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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

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NGP 7.4 Fyzika
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RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

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KORAL Vaclav

Tullinn Lada Rally
Tullinn Lada Rally is a rally that replicates the Tallinn Lada Rally 1986 as best as it can. - Tullinn Lada Rally Official Guidebook - GET YOUR DOOR NUMBERS HERE - Make sure to check from the start list which is your number.
24.6.2019 0:00 - 30.6.2019 23:59
RZ/SS 7 - Rapla
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RGT
povrch nový a vlhký, dobré podmínky, poledne, mlhavo, jasno
10.2 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 7DalšíPo RZ 7

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16Finsko Alatalo KaarleThat was bad, like really bad. Made many stupid mistakes over and over. Almost drove in a wrong place, had to reverse back. Still really nice rally with up and downs. Thank you Janne, Onza. Thank you Heinonen for making setup. Thank you Vileska for making great skin.
16Španělsko CIN RamonFor me this rally should be the beginning of a new RBR era. 3 years ago I played with joystick. Now at least I have a DFGT. I have to make some changes because my left shoulder hurts after rally, and its not because of bumping into things :D. Thanks to organizers. Great rally. Cheers r/simrally!
16Finsko ERIKSSON Kimtried to push but didnt know the stage so well so was scared of taking a wrong turn. good rally and congrats to oscar great battle
16Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarVery very log rally, I tired. Thanks for event!
16Finsko JanneLaahanenSpun on the gravel section and got stuck like an amateur and had to call for help. Thanks for everyone who made it possible! Thanks Onza, Andreas, Rihard, Puhis and everyone else who played a vital part in the birth of this rally! Thanks for the participants too!
16Estonia MÄGI Martingot lost on the last stage for a moment, otherwise a good rally, happy to finish, thanks to the organizers
16Finsko Timo RuokolainenHuh. Almost fucked it up in the last chicanes, but luckily the Lada was a tough little car. What a blast this rally was. Huge thanks to Janne%&Onza for making it happen. This car is so much fun to drive with, more of this please!
16Česká republika UHLIR VojtechYES we\'re through! Big thanks to Janne, Onza etc. for putting together this great rally, it was exhausting but I\'m so happy to be here. My pace was good, there were some mistakes, can\'t avoid that. Cheers everyone. LADA POWER
16Japan YANAGIBASHIThanks ALL! Thanks great rally!
16Japan YUKI MikanWhat a hell!! Last SS,it\'s Maze!! I was very tired,very excited,veryvery fun. Thanks ALL,Thanks GREAT RALLY,Thanks Organizers Janne&Onza!!!!
15Finsko Alatalo KaarleFirst time so took it carefully.
15Španělsko CIN RamonOn Slovakia Ring I am more confident. Lets see if I screw it up.
15Finsko ERIKSSON Kimvery scared
15Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarLast stage
15Finsko JanneLaahanenTimo! Come here and speak Russian! Overly cautious on that stage, just want to get through.
15Estonia MÄGI Martinone moment, but otherwise okay stage
15Finsko Timo Ruokolainen1st time on this stage as well. lucky escape on a fast left hander, just scraped the paint off on the codrivers side
15Česká republika UHLIR VojtechI wasn\'t confident enough to go flatout here but I feel I have a chance on the final tarmac stage. We\'ll see, let\'s go!
15Japan YANAGIBASHILast stage consentrate
15Japan YUKI MikanI have found a Pooh bear!! It\'s very dangerous!!
14Finsko ALANKO RikuOk, i think i lost all 4 wheels just little crash, engine was fine
14Finsko Alatalo KaarleWow, first time got a drive whole stage. Really good one. Nice job to find these stages! Next one is completely new stage.
14Španělsko CIN RamonStage: Undva. Surface: gravel. Genre: horror.
14Finsko ERIKSSON Kimthat stage felt like infinity
14Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSlow, I really tired..
