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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

2.GVRC Classic Cup 20
Rallye Monte Carlo 1980 Virtual Historic Rally Championship
17.2.2020 0:05 - 23.2.2020 23:59
RZ/SS 8 - St Michel les Portes
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RGT
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, podvečer, husté sněžení, zataženo
7.1 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 8Po RZ 8
Aston Martin Vantage RGT
RGT04:49.92 88.2
Aston Martin Vantage RGT
RGT47:44.93 77.4

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
8Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekgoood :) thx
8Španělsko BENITEZ echedeicawen ros.......bad bad. 2 calls. thanks for the rallye
8Hungary BIRO Zoltanthe car was undriveable with the damage, so managed a very slow roll and a spin down the hillside. on one hand I am happy with some of the time, on the other I\'m disgusted with the mistakes and stupidity. thx for the very nice rally
8Germany BORTZ StefanAuf der vorletzten Wp ist 1km vorm Ziel die Kuehlung verreckt. Konnte aber noch ins Ziel rollen. Auf der Verbindung hab ich dann notduerftig den Kuehlkreislauf mit Schnee gefuellt und bin dann vorsichtig hier gestartet.Hat bis 200m vorm Ziel gehalten. Motor tot, durch die Lichtschranke ausgerollt.
8Germany BRUHY Frankthx for your participation ! nice fight Max , no chance on the ice stages :)
8Španělsko CIN RamonIm very slow, I wish I knew how you can be so good... My feeling is that it\'s not just practice, I may be missing something. Thx!!
8Germany DECKER Max3 crashes and 2x spectator help ... not the best way to finish. still thanks to the organizers, very nice event
8Germany DEMUTH MathiasThanks for the rallye. Nice Monte. But we are not happy with the grip of the Porsche an wet tarmac. There we lost a lot of time!
8Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot bad rally for me,but not good feeling for the moment with this car, test in future others group A cars. See you next round! Thanks!!!
8Polsko FOLTA MaciejGood rally. I lost concentration on second half of the rally and did some stupid mistakes but fortunately we are at the finish in one piece. Thanks and see you on next round :)
8Česká republika hebbinice fight with Frank , next time i will catch you. great rallye with great conditions and weather like everytime. thx for the CC
8Germany HUMMEL StefanAngekommen! Geile Rallye, danke Frank!!
8Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyfinish) good fight Maciej, Echedei! Frank, thx for rally!
8Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexnicestages but worse performance
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonuuuffff, finish, this good. Not my PC and Wheel, very bad feeling car, but i glad to see finish. Thanks Frank for hard race, like always all was perfect. Thanks all and see you. (Very sorry Rene)
8Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasOK. Hard rally..
8Finsko LAAHANEN JanneTried to push here as I am quite familiar with this stage. Almost went off and lost like 5 seconds with recovering. Thanks for the rally Cat!
8Russian Federation Larionov SergeyThanks!
8Finsko LONN JoonasWas too afraid at the foggy first loop. Lost the win there. Got some shifter bug on 2nd last stage, lost 5 s and overall 2nd there... But if I\'m on the podium it isnt bad for me in Montte... THX!
8Finsko LOTJONEN RoniTook that last stage extra careful as i knew that there were some runki places. Good rally overall, thanks!
8Macedonia MAMUTOV DavidWhat shit stage. Notes are shit and way to late. But the rest was good. SS2 was surprising. Thx for the rally Orga
8Germany Marcel Zardawow..nearly crashed big at end.. ok was very hard to find a rhytmn but definitely a hard rally for all..THX frank again just amazing
8Slovensko MYDLIAR JozefThank you very much for interesting rally. Some spins.
8Austria PAMMER HaraldVery good rallye for me, just some small mistakes. Car works very good now, finally found some good settings for the car. Thx Frank for the good luck! :)
8Austria PAMMER Martini hate this track!.... it was not that i wanted... 1 time call 4 help. but all in all a nice touch of the monte good track selection from dry to rain and finaly snow #like
8Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiBad 3 section, but finish. Thanks
8Portugalsko Paulo Teixeirabad rally for me.. many errors. see u soon
8PMS Rally TeamBig thanks to orga, all they will help & fans for this tricky and great event, had fun - wish good luck to the rest of starters!
8Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszgreat rally, a lot of fun :) Thanks Cat!
8Germany REITER MAX2x Help
8Germany RITTER ReneVery bad! :-( All lost here in last stage not so happy. But great stages thanks CAT! :-)
8Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrVery hard rally! Tnx for fight, guys! See you!
8Polsko RUDZINSKI Pawel...
