech Republic NYVLT Kareltady uz jsem vylozene delal prasarny. nakonec zazrakem dojeto. musim uznat, ze tohle byl neskutecne tezky zavod na udrzeni nervu na uzde. diky, snad nebudu delat moc velkou ostudu. mozna priste to vezmu jen na svezeni s jinym vozem
20Finland PARUS ChristerFirst day went nicely until the last two stages. Today I lacked confidence all way until the last three stages. So finished on a high note. All in all, happy. Could have gone better. Once again thanks for the rally and looking forward to the next one.
20Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michalhroznej vykon
20United Kingdom PETTET JordanPity to have the issues I did, but still had great fun driving, and am looking forward to the next one. Thank you to the organisers and to Janne for his setups.
20Finland PYNNONEN VilleThis ain\'t fun, being every single race with at least one of/dnf etc. Maybe I should quit being so shit
20Portugal Ruben RochaSpin in the very last corner... Vary good roadbook guys! Im sad bacause in these days im very busy and i have no time for trining :/ See you in the next event! Cheers!
20Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karelbohuzel fatalni havarka v11rz a je po zavode!!!:-(cus Karlos BRT
20Czech Republic SLANY MichalTohle bylo trapeni s nastavenim a vysledek podle toho vypada :-(
20United Kingdom SMITH TonyI had some good stages and some bad ones but enjoyed it all. Thanks for the rally
20Czech Republic SOLC DominikKonecne jsem dokoncil nejaky zavod :D jsem rad ze tahle bida stacila na 3. misto. 2E byla v pohode, ale 1E 3x pres strechu a z toho mi 2x pomahali jsem mohl bojovat s Liborem, ale jsem nakonec rad. Kolegove moc hezky!
20Czech Republic STAVA RadekDekuji Bananovi za krasnou a vyborne zorganizovanou rally. Uzil jsem si to a dokonce i dojel be SR. Ani chyb a krizovek nebylo az tolik, takze za me parada. Kluci si tu bohuzel vybrali smuly vice :-( Tak snad priste se to povede vsem. Martini Racing GO!!!!
20Czech Republic TESAR Tomasdiky za turnaj uvidime se priste.
20Czech Republic TOMECEK Josefdik
20Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborstalo pri me stesti a s hodne poskozenym autem jsem dojel do servisu ! HB !
20Czech Republic TRNKA VictorVille is the quickest in our class but the question is Vill(h)e crash? :D no offense, it just came to my mind...This was a pretty positive rally. I tried only Carvalho 2 and Kormoran 2 for pacenotes otherwise no tests. I am pretty happy about the car. Team made it brilliant, easy to drive. Texaco!
20Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechWell, it was only one stupid mistake which cost me too much time. I\'m still happy with the result, the point for the team and I\'m happy with my pace as well. It was a tough rally indeed. Thanks everyone and see you next time! Go Imprimo!
20Czech Republic VALIK Jiritak mame splneno, cil :D Diky moc za soutez, uzil jsem si ji
20Czech Republic ZAJIC MartinJsme tu ale uplne jsem tu 2 etapu pos.... ale co poprve s fordem a myslim ze ne naposled bylo to fajn poak uz jsme zkouseli co to auto umi a balili se diky
20Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1ahoj
19Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
19Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariopomaly ale prvy krat bez buracky v cieli este vydrzat jednu
19Finland KARIMAA JoonaNew pb again, not bad
19Finland LAAHANEN JanneSafely through. No drama.
19Finland LONN JoonasI cant understand. No grip at all. The car just doesnt stop. Oijoijoi, so many close calls.
19Portugal Luis Carreiroand cfh again... litle stupid mistakes are expensive
19Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonytahle sekce, katastrofa :-(
19United Kingdom MORGAN OwenCar was undrivable another spin and lost 10 seconds or so, just need to finish now
19Czech Republic NYVLT Karelmusel jsem dnes zvednout predek, ale nejak strasne jsem ho pritvrdil. bylo to jak na tummingovem srazu
19Finland PARUS ChristerOkay(ish) run
19Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michal2x divaci... v haji
19United Kingdom PETTET Jordangiving the spectators a show
19Portugal Ruben RochaOk
19United Kingdom SMITH TonyGetting tired and making stupid mistakes now. Got stuck again
19Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborchladic spojka starter diff prevod. tlukice !!!! uz tak s takhle poskozenym autem jedna a pul RZety !!!! fuj sme tu !! servis nestacil ! ale to hlavni je !! ale jedeme !
19Czech Republic TRNKA VictorLet\'s see what Vojta will go
19Czech Republic VALIK Jirinebylo to zas tak spatne
18Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
18Czech Republic DOHNAL MichalDruhy prujezd take lepsi... na tehle rzte nemam absolutne grip...
18Finland KARIMAA JoonaNew PB with broken car, must be happy
18Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirsilena trat, tady to snad bez karambolu ani nejde ...
18Finland LAAHANEN JanneSpun once. Not good.
18Finland LONN JoonasDont know why but suddenly the grip was gone. It went very well until that one braking. Run wide, got stuck and lost 45. After that it was very slippery. I think it is tyre wear but weird how quickly it was there. Like on / off.
18Portugal Luis Carreiroand spun again... crazy second leg this one...
18Spain MARZOA Juanthis stage is full of bugs
18United Kingdom MORGAN Owena big crash and broke the rear diff, folllowed by a stupid spin, lost 30 seconds, car is ahrd to drive
18United States MURPHY JasonI guess a pacenote was slightly too close to a split time? Really hate to DNF that way, but I guess its my own fault.
18Czech Republic NYVLT Karelpriste jedu s V3S
18Finland PARUS ChristerFirst time in this rally that I got a clean run here. Trying to finish on a high note.
18Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michalbohuzel po vyletu do skarpy a prevraceni na strechu jsem vypadl ze skveleho rytmu ktery jsem chytil na zacatku a sotva se doplacal do cile
18Finland PUHAKKA OssianFuck this. Whoever made the default pacenotes should be punched.
18Portugal Ruben RochaSpin on the last corners....
18United Kingdom SMITH TonySo annoyed. Dropped a back wheel over the edge of a downhill HP and got stuck. Had to CFH
18Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborna jistotu a maximalni setreni auta !
