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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

FMOD Rally Championship - Round 2 - Focus WRC Rally
First round of the FMOD Rally Championship. 5 weeks, 5 different cars. Each event goes from Friday to Sunday. - JOIN RBR FMOD DISCORD CHANNEL HERE
16.10.2020 6:19 - 18.10.2020 23:59
RZ/SS 5 - Vieux Moulin-Perrancey
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RGT
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, poledne, průzračno, jasno
20.5 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 5Po RZ 5

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
5Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasWent off after 500 m after start. And was trying to get back on track, but slightly kissed tree and gearbox broke down. Massive dissapointment as I really wanted to have a clean event with this car. Anyway, thanks for the event!
5Kanada BOUCHARD DanielTwo runki\'s, not major, thanks for the rally!
5Česká republika BURIÁNEK TomášWhat can you do, default can\'t keep up with the big holes in fast sections before finnish. Was even cautious with pacenotes, still it happened. Anyway thanks for this race and bring on third one ! RB Racing Goo!! <3
5Italy CLERICI LorenzoNothing to add.
5Greece DALIANIS Georgemore slipery than expected and i was too causious....finished the rally and thats good
5Germany DECKER Maxside impact and everything is broken? come on...
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot max attack here but not mistakes in this rally. See you next time. Thanks for championship.
5Velká Británie FAHEY AndrewThis car is way above my skill level. Fun while it lasted though, with nice sounds.
5Italy GARBI Gian Matteohit a fence, car burst into flames.
5Česká republika KADERABEK JanLucky to finish here, but nice result in the end, as Dennis said - the car is really enjoyable to drive, the FMOD sound is excellent, maybe the best so far. Thank you and see yaaaa.
5Estonia KALVIK HenriCar sound good, but pacenotes were shit and the setup i made wasn\'t really good
5Greece KAPETANEAS PanagiotisThanks for the rally THANKS FMOD team!!!
5Germany KATHOL Lukasshit shit shit. Thanks for organizing
5Greece MALLIS GeorgeThanks to organizers!
5USA MARTINA Dominicwooow that was terrifying. crashed a good few times, had to deal with broken steering for most of the stage, ended up losing the radiator near the end so i was stressing about being able to finish. awesome rally!! cant wait for next week
5Greece OICHALIOTIS AristosIt is a pity that a little crash in the ss1 it deprived me of the joy of tha race...Just run the power stage, very difficult but i finish it slowly... The car is amazing! See you again!
5Finsko PARUS ChristerThis was a quick ending.
5Česká republika PETRU Stanislavwow, neverending stage. nice rally, thanks, i love this car!
5Velká Británie PETTET JordanChannelling a long gone legend
5PMS Rally TeamThanks to orga, we lost here because a lot of fails and missing concentration after a hard day - don`t hear some calls so we are pretty closed at the most corners - car damaged, team ok! Thanks for great sound, physics and car, also stages! Bye
5Germany REITER FlorianThis stage didn\'t want to end. Happy with my performance and the Focus is a fun car to drive and listen! Great job guys!
5Finsko sikku samiIn my opinion this is best sounding car yet! thanks!
5Belgium THELC MattVery happy to be at the finish line. Normally I crash a lot but this time I really went for it and got a nice top 10. Thanks to the organisers and good job on the FMOD sounds. Until next time
5Finsko Tomppelix.
5Velká Británie TRL Axemanblast!
5Česká republika UHLIR VojtechFelt quite good even with a default setup, haven\'t done this stage for some time so I can be happy at least with there powerstage points. Thanks and see you next time.
5Slovensko ZETAK Dennisnice run, lot of place to improve, but overall, its a good result. Lost 30s, lets see what other guys show us. Thanks for champ, that car is simply amazing, my fav no.1
4Kanada BOUCHARD DanielGratz Dennis on breaking the class WR! No mistakes here.
4Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomášconsidering the damage I had, good run. Now....just don\'t die :D default on gravel, no testing there
4Greece DALIANIS Georgeit was worst than i thought...i was on tarmac setup for two gravel stages....
4Germany DECKER Maxsome small mistakes
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGo to last... Vieux its dangerus for me.
4Česká republika KADERABEK JanWill crash on Vieux as I dont remember it and the pacenotes are mostly off, but lets see.
4Greece KAPETANEAS PanagiotisI jumped the previous service ,and I carried all the damage I have made in the first to stages .I really apololojice my mechanics
4USA MARTINA Dominicim not too comfy on this stage and felt rly clunky at times but i ended up okay :D
4Česká republika PAULAT StepanIt was not possible to drive here faster we lost rear differential and spun it
4Česká republika PETRU Stanislavwhat the f*ck was that
4PMS Rally TeamLess to do in service than after tarmac - feels good, now hope for a bit fun on PS ;-)
4Germany REITER FlorianAnother clean and fast run, power stage to go!
3Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasCarefull-ish run as haven\'t had so much experience with this car on gravel
3Kanada BOUCHARD DanielI messed up one of the hairpins, was cautious not to break anything after that.
3Česká republika BURIÁNEK TomášLost diff in crash, luckilly the second stage is short