8Germany SALOMO MarcoThank you Cat! Nice Rally, hard to drive
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusWhat an amazing event! Huge thanks. Sadlly the driving was complete oposite. Thanks again Cat, You are doing great thing
8Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stjo doma dik vsem ahoj
8Japan ShensheeI made many mistakes. I should have been driving more calm. But I enjoyed. Thank you.
8Russian Federation SIDOROV PavelThank you very much for such a wonderful event!
8Finsko SIPILA AtteThank you for the great rally!
8Germany skoda130rsdollackDanke Frank ...tole veranstalltung ,nur koennte ich mich gerade selbst.... letzte WP alles versaut :-(
8Velká Británie SMITH TonyThanks for a great rally. Particularly hard with the variety of stages and weather
8Germany STEIN Torstenhat Spass gemacht mit dem 205 Gr.B,Danke
8Česká republika TOMECEK Josefkdyby byl cil o 5m dal , tak bych ho neprojel , dik
8Česká republika TOMECEK Liborthank ! Old Tom Team !!! bracha pojd na ne !!
8Germany Woifehdown on power, but that didn\'t make it more controllable. Thx for the great rally, happy to be in finish!
8Polsko WORONECKI MirekBad, + 2 min is far too mutch. Thanks Frank for great Monte :)
8Greece YANOLIDIS this stage, cantnot ore push :) nice Rally , exciting Monte...make fun , thx
8Japan YUKI MikanThanks ALL!! Thanks RALLY!!
8Germany ZIERACH Oliveras the stage before, tried to stay safe on the road, managed it with a surprisingly good pace
7Španělsko BENITEZ echedeinot good second split. all to the last stage
7Hungary BIRO Zoltanbroken suspension and no rear diff from the crash on the previous stage, and also a late pacenote here meant a hit spectator... disappointed
7Germany BORTZ StefanSchrieb passt fuer Schnee ueberhaupt nicht. in den ersten Kehren 2mal in die Mauer gekracht. Auto danach unfahrbar. Das beste war aber das ich nen Gelaender gestreift habe und dafuer ein redscreen bekommen hab.
7Germany DECKER Maxstraight into the spectators
7Germany DEMUTH Mathiasdrifting every corner^^
7Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarFunny
7Polsko FOLTA MaciejMissed braking and crash :/ massive understeer
7Japan Hirozukabig spinn and crash
7Ireland JONAITIS Jonisech, crash and help....
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonbad feeling grip
7Finsko LAAHANEN JanneQuite okay, nothing major.
7Polsko LASEK Patrykcfh...
7Finsko LOTJONEN RoniNicely through
7Austria PAMMER Harald2 little crashes, car seems ok.
7Austria PAMMER Martini missed one breaking point and must use the reverse gear
7PMS Rally TeamToo much mistakes both times in first & last sector. At beginn and at end of stage we damaged the car a bit, because loosing control and/or grip ...
7Germany RITTER ReneBreakingpoint missed and must set reverse! Ouh dear... :-D
7Germany SALOMO MarcoShit, Spin in the last corner!
7Finsko SIPILA AtteOne spin, lost about 7seconds. Shame
7Germany skoda130rsdollackauch schoen ,aber andersherrum besser ;-)
7Velká Británie SMITH TonyBreak did me no good. struggling to get rhythm again
7Česká republika TOMECEK Josefspun
7Germany Woifehthis was a lot more difficult. Reminded me of the first night in winter, when there\'s suddenly snow and you take your car out for a little spin ;) - two mistakes at the end, heavily damaged the clutch
7Polsko WORONECKI MirekLot mistakes
7Greece YANOLIDIS Jannishard job here :)
7Germany ZIERACH Oliverthanks for oragnizing this rally. was a tough one. 1st leg on dry was hard as i especially on the second stage misses faith and so had no speed and 3 smaller mistakes. the 2nd leg in the wet was surprisingly good, with a safe but steady pace, same for the 3rd leg. overal i\'m very pleased
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedeigood stage for me
6Hungary BIRO Zoltantoo fast out of the forest on the downhill section, rolled, c4h. such a shame ,lost 35s maybe there...
6Germany DECKER Maxnot very clean and probably way too aggressive
6Germany DEMUTH Mathiasmuch more grip on snow and ice than on wet tarmac
6Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot bad but not risks
6Japan Hirozukaslippery
6Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexok
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhard
6Finsko LAAHANEN JanneWent off once on the latter parts of the stage, the snow is super sticky.
6Finsko LONN JoonasNyt alko lyyti kirjottaa
6Finsko LOTJONEN RoniDidn\'t trust pacenotes a single bit
6Macedonia MAMUTOV DavidFew offs
6Austria PAMMER HaraldClass WR :) Had a little moment downhill, but Car works very good.
