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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

2.GVRC Classic Cup 2021
Rallye Monte Carlo 1995 Virtual Historic Rally Championship 15th Anniversary Edition
15.2.2021 0:05 - 21.2.2021 23:59
RZ/SS 8 - Col de la Chavade - La Souche
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RC3
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, dopoledne, mírné sněžení, zataženo
11.5 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 8DalšíPo RZ 8

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
10Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekthanks. again fantastic :)
10Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniovery nice rallye ..thks
10Argentina BERNARDINI RobertoGreat rally. Thanks!!!
10Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriHalf of stages was ruined by problems, but hey, thats Monte, so I am happy to finish! Thanks for the race boys and see Ya in the casino - party begins now! :)))
10Hungary BIRO Zoltancrashed after I got disturbed, so lost the chance to fight with Sascha till the end. Bad rally, but not much better could be expected without any preparation, and also driving with keyboard is not too good either on tarmac or snow. Keep safe everybody.
10Germany BORTZ StefanVerdammt rutschig hier. Gleich nach dem Start gedreht und in die Mauer gekracht.Auf Uhorna jedes mal die Karre fast weggeschmissen. Der Rest war bis auf den Dreher hier ganz gut.
10Germany BRUHY Frankok finish . shit happens on ss6 - but i fight and go to Monaco :) thx for enjoing the Cup all drivers
10Polsko Damian SkupieńIm not satisfied with the times. Two crashes. Have fun driving a Lada. To the next rally. Thanks
10Španělsko Daniel AreosaThe best rally i have participated in, thanks Vincent for fighting until the last stage. Thanks to the organizers.
10Germany DARNEDDE ViktorNot happy with my mistakes but got to the finish in one piece. Good luck to all who still have to drive and a big THANK YOU to Frank for this very nicely layed out event in Classic Cup 2021!
10Belgium DELFOSSE MaximeThanks for the rally ! It was really enjoyable
10Germany DEMUTH Mathias3 mistakes in this rally, it could be better... But overall it was ok. Thanks for a very nice Monte!
10Germany DG301mit dem heck in die leitplanke, dadurch ne boeschung runter in nen baum, zuschauerhilfe, haube aufgestanden daher ungeliebte stossstangen kamera benutzt... insgesamt zufrieden mit der geschwindigkeit, aber zu viele fehler. naja, hauptsache es hat spass gemacht, danke schoen fuer die veranstaltung!!
10Finsko ERIKSSON KimVery slippery hairpins in these conditions. But we are through without problems. Thanks for the rally!
10Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarPerfect rally for me, see you next time. Thanks!
10Germany FlintEastwoodDas Heck in den Haarnadeln viel zu weit draussen. Da viel Zeit verloren. Aber fast ohne Schaeden durch die Rallye. Danke an die ML. :)
10Polsko FOLTA MaciejThanks!
10Austria GRUENDAUER AndreasDanke fuer diese tolle Rallye.
10Norsko HAUGERUD EdvinHappy to at least finish the rally
10Česká republika hebbiwoow , very great rallye , nice choice of tracks - thx
10Japan Hirozukanice rallye thanks....lost to much time with c4h auf one stage...but ok..nice stages
10HOHMANN Dieterherzlichen dank fuer den monte-lauf in einem unbekannten fz ;-) waar eine schoene veranstaltung & hat spass gemacht! allen weiteren team noch viel spass und erfolg!
10Germany HUMMEL StefanDer gleiche Fehler wie bei der vorherigen WP!!!???
10Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyfinish! Frank, thx for rally! very hard
10Belgium Joyeux LoganThanks
10Germany KLEIN TobiasGedreht....Hat viel Spass gemacht, der Ford ist schon echt ganz gut :) Danke an den Veranstalter!
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonReal bad performance. Thx Frank and thx guys for rally
10Finsko LONN Joonas0 training, only did the setups. So close to get few wr times, so should have been practise a bit. One spin on Joux Plane and overall no confidence at all on snow stages braking. Very good times on Sturec from Oscar! Maybe next time both setup and training and the result will be good. THX
10Finsko LOTJONEN Roni0 practise, 1 cfh and many many mistakes, bad rally for me
10Germany Maier.Maximiliannot my best drive. thanks to organizer for this nice event. see you next
10Germany Marcel Zardaokay damn..could be maybe places better without our stupid mistakes but overall good rally. THX!!