14Finsko ILVES Arijaahas havis jarrut
14Finsko JanneLaahanenWas super cautious as exhaustion starts to kick in and concentration is not as high as it was earlier. Better safe than sorry.
14Estonia MÄGI Martinfelt very low on power, abit too careful in few places
14Finsko Timo Ruokolainenok, no moments or rocks.
14Česká republika UHLIR VojtechA little off, lost some time
14Japan YANAGIBASHIdangerous course!
14Japan YUKI Mikanvery tired... lack of my concentlation...
13Finsko Alatalo KaarleI was having hard time to keep Lada on a track.
13Španělsko CIN RamonGot off the road. It took time to return because trapped with trees
13Finsko ERIKSSON Kimfast stage
13Finsko JanneLaahanenSpun and as I tried to spin myself to the right direction again I got stuck and had to call for help.
13Estonia MÄGI Martingot stuck and spun twice, not a good stage
13Finsko Timo Ruokolainensafely through
13Česká republika UHLIR VojtechI wonder how we end up
13Japan YANAGIBASHIgreat stage! I enjoyed
13Japan YUKI Mikan2xSpin,Hit a Rock,but safe...Lucky
12Finsko Alatalo KaarleHard battle.
12Španělsko CIN RamonOk. Now the class battle is between Oscar and me.
12Finsko ERIKSSON Kimhappy to be at the finish line
12Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarFull attack. I tired...
12Finsko JanneLaahanenGod damn that\'s a long stage with this car lol. I thought I wasn\'t that bad despite taking it somewhat easy in places. Then I see Oscar was 25s faster... :D
12Germany KATHOL Lukasfuck
12Finsko KERONEN OnniSe oli siina. Ensin kaato reilun kilometrin jalkeen ja sitten nakymattomaan seinaan. GG. Kiitos rallista, kiitos sponsorille, kiitos kartturille, kiitos jarjestajille.
12Australia KUHN JamieWhoops
12Estonia MÄGI Martinwent well until I hit a pole, after that engine temps are high and low on power
12Finsko Timo Ruokolainennot my favorite
12Česká republika UHLIR VojtechDamn, locked up into on of the braking zones and went into a runoff... worst stage so far
12Japan YANAGIBASHIsafety run clean
12Japan YUKI Mikantoo long!!
11Finsko Alatalo KaarleNew stage for me, took it too slow.
11Španělsko CIN RamonFirst time here.
11Finsko ERIKSSON Kimi hate these stages, very careful
11Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarCrash with nothing and car fly.... lost my rally... shit
11Finsko JanneLaahanenWe\'re going flat out here. What does it mean? It means hitting the limiter constantly in top gear. And how much is it? A bit over 160 kph. A clean run and fun how I was able to whoop Onza\'s ass with ease over here.
11Germany KATHOL Lukaswas funny, but nearly destroyed the lada
11Finsko KERONEN OnniHuiput 172 km/h.
11Australia KUHN JamieNever driven the stage before so a cautious run
11Estonia MÄGI Martinokay
11Finsko Timo Ruokolainen1st time driving this ss so didnt have notes
11Česká republika UHLIR VojtechI remember driving these Montekland stages for the first time ever when I was a noob 10 years ago.
11Japan YANAGIBASHIservice in!
11Japan YUKI MikanBluesky,BlueCows,CocaCola&MontekLand!!
10Finsko Alatalo KaarleDidn\'t drive that well, still able to finnish so thats good
10Španělsko CIN RamonMartinez is teh man. Ideal ammount of junk on the sides.
10Finsko ERIKSSON Kimgood stage
10Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSafe run. Great time Onne
10Finsko JanneLaahanenGot away with the luckiest of runkis. Clipped something on the inside and went roof first into a bale. Somehow the tank kept going. Lujaa Lada Laatua.
10Germany KATHOL Lukaswas ok
10Finsko KERONEN OnniSehan tuli ihan mukavasti. Ei virheita.
