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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

RBRPro - ERC - Azores Rally 2020
6.4.2020 23:59 - 13.4.2020 23:59
RZ/SS 6 - Kormoran I
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): H/B
povrch běžný a suchý, dobré podmínky, odpoledne, mlhavo, oblačno
10.3 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 6DalšíPo RZ 6

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Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
15Španělsko BENITEZ echedeitoo many outs .today lost concentration. bad day for me in general. see you next rallye
15Velká Británie bumpkinNo front brakes made for some scary corner entries!
15Španělsko CHAVEZ FranciscoAcabado, bien.
15Greece DALIANIS Georgeno dramas in the last stage. Very bad performance in the second legg. Generaly i m pleased that i finished the rally without big problems but i dodnt feel ok with my overall performance. This is rally and i enjoy it every moment!!!
15Italy DIVINCENZO PieroPer un errore nella penultima ps, mi e costata la rottura del differenziale posteriore e il cofano che rimaneva aperto.. e niente nell ultima ps abbiamo usato l astuzia XD ahahahah contento cm q del mio piazzamento generale, rally abbastanza difficile ed impegnativo, bella raga alla prossima ;)
15Španělsko FLORES RicardoHa sido mi primera vez, he disfrutado como un enano. Para mi ha sido dificil pero a la vez muy divertido
15USA FOMIN GermannGarbage result... But I finished at least.
15Italy friulMTlungo 2 volte
15Greece GAVALAS HarisNice race!!!
15Italy Gigi_Monticellii give all! ok i am fine
15Russian Federation gresFine race! I\'m happy to finish and save my car.
15Finsko Jani89bad and very safe. rally was ok
15Greece KAPETANEAS PanagiotisI just Touch a tree and my car get serius damage...
15Latvia KORBERGS HorensOkay, second day was without any mistake, just maybe not really confidient... safe driving, but overal I gain time on leaders, sadly 2day was horrible
15Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosslowly slowly and safe finish
15Brazil KRUGER Bruno=D
15Australia Left Foot BrakeHopefully, my time will be reviewed - I don\'t think I deserved the 10 minute penalty as I finished all the stages - I think I should be a lot further up the leaderboard as I had a clean rally.
15Portugalsko LEOTE PauloNo major issues except for slowness
15Greece louvros10Very slippery. Had a few mishaps. Really challenging grip.
15Greece MALLIS Georgevery bad conditions! Mega drift! Good luck all!
15MARTIN HeribertoHola rally muy bonito y muy complicado un plaser acabarlo GRACIAS
15Španělsko MARZOA Juanok
15Italy MORICONI NicolaNon come volevo !!!
15USA MURPHY Jasonsolid stage. Good rally except for one mistake on Nokier first time through which led to retirement...
15Velká Británie nigelw-ogdenjust cannot get the pace last stage was again killer , was like doing sweden on tarmac tyres no grip had to back off did not enjoy that
15Greece OICHALIOTIS AristosFinish !!!
15Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.Too slow... I hope the times in Greenhills (ss4, ss7) will be corrected...Thanks!
15Španělsko RIVAS DiegoRompi los diferenciales en una horquilla del anterior tramo. Como odio estas putas mierdas. De ir conservando y a tomar por culo todo...
15Barbados RonideAwesome rally had me on the edge. 2nd leg was terrible but this leg was awesome. thanks to all the creators and organisers
15Italy simo.cioffibel rally molto difficile
15Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVgood debut... having no experience in the wet really hurt me at the end... now all i have to do is hope that everyone else retires at Nokier and i get good points :D
15Netherlands Sven Deutschmannshame i lost alot of time in leg 2 but very good rally. very well driving from all! congrats to whoever finishes at the podium :)
15Finsko Teemu MyllykangasSmall mistakes and one spin. Happy with my 3rd leg result, hopefully can beat the others. Thank you for the rally
15Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesDNF...