18Czech Republic TRNKA VictorThese times are better.. That is just cause I drove them before once to check pacenotes...
18Czech Republic VALIK Jirinahovno
18Czech Republic ZAJIC Martinjsem se zasekl v plote to uz je Pech:-(
17Spain BENITEZ echedeispin
17Czech Republic DOHNAL MichalDruhy prujezd o 7s lepsi, pocitove jsem si veril uz, ale nektery mista kriticky si jeste musim dopsat a bude to dobre...
17Slovakia DUBOVAN Marioznova 3x crash som zvedavy dokedy bude pri mne stat stastie
17Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinProste jsem kokot no... Tuknul jsem balik slamy a znicil chladic a vic veci takze to po chvilce prestalo jet... Omlouvam se tymu..
17Czech Republic KUCA Milan1x trfeny balik, 0,5km pred ciloem to zdechlo
17Finland LAAHANEN JanneTried to go for the class WR only to end up with the same damn time... Gutted.
17Finland LONN JoonasHalf spin
17Portugal Luis Carreirospun but all ok
17Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavHmm asi bude konecna ....
17United Kingdom MORGAN Owen2 spins, lost around 10 seconds, other than htose was a good run
17United States MURPHY JasonFelt ok but I was hoping for a bit more speed. Car just feels like it has a second driver pulling the wheel in random directions over these bumps...
17Czech Republic NYVLT Karelasfalt mi zmenil techniku jizdy. jedu jak jouda
17Finland PARUS ChristerStill haven\'t found that confidence.
17Portugal Ruben Rochacrahs into a mecanic garage ahahah
17United Kingdom SMITH TonyEnjoyed that
17Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborvylet ! a velke poskozeni ! to asi nedojedem !!
17Czech Republic TRNKA VictorIt was sooooooooo slippery.. one big moment and went tooo wide
17Czech Republic VALIK Jirimnohem lepsi nez minuly prujezd
17Czech Republic ZAJIC Martinopet divaci 2x ja je snad pritahuji :-(
17Czech Republic ZMOLIK Petrzase mam rozbity chladic
16Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
16Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariotrapenie pokracuje zacinam moc burat
16Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinAle joo to bylo hezkyy :D O 4 sekundy lepsi PB
16Finland KARIMAA JoonaFinally survived this one without runki
16Finland LAAHANEN JanneQuite okay, didn\'t feel special but somehow bested my PB by a second.
16Portugal Luis Carreirostupid mistake, really stupid and had to cfh
16Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonymoc snahy, prilet do odboceni, ale pres sutry, couvacka 2x
16United Kingdom MORGAN OwenNot great but thats the tarmac done so I\'m happy with that
16United States MURPHY JasonGood stage. Now back to survival.
16Czech Republic NYVLT Karelzpet do pekel
16United Kingdom PETTET Jordanok one shunt
16United Kingdom SMITH TonyClipped a tree at speed, spun me and had to turn around. Surprisingly little damage
16Czech Republic STAVA Radek5 metru pred cilem mi to chciplo :-D
16Czech Republic TRNKA VictorOkay the harder part of the rally is done.
16Czech Republic ZAJIC Martin3 blbe chybicky zadni kolo na trave a uz jsme se tocili
15Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
15Czech Republic JULÍNEK Martin10 sekund pryc protoze jsem se pretocil...
15Finland KARIMAA Joonapb
15Finland LAAHANEN JanneBetter than the few before.
15Portugal Luis Carreirogood stage, feeling more at ease
15Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonypar chybek, ale cas pekny
15United Kingdom MORGAN OwenNew pb but could be better
15United States MURPHY JasonThat was a better run through that stage...
15Czech Republic NYVLT Karelsmooth
15Finland PARUS ChristerGot stuck on the hill side. Must be the funniest mistake of the rally.
15Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michalvsechno spatne, nekolikrat do svodidel..
15United Kingdom SMITH TonyNo mistakes. Happy with that
15Czech Republic TRNKA VictorI pushed and drove better then in 1st leg but the time is worse.. I don\'t know why...
15Czech Republic ZAJIC Martinted uz mame obrovskou ztratu tak aspon se bavime
15Czech Republic ZMOLIK Petrpomoc divaku je to hruza
14Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
14Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinAle joo bylo to docela dobry :D
14Finland LAAHANEN JanneHit a wall in the early part and confidence gone more.
14Portugal Luis Carreirotaking it easy, dificult stage
14Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonyto bylo spatne, jeden breh, skoro strom a znova rozjizdeni :-(
14United Kingdom MORGAN OwenI dont underdtand where I loose ime in the middle split, bu Ive never enjoyed this stage so glad to be through it mistake free
14United States MURPHY JasonOk stage, at least keeping it on the road
14Czech Republic NYVLT Karelmoc rychle se hybou onrazky na tom prede mnou
14United Kingdom PETTET Jordanok, still lots to improve
14Finland PYNNONEN Ville:)
14Portugal Ruben RochaOk
14Czech Republic SLANY MichalAle neee
14United Kingdom SMITH TonyOvershot HP and hadto reverse. Tape broke screen!
14Czech Republic TRNKA VictorI am not happy with that run, few stupid mistakes. I try not to go over the limit but I would like to stay in the fight for first.
14Czech Republic VALIK Jirizas tak zle to nebylo
14Czech Republic ZAJIC MartinKdyz uz to jde pekne tak se nam do cesty postavi poradatel :-(
14Czech Republic ZMOLIK Petrzase spatne dnes to moc nejde
13Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
13Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariopodobne ako prva etapa na tejto trati katastrofa pre mna
13Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinTahle byla super. Tak jdeme na asfalt! :D
13Finland KARIMAA JoonaOk stage
13Finland LAAHANEN JanneSpun in the forest section after hitting a tree. Good flow and feeling gone again.
13Finland LONN JoonasGot some lag and hit a tree.
13Portugal Luis Carreirowasnt bad, but not as i wanted
13Czech Republic MAREL JiriPry divak nezda se mi, ale co se da delat.
13Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonypomlacene sklo vymeneno
13Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavUfff bez vody servacnosti do cile....
13United Kingdom MORGAN OwenSafe run here with no risks
13United States MURPHY JasonOk stage, but still not the best pace.