10Australia KUHN JamieA roll and a few offs, but still here
10Estonia MÄGI Martinquite happy with that
10Finsko Rampanen HenriWell... we found that tree that ended our rally. Atleast we had fun. THX for rally!
10Finsko Timo RuokolainenOne spin and not so fast either
10Česká republika UHLIR VojtechHit the tree but Lada is stronk
10Japan YANAGIBASHIgood run no mistake
10Japan YUKI MikanLook out!! pretty K9
9Finsko Alatalo KaarleOne spin, took it carefully after that. Nice stage again!
9Španělsko CIN RamonThis stage is the opposite to mato s ones. Stupid rocks and branches. I cant believe the real road is like this.
9Velká Británie EDWARDS KevinFucking hero twig rolled my carand took me out
9Finsko ERIKSSON Kimit was ok, i was very cautious
9Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarI hate this stage... lag a lot. SLOW
9Finsko JanneLaahanenThe roads are nice. They are fast. Too fast even. Clean run and was cautious as hell.
9Finsko KERONEN OnniVarovasti tultiin, hieno EK.
9Australia KUHN JamieHappy to make it through the glitched stage
9Finsko LONN JoonasAh. Just get the feeling I can fight for the p1. Stage was going as normal but then in the middle of straight I went off the road. Wtf, so much focus for this rally and now its over after few stages.
9Estonia MÄGI Martinfelt good, in the middle of the road, surprisingly fast
9Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatOK.
9Finsko Rampanen Henri2 spins...
9Velká Británie SMITH TonyMust\'ve clipped a hidden rock. Car just jumped off road at speed. I\'m out
9Finsko Timo Ruokolainenoff my own pace :(
9Česká republika UHLIR VojtechSpun twice even if I tried to stay in the middle of the road. Great time Janne
9Japan YANAGIBASHIsafety run
9Japan YUKI MikanI hate evil woodsticks!!!!
8Finsko Alatalo KaarleSooo bumpy, but it went good. No major mistakes
8Španělsko CIN RamonWas using default setup w short gears. Now all default
8Finsko ERIKSSON Kimstage win so far. very good, starting to enjoy the car and feel its limits
8Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHard stage with Group2
8Finsko JanneLaahanenWe have the stock gearbox so we can\'t match the locals. Good run, nothing to be concerned of, apart from Oscar\'s pace. It\'s unreal.
8Germany KATHOL Lukaslucky..
8Finsko KERONEN OnniHyva suoritus. Roykkyja paljon.
8Finsko LONN JoonasGood news to see that my Kormoran speed is ok as the setup was made for the stages of Finland.
8Estonia MÄGI Martinspun at junction
8Malaysia MIKHAIL Megat2x spin.
8Finsko Rampanen HenriCar is fixed, now we can drive
8Velká Británie SMITH TonyThat was fun but wish I\'d lowered my gears now
8Finsko Timo RuokolainenBumpy
8Česká republika UHLIR VojtechMy setup isn\'t perfect for such bumpy and rough stages but I\'m trying to do my best.
8Japan YANAGIBASHIno help
8Japan YUKI Mikanexciting SS !!
7Finsko Alatalo KaarleTook it slow but great stage! Nice for long drifts, if somebody knows how to :D
7Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasWe ended rally at Estonia\'s forests :( But thank you Janne and all others for this great event! It was big pleasure to compete here :)
7Španělsko CIN RamonI dont like that these stages doesnt have rocks in the shoulders like humalamaki. I told this to the author but he said he doesnt like stupid rocks...
7Finsko ERIKSSON Kimno mistakes this time
7Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood time in DAMP
7Finsko JanneLaahanenWe managed it by going to a Lada repair shop and they gave us parts off a stock Lada. That\'s that solidarity.
7Finsko KARIMAA JoonaThat\'s it for us, thanks for the rally!
7Germany KATHOL Lukaswas ok
7Finsko KERONEN OnniVihdoin huollossa. Kosmeettisilla vaurioilla selvittiin tama lenkki lapi. Ihan hyva suoritus tuolla edellisella patkalla, varmistellen lapi.