10Polsko MASIAREK Jakubslow, but good fun, thanks cat, happy to be on the finish in one piece
10Španělsko Miguel Lopezok, good rally, no mistakes. thx
10Velká Británie MORGAN Owenhalf spin, a lot of mistakes this rally but this was my only chance to run this week, thanks!
10Slovensko MYDLIAR Jozefok
10Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkitoo many mistakes, but finish. thanks!
10Slovinsko NOVAK KlemenFrom looser to winner (almost) :) After almost giving up on SS3 after forgot counting how many helps from spectators I needed (about four times lol). Thanks for really nice race with awesome weather pack, I feel like on MC!
10Austria PAMMER Harald800m before finish engine blow up.
10Finsko PARUS ChristerGood result all in all. Did it M-Sport style. No testing before the rally. Had to make changes to the setup and learn to drive the car during the rally. So a Top 10 finish is okay in my books. See you at the next one.
10Germany Penny_Mennythanks for the nice rally!
10PMS Rally TeamNo crash & in finish of a good & hard event for us. We had fun & enjoy it - big thanks to orga! All other teams they will start - good luck!
10Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszNice fight with Damian, good job :) Thanks!
10Finsko PUHAKKA OssianNot good enough for points but at least I finished.
10Finsko PYNNONEN VilleShould be happy but totally no... Two very stupid mistakes cost 15-20seconds and currently 4sec slower than overall anc class leader. Had some really good stages, but no reward at all. But Joonas has helped me a lot, so if I want to lose to someone, it is him. Thanks for the event!
10Germany RITTER ReneGood Rally overall! We are happy with the rally. And the stages are so pretty cool to simulate Monte Rally! Many thanks Frank very nice rally with cool stages they gives us Monte feeling. Okay see you soon and good luck all!
10Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrOk! Hard rally)) Thanks!
10Germany SALOMO MarcoAfter all it was okay. some small mistakes. Thank you very much Cat for an awesome Monte!
10Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIt\'s a pitty about two stages, where I lost quite of time. But happy to be in finish. Thanks Cat!
10Španělsko SANCHEZ PabloWow! Amazing fight with Mateusz and Damian. Not the best rally for me, 2 crashes, 2 spins.... More lost seconds. Thanks for the rally. Good luck everybody
10Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stdik za peknou soutez ahoj
10Austria Schwiftonice rally, thx
10Germany skoda130rsdollack...war fast rutschiger hier als auf schnee ... Danke an die Organisation , hat wieder mal viel Spass gemacht
10Velká Británie SMITH TonyNo time to prep so did not go well for me but enjoyed it all the same. Thanks for the rally
10Španělsko SOBERON AlexHave so fun dancing in the snow with the mkII hahaha. Great rallye, thanks to organizers for this championship.
10Germany STEIN Torstenganz Ok,geiles Wetter,Danke Frank
10Germany ThunderaceDanke an Frank. 4xZH ist insgesamt mindestens 3x zuviel. Was solls. Sorry Janni aber durch.
10Česká republika TOMECEK Josefdik
10Česká republika TOMECEK Liboryes ! Old Tom Team !!!!
10Španělsko TORRES RogerContento de haber terminado, rally muy bonito. Gracias a la organizacion y hasta el proximo.
10Germany WAGNER RolandChaotisches Fahren; mehrmals angeeckt und gedreht. dass der Audi das ausgehalten hat!!! Danke Frank fuer diese Herausforderung.
10Polsko WORONECKI MirekFatal rally for me and poor resoult. But conf, for Monte was great Frank :) . Thanks for another great work and rally.
10Greece YANOLIDIS Jannispush :)) ...ok finish with big Problems and crashes...ok anywa..thats Rallye...very exciting Rallye ..thanks !
10Japan YOPPA Raizothanks all! thanks grate rally!
10Japan YUKI MikanThanks All !! Thanks Organizer !!
9Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniocrash
9Hungary BIRO Zoltanslid into a wall, the wet setup is just terrible, like driving a too heavy IFA
9Germany BORTZ Stefannix mehr anbrennen lassen
9Germany BRUHY Franksafe one
9Polsko Damian SkupieńCrash on second corner. Broken suspension and 3x spin. Can\'t drive Rwd without geometry
9Španělsko Daniel AreosaOk good stage go for the last go go go!!
