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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

NEW !!! RBR-RU Rally Championship 2018-19 -3- Pacific Ocean
Registration open and more info: --- Forum: Forum and on Facebook INFO --- Make sure that you have installed all the tracks patched track ---We invite everyone to check yourself and your car!
30.1.2019 19:30 - 3.2.2019 23:59
RZ/SS 8 - Privet Snova Medved !
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RC3
povrch běžný a suchý, dobré podmínky, odpoledne, před sněžením, oblačno
3.5 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 8DalšíPo RZ 8
1.Russian Federation
Renault Clio IV R3T
RC304:05.79 51.3
2.Russian Federation
Renault Clio IV R3T
3.Russian Federation
Opel Corsa C S1600
Honda Civic Type R(FN2) R3
NAPRYS Deividas
Ford Fiesta S1600
1.equalRussian Federation
Renault Clio IV R3T
RC345:55.76 73.3
2.equalRussian Federation
Renault Clio IV R3T
3.equalRussian Federation
Opel Corsa C S1600
Honda Civic Type R(FN2) R3
NAPRYS Deividas
Ford Fiesta S1600

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
13Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiufff good fight with Rene to the last meter last stage. only finished this rallye is a good result.see you next
13Russian Federation BORKUNOV AlexanderFinish! Hard rally! Sanks Alex for session!
13Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanUff. finish! Thanks for rally. very intresting, but I dont can more. Special thanks for Gleb!! Good luck/ See you
13Španělsko DE DIEGO JavierThat was an intense rally. I felt I could pushed more but wet gravel is so scary, one bad braking and off you go to the trees. Happy because I could race, this morning I thought I couldnt...
13Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderkakoi tam atakovat\', shnyrki na pedali i poexali, glavnoe bilo izbegat\' razvorotov. O4en\' slognoe i skol\'zkoe rally, i o4en\' yzkoe. Alex, spasibo za rally! Pervii raz doexal bez grybix oshibok!
13Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarFUCK!!!! Two crashes, one in firsts corners and second in finish, around 1 KM for finish line... more lag,impossible go fast. Not good rallye for me... Thanks!
13Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyfinish! god fight Echedei) spasibo za rally!
13Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasVse isportil na poslednem. Nepopal s nastroikami, triwdi prielos prosit pomowi, Steklo pazbito, necego ne vidno, ocen skolsko.Ele polz...
13Russian Federation MALYSHEV DenisHell, but finish.
13Španělsko MARZOA Juanhard rally for me, all time damaged car,happy for finish...spasibo!...muy buena Javi, enhorabuena!!
13Russian Federation MEDVEDEV Romaneto bilo bistro i stremno. Sloghno ehat\' pervij raz takie marafoni
13Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkibad grip and pacenotes suck. i drive very safe
13Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiVery bad rally for me, but finish.
13Germany RITTER ReneHard work at the end. All the rally still concentrated and till the end a long stage. Thats crazy but much fun thanks for the rally it was fun. See you and good luck all! ;-)
13Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrZaraza..... Shvatil pomosh za kilometr do finisha.... Tnx for rally!
13Russian Federation RUDYAKOV VictorYou don\'t belive, but i spend 1 hour to drive this stage.
13Russian Federation SUHINOV AleksandrGOD DAMN IT
13Česká republika TRNKA VictorThis i the firt time I went through thi stage so the time is great. But it wa lagging to much and bad overall...on the other hand it hould be okay to retain the lead of the championhip and next time I hope all issues with computer are gonna be solved :) thanks
12Španělsko BENITEZ echedei22/27 no risk miracle
12Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexanderrazvorot
12Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan22/30. no problems with car. Really hard for my
12Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander5/18. spokoihii finish ili ataka?
12Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot risks, calm. No grip.
12Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey19/21
12Russian Federation MALYSHEV Deniscrash, happy not dnf, but car damaged(((
12Španělsko MARZOA Juanno all repair...again
12Russian Federation MATVEENKOV Glebvery very safe drive 28/37
12Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiclear run
12Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiOshibka, prishlos rezat` - stop-n-go
12Germany RITTER ReneNo risks! good rally from Echedei ;-)
12Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr48/3 No risk...
12Česká republika TRNKA Victornothing crazy now
11Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok
11Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanVery hard. dont understand anythings
11Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot risks, I dont like this stage..
11Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denislike Eugenye c4h((((
11Španělsko MARZOA Juanslippery
11Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiI vsyo-taki svalilsya. Prodolzhaem beg na meste...
11Russian Federation RUDYAKOV VictorRomanenko, I\'ll catch you!))
11Česká republika TRNKA Victorok
11Polsko WORONECKI Mirekomg so unlucky
10Španělsko BENITEZ echedeihard
10Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan!!! O))) I dont try to push and had a good time. hard on the snow setup.
10Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderotvleksya - poteryal ritm
10Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBad, not grip and more lag...
10Španělsko MARZOA Juanuno bien, menos mal...
10Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiok
10Germany RITTER ReneStoped in the stage. Very hard.
10Česká republika TRNKA Victoromg, I dont want to loose like that but i cant do anyhing really
10Polsko WORONECKI Mirek2xspin
9Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanfighting with car. very hard to driving fater
9Ukrajina DRIVE Alexandernet vozmognosti atakovat\'? ina4e yb\'yu reziny)
9Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK
9Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisslow(((
9Španělsko MARZOA Juanout
9Germany RITTER ReneNot easy at the beginning but later its good to feel what grip is. Ok...
9Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandrout
9Česká republika TRNKA Victormy computer is randomly stopping the game for whole rally so it is impossible to commit somewhere :/
8Španělsko BENITEZ echedei55/75 impossible go faster. now new wheels next stage good
8Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexander43-59
8Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan75/100)) no comments
8Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander17/78
8Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK
8Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey60/79
8Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusafter finish line broken car,that is terible
8Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denis40/32
8Španělsko MARZOA Juanno all repair again...
8Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi2 big outs, 72/49
8Russian Federation POMOSCHIKOV Igor52/10 Fine!!!!
8Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr100/15
8Česká republika TRNKA Victorthe worst stage EVER created! I hate it as much as I can...
8Polsko WORONECKI Mirekpenalty ???
7Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderbyksyem))
7Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood time
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedei47/59
6Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexander38-48
6Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan65/85))) Dont try to push at all!! Some damages of car. Very hard rally for me. Gleb - respect))
6Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander15/67
6Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood 9/34.
6Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey52/64
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonispfff,cxod
6Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denis34/25
6Španělsko MARZOA Juanrear diff 100...
6Russian Federation MATVEENKOV Gleb73/97
6Russian Federation MEDVEDEV RomanVspominaju kak ezdit\'. Edu kak loh, spasibo
6Lithuania NAPRYS DeividasRolled my car....lost a lot of time
6Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi60/35
6Russian Federation POMOSCHIKOV IgorOK 40/10
6Germany RITTER ReneTires 60/55 very down. Also slow here... :-/
6Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr100/12
6Russian Federation TITOV YuriyOMG 100/85
6Česká republika TRNKA Victor87% tyres.. it was slippery but okay
6Polsko WORONECKI Mirekups ... no tires change , will be fun ;)
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeino wheels
5Romania DIACONESCU Remus??????????????????
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood time but engine off two times..
5Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiPloho vizhu dorogu
5Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr2 spin...
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiO grip for me
4Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanbad speed
4Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderopyat\' gravel)
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSlow-.-
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antoneto pizdec...tak tupo....
4Germany RITTER ReneAlso to safe here. Dont overpush myself to much. :-D But it can be a important stage to win some seconds. :-/
4Česká republika TRNKA Victornot what I want but okay
4Polsko WORONECKI Mirekpacenotess !!??
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeihorrible time
3Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomasbarrier hit
3Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivandont can more
3Ukrajina DRIVE Alexandergravel? Neygeli nikto ne obratil vnimanie?
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSlow...
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antoncrash in wall, damage suspension.... low time because try be right run
3Španělsko MARZOA Juanni en las rectas lo doy llevado derecho..., en las curvas a izquierda flipo...
3Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiNu i grohot...
3Germany RITTER ReneCar doesnt work good here. Not a good run for us.
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok
2Russian Federation BURASHOV Yuri((strange... Thanks!
2Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomasmany mistakes
2Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan))
2Španělsko DE DIEGO Javierspin
2Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderzagnyl podvesky, no poka edem)
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood job, I love this car in snow
2Ireland JONAITIS Jonisjprst, odna pomosc po4ti 1,30 minuty.....motyvacija sovsem propala...
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antoni think it was crystal clear! +12sec from my Pb ))
2Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denis mimo tunelia((((
2Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkibad
2Germany RITTER ReneSafe! Slippy at one place very lucky to brake and the the corner in right gear. Ok go on. ;-)
2Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandrslow
2Russian Federation TITOV YuriyZanovo ychus\' ezdit\' na novom rule! Nichego ne polychaetsia(
2Česká republika TRNKA Victorhate this stage a lot!
2Polsko WORONECKI Mirekbig off, must back on road from down of the hill, lost 15-20 sec
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all
1Russian Federation BORKUNOV AlexanderPrivet
1Russian Federation BURASHOV YuriHi all!
1Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomasroll over
1Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanHi all!!
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all. Not good start. Problems with VR
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonvery safe start. Good Luck all and hope all guys can finish this stage, but 13th ss very problems. No need include in Championship BUGS stages.... thats bad for reputation
1Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all....big crash, damaged car...
1Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiHi all! Kak v bobslee, beregu podvesku.
1Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyHi all the problems with the screen. The view some breaking
1Germany RITTER ReneHello some stages to go dont risk to kill some of the steering. safe one here!
1Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoHi
1Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrHi all! Good louck!
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi all
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all :)

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.