7Australia KUHN JamieHave done 5 stages with no clutch, glad to be in service. Had a big moment but got away with it
7Finsko LONN JoonasLove this stage. Little lag again and sideways everywhere. Not the fastest way but wanted to enjoy.
7Estonia MÄGI Martinfirst stage that I am happy with, had a good rhythm, luckily the engine hanged on until the service
7Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatOK.
7Finsko Rampanen HenriRadiator broke on last stage so i had to drive slowly, but still managed to roll!
7Velká Británie SMITH TonyQuite happy so far. Not good times but fun and still going
7Finsko Timo RuokolainenOk. Varmistellen
7Česká republika UHLIR VojtechSideways action 18+
7Japan YANAGIBASHIfun run
7Japan YUKI Mikani am too slow,shame
6Finsko ALANKO Riku4 spins and 1 call for help..
6Finsko Alatalo KaarleOne big spin, too it slow at the end. Trying to survive
6Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasI was doing sunday driving, but 2x C4H :(
6Španělsko CIN Ramonspin and 2xCFH. I should have eaten the pizza BEFORE the rally.
6Finsko ERIKSSON Kimmany spins. but we are through safely
6Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood
6Finsko ILVES Ariolipa paska ek
6Finsko JanneLaahanenOh rallying is always jolly good fun! Good stage, took it cautiously just to get a clean run for a change.
6Finsko kadetontoukkasinne hajos viimeseen sora oikeeseen. kolme nostoa ennen sita. valuttamalla tultiin maaliin
6Finsko KARIMAA Joona1.5k before finish i missed a note completely and we hit a fence which broke something from our engine. Then we rolled downhill to the finish but i guess that\'s it for us in this rally. A shame, was great fun so far :)
6Germany KATHOL Lukasvery bad run for me. rolled three times
6Finsko KERONEN OnniHuhhuh. Koko ajan pienta sahellysta, ja vikan kylan jalkeen johonkin poheikkoon, varmaan 20-25 sekuntia meni sinne.
6Australia KUHN JamieStill no clutch, limping through
6Finsko LONN JoonasThis was the stage where I was able to lost the rally and I did. Fastest split 1 but then two stupid spins and CFH. Fuck.
6Estonia MÄGI Martinawful, got stuck 4 times
6Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatCFH.
6Finsko Rampanen HenriLets just say that didnt go well
6Finsko Ronttiparas osa patkasta oli maali
6Velká Británie SMITH TonyWow, I beat Onza! Terrifying descent, was just a passenger at times
6Finsko Timo Ruokolainenhorrible stage. just cruising and saving the car
6Česká republika UHLIR VojtechOh, this stage is a nightmare for me, I took it cautiously just like Janne and ended up pretty close to him
6Japan YUKI Mikannice for me !!
5Finsko Alatalo KaarleFinnish stages are disaster for me, soo slippery. Should drive these more
5Velká Británie DearHalo_loverTrees.
5Finsko ERIKSSON Kimsmall half spin
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK
5Finsko JanneLaahanenNaww we\'re just driving now. No chance to catch the guys ahead by driving.
5Finsko kadetontoukkab-junnu pumppailulla tullaan
5Finsko KARIMAA JoonaLujaa Lada laatua!
5Germany KATHOL Lukasworse pacenotes, so very cautious
5Finsko KERONEN OnniJotenkin tosi paljon liiteli auto, alkaako renkaat olla jo loppu. Pumppailuksi meni.
5Australia KUHN JamieStarting to get back intothe swing of driving. First time in a rear wheel drive car and just nursing our broken clutch
5Finsko LONN JoonasLittle lag again, not so bad. Safely driving.
5Estonia MÄGI Martinhit a tree at slow speed, engine temps are high, hopefully lasts until service
5Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatSpin. Impact.
5Finsko Rampanen HenriMore offs...