9Germany DARNEDDE ViktorBad spin at a really narrow place, hardly possible to reverse direction. It took ages...
9Belgium DELFOSSE MaximeBad stage. 2 spins in a row where is was almost impossible to reverse.
9Germany DEMUTH Mathiasstupid spin. Lost 10 sec...
9Germany DG301sau gut durchgekommen, aber dann 100 meter vorm ziel doch noch gedreht
9Finsko ERIKSSON Kimok stage
9Germany FlintEastwoodHeck weggedreht. 1x ZH
9Japan Hirozukaok
9HOHMANN Dieterhmm da fehlt`s an allem, von allem etwas, aber spass ist da - noch eine zu fahren, mal sehen wo ich am ende stehe ;-)
9Germany HUMMEL StefanZwischen Leitplanke und Felsen festgeklemmt!!??
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonSlowi think....close fight with Frank ))) but for all race lost yet more than 2min.... crazy badluck in this year..
9Germany Maier.Maximilianwas ok.
9Germany Marcel Zardaslippery
9Velká Británie MORGAN Owenok
9Slovinsko NOVAK KlemenGreat!
9Austria PAMMER Haraldcrash, damaged the radiator. Dont know if i can make it to the finish of the last stage.
9Germany Penny_Menny...hit a wall really soft, again the f.. differential lost
9PMS Rally Teampuh, one to go, was a hard but good one until here -...
9Finsko PYNNONEN VilleGood run but not enough
9Germany SALOMO Marcookay
9Germany skoda130rsdollack@ stefan willkommen im Clup ,wir hingen ebenfalls zwischen LP&Fels und mussten x mal rangieren ...
9Velká Británie SMITH Tony2x spins
9Španělsko SOBERON Alex2 spins
9Germany Thunderaceok
9Germany WAGNER Roland1x Mauer touschiert dabei 2x Motor abgewuergt und 1x auf die Seite gelegt. Zuschauer halfen.
9Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisgood begin...but spinn
8Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniocrash
8Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriDont take it bad, every track from Miro Kurek is beautiful, but almost every original pacenotes are very bad... But ok, still living!
8Hungary BIRO ZoltanBroken suspension from the previous stage. Also this was the first run I\'ve ever done on this stage in this direction, so knew I\'d lose a lot of time
8Germany BORTZ Stefanmind. 3 mal raus geflogen. Ansage kommt zu spaet und Bremsen geht dann auf Eis ueberhaupt nicht mehr. Der Schrieb ist hier im Sommer teilw. schon lebensgefaehrlich, aber im Winter die absolute Katastrophe. Bin mit dem zerdepperten Kuehler zum Glueck noch bis zum Service gekommen.
8Germany BRUHY Frankno risk
8Španělsko Daniel AreosaEnjoying like a child XD
8Germany DARNEDDE ViktorTerrible drive, lost car twice, but lucky not to produce severe damage. It took too long to recover, so called for help. Will the cooler work until end? Weird steering due to front suspension damages. I likely am last here...
8Belgium DELFOSSE MaximeOne off in an hairpin, i was a little bit late on the brakes
8Germany DEMUTH Mathiasmissed a corner in the last sektor and so we were again off road
8Finsko ERIKSSON Kimok stage, downhill i was very cautious
8Germany FlintEastwoodHier passte der Aufschrieb nicht an jeder Ecke. Insgesamt zu vorsichtig.
8Norsko HAUGERUD EdvinSlid into a sign post
8Polsko HAZUKA ArturWR in Class :)
8Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyspin..
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonagain and again.....shit track... outs in forest...lost radiator and diffs....+20s easy lost
8Germany Maier.Maximiliani lost min 40sec at the 2. last corner. i need C4H to come back to road.
8Germany Marcel Zarda2 little offs with reverse
8Velká Británie MORGAN Owenstupid spin and stuck on bank, c4h and then a spin later on, overdriving
8Španělsko ORTEGA AntonioSmall crash, broken gearbox. That s life. I was having fun until then xD. Thanks to organizers!!