13Czech Republic NYVLT Karelvletel jsem za brizu a musel se skrabat ven
13United Kingdom PETTET Jordanok
13Finland PYNNONEN Ville3x cfh, just bs. Didnt have time to practise and those banks surprised 3 times
13Portugal Ruben Rocha....
13United Kingdom SMITH TonyApart from losing time in THAT ditch it was OK
13Czech Republic SOLC DominikMichal tlaci..nebude lehky ho udrzet za sebou
13Czech Republic TRNKA VictorWEll.. one opponent down :)
13Czech Republic VALIK Jiriboze boze...
12Spain BENITEZ echedeiroll and call
12Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriNaraz do kamenu uprostred cesty v plne rychlosti. Skoda. :(
12Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariohrozna trat
12Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinTady jsem mel velky strach tuhle rz fakt nemam rad
12Finland KARIMAA JoonaAll over the place :P
12Finland LAAHANEN JanneStill struggling for the rhythm a bit, but it was better here already.
12Portugal Luis Carreirocfh near the end...
12Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubTak jsem taky schytal nejakej kamen uprostred cesty. Vubec jsem ho nevidel, dost jsem se lek kdyz me to hodilo do vzduchu. No nic, zavod byl po 1.e stejne v haji.
12Czech Republic MAREL JiriPrehriva se motor, tak to snad do servisu vydrzi.
12Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavHa po skoku nestacily merici tabule...
12United Kingdom MORGAN Owen.46 off WR with that run, could take seconds off that for sure, really careful in the downhill, very happy though
12United States MURPHY JasonJust survival...Ran off at one point but saved it enough to continue.
12Czech Republic NYVLT Kareljak tu neprijito predni naraznik? vubec ho uz na startu nemit. :-)
12Finland PARUS ChristerNothing for the historic books. Some small misstakes and slow driving. The downhill is scary. So many places to runki.
12United Kingdom PETTET Jordan1 spin 2nd to last corner, but having fun w/ the car and the stages
12Finland PYNNONEN VilleGood time considering it was my 2nd run to finish line and only 6secs slower than WR
12Portugal Ruben Rocha... see coment in the ss1
12United Kingdom SMITH TonyAt least it was clean
12Czech Republic STAVA RadekTady mi ta posledni cast vzdycky hrozne nejde.
12Czech Republic TESAR Tomasvodni pumpa v druhe casti RZ uz nevydrzela :(
12Czech Republic TRNKA VictorNo need to hurry that much I think
12Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechWhat a stupid thing to do, I wasn\'t precise with my line, clipped a bank and rolled.
12Czech Republic VALIK Jirito uz tak zle nebylo
12Czech Republic ZAJIC MartinZkusime jeste zabojovat a stahnout tu velkou ztratu
12Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1bug
11Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasDamn, ruined my race here. Just want to make it through.
11Spain BENITEZ echedeioik
11Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriGood start, but it will be hard.
11Czech Republic DOHNAL MichalCau ve druhe etape... jedem na dojezd, kormoran dvojku a carvalho jedem ostrou zde poprve a jeste s vypujcenym rozpisem od Vikyho, takze dostaneme dost na techto rztach, na Maria to asi nebude stacit, takze se snim nebudeme honit... budu rad ze tyto rzty projedu v bezpeci do cile...
11Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariodnes to bude bieda
11Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinAhoj snad dneska dojedu :D
11Finland KARIMAA JoonaFalse start etc..
11Czech Republic KEST Kareltak se nam ten chladic asi neopravil z 1 etapy,opet 6 km a zase voda,hned po startu sla teplota nahoru.....cus priste
11Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirno, + hodne, namotal jsem se na nejaky zluty zabradli a nechtelo me to pustit
11Finland LAAHANEN JanneNo rhythm at all. Struggling.
11Finland LONN JoonasSpin, + 10 s
11Czech Republic LORENC Martinzdar ve druhe etape
11Portugal Luis Carreiroa litle crash but all ok
11Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubByl jsem venku a trefil jsem kladu, neco uchazi, ale teplota ok, tak to snad odnesla jen klima :D
11Czech Republic MAREL Jiritak zacatek hodne spatny. Snad se to zlepsi.
11Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonyno nic moc, hodne pruletu krovim, az sem se desil.
11Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
11Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavCao
11United Kingdom MORGAN OwenNo practice for this leg so safe runs will have to be all i can manage, did have one small spin here and goot caught in my dust, lost around 10 seconds
11United States MURPHY JasonHad a spin and lost some time. Otherwise it was an ok start.
11Czech Republic NOVOSAD RostislavTo je zacatek hned dvakrat pomoc divaku
11Czech Republic NYVLT Karelpredkem drbly balik a volant je jako beton. snad jen dojet bez kamene v podlaze.
11Finland PARUS ChristerDidn\'t find the confidence because of my setup not being the best here.
11United Kingdom PETTET Jordan1x call for help
11Finland PYNNONEN VilleThese gravel stages are totally new, so quite happy about the time. Only did 2 practise runs in this stage
11Portugal Ruben RochaI\'m so so stupid... i go for this first loop of the leg 2 with tamac setup and tarmac tires.... I\'m confuse, i think the first stage is SS Lousada...
11Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karelchladic a uz jsem sem sere!!!!!jelo se super!
11United Kingdom SMITH TonyOff near end. Hopefully slow enough not to have done any damage
11Czech Republic SOLC Dominikneskutecna ztrata az se stydim
11Czech Republic STAVA RadekAhoj
11Czech Republic TESAR Tomasahoj vsem, hi all, druhy usek se nam nepovedl chyby, varime chladic
11Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborzdravim
11Czech Republic TRNKA VictorI lost something at the beginning but okay run
11Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechPhew, guess I had no other choice than push right from the start. It could be better but I\'m still happy with this, I made some changes to the setup which really improved the car.
11Czech Republic VALIK Jiritak to bylo zly :D
11Czech Republic ZAJIC Martin3x hodiny a pred cilem jsme to polozili na bok
11Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1crash a jinak ahohj
11Czech Republic ZMOLIK Petrtak tohle jsem jel poprve v tomhle smeru
10Czech Republic ADAMEK OndrejChyby tam byly, ale celkove ok. Uvidim, kam se propadnu. Zatim diky a zdar ve druhe
10Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHappy about the last run! Despite that mistake on SS3, I\'m happy:) See you in Leg 2!
10Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriBad luck on the second stage. Setup just sucks, but it saved me in the very bad moments... Staying in contact, so quite happy I didnt gave up after the crash and overheating engine. See Ya! A diky za reset! :)
10Czech Republic DOHNAL MichalPekne svezeni, cau ve druhe etape... Dome, Viky pojte!
10Slovakia DUBOVAN Marioten zaver mi nejde tam vzdy dost stratim,som nasraty pre tu zahadu v prvej sekcii s tym setupom ale prva etapa celkom podla predstav na vyssie priecky nemame
10Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinNo skoda tech pitomych erzet ale jinak dobry, uzil jsem si to a to je hlavni.
10Finland KARIMAA JoonaTried to attack a bit. Bad loop but atleast we are here.
10Czech Republic KEST Karelna 6 tem km to zdechlo,jeli jsme bez vody a navydrzelo to
10Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirnastesti to vydrzelo az do konce, moc jsem tomu neveril. Skoda ztraty 30s, ty budou chybet :-(
10Finland LAAHANEN JanneGood run through now, although bit slower than the first pass through. Good 1st leg, see you on the 2nd one!
10Czech Republic LABUDEK MichalTyto rozbite trate mi nesedi, bojim se to vic pustit, nemam auto pod kontrolou, jak porad poskakuje. Ale jinak dobry a zabavny :-)
10Russian Federation Larionov Sergeybegan to feel auto
10Finland LONN Joonas0 practise so happy to finish. Need to do some testing and practise for second leg as these stagtes with this car... Driving was rubbish.
10Czech Republic LORENC Martintady uz to docela slo, na to jak Polsky trate nemam rad, pic ve druhe etape ;)
10Portugal Luis Carreiroanother spin, Karmoran doesnt like me at all... or maybe its me
10Czech Republic LUNDAK Jakub1. etapa byla tragedie, tezke trate, nove auto, nejak si to nesedlo. Ve 2.e zdar!
10Czech Republic MALENOVSKY LubomirAz ted na zacatek posledni RZ to bylo bez problemu.Tady jsem se do toho oprel moc po hlave a to Kormoran neodpousti,takze bylo par vyletu,nastesti nic fatalniho.
10Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonynedal sem si rict a pred koncem bokovka do stromu, a rozjizdecka. Stesti velky. Vodi se to krasne, ale hrozne to odskakuje na hrbolech, asi 2x sem jel jen po dvou kolech. Moc tezky trate na setup. Vzal sem Golfa, uz na snehu sem byl s DDR autem sam :-) a Golfa tu moc lidi nema.
10Spain MARZOA Juanbad feelings today, no risk...thanks Michal!
10Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavToz zatim tak - je to narocny - cus ve 2et.
10United Kingdom MORGAN Owenbig crsh right near the end, +15 easy, a bad leg for me, lots of time lost
10United States MURPHY JasonIm very happy overall with that first leg. Couldn\'t have asked for much more honestly.
10Czech Republic NYVLT Kareljeste jednou diky za reset. tady bohuzel jsou 2 mista, kde me pokazdy uplne vyhodi rozpis a nemam cas to sprtat nebo predelavat. aspon, ze neni SR
10Finland PARUS ChristerHad a good pace going for me, but 700 meters before the end picked up bit too much speed and rolled the car. Ended up on the roof. The leg went okay, but I have to minimise the amount of mistakes to the second one. Can\'t continue like this.
10Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michaltak tohle mi sere... ne moji cbybou jsem musel odstoupit... proste kousek pred cilem se to zadrelo.. ale jinak moc peknej zavod
10Finland PYNNONEN VilleHit the same stone than in retro e-larc and had to use cfh. Normal me, easy run to finish would had been enough for P1 currently but of course I tried to fast as possible :) smart thinking
10Portugal Ruben RochaOk, far way to the perfect but solid run here. I go into the rally in this crazy hours bacause i dont have many time for sim rqacinf these days :/ With no train ... no miracles! Good luck for all for the leg 2 guys ;)
10Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karelse stestim ale ok bohuzel bez testu a bylo to znat ale dobry jedem dal.Karlos BRT ps.Libor jede bomby:-)
10Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimirke konci dost krize.. ale tak su v cili, tak asi dobry..
10Czech Republic SLANY MichalS Radkem to bude jeste boj...
10United Kingdom SMITH TonyFelt slow but fastes 2WD so far on that stage. Leg started badly with damage on SS2 but picked up 2nd run.
10Czech Republic SNAJDR JakubDik za turnaj. S prvni etapou jsem nespokojem. V Cliu jsem od minula nesedel, spousta chyb a poradne jsem se rozjel az v posledni RZ. Hodne co dohanet, abych to mezi Clio Williams dojel na 3tim miste.
10Czech Republic SOLC DominikKdyby se to auto tak debilne porad neprevracelo tak jsem kousek za liborem...........hruza
10Czech Republic STAVA RadekTeda Banane, nadherny zkousky, nadheren poskladany a mix soto a afaltu, dlouho jsem si zadnou rally tak neuzival. Vazne nadhera! Kam se hrabou v NRC furt ty stejny RZ dokola... Kluci z Martini, slapnete na to!
10Czech Republic TOMECEK Liboruvidime kam se propadnem ! snad se do desitky vejdem !
10Czech Republic TRNKA VictorHoly moly... I almost rolled over my steering wheel and went into a hale bale... somehow missed it but hit a tree again.. spun and lost time once again.. pissed off with that really. Great job by our team so far I think. I was lucky a bit. Dominik will do well and the result is pretty solid I think
10Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechWell, I\'ve made a few mistakes, however they didn\'t cost me much time. There\'s some time to be found in Carvalho and Kormoran with more commitment. I didn\'t push harder because I don\'t trust the car enough. My position is still good, though. Let\'s go Team Imprimo! Good luck and see you in 2nd leg.