5Velká Británie SMITH TonyNot a bad stage
5Finsko Timo Ruokolainenstill pumping
5Česká republika UHLIR VojtechThe beginning was terrible, always in the wrong gear, rest was ok and I almost missed a junction
5Japan YANAGIBASHIaim to finish
5Japan YUKI Mikannot bad for me,,,uhmmm
4Finsko Alatalo KaarleUgh disaster, got stuck and had to call help. Slippery stage!
4Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasNo dramas
4Velká Británie DearHalo_loverSmall halfspin, still going. No runki!
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSafe run
4Finsko JanneLaahanenWhere did your rear window go? Ahh we went a bit too fast into this one place and rolled. We were ready to retire but then the car started and we drove off.
4Finsko kadetontoukkahapuilua ja varaslahta :/
4Finsko KARIMAA JoonaThanks kadetontoukka for the setup, car is great.
4Germany KATHOL Lukastwo lucky moments..shit
4Finsko KERONEN OnniNyt tuli ajollisesti hyvin. Yhdesta nypysta montun jalkeen tuli rytkaytettya aika lujasti, kolina kuului, toivottavasti ei mennyt mitaan suuremmin rikki.
4Australia KUHN JamieStill alive and still no clutch
4Finsko LONN JoonasOuh. I took it so easy and still fastest so far.
4Estonia MÄGI Martinmissed the first corner completely, end of the stage felt good
4Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatOK.
4Finsko Rampanen HenriAgain off but road section before stage we did hit large bird that broke our windshield... What else we will find here i wonder...?
4Velká Británie SMITH TonyWent off but managed to go between trees.
4Finsko Timo RuokolainenPumppailuks meni mut maaliin ainaki
4Česká republika UHLIR VojtechNot bad, I can\'t compete with Flying Finns at all but I\'m having a great time
4Japan YANAGIBASHIsafety
4Japan YUKI MikanOMG 1xhelp Noooob me
3Finsko ALANKO RikuSpinned 3 times LUL
3Finsko Alatalo KaarleHit a tree two times. Water temp high. 10sec penalty. Let\'s try to get clean run for the next one.
3Velká Británie DearHalo_lover2 Semi halfspins made me too cautious
3Finsko ERIKSSON Kimspin before first split. some nice slides the car handles good
3Finsko JanneLaahanenSpun at the hairpin. It was too far from the finish to commit to a quite sportsmanlike performance.
3Finsko KARIMAA JoonaNot a clean stage yet, another hit into a tree but slow speed. Same place as always here x)
3Germany KATHOL Lukaswqant to get through
3Finsko KERONEN OnniJalleen kerran ei talla patkalla ollut nuottia, varmaan jokunen sekunti siina havittiin. Ajollisesti kuitenkin OK.
3Australia KUHN JamieMany spins, a roll and a broken clutch
3Finsko LONN JoonasHuge lag, just hope my laptop will stay alive.
3Estonia MÄGI Martingot stuck once and made two spins aswell
3Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatOK.
3Australia ONLY cornersfuck i had some understeer into one of the white side markers haha another DNF it is
3Finsko PARVIAINEN MiikaIt felt ok but I lost quite bit still.
3Finsko Rampanen HenriSpin... really unstaple driving...
3Velká Británie SMITH TonyStalled on HP, then reversed amd gt stuck so CFH
3Finsko Timo RuokolainenGravel is better surface
3Česká republika UHLIR VojtechTried my best not to spin
3Japan YANAGIBASHIundersteer
3Japan YUKI Mikan1xspin
2Finsko Alatalo KaarleLol penalty repair time, didn\'t even know it\'s possible in this game :D Stage was not good for me, didn\'t know it that well. Went better than expected.
2Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasNot confident with car, specially on asphalt. But now starts gravel :)
2Finsko BuzzLightRunki
2Velká Británie DearHalo_lover2 Moments, \'nam flashbacks
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK
2Finsko HOLM Simoolipa nopeeta tieta. Janna kylla assuks.
