Richard Burns Rally CZECH Mobile RBR CZECH   Richard Burns Rally CZECH
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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Cup of Russia 2016 - 2017 - 1 - Barda
Registration open and more info: --- Forum: Forum and on Facebook INFO --- Make sure that you have installed all the tracks patched track ---We invite everyone to check yourself and your car!
8.12.2016 0:01 - 12.12.2016 23:59
RZ/SS 8 - Barda-08
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RGT
povrch běžný a suchý, špatné podmínky, večer, průzračno, jasno
4.5 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 8Po RZ 8

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
8Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok think is a good cup start
8Russian Federation BORISENKO AntonI broke the transmission in the middle of SS.. No torque.. :-( Thanks to All! Thanks to organizers!
8Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexanderdoehal...
8Russian Federation BURASHOV YuriThank!
8Španělsko CAIHUELAS VicencGracias por el rally
8Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanUfff...Dont had good grip, made 2 big mistakes and some offs((( Lost many time...I dont happy))) But, I am on finish!!! Thanks to all!! Rock-n-roll and oldschool forever))))) See you
8Latvia Egle Edvardshad a crash, but was a good rally. next we will be stronger!!!
8Ukrajina GONTSOV IvanSpasibo za etap. Bulo ne prosto
8Lithuania GRICIUS VytautasFINIS///////////////
8Russian Federation IVANOV SergeySpasibo za rally!
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonPROSRAL ETAP. PadLo. SLiL BoL`we 1 minuti 20 sec... ACToino!
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergeyok!
8Russian Federation KONOPLEV DmitriyGood Finish!!! 5e
8Estonia MÄGI Martinc4h, i don\'t enjoy the snow, but atleast got to the finish
8Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisnot bad on snow
8Španělsko MARZOA Juanok...spasibo
8Russian Federation MATVEENKOV Gleb2 raza ubralsya jestko))kruto pogonyali...Romych molodec)))
8Russian Federation MEDVEDEV Roman))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
8Španělsko MIGUEL Fernandezwell...I tried and I lost
8Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkicfh...
8Portugalsko PAULO Temperasome scary momments but all ok thanks guys
8Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrTnx for rally, Denis! Very fast PS, Benitez!
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusNo tyres left, so very slipery to me. Quite good rally despite CFH and this stage. Thank You.
8Španělsko TENREIRO Franok, not bad for first time with this car. some mistakes but enjoy it a lot, thanks for the rally!
8Polsko WORONECKI Mirekdamn, 2x CHF. Thanx for great rally, I realy enjoyed . See U on next one :)
7Španělsko BENITEZ echedeilost too many time. have to make a new notes here
7Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexanderbad
7Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanPushing hard and made 3 mistakes.... But my time is not very bad. nice car))
7Latvia Egle Edvardsperfect run
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton+1 minuta..... 2x zagloh...+ c4help.... Der`mo RBR
7Estonia MÄGI Martinfun until c4h
7Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkispin 360
7Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHeavy speed roll..
7Polsko WORONECKI Mirekahhh, spin , lost 20+ sec.
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok good time provicional record waiting juan marzoa
6Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivantry to safe rhythm...very hard, I\'m dont ready to pushing
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonisfirst tree on this season,thx and bye
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antongood. My new Pb
6Russian Federation MATVEENKOV Glebbig crash))
6Portugalsko PAULO Tempera2 spins at hight speeds
6Španělsko TENREIRO Franlove this ss
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeitoo many time not drive in this stage
5Russian Federation BORISENKO Anton3 mistakes..
5Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanBad last split...many-many mistakes((( Tryied to push again
5Ukrajina GONTSOV IvanNa rovnom meste poimal krishy. *facepalm*
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonEvery SS lost time ((( Hope will be in points
5Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkipb
5Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrOut...
5Russian Federation Soldatenko AlexeyKANAVA
5Russian Federation TITOV Yuriyzritelya sbil pered samim finishem(((( Pi................c
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok not bad
4Španělsko BLANCO franout of the road...without motivation now
4Russian Federation BORISENKO AntonService! :-)
4Russian Federation Chaschin Andrey:(
4Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanVery clear))) tryied to dont made mistakes. my pb))) Bad SS for battle with AWD car. No problem/ tyres 29/11
4Latvia Egle EdvardsLada power;) Fantastic
4Ukrajina GONTSOV IvanZagloh 2 raza :D
4Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey18-6
4Ireland JONAITIS Jonis8/3 looks fine this snowmod France
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton40/10... bad grip....Zagloh... +10sec lost....damaged Dumper LF and RF po 64 percents.... damage pump.... ((( Bad time...very slow drive (((
4Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi21/14
4Portugalsko PAULO Temperafor me it was a good first half of the rally, no mistakes all ok, thanks organizers, thanks to my firend Anton for the invite ;)
4Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrOk_25/17%
4Russian Federation SIMAKOV Victor21/12
4Polsko WORONECKI Mirektouch the barrier, two splits with broken susp.
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiproblem 1 spin
3Španělsko BLANCO franwith scary
3Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanI think its my best. but may be better)))) good fight
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonout +5sec (((( Very Bad (((
3Estonia MÄGI Martinjust suffering from broken suspension
3Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisdamage car((
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiproblems in the last part 1 spin
2Španělsko BLANCO franVery carefull, i havent confiance
2Russian Federation BURASHOV Yuriupss...
2Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan50/50))) dont to see anything
2Ireland JONAITIS Jonisroof and help....
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok
2Russian Federation MAKARENKO Aleksandrvse ravno ubralsya(
2Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrOk
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusFirst part of stage was really good, but then something happend and I totally lost focus
2Španělsko TENREIRO FranCFH
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeihi all good start PB
1Španělsko BLANCO franHI ALL
1Russian Federation BOKOV Sergeyhi all!~
1Russian Federation BORISENKO AntonHi All! Congratulations with starting of Open Cup of Russia of RBR game! Good Luck to all competitors!
1Russian Federation BORKUNOV AlexanderVsem Privet!
1Russian Federation BURASHOV YuriHi all!
1Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanHi all, my freinds!!Good luck
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonNu Poleteli ))) Vsem Privet !!
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV SergeyHi all!!
1Russian Federation KONOPLEV Dmitriyezdit` razu4ilsya
1Estonia MÄGI Martinhi, had a stall
1Russian Federation MAKARENKO Aleksandrrul\' zagluchil vnachale(((
1Russian Federation MALYSHEV DenisHi! Good luck!
1Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
1Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexhi all
1Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrHi all! Vseh so startom kubka!
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHello!
1Russian Federation SIMAKOV Victorhi all
1Russian Federation SOLDATENKO AlexandrHi All.
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.