8Germany Penny_Mennythat was shit. the differential broke really early in the stage
8PMS Rally Teama bit more risk & we must work over 20min inside service, but on stage we had fun too ...
8Finsko PUHAKKA Ossian10 seconds lost in last sector alone...
8Finsko PYNNONEN VilleShame... Had no rear wing, no rear diff and still that time. Really good run considering damage
8Germany REITER MAXdreher und 2 verbremser
8Germany RITTER ReneStarke Zeit Tobias und Mathias! Sauber Jungs!
8Germany SALOMO Marcotoo carefully. I didnt trust the pacenotes.
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusDear god. Either I will hotlap this stage or I will make pacenotes for it. Horrible.
8Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablocrash in the first corner downhill
8Germany skoda130rsdollackgeile Strecke ,fast wie echt ...;-)
8Velká Británie SMITH TonyRolled. Had to CFH
8Germany Thunderacenicht alles im Service geschafft. Also, Augen zu und durch.
8Česká republika TOMECEK Josef2x out
8Germany WAGNER Roland2x abseits gerutscht; in der vorletzten Haarnadel in den Wald und dort verirrt.....cfH; sonst okay.
8Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisbig Problems with the Set up...Damage all Suspension and other
7Hungary BIRO Zoltangot hung up on a guardrail after I slid onto it at 5km/h...
7Germany BORTZ Stefandas gleiche wie vorhin. nur dieses mal hat bei der Begegnung mit dem Stahlgelaender auch die Hinterradaufhaengung was abbekommen.
7Germany BRUHY Frankvery slippery on the ice parts
7Španělsko Daniel AreosaMy nipples are hard right now XD.
7Germany DARNEDDE ViktorBad contact with a metal fence, got stuck for a moment and it took some time to get free again. Some damage to the front right suspension and cooler. Should be OK until next service.
7Belgium DELFOSSE Maximebad stage. One off into a wall and one spin
7Germany DG301ok, aber zu gewinnen gibts hier fuer mich nix mehr, hoffe einfach jetzt ohne unfall durchzukommen
7Finsko ERIKSSON Kimok stage
7Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarVery good,love slovakian snow stages
7Germany FlintEastwoodEin paarmal das Heck an den Mauern kratzen lassen
7Japan Hirozukamistakes
7HOHMANN Dieterkein plan wie man den richtig bewegt :-/
7Germany KLEIN TobiasFalsche Pacenotes und einmal gedreht
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonevery times crashes in walls here...+5-7sec and damages again
7Finsko LOTJONEN RoniCfh
7Germany Maier.Maximilianwas Ok.
7Velká Británie MORGAN Owenanother spin
7Slovinsko NOVAK KlemenLittle mistkae, big luck to not damaged a car.
7Germany Penny_Menny2 craches
7Finsko PUHAKKA OssianCouple of mistakes. Shame I dont have a pacenote here, the default one is a bit guesswork in places but generally ok
7Finsko PYNNONEN VilleJust walking speed into barrier and got quite big damage. Lost rear diff and dampers are quite fucked. That was it
7Germany RITTER ReneWow that was pretty close to the others. Strong rally from Libor very good! ;-)
7Germany SALOMO Marcookay, only small mistakes
7Germany skoda130rsdollackdaempferhalterung zerstoert
7Velká Británie SMITH TonyClipped bank, rolled and bonnet came up. Had to lean out of window to see! Crashed more because of this until bonnet fell off
7Germany Thunderacewieder solch dumme ZH.
7Germany WAGNER RolandGegen Ende der WP immer zurueckgefallen(zeitenmaessig)
7Greece YANOLIDIS Janniscrash and call 4 words more :))
6Portugalsko ARAUJO Isidrogoog stage,too funny
6Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriPushed hard.
6Hungary BIRO Zoltannot bad, but as usual I lost a lot of time on the downhill section. Also the pacenotes are very bad
6Germany BRUHY Frankwas on a good way , but then a little bit to fast :) and cfh.
6Španělsko Daniel AreosaVery trycky that downhill.
6Germany DARNEDDE ViktorJust shy to the finish I almost lost the car and had to avoid smashing into a street sign. Holy ....!