3Greece DALIANIS Georgefucked up didnt i didnt load a my only goal became to stay on the road....
3Germany DECKER Maxone off + 720 spin ... will probably get my ass kicked on gravel
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood time.
3Česká republika KADERABEK JanOK here, I get nice times on stages I know
3Germany KATHOL Lukasclipped a Rock
3USA MARTINA Dominichad two big slips but no damage :D
3USA MURPHY Jasonsomehow io got a dnf...
3Greece PANAGOPOULOS Vasilisok
3Česká republika PAULAT StepanCar is damaged...
3Česká republika PETRU Stanislavslow, but it\'s my first pass this stage ever
3Velká Británie PETTET Jordanrunki rock
3PMS Rally TeamFeels ok - and not last :-))
3Germany REITER FlorianGood stage, little contact with some trees, but no real damage
3Belgium THELC MattI\'m just focusing on finishing and enjoying the sound of the car :D
3Velká Británie TRL Axemanwish i reced this
3Česká republika UHLIR VojtechLost it on the brakes and kissed a bale.
3Slovensko ZETAK Dennisi lost there 30s, my back is pretty bad setuped
2Kanada BOUCHARD DanielSpun again, runki\'d several times, pain.
2Česká republika BURIÁNEK TomášWas ok, some unnecesary slides but happy. Now the struggle begins
2Greece DALIANIS Georgestattering in hole stage....couldnt understand where am i......its a miracle i didnt crash
2Germany DECKER Maxno stage knowledge...
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK
2Česká republika KADERABEK JanCorrected pacenotes did the job here
2Greece KAPETANEAS Panagiotiscrash in sorica ,little crash in here! I am an R2 driver and I am struggling to manage thie beauty monster!!
2Germany KATHOL Lukashavent recced it before
2USA MARTINA Dominicdont really like that stage much but did okay anyway :D had a bump that put me to a stop but no damage
2Velká Británie MORGAN Owenstall and bad
2USA MURPHY JasonBetter run on a stage ive never run.
2Greece PANAGOPOULOS Vasilissome mistakes
2Česká republika PAULAT Stepan3 big crashes, Im still learning with this car.
2Česká republika PETRU Stanislavtarmac section was quite ok, it\'s really fun to drive focus
2Velká Británie PETTET Jordanrough run there, shoudl\'ve made better notes. *excuses, excuses
2PMS Rally Teamone more small hit at barriere, but all checked in service now - all parts changed or repaired! Now looks how do it on gravel??? Because we didn`t have any time for recce or testing any meter!
2Germany REITER Florianwhat a twisty stage
2Velká Británie TRL Axemandrove safe
2Česká republika UHLIR VojtechThat was quite good, thanks to some weight reduction
2Slovensko ZETAK Dennishard stage for rythm
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHi. As always, without proper training. So the main goal is finish.
1Kanada BOUCHARD DanielNew to the car, spun twice.
1Česká republika BURIÁNEK TomášHi all, tried to make a setup, but changes I made for Shomaru f***ed it up here, so it was oversteer-fest :) Let\'s do the shomaru and enjoy last tarmac stage, before I drop pace
1Italy CLERICI LorenzoDisaster. Couldn\'t feel the car at all. It\'s one of those days...
1Greece DALIANIS Georgevery slow for me in this one...couldent concetrate at all and nowhere...
1Germany DECKER MaxReally struggling, feels like no grip all the time... did some setup changes but it still doesn\'t do the trick
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all. Good
1Velká Británie FAHEY AndrewI\'ve never crashed a car so bad that it was on fire. Not until today.
1Italy GARBI Gian Matteocrashed into the tyre chicane. stupid mistake
1Polsko HAZUKA Arturahoj
1Česká republika KADERABEK Jan2 spins, oversteery setup, otherwise very fun car
1Estonia KALVIK HenriHaven\'t really driven this stage and didn\'t have good pacenotes
1Germany KATHOL Lukasdid it with the default setup. Very Cautious in paces
1Philippines LEONARDO Johannno recce + lag= ded
1Greece MALLIS Georgew/o training but just for fun! Hi All!!!
1USA MARTINA Dominictried to be p cautious since i dont feel to comfy with the focus, could definitely be faster. so excited to see how this rally will turn out !!
1Velká Británie MORGAN Owenreally bad, 5 spins
1USA MURPHY JasonOk. No practice on these stages so no confidence. But very fun stage.
1Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristoscrash
1Greece PANAGOPOULOS Vasilisok
1Finsko PARUS ChristerOversteered at the first hairpin and lost the grip on the downhill and found a tree.
1Česká republika PAULAT StepanOuu 15s, that was slow.
1Česká republika PETRU Stanislavhi all, what a stage :)
1Velká Británie PETTET Jordanan uphill battle is one i fancy
1PMS Rally TeamHi all - two light hits at a wall, standard-setup as well & ever ;-) and the last in finish, no very big blame ... hope for seethe event-finish ! Good luck & fun all !
1Germany REITER FlorianRunning clean through this stage, default setup again.
1Španělsko SANCHEZ VitiHi all, Great stage
1Finsko Tomppelixone little mistake and all fucked up
1Česká republika UHLIR VojtechHi all. Went off, had to call for help. Fighting the loose rear end because of no rear wing.
1Slovensko ZETAK Denniswithout training, but with this car its no problem. Too soft for me but the limit is i dont know where, maybe in the sky. My fav car at this moment, really enyoing this driving. Nice steering response and brakes are genious

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

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1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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