6Austria PAMMER Martingood stage but i sliding on the side mirror at the end of the stage
6Portugalsko Paulo Teixeiracfh
6PMS Rally TeamOne time big off, fans are jumping out of our way, luckily there was a t-crossing! ;-)
6Germany RITTER Renedownhill section brake to late and stand in snow. Some seconds lost to move on!
6Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoThe time was not fast, but I had a lot of fun :)
6Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrVery carefully...
6Germany SALOMO Marcobad performance
6Finsko SIPILA AtteFixed the car before this one and now it\'s damaged again. I\'m slow and still making mistakes. Nothing is going my way this rally.
6Germany skoda130rsdollackvoll fetz gemacht,auch wenn wir einmal mit stehendem Motor in einem Hang standen
6Velká Británie SMITH Tony2 close calls, one light barrier touch. Fun though
6Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboToo bad driving, so I retire
6Germany Woifehreally enjoyable stage with lots of sideways action, one cfh though. First time rear tires are more used than front ones, good sign :D
6Greece YANOLIDIS risk :)
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeivery bad time
5Hungary BIRO Zoltanlost a lot in the middle part, didn\'t belive the grip sometimes, but OK, still had fun
5Germany BORTZ StefanScheisswetter. Hatte meinen Schrieb hier nicht als .ini gespeichert und musste mit den original notes fahren. Folge: Verkehrsschild abgeraeumt, in eine Mauer eingeschlagen und das nicht steuerbare Gefaehrt in eine Zuschauergruppe gelenkt.
5Germany DECKER Maxsome small mistakes
5Germany DEMUTH MathiasCrash. That is funny. It feels, that you have with a FWD more grip on this stage since NGP 6. With this RWD, you feel the grip was better with NGP 5. But why?!
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarClose fight Roni
5Japan Hirozukaok
5Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexfor me ok but the timetable says fuck
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsafe tarmac section, all repaired, service 12min. Rene like allways very good.
5Finsko LAAHANEN JanneQuite okay, just lacking power as usual.
5Polsko LASEK Patrykehh...cfh..
5Finsko LOTJONEN RoniLittle bit messy
5Austria PAMMER HaraldMaybe to carefull on the first couple of km.
5Austria PAMMER Martinlove this conditions <3
5PMS Rally TeamWe had a spin with light crash on black ice & lost frontbumper, all in last sector - the fans are the best, they bring the bumper into service - big thanks, so the car was repaired in a few minutes ;-) for the last stages of this great event!
5Germany RITTER ReneLost 4-5 sec. on the start. I dont know handbreak is not opening. Will be frozen there??? :-D
5Germany SALOMO MarcoI loose to much time. Need to push a little. More risk.
5Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOh dear..
5Finsko SIPILA AtteSpun 4 times and it was a pain to get the car turned to right direction after spinning. But atleast we made it to the service...
5Germany skoda130rsdollack@Stefan diesmal inerhalb einer Sekunde ;-)
5Velká Británie SMITH TonyCautios run through this dangerous stage
5Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboCar was overheating a bit here too
5Germany Woifehfront tires down more than 40 percent. Ridiculous, as I was driving really careful...
5Greece YANOLIDIS Jannispush hard and lihe this conditions
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeinot finished my rallye here for centimeters. front dont want entry in corners
4Hungary BIRO Zoltannot bad, car worked better here then the previous stage. still some driving mistakes, especially in the last sector
4Germany BORTZ Stefan10cm zu weit aussen angefahren, mit den Hinterrad aufs Gras gekommen, gedreht und zwischen Mauer und Fels verkeilt
4Germany BRUHY Frankrespect Max
4Germany DECKER Maxno grip at all ... struggling quite a lot in this one and went into the barrier once
4Germany DEMUTH Mathiasno grip!!!! several crachs. No chance with this \42tires\42....
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarDifficult stage,not entry corners..
4Japan Hirozukaok...mistakes..but ok
4Germany KAZMIERZAK Alex2 offs
4Finsko LAAHANEN JanneYea uphills are not my car\'s friend. Neither are the hairpins. Wish there was a 500bhp rwd wartburg lol
4Finsko LOTJONEN RoniSame thing here, understeer everywhere. Also handbrake would be nice
4Germany Marcel Zardaok
4Austria PAMMER Martinfirst time to drive this track in an tournament.. so i am happy
4Germany Penny_Mennyleider unfreiwillige zh
4PMS Rally Teamhard & tricky, but big fun - ok one spin, butnever mind ...