6Belgium DELFOSSE Maximewhat a nice stage to drive with that Porsche. Still early braking i was careful
6Germany DEMUTH Mathiasoff, very slippery here in the new snow on this stage
6Germany DG3012km vorm ziel gerade gefreut, so schoen durchgekommen zu sein und dann das auto gant langsam aufs dach gelegt... zuschauerhilfe, zeit verloren, scheisse
6Finsko ERIKSSON Kimcautious run but we made it without mistakes
6Germany FlintEastwoodZu vorsichtig, aber das Auto zog auch nicht mehr richtig nach dem Crash auf der vorherigen WP.
6Norsko HAUGERUD EdvinFor some reason, I had no notes on that stage
6Germany KLEIN TobiasKurz vor Ende von der Strasse gerutscht
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsecond time ok time, good feeling
6Finsko LONN JoonasFuuck. Spin on high speed and lost 10 s and wr time.
6Finsko LOTJONEN RoniNotes were very bad
6Germany Maier.Maximilianif have to make a little bit slow, the cooler was damaged
6Germany Marcel Zardawill never like this stage
6Velká Británie MORGAN Owenhalf spin, big slides
6Japan MORISHITA Asamii couldn\'t finish the rally. i want to finish next rally. thank you very much.^^
6Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkicrash
6Slovinsko NOVAK KlemenExcellent!
6Austria PAMMER HaraldShame i did that mistake on last stage, car was turning so bad on this stage because of a broken damper.
6Germany Penny_Menny2 mal abgeflogen und kurz vorm ziel berschlagen :/
6PMS Rally Teamnothing to do inside service, only cleaning windows ;-)
6Finsko PUHAKKA OssianMeh, hit end of the guardrail early on for no real reason other than being too far to the left and lost a lot of time + damage
6Finsko PYNNONEN VilleGood stage
6Germany SALOMO Marcoi dont like this stage.
6Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusYeah, those stages was good for me. Old School.
6Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablocrash and spin. bad stage for me
6Germany skoda130rsdollackging so gut los ,echt spass gehabt ,dann sind wir mal (recht langsam am ausgang einer engen kurve) mit einer seite an den Hang gekommen und auf der Seite liegen geblieben ,ZH und der Flouh war hin ,zwei drei ansagen stimmen bei uns hier auch nicht sicherlich 45s-1min verloren hier
6Velká Británie SMITH TonyLost about 10 seconds in the snow but hit nothing and managed to get out so not too bad
6Španělsko TORRES RogerVivo de milagro, la ultima parte es cosa de mucha fe.
6Germany WAGNER Roland1x Leitplanke voll gerammt und einen schoenen Ueberschlag....
6Germany Woifehfire... thx for the rally Cat :)
6Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisbig stupid Spinn and Damge the Radiator...High Engine Temperature......engine go out and rolling to the finish line ...:)) next Stages all flat out :)))))
5Hungary BIRO Zoltanhaven\'t done this stage in years, had no idea what grip to expect. lost a lot of time in the last sector
5Germany BRUHY Franka little bit off , stuck in snow
5Španělsko Daniel AreosaVery streechy but ok happy.
5Germany DARNEDDE ViktorVery bad run here, not happy.
5Germany DECKER Maxfeeling wasn\'t very good
5Belgium DELFOSSE MaximeVery Careful. No mistake
5Germany DEMUTH Mathiasvery bad, we had a crash and demaged the Audi at a wall...
5Germany DG301nicht sonderlich schnell, dafuer sicher durchgekommen, an einer haarnadel irgendwie den motor abgewuergt
5Finsko ERIKSSON Kimstupid me did a jump start :D
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarI hate this stage in snow
5Germany FlintEastwoodauch wieder 1x rausgerutscht, Bande getroffen
5Norsko HAUGERUD Edvinslid off the road
5HOHMANN Dieternicht berauschend aber soweit ... ok
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonfirst time ok time
5Španělsko LASTRA Davidbad
5Finsko LOTJONEN RoniThose \42banks\42 are like glue
5Germany Maier.Maximiliana small mistake need min15 sec.
5Velká Británie MORGAN Owenspin
5Japan MORISHITA Asamii have suffered serious damage....
5Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkislow
5Austria PAMMER HaraldSpin, damaged the car a little bit
5Finsko PUHAKKA OssianJust slow and steady
5Finsko PYNNONEN VilleOkay stage, quite new one
5Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandrvary bad grip
5Velká Británie SMITH TonyNot too sloppy
5Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboFuck
5Polsko USS Maciekno power...
5Germany Woifehfirst crashed into the red and white barriers before the village. Than later hit a tree at full speed. Car didn\'t want to start for 20 secs even after cfh. Now water and oil temp really high, I think I won\'t make it through the next stage
4Hungary BIRO Zoltannot good, many times I was too hesitant and lost time.
4Germany BORTZ Stefanam Kurvenausgang im Gelaender verfangen. musste ein Stueck zurueck setzen.
4Germany BRUHY Franktyres are bad at the end
4Španělsko CAIHUELAS Vicencvamos aguantando sin problemas
4Polsko Damian SkupieńDrift Lada on sturec
4Španělsko Daniel AreosaOh mamma!!!! Slide for life XD
4Germany DECKER Maxok
4Belgium DELFOSSE MaximeNice stage
4Germany DEMUTH Mathiaslost time in the hairpins
4Germany DG301bin sehr gut durchgekommen wuerde ich sagen, nur bei einer haarnadel bergab waers fast schiefgelaufen mit einer mauer, da ist er mir in die falsche richtung quer gegangen beim anbremsen. die wp liegt mir irgendwie
4Finsko ERIKSSON Kimin a hairpin i guess i clipped something on inside and it sucked me in. had to reverse, 5+ seconds lost
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarVery good time
4Germany FlintEastwood1x gedreht. Insgesamt zu unsicher.
4HOHMANN Dieterdas bedarf noch einiges an uebung :-/
4Germany KATHOL Lukasokay
4Španělsko LASTRA Davidbad
4Finsko LOTJONEN RoniBig crash
4Germany Maier.Maximilianok, but to carefully.
4Polsko MASIAREK Jakubcrash
4Velká Británie MORGAN Owenbig crash and spin
4Japan MORISHITA Asamiit was difficult because i had lost rear differential... orz
4Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkispin 360
4Slovinsko NOVAK KlemenMuch better than previous one :)
4Finsko PARUS ChristerThis one was so much fun.
4Germany Penny_Mennydont like that stage. spin in a narrow corner
4PMS Rally Teamchange only front-wheels - we have too much respect from snow, but we have fun too!
4Finsko PUHAKKA OssianEntire stage with a badly broken radiator, starter, and no rear diff. Had to lift so much just so the engine didnt overheat and die.
4Finsko PYNNONEN VilleCrashed at the very first corner, lost around 5-8sec as I had to reverse. Luckily no major damage
4Germany RITTER ReneOk overall good run thats what we need.
4Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr15/3
4Germany SALOMO Marcoonly tyres... maybe too carefully.
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusRealy bad run
4Germany skoda130rsdollack...haben doch das eine oder andere mal die Mauer touschiert ,und dachten auch schon mal oh je ob wir ankommen ,aber die Zeit war ganz gut fuer uns
4Velká Británie SMITH TonyGood until I clipped the back on a fence and spun. Car did not drive well after that
4Germany Thunderacedie war wieder ok
4Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboI came too close from a signal
4Greece YANOLIDIS JannisBig Crash to Beginn....and Big Problems with Suspension , Steering Rod and other....luck they come the Srvice , lost lot of time...
3Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniosafe
3Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriR
3Hungary BIRO Zoltannot good, this is the 3rd tme I did this stage on snow. Many places it wasnt good driving, so lost a lot fo time.
3Germany BORTZ Stefangleich an der ersten Kehre verbremst und raus gerutscht. Spaeter auf dem bergab-Abschnitt bin ich dann in einer schnellen Links raus gerutscht und fast den Abhang runter geflogen. Hsbe zum Glueck einen Baum gestreift, der mich wieder auf die Strasse geschubst hat.
3Germany BRUHY Frankno risk , perhaps to passiv , but ok
3Španělsko CAIHUELAS Vicencbien
3Polsko Damian SkupieńSlow but on the finish
3Španělsko Daniel AreosaEnjoying very much.
3Germany DARNEDDE ViktorBad spin at a narrow place, felt it took ages to turn around. Only mild damage to car.