2Finsko JanneLaahanenBroke the dampers on the jump. Atleast the crowd got theirs money\'s worth. Especially those kids under 130cm, who got in for free.
2Finsko kadetontoukkaloppua kohti kiiruhtaen ja sitten pikku spinni.
2Finsko KARIMAA JoonaToo fast note in one place, hard hit to a tree but we were lucky this time :o
2Germany KATHOL Lukasvery cautious. dont want to destroy car
2Finsko KERONEN OnniVarmasti lapi, ehka vahan turhan hiljaa mutta ei luottoa autoon joten parempi ajaa varmistellen.
2Australia KUHN JamieJust keeping it on the road. Survival is the aim
2Finsko LONN JoonasHit the wall at the end of stage 1 and now the rear diff was broken. Also spin again.
2Estonia MÄGI Martintook it very carefully, maybe too careful
2Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebanunfortunate
2Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatOK.
2Australia ONLY cornersplayed it safe and seemed to pay off as i made up a few positions
2Finsko PARVIAINEN MiikaI din\'t know how fast I can go. So I try to slowly icrease pace until I crash.
2Finsko Rampanen HenriOne off... slippery but fun
2Velká Británie SMITH TonyRear tyres 1 percent worn. Will try harder now the scary tarmac is out the way
2Finsko Timo Ruokolainensunday driving
2Česká republika UHLIR VojtechScary, I don\'t have the balls to push here
2Japan YANAGIBASHIyesterday shakedown today rally hard..
2Japan YoppaRaizooh my god
2Japan YUKI MikanI must more gas pedal
1Finsko Alatalo KaarleOkay, new car, new rwd. Let\'s see what happens, I bet many spins at gravel. Hopefully no runki! First went good. Thank you Vileska for nice skin!
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHello! Nice to back to the 80\'s! First stage very carefully cause it was my first time on asphalt with this car. We\'re looking forward!
1Finsko BuzzLightBit too carefully...
1Španělsko CIN RamonIn before the lock.
1Velká Británie DearHalo_loverBig alive bois.
1Turkey EMIRMUSTAFAOGLU Saidpraise the first rally! by the way gravel ahead
1Finsko ERIKSSON Kimhello.
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all. Good
1Finsko HOLM Simotodella varovasti
1Finsko JanneLaahanenClean start with no risks. Just want to get through the rally.
1Finsko kadetontoukkahyva aloitus. varmasti
1Finsko KARIMAA JoonaLuulot pois heti alusta, spinnattiin. Did spin once, a bit too optimistic speed into a corner.
1Germany KATHOL Lukasvery cautious run. but in one muddy corner we spun and hit sth
1Finsko KERONEN OnniRauhallinen aloitus. Ei turhia riskeja.
1Australia KUHN JamieMassacred two Spectator points. Good Start
1Finsko LONN JoonasLittle spin, waiting for the gravel stages...
1Estonia MÄGI Martinproper scare in third corner, was very lucky
1Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebanstalled at the start line, then spun. very slow, very cautious.
1Hungary MARTIN MathieuNot trying to go fast, just trying to finish the rally
1Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatSpin.
1Australia ONLY cornersDecent start to the rally
1Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiHi
1Finsko PARVIAINEN MiikaTook it easy. New stage and I installed car 30 minutes ago.
1Finsko Rampanen HenriBetter default setup for tarmac than i hoped...
1Finsko Ronttitasta on suunta vain ylospain.
1Velká Británie SMITH TonySlow and steady. Don\'t want to miss out on the gravel stages
1Finsko Timo RuokolainenSlow start, dont want to crash on the first stage
1Česká republika UHLIR VojtechHello everybody! My first time driving RBR with a manual H shifter and clutch... will try not to runki as you guys say
1Finsko Vileskasafe start
1Japan YoppaRaizohello janne
1Japan YUKI MikanHallo everyone!!

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.