10Czech Republic VALIK Jiripekny vyber RZ banane, diky za prvni etapu, uvidime se ve druhe :)
10Czech Republic ZAJIC Martinsuper poprve s Escortem a skoro bez setu nebyl cas nejak nastavovat auto ale super jsme tu uzili jsme si to sice nam Janne a ostatn borci daj roky ale i tak parada
10Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1ogari jedou neskutecnou palbu nato my jeste nemame zkusenosti , jsme radi ze jsme to moc nezahodili a za nas jinak velka spokojenost uzil jsem si to tak hura na 2etapu zatim ahoj!
9Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriScary bumps.
9Czech Republic DOHNAL Michalhodiny a couvani
9Slovakia DUBOVAN Marionie zle ale v zavere hodiny
9Czech Republic DUBSKY Frantisektak ted bylo na male..po sklouzniti pod stran poskozeny chladic,prevodovka a bez brzd jsme to dostali do servisu..kluci maknou na aute a snad druha etapa bude lepsi..
9Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinFakt priserna erzeta furt se mi to seka a nekolikrat za rz musim zastavovat...
9Estonia KALVIK HenriWas happy with the stage until the end where i somehow managed to roll the car quite a lot
9Finland KARIMAA JoonaSpinned twice..
9Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimir+10s, ale ted jsem to nezavinil, pri jizde prostredkem silnice!! jsem dostal hroznej kopanec a sel jsem pres strechu do lesa ... auto je docela hodne rozbity
9Finland LAAHANEN JanneWent off again but at a different spot this time. Apparently I don\'t know the stage too well :D
9Finland LONN JoonasSpin and rip wr :(
9Czech Republic LORENC Martinok
9Portugal Luis Carreirojust went flat out, its my backyard...
9Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubKameny me trochu potrapily, ale nic velkyho.
9Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonyje to zazrak, zes me ji odjel, ted uz trochu rychlej,a le bylo to o nervy, asi dve krize, moc to tu nerzdi.
9United Kingdom MORGAN Owencrash near the end, rear diff is damaged
9United States MURPHY JasonHappy with that stage time for now.
9Czech Republic NYVLT Karelrana do akminku v hline uprostred cesty? tvurci, zamyslete se, jestli to je normalni
9Finland PARUS ChristerWay too many mistakes to remember them all.
9Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michaltak tohle mi nasralo... trefil jsem neco netusim co uprostred cesty,bez jakykoliv chyby a totalne mi to rozm*dalo auto
9Finland PYNNONEN VilleRolled, lost around 10sec
9Portugal Ruben RochaOk
9Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimirtady sem asi neco z auta urval.. najednou se prestalo chovat duveryhodne.. takze divaci a nekolikrat hodiny
9United Kingdom SMITH TonyThis stage feels great when it goes right!
9Czech Republic SOLC DominikZacinam tohle auito nesnaset! Zase bouda..............
9Czech Republic TOMECEK Josefted jsem projel betonovym sloupem a za nim me kamen otocil do protismeru
9Czech Republic TRNKA VictorMistake... that could be a WR, but I think it would not stand too long anyway.. with the fast guys are going to drive yet.
9Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechA little moment again.
9Czech Republic VALIK Jiriuf, prezil jsem ji...
9Czech Republic ZMOLIK Petrtak to jsem posral mam rozbity chladic tak nevim jestli to dojedu
8Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariohned je z jazdy iny pocit ked setup funguje
8Estonia KALVIK HenriHappy with that
8Finland KARIMAA JoonaOne mistake
8Finland LAAHANEN JanneNo mistakes
8Russian Federation Larionov SergeyLittle better)
8Portugal Luis Carreirook, not the best but ok
8Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubVylit jsem ven a trefil jsem kameny. Chvili jsem na nich zustal vyset, tentokrat nastesti bez divaku.
8United Kingdom MORGAN OwenBetter
8United States MURPHY JasonNot a very good run that time.
8Czech Republic NYVLT Karelmoc dekuji za reset. snad to nekde nezahodim, kdyz uz
8United Kingdom PETTET Jordansomehow got a DNF this stage - not sure why, had tested pacenotes in shakedown to make sure no splits were being interuppted, and I used them on the first loop also.
8Finland PUHAKKA OssianThe car died on a 20kph impact...
8Finland PYNNONEN Villebetter than first one, still too careful
8Portugal Ruben RochaOk
8Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimirzacinam ji trochu verit :D ale furt je co zlepsit
8United Kingdom SMITH TonySlid wide and over a rock. Hope no damage
8Czech Republic TRNKA VictorI went off in first hairpin... loast a lot there
8Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechA cleaner run this time, quite happy with that. I wish I could be a bit faster on the next stages as well.
8Czech Republic VALIK Jiritahle mi sedla, ikdyz cas nic svetobornyho
8Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1prvni zatacka jedu rovne a pak jsem se z tama nemohl vyhrabat
7Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasJust wanted to make it through
7Spain BENITEZ echedeibad luck
7Czech Republic DOHNAL Michaltady byla krize, kdy jsem preslechl mitfaru z pravy trojky do levy petky, a oprel jsem se o svodidla... jinak sekce ok :-)
7Slovakia DUBOVAN Marioznova nedobrzdene
7Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinTady jsem si rikal ze jsem jel dobre ale vysledky me presvedcili o opaku
7Estonia KALVIK HenriNo warning about a tight turn, so hit the spectators and got penilized
7Finland KARIMAA JoonaService finally, we did a whole leg with broken car. not nice
7Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirnesnasim ji, navic se me tady hodne skube obraz
7Czech Republic KUCA Milanpo skvele RZ Salento auto na sracku, predni a stredni diff, spojka a spousta dalsich soucastek, ani sem vsechno neopravil
7Finland LAAHANEN JanneGood run. Improved my PB here with two seconds.
7Finland LONN JoonasGot top mount damage from Vicar so the car wasnt turning and brakings were bad.
7Czech Republic LORENC Martindivak v odboceni :/
7Portugal Luis Carreirotaking it very carefull
7Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubTrefil jsem kanal a prevratil to na strechu. Divaci si opet makli.
7Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonytahle posledni mi zvlast nesedne :-(
7Spain MARZOA Juanbad feeling on tarmac
7United Kingdom MORGAN OwenSpun on the finish and got red screen right before it, 1 metre further and i would have stopped the clock, big mistake, time lost
7United States MURPHY JasonNot a great run and almost bottled it at the end.