3Germany DECKER Maxbig crash, very lucky to be here
3Belgium DELFOSSE Maximeone spin. Very careful. I try to learn the Porsche on the snow
3Germany DEMUTH Mathiasoff...
3Germany DG301auch hier nicht ohne 2x den rueckwaertsgang ausgekommen, riesen rueckstand auf die naechsten in der klasse
3Finsko ERIKSSON Kimgood run but miscalculated few corners
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood time
3Germany FlintEastwood1x rausgerutscht ZH
3Japan Hirozukasafe no risk more
3HOHMANN Dieterohne erfahrung in diesem wagen gar nicht so leicht, aber macht spass, wenn ich auch ein paar momente hatte ...
3Germany KATHOL Lukasthat was bad
3Španělsko LASTRA Davidbad
3Finsko LOTJONEN RoniNo balls to push here
3Germany Maier.Maximilianit was very slippery.
3Germany Marcel Zardahad a stupid off which we lucky escaped with no damage but loose of time and made it safely the rest of the stage
3Velká Británie MORGAN Owenok
3Japan MORISHITA Asamithere were two course off orz...
3Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkisafe
3Slovinsko NOVAK KlemenDisaster! I didn\'t have time for training this week and I drove this stage first time with this car...there is a big luck that engine (and driver) are still ok!
3PMS Rally Teammakes fun :-)
3Finsko PUHAKKA OssianPacenote waaaaay too late at 7km in and into the trees. Rally over most likely.
3Finsko PYNNONEN VilleHappy about my driving atm, hopefully can continue throuhout the event
3Germany RITTER ReneOuh dear that was bad! Little bit to much positive and hit a tree. We are ok and the car also... lucky escape! :-/
3Germany skoda130rsdollackschoene Strecke ,echt geil zu fahren ,uns haben wohl zwei drei zusaetzliche :Achtung: im schrieb gefehlt ,deswegen auch einmal mehrfach rangieren muessen um wieder auf die Strecke zu kommen
3Velká Británie SMITH TonySlipped over the edge, long way down through the trees
3Španělsko SOBERON AlexToo slow, safe run
3Germany Thunderaceoh jeh, 2xZH. Unbekannte Strecke die erste.
3Španělsko TORRES RogerLento
3Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboBrutal crash, luckily radiator gearbox and clutch are ok
3Polsko USS Maciekarrr..... cfh
3Germany WAGNER RolandFirst time Uhorna Snow.
3Germany Woifehthat stage was quite okay
3Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisbig Spinn with Luck :))puuuuh
2Portugalsko ARAUJO Isidrolittle crash
2Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniomistake
2Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriSpin in the most narrow place. Fuck it.
2Hungary BIRO Zoltanspin, had to Y out of it, 10-12s lost.
2Germany BORTZ Stefanein paar Lackschaeden
2Germany BRUHY Franklittle bit to nervous
2Polsko Damian SkupieńNice
2Španělsko Daniel AreosaDe culeada en culeada XD
2Germany DARNEDDE ViktorConfidence is not great, stages are not very known to me. Driving carefully...
2Germany DECKER MaxRolled and needed to c4h, very stupid mistake
2Belgium DELFOSSE Maximenice stage. careful on snow
2Germany DG3012 Dreher mit langwierigen Wendeversuchen, dadurch in der Klasse um einiges nach hinten gerutscht
2Germany DUENKER Colindurch einen kleinen beruehrer mit einer wand auf der ersten WP, sind wir die zweite was ruhiger an gegangen
2Finsko ERIKSSON Kimdecent stage, few places i went too fast but ok
2Germany FlintEastwood1x quer gestanden aber irgendwie noch rumgerissen
2Japan Hirozukacrash and help
2HOHMANN Dieterhmm erste kratzer :-( , solange ich kein edelschrott produziere ;-)
2Germany HUMMEL StefanIrgendwie sauglatt!!
2Germany KATHOL Lukasrecord. Thats good
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antona lot Damages.... tarmac havent nice settings
2Španělsko LASTRA Davidbad stage
2Germany Maier.Maximilianok. but an unknown stage.
2Germany Marcel Zardacrazy
2Velká Británie MORGAN Owennot really sure whats happened. had two places where fps dropped and the game froze, causing me to go off the road twice, never had it before but hope it doesnt happen again, not sure how much i lost
2Japan MORISHITA Asamii was able to update my best time!