4Germany RITTER Renewrong gear in last corner! :-D :-D
4Germany SALOMO MarcoShit. One crash, have to drive revers
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusReally not thee best driving all the time. I hope I will improve
4Portugalsko Sandro_Pinho2 pioes
4Japan ShensheeReverse gear x2
4Finsko SIPILA Atte3 spins... Very difficult to drive this thing with the damaged steering. Let\'s just hope that we get to the next service.
4Germany skoda130rsdollackinsgesamt etwas runder gelaufen
4Velká Británie SMITH TonySplit time distracted me so missed hairpin. Reversed and nearly hit Janne thrashing his Wart up the hill
4Austria STELLNBERGER Philipp200m, end after 200m. What a rally.
4Česká republika TOMECEK Josefspun
4Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboCar overheated so I drove slower
4Germany Woifehone big off when I didn\'t pay attention, ended in a redscreen somehow
4Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisok
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiproblem with corners. front hard
3Hungary BIRO Zoltanbad feeling, the car didn\'t want to turn in anywhere, so took it very slowly, but the time is not bd tompared to the others
3Germany BORTZ StefanDreher. Spitzkehren sind nix fuer dieses Auto
3Germany DECKER Maxvery slippery ... no mistakes though
3Germany DEMUTH MathiasWhat is this?!?!?! The tires feels like slicks. No grip on this stage. Impossible to drive the car! That is no fun with this car in wet with NGP 6...
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot grip... nothing
3Japan Hirozukanot bad
3Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexsetup is shit.
3Finsko LAAHANEN JanneRolled on the fast section and had to call for help. The steering went all crooked on that crash.
3Finsko LONN JoonasSomehow lost 5 s somewhere, dont know why
3Finsko LOTJONEN RoniPacenotes were off and had a massive understeering problems
3Macedonia MAMUTOV DavidHad to call for help. I need to turn these wipers off because they are way to fast for that little of rain
3Germany Marcel Zardavery strange..dont feeling well
3Austria PAMMER Martinfeels good in the rain nice drifting.
3Portugalsko Paulo Teixeiracfh
3PMS Rally TeamAllways our problem - handbrake and hairpins - hope we will learn it in near future - anyway we had fun ...
3Germany REITER MAXOne crash and one spin,we lost 15sec. The Grip is not real!
3Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoOk, but lost many time on last stage.
3Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusFar far far from good
3Finsko SIPILA AtteSpun 3 times and had a big crash and had to call for help. Car is heavily damaged.
3Germany skoda130rsdollackdrei mal zu weit eingedreht ,und teils zurueck setzen muessen
3Velká Británie SMITH TonyToo many hairpins for this big car and 900 DOR
3Austria STELLNBERGER PhilippA really crazy accident in last sector. Happy to be alive.
3Česká republika TOMECEK Liborspin
3Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboNo comment
3Germany Woifehfelt more like on slick tires than on rain tires. One spin early on
3Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisok not bad
2Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESa spink make me lose a lome of time and a real damanage on the car
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiwith calm, dont understant this low grip with dry
2Hungary BIRO Zoltanno rear diff or right side suspension on the car, so took it very easy, still had a spin on the grass at the spectator zone. not good
2Germany BORTZ StefanDreher und 2mal neben der Strecke
2Španělsko CIN RamonAll goes downhill from here
2Germany DECKER MaxI thought I was too hesitant in some places and made some small mistakes, but the time seems to be good
2Germany DEMUTH Mathiasveryslow and a spin in the last corner...
2Germany DUENKER Colinlittle moment, but okay
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot crazy moments,not push hard, foggy conditions
2Japan Hirozukabig crash...and dont find the way from the forest to ther stage >:)
2Germany KAZMIERZAK Alextoo slow
2Finsko KERONEN Onnihard crash
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antoncrash, service 30min
2Finsko LAAHANEN JanneUphills were not my friend there. Or the car\'s friend to be exact :D
2Finsko LONN JoonasWay too afraid in those foggy conditions.
2Finsko LOTJONEN RoniCouple close calls and tried to took it extra careful
2Macedonia MAMUTOV Davidtwo offs one crash. I never thought i see this stage in Monte
2Germany Marcel Zardastill safe
2Česká republika MATEJKA MiroslavEgnie k.o.
2Austria PAMMER HaraldLittle off moment.
2Austria PAMMER Martini was in love with the bus station! not good stage
2Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiHard
2Španělsko PAULOS AlejandroThis wasnt a good stage for learn to drive a RWD
2Germany Penny_Mennyleider einen extremen dreher gehabt und kurz stecken geblieben, aber Max, was machst DU denn da krankes? :D
2PMS Rally TeamDamned, loose a lot of time, while slippt from stage - 2 times very luckily, never hit anything not the tree & not the house. Inside service we can repair or change all parts in 15min. Tricky conditions, but we love it - that`s Rallye!