7Finland PARUS ChristerWas afraid that this stage would bring the end to my rally. So looking at that it went great.
7United Kingdom PETTET JordanFun stage! Hopefully I can carry this feeling into the next loop - been a bit of an eyeopener to see the difference in my confidence between the surfaces. onwards we go
7Finland PUHAKKA Ossiantoo many small mistakes
7Finland PYNNONEN VilleToo careful but no mistakes
7Portugal Ruben RochaSlow...
7Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimir180 v uzkym.. nechal sem tam tak minutu snad..
7United Kingdom SMITH TonyDangerous stage so took care
7Czech Republic SOLC DominikV posledni zatacce to vubec nezatocilo a letel jsem rovne...
7Czech Republic TRNKA VictorThat is a awful time.. I hoped to get 02 or 03... not this
7Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechWent wide in one corner and hit the guardrail with the rear, damn.
7Czech Republic VALIK Jirifuuuuu, kazda zatacka podle rozpisu mela utahovat :DDDDD
7Czech Republic ZAJIC Martinv klidku opet poradatel ale co jdeme si to hlavne uzivat o to jde
6Spain BENITEZ echedeislow
6Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriTrying to catch up as much as possible on tarmac section.
6Slovakia DUBOVAN Marionedobrzdeny vracak
6Estonia KALVIK HenriMade the stupid mistake of not picking a tarmac setup
6Finland KARIMAA Joonaok
6Finland LAAHANEN JanneVery good run here. Happy with my driving now.
6Czech Republic LORENC Martinok
6Portugal Luis Carreirogood one, not taking risks
6United Kingdom MORGAN OwenMeh, wasnt so bad I guess, few off the best
6United States MURPHY JasonWorst stage of the rally so far. Too many mistakes.
6Czech Republic NYVLT Karelspolujezdec chce jit na vlak. ani se mu nedivim.
6United Kingdom PETTET Jordanok, still mistakes and things that need to be worked on and ironed out. but I am having a blast driving this car on tarmac for the first time this season, so i\'ve got a big grin on whether i\'m fast or not.
6Finland PYNNONEN Villeok run
6Portugal Ruben RochaSpin on the second corner... loose so many time...
6Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karelnefungovalo to a cekal jsem horsi cas!
6United Kingdom SMITH TonyFast spin on cold tyres. Very lucky
6Czech Republic STAVA RadekJoooo, tohle je spon neco na Becka!!!
6Czech Republic TRNKA VictorI am scared here.. so the time is slow
6Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechGood run, unfortunately I went wide in one corner and touched the barrier a little bit.
6Czech Republic VALIK Jirinebylo spatny, alespon jsem jel ciste tady :D
6Czech Republic ZAJIC Martinfotograf
5Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasNo confidence so far
5Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
5Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariozda sa ze tu bol setup v poriadku ale neveril som tomu
5Czech Republic DUBSKY Frantisektak tady nam kluci s Cliama daji parnik...
5Estonia KALVIK HenriStage was ok
5Finland LAAHANEN JanneGood run, a bit too cautious in a few places.
5Portugal Luis Carreiroclean stage
5Czech Republic MAREL JiriNarocny tohle stridani povrchu.
5United Kingdom MORGAN OwenSlow steady run, can\'t seem to make myself push
5United States MURPHY JasonOk run but screwed up a couple corners.
5Czech Republic NYVLT Kareldneska ta hlava vubec nestiha
5Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michalklepnul jsem si o sutr..
5United Kingdom PETTET Jordanok stage, nice to be on tarmac.
5Finland PYNNONEN VilleStart was too careful
5Portugal Ruben RochaOk... slow here
5Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimirzbytecne opatrne..
5United Kingdom SMITH TonyAlway happy to finish that one in one piece
5Czech Republic TRNKA VictorNo pushing here
5Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechThis felt good :)
5Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1zas chyba nastesti to odneslo jen kolo :D
4Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasMassive fight with car. Made some mistakes, but overall I\'m quite happy.
4Spain BENITEZ echedeibad
4Czech Republic DOHNAL Michalkormoran mi vzdy ukaze ze mam furt co ladit na setupu
4Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariodopad po skoku to nepobralo a v valal som sa po trati zazrak ze este pokracujeme
4Estonia KALVIK HenriFucking unfair damage model
4Finland KARIMAA JoonaSome close calls
4Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirto nebylo dobry, ale aspon jsem to neprevratil
4Finland LAAHANEN JanneGood run, almost died on the end :D
4Czech Republic LORENC Martinok
4Portugal Luis Carreiro2 spins... really dum ones even
4Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubZklouznul jsem tesne vedle trat, ale stejne museli pomoct divaci, protoze se tenhle pekac nikam nevyhrabe. Chladic vydrzel, motivace porad pryc.
4Czech Republic MAREL JiriNic moc jednou hodiny a pomoc divaku.
4Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonysame krizovky. Na Rei sem nechal hodne casu v posledni zatacce, ale slo se z toho krovi vyhrabat. nervy, tezke
4United Kingdom MORGAN OwenOne little mistake cost me a few seconds but otherwise a good run for me, needed that
4United States MURPHY JasonA solid run there on that stage for me. Won\'t stand up to the fastest times here though.
4Czech Republic NYVLT Karelporad ve vzduchu, tak se to strasne klepe a oci odchazeji. v jednu chvili jsem mel spanek, takze jsem to drzel rovne do stromu. chjo
4Finland PARUS ChristerHit a stump early in the stage. Saw it miles away coming at me, but somehow my arms where locked and I wasn\'t able to stear away from it.
4Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michalnevim proc,na 3rz asi doslo k poskozeni chladice,ale havarie nebyl.. bohezel zavada se porojevila na 4rz v podobe prehrivani motoru, bohuzel jsem musel jet volne abych dojel :(
4United Kingdom PETTET JordanAnother silly mistake here. bit of time lost, but happy to be at service
4Finland PUHAKKA Ossiannice to get a fking cfh because one corner has no grip and of course there was a spectator on inside bank...
4Finland PYNNONEN VilleOk run, a bit too messy
4Portugal Ruben RochaOk
4Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimirtohle je RZ kterou zarucene dycky zkurvim..