2Slovinsko NOVAK KlemenUntil first split was pure perfection..than I saw my good time and lost concentration and went on roof without damage.
2Austria PAMMER Haraldcrashed a little bit into the wall after start and spun, lost about 5sec.
2Germany Penny_Mennysome changes on the setup. lets see how it works
2PMS Rally Teamone hot moment short befor finish - in service only clean windows ;-)
2Finsko PUHAKKA Ossianmeh
2Finsko PYNNONEN VilleHit the stone on last split icy section, thought having a damage and therefore lost momentum too much. Would have been WR without that stupic mistake
2Germany RITTER ReneGreat run and great fight Mathias. Very awesome! Also a good time from Lukas come on guys! ;-)
2Germany SALOMO Marcoterrible. Two spins. Bad driving
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOk, that was quite good two stages
2Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablolost 5 sec in spin
2Velká Británie SMITH TonyLost a bit of paint but nothing serious
2Germany Thunderaceok
2Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboOk
2Germany Woifehfirst split was okay, two big mistakes afterwards. Slid off the road and also spun
2Greece YANOLIDIS risk :)) next stage very difficoult for me :))
1Portugalsko ARAUJO Isidrolittle mistakes withg the brakes
1Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriHi all
1Hungary BIRO Zoltanhi all! many mistakes, should have done better, but had no time to test.
1Germany BRUHY Frankhi all CC fans
1Polsko Damian SkupieńHello everyone. Crash +10sek
1Španělsko Daniel AreosaHi all Estevez afloja un pouquinho ;
1Germany DARNEDDE ViktorA big HELLO to all!
1Germany DECKER MaxHi, no testing at all with the car, last time I drove it was 1st round of CC ... Time seems to be quite good though, despite a small crash in the first corner
1Belgium DELFOSSE Maximenice stage
1Germany DEMUTH MathiasHi all
1Germany DG301Hallo allesamt und viel Spass, erste WP gut ueberstanden :D
1Finsko ERIKSSON Kimon first split i somehow lost the rear and slid into spectators. 30 sec reset there
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all.
1Germany FlintEastwoodViel zu langsam um die Haarnadeln
1Polsko HAZUKA ArturHi all
1Česká republika hebbihi all
1Japan Hirozukahello....ok
1HOHMANN Dieterhallo an alle - darf als \42testfahrer\42 ran ;-)
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Germany KATHOL Lukasgood
1Španělsko LASTRA Davidok
1Finsko LOTJONEN RoniHello
1Germany Maier.Maximilianhallo,
1Germany Marcel ZardaHi there, rent a special car for special rally like monte
1Španělsko Miguel Lopezhi
1Velká Británie MORGAN Owensteady safe start without recce or practice
1Japan MORISHITA Asamii was able to drive on ss1 without any problems.
1Slovensko MYDLIAR Jozefhi
1Austria PAMMER HaraldHi
1Velká Británie PETTET JordanOk start.
1PMS Rally TeamHi to all teams, bad feeling & timetable say it too ;-) , equal we want a bit of fun round of Monaco ...
1Finsko PUHAKKA Ossian7 seconds off PB without any real mistakes... strange.
1Finsko PYNNONEN VilleOk start
1Germany RITTER ReneHi all great time from Mathias! ;-)
1Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrHi all! GL!
1Germany SALOMO MarcoHi. I didnt get one curve and must drive reverse.
1Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stzdravim
1Germany skoda130rsdollackHallo , einmal abgewuergt und dieverse andere HN nicht optimal bekommen allen noch folgenden Teams viel Spass
1Velká Británie SMITH TonyNo time to prepare so happy just to have a clean run
1Španělsko SOBERON AlexHi all
1Germany ThunderaceHi, der Anfang ist gemacht.
1Česká republika TOMECEK Josefcau
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi Old Tom Team
1Španělsko TORRES RogerHola
1Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboHi all
1Germany WAGNER RolandAuf ein Neues...Hi all and Good Luck.
1Germany Woifehhi all. Not such a good start, especially the hairpins were a nightmare. One spin
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all
1Greece YANOLIDIS Jannishi all ...little mistakes but ok

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

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1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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