2Germany RITTER ReneI know that goes faster but i am happy with the time its ok. ;-)
2Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandrspin...
2Germany SALOMO MarcoHard work, one big mistake
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusLost concentration and CFH
2Portugalsko Sandro_Pinho1CFH + 2 pioes
2Germany Schafhauser.racingkeine Lust mehr wenn garnichts hin haut
2Japan ShensheeSpin and into ditch!
2Finsko SIPILA AtteA bit slow and did a ton of mistakes. I\'ll just try to finish.
2Germany skoda130rsdollackja der Nebel... obgleich man die Strecke ja kennt ,dann doch einmal gerade aus gerauscht,wo es eigentlich links hoch geht
2Velká Británie SMITH TonyGot stuck once and a minor crash. Horrib;e stage in the fog!
2Austria STELLNBERGER PhilippGood to finish this stage. The car was damaged from first stage. I was really careful. But one twist, one c4h, one twist, one times reversing after off and one twist was a lot of mistakes but never damaged the car any further.
2Russian Federation TITOV Yuriy(((
2Česká republika TOMECEK Liborcrash
2Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboBad, vbad
2Germany WoifehNursing the car through this narrow stage. Front tires 36 percent down?! Rear tires only five percent despite a lot of wheelspin. Weird
2China Yannis Chanshit
2Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisnot my stage :)
1Portugalsko ARAUJO Isidrorelax
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all. dont know why bad grip
1Hungary BIRO Zoltancrash, c4h, no grip, gonna be fun
1Germany BORTZ Stefanam Anfang zu vorsichtig. das geht mit modernen Autos voll. wusste nicht was ich dem alten Fahrwerk zutrauen kann
1Germany BRUHY Frankhi all CC fans
1Španělsko CIN RamonHello. Default setup short gearing all
1Germany DECKER Maxclean start, maybe a bit cautious
1Germany DEMUTH MathiasHi all. I am ill. So I think we are slow today
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all, Carefuly start
1Česká republika hebbihi
1Srbsko Ivan Radetahi not the best setup
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all, first spin loose a lot time for reversing....
1Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexbig moment costs around 2s
1Finsko KERONEN OnniNot the worst start.
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton hi all
1Finsko LAAHANEN JanneA bit cautious, not the best setup for fast sections.
1Polsko LASEK Patrykhi all
1Finsko LOTJONEN RoniCareful start
1Germany Marcel ZardaHi, now our first start cause the car was not ready for first we can drive but very safe..dont want to crash it
1Česká republika MATEJKA MiroslavHi all....
1Slovensko MYDLIAR Jozefhi
1Austria PAMMER HaraldHi, finally found a good setup for the car, lets see how it goes. :)
1Austria PAMMER Martinone hot moment downhill... but great start in my first cc rally!
1Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiHi all
1Portugalsko Paulo Teixeirahi
1Germany Penny_Mennyzu harmlos!
1PMS Rally TeamHey to all teams, a bit safty but ok - for us only finishing & fun inside car was important - let`s have a look what the Monte this time is bringing ;-) Good luck to all teams!
1Germany RITTER ReneHi all car works not bad but little to much understeering.
1Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoHi all. Very safe start. Lets see how the rally goes
1Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrHi all! Very bad vision...
1Germany SALOMO MarcoHi. Hard to drive this Group B monster!
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBig mistake at one of hairpins. Glad that car is still driving
1Germany Schafhauser.racingreicht mir eh schon wieder, konnte mein Setup nicht uebernehmen und mit dem Default rutscht er wie sau.. mit 180 in zuschauer
1Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stzdravim
1Russian Federation SIDOROV PavelHi all! First time with this car, hope to enjoy the car of my favourite driver Marcus Gronholm. Objective-finish
1Finsko SIPILA AtteHello everyone. Had to call for help because I got stuck on the grass slope outside of the road.
1Germany skoda130rsdollackHallo
1Velká Británie SMITH TonyThought my HMD was misting up
1Austria STELLNBERGER PhilippOne twist, one time to late on brake. Could be better. Hello to all.
1Česká republika TOMECEK Josefcau
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi all
1Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboHi all
1Germany WAGNER RolandHi all
1Germany WoifehHi all. Only going to try to survive this rally in thiat beast driving with a controller :D
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all
1Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisba bginn.. 2 spinns..
1Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinengine off on breaking and some problems with restart, lost 15 sek.

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  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

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  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.