4United Kingdom SMITH TonyVery hard to control with suspension damage from SS2 but happy to have made service and all repaired now
4Czech Republic STAVA RadekNejaky maly poskozeni na ty rany :-D
4Czech Republic TRNKA Victorok, hit a tree... but even with that I am quicker than with Focus that I really pushed very hard... sad story
4Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechOK I guess... the setup is far from ideal on these bumpy roads. Gotta keep fighting.
4Czech Republic VALIK Jirihodne tezka rz, adrenalinova bomba :D
4Czech Republic VASICEK Michaltak to hned po startu chytlo
4Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1havaroval jsem stesti ze jsme dojeli
3Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasMade mistake in same place as Janne and on the next corner runkied once again. Damaged wheel and radiator.
3Spain BENITEZ echedeiout
3Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriCar is overheating badly, but still managed to keep temperatures around 100C degrees. I hope we can make it to the service.
3Czech Republic DOHNAL MichalTady take poprve a bez rozpisu, museli jsme psat za jizdy
3Slovakia DUBOVAN Marionechapem ako som to vobec presiel do ciela hrozne sa to sprava
3Czech Republic DUBSKY Frantisektak tohle se nepovedlo...spatne odhadnuty brzdny bod a nasledovala kolostresni jizda a pomoc divaku...
3Czech Republic JANEK Davidskoda, kdybych vedel ze se budu hrabat minutu ven tak volam divaky a mam klid :D
3Czech Republic JIRANEK Tomasa zavod je v prdeli... z posledni jsem mel hodne poskozeny auto a tuhel dalsi uz asi nepreziju. Chladic je v haji
3Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinPriserna erzeta... kazdou chvili mi proste zacli padat snimky a sekala se hra jako prase. Nastesti jsem vzdy stihl zmacknout pauzu ale tohle bylo opravdu hrozne... Proste v zatacce se mi vse zasekne a malem tam znicim auto...
3Estonia KALVIK HenriMade 2 stupid mistakes that cost me time
3Finland KARIMAA Joonaok stage
3Czech Republic KEST Karelpremiera,ale tohle je hruza,jeste se vyhybat kamenum,kdyz nevim o ktery se zastavim
3Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirzacatek dobrej, pak jsem si prozil zase jednu krizovku (nic vaznyho +5), tak jsem radeji zvolnil
3Finland LAAHANEN JanneSpun. Didn\'t have a good feeling at any point on the run
3Czech Republic LORENC Martinok
3Portugal Luis Carreiroreally enjoyed this one... Home advantage here
3Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubTrikrat venku, dvakrat pomahali divaci, chladic a motivace pryc.
3Czech Republic MAREL JiriJednou pres boudu, ale vypada to, ze vse v pohode.
3United Kingdom MORGAN OwenNope, 2 stupid spins with reverse both times, 15 seconds gone easy, feeling is bad
3United States MURPHY JasonWas a clean run but just too cautious and slow in places...
3Czech Republic NYVLT Karelvyprodej a presto obcas na hrane. rally paris dakar je taky rally, ale ja bych potreboval kola od kamionu. na stavenisti maji jezdit Tatry
3Finland PARUS ChristerHit something on the road that threw the car into the woods. Had to reverse out, lost some time there and some confindense at that tree.
3United Kingdom PETTET JordanHad a pretty bad off, clipped the rockface and slid into a telephone pole, managed to take most of the impace to the co drivers side body, so the car is driving ok still.
3Finland PUHAKKA Ossianlost 10s due to rock
3Finland PYNNONEN Villeok run
3Czech Republic REZNICEK Milanlehky tukanecek a prevodovka k.o....ty vole to je gamesa...fakt to cloveka mega bavi...
3Portugal Ruben RochaIn the first part of the stage until de midle, have many many fram drops and dunno why :/ Solid run until one corner in the final Km i dont understandwhy my car fly and roll...
3Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Kareltohle nastaveni neni moc dobre.pak damwe jine
3Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimirbouda kilak pred cilem a jedna skarpa pred tim..
3United Kingdom SMITH TonyHad a spin but just managed to avoid spectators. Shame because I was happy with my run up to that point
3Czech Republic SOLC DominikMusel jsem couvat kvuli spatnymu rozpisu...
3Czech Republic STAVA RadekPo dalsi chybe tady jsem to radsi trochu uklidnil.
3Czech Republic TESAR Tomas............!
3Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirdost mi to lagovalo, navyse tuto rs vobec nepoznam
3Czech Republic TRNKA VictorMistake in pacenote..
3Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechOK, still alive
3Czech Republic VALIK Jiritakova zbytecna chyba... no nevadi
3Czech Republic VASICEK Michalmame mazani, jedeme na varovny svetla . snad to dovezeme do servisu
3Czech Republic VASICEK Petrprorazil jsem vanu
2Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
2Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriWent off and needed help. Car is badly damaged. :(
2Czech Republic DOHNAL Michalna tehle rztce zde poprve, jezdily jsme akorat obracene
2Slovakia DUBOVAN Mariovobec neviem co sa deje neda sa to ovladat stale vonku nieco s nastavenim auta nieje v poriadku
2Czech Republic JANEK Davidstrom celne, snad auto vydrzi vse vypada zatim ok
2Czech Republic JIRANEK Tomaspred cilem jsem byl na poli a nechal tam tak pet sec min
2Czech Republic JULÍNEK Martindobryy
2Estonia KALVIK HenriThere were some places where i could have gone faster, but it\'s important to get through
2Finland KARIMAA JoonaTrying to find the rhytm
2Czech Republic KEST Kareljen prujezdy,nemam rad polske trate
2Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimir+9, uz to stoupa ... 50m pred cilem na rovine mi to hupslo do travy a uz jsem se tocil. Navic to chciplo
2Finland LAAHANEN JanneA few mistakes here
2Portugal Luis Carreiroslow but good run
2Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubByl jsem venku, musel jsem couvat, prisel jsem o naraznik.
2Czech Republic MAREL JiriZatim spokojenost, jen to nezakriknout. Jinak vsechny zdravim, po 1 RZ jsem omylem preklik komentar.
2Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavSvezli sme na kapote nakyho joudu...
2United Kingdom MORGAN Owenno confidence here, felt a bad run, too cautious
2United States MURPHY JasonStalled the car and was pretty cautious but made it through ok.
2Czech Republic NYVLT Karelusi zalehly a pozdni reakce. asi to bude chtit antidepresiva
2Czech Republic PAPP Dominikjedu po 8 skopkach a moc si tim nerozumim vidim toho vic nez bych chtel :(
2Finland PARUS ChristerWas a bit too carefull a some places. This is though only stage 2. More to come.
2Czech Republic PAVLICEK Michalmoc opatrne,...
2United Kingdom PETTET JordanOverly cautious and very slopy on the hairpins, one spin. could be a lot worse, could be a whole lot better. Plenty of distance to get some feel though.
2Finland PYNNONEN VilleTotally chaos whole stage
2Portugal Ruben RochaOk
2Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karelv tom lese jsem to prehnal kopanec a bokem strom.snad bude vse ok a se stestim pokracujem!!!
2United Kingdom SMITH TonyClipped a little wooden post, rollled and got stuck
2Czech Republic SOLC DominikVypada to na zkazeny zavod, ale zkusim se jeste nekam probojovat
2Czech Republic STAVA RadekTak tohle byl kalup :-D
2Czech Republic TESAR Tomassnad neni mozny na zacatku jsme se zasekli v prvni zatacc, v pulce RZ jsme sli pres strechu, auto tak nejak drzi
2Czech Republic TRNKA VictorFew mistakes...
2Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechAlmost died, Neuville happened
2Czech Republic VACULIK Tomposkozena prevodovka o kamen,to je pechac.
2Czech Republic VALIK Jirizatim to funguje dobre, hezky ciste se s tim da jet
2Czech Republic VASICEK Michalmoc si s autem nerozumime , stale ladime i pri zavode
2Czech Republic VOHNICKY FilipOmlouvam se Michalovi, ale dnes jsem chytl hned na prvni a druhe RZ takovyho nerva na ty wyndejsy, ze to dneska nedam...hezkou zabavu vsem. :-)
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHello! Just want to survive without major mistakes.
1Spain BENITEZ echedeiHi all
1Czech Republic BEZSTAROSTI JiriHigh setup was nonsense here, but ok, doesnt matter. Hi all.
1Czech Republic DOHNAL MichalAhoj, jedeme bez testu, neni cas... Hlavne si to uzit, nekoukat na casy, nikam se nehonit a dovezt pro tym nejaky uzitecny body... TEXACO!!!
1Czech Republic DUBSKY FrantisekAhoj...
1Czech Republic DUDA MarekAhoj.
1Czech Republic JIRANEK TomasAhoj vsem a hodne stesti
1Czech Republic JULÍNEK MartinAhoj.
1Finland KARIMAA JoonaRolled in the first turn, great..
1Czech Republic KRALICEK Pavelcau piloti.....sakra vzal sem si jine auto.... no co uz to s nim dojedu
1Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimircau, na uvod 2 kotrmelce (+6)
1Czech Republic KUCA Milancao
1Finland LAAHANEN JanneQuite okay start. Almost spun on the gravel though.
1Finland LONN JoonasFirst time here, no idea what I was doing :D
1Czech Republic LORENC Martinzdar
1Portugal Luis Carreiroclean stage, just a litle mistake in turn 1 of last lap
1Czech Republic LUNDAK JakubNa zacatek spokojenost. Uvidime jak se bude darit dal. Bude to boj o zivot.
1Czech Republic MARYSKO Tonyhello :-)
1Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
1Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavZdarec vsem
1United Kingdom MORGAN OwenHi all, safe start here, car always feels unstable here
1United States MURPHY JasonOk start there with somebad fog.
1Czech Republic NYVLT Karelrychle spichnuty setup a ted na snehovem. snad vubec dojedu. hodne stesti vsem
1Czech Republic PAPP Dominikaudience help...
1Finland PARUS ChristerGood start to a fun rally ahead.
1Finland PYNNONEN VilleCareful start
1Portugal Ruben RochaHi guys! Ok here.
1Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karelahoj
1Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karel stzdravim pentle za najezd do cilovky okolo pneu
1Czech Republic SK0UPIL Vladimir2x spin
1United Kingdom SMITH TonyDusty! Had a spin but otherwise uneventful
1Czech Republic SNAJDR JakubZDravim vsechny. TRat vidim poprve v zivote :)
1Czech Republic SOLC DominikTo je neskutecny tohle! Nechapu tohle auto..jakoby to melo teziste na strese! liznul jsem obrubnik a je to hned na se mi s zadnym autem nestalo
1Czech Republic STAVA RadekAhoj, vsem preju vydarenou rally a hlavne klukum z Martini! Ja to pohnojil zase uz tady. myslim, ze mohl bejt lepsi cas, ale co jsem provedl ve tretim kole, to byl mazec.
1Czech Republic TESAR Tomasahoj vsem, dneska vse spravne zapojeno, muze se zavodit.
1Slovakia TOKOLY VladimirTak ideme sa znova ucit, po Svedsku som uznal. ze pre Clio sa tieto klzke povrchy nehodia, tak prechadzame na Skodovku, s tou vsak nemame ziadne skusenosti
1Czech Republic TOMECEK Josefcau
1Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborzdravim ! stejne o nic nejde tak jedu uz ted !
1Czech Republic TRNKA VictorJsem tu zase bez testu... zapomnel jsme kudy to vede
1Czech Republic UHLIR VojtechHi, good luck, looking forward to the tarmac stages. Gravel parts, not so much, hopefully I can survive.
1Spain ULIBARRENA JacoboHi all
1Czech Republic VACULIK Tomzdarec vseci
1Czech Republic VOHNICKY FilipMoc dekuju wyndejsum...v testu tesne pred zavodem mi vse funguje jak ma...vlezu do turnaje, a najednou mi nefunguje ani dash na tabletu, ani ve hre, takze jsem hned na uvod pohrbil veskere sance na zabavu. Takze avizuji dopredu, ze to nejspis nebude hezka podivana... :-D
1Czech Republic ZBORIL Roman 1ahoj !!

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