15Italy TheBlackBeastno grip!!
15Finsko Tomppelixwell. at least got into finish.
15Španělsko VERA Oscarsitoque alivio...
15Finsko WolfsmindReally hard stage. Couple nasty places here and there, but pretty ok stage. I didn\'t take risks at all. Good luck!
15Australia W_Darwin2 retires = failed
14Italy BARICALLA Andrea1 call of help, slide out
14Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiim out
14Greece DALIANIS Georgeok i overdid it...too slow
14USA FOMIN GermannDRIVESHAFT AGAIN! What the hell??? Literally just touched a tree stump...
14Italy friulMTok
14Greece GAVALAS HarisNo dramas!!!
14Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEfuck oculus
14Finsko Jani89ok
14Latvia KORBERGS HorensI never thought I could win stage in class
14Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosslowly slowly
14Australia Left Foot BrakeCar is driving like a drunken crab
14Greece louvros10Very slippery.
14Greece MALLIS Georgesome mistakes
14Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosvery carefukky and slowly, like a bus driver
14Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.The car doesnt turn xd
14Španělsko RIVAS DiegoPuto tramo de mierda
14Barbados Ronideveryy verry slippery
14Italy simo.cioffiottimo
14Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVwrong tires :)
14Netherlands Sven Deutschmannmwa,keeping it togheter. not my best effort
14Finsko Teemu Myllykangasno mistakes, one to go
14Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesNeeded to call for help...
14Finsko Tomppelixwell. i hope to get safely to last stage end.
14Latvia USVILS Kristapsfelt good
13Italy BARICALLA Andreago ahead in the hairpin before the finish
13Španělsko BENITEZ echedeistop engine
13Greece DALIANIS Georgeslow and safe
13USA FOMIN GermannKeep flying off at the last hairpin...
13Italy friulMTok
13Greece GAVALAS HarisNo problems!!
13Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEfuck pc problem whit oculus
13Finsko Jani89ok
13Greece KAPETANEAS PanagiotisThe stage must be canceled I hit two(2) spectators...
13Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosclean
13Brazil KRUGER Brunomuito dificil
13Australia Left Foot BrakeStupid bump broke my suspension
13Greece louvros10Quite slippery.
13Greece MALLIS Georgeok
13Italy MORICONI NicolaMa Daiiiiiiiiii !!!
13USA MURPHY Jasongreat stage.
13Velká Británie nigelw-ogdenno grip on wet tyres like been on ice
13Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosgood
13Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.a bit slow
13Italy POZZI ManuelPubblico sempre in mezzo ai...
13Barbados Ronidevery slippy gonna be very cautious in the others
13Italy simo.cioffinote chiamate a cavolo...non e\' possibile...dice una dx6 e invece e\' una dx1...
13Netherlands Sven Deutschmannto safe but okay
13Finsko Teemu Myllykangasso far so good
13Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesNext
13Latvia USVILS Kristapstwo spins in last split :(
13Latvia VIZULIS UldisSmoke is coming from my radiator..i hope we can finish Noiker with this car.
12Greece DALIANIS Georgevery bad first loop...just looking to the finish nothing more
12USA FOMIN GermannDecent first leg. Many minor mistakes
12Italy friulMTok
12Greece GAVALAS HarisSideways everyware!!! Yeah!!!
12Italy Gigi_Monticelliok
12Finsko Jani89ok
12Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosclean
12Polsko KOWAL MiroslawGrandma in action :)
12Australia Left Foot BrakeLost a lot of time on the 2nd lap
12Greece louvros10Nice and easy.
12Greece MALLIS Georgenot good
12Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosok clear
12Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.Keep going just for fun, stupid mistake in noiker.
12Barbados Ronidenice first half very happy
12Italy simo.cioffima possibile che in mezzo la pizza dietro i cartelloni ci siano i piloni di cemento...mah va beh
12Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVgood thing the stage is right before service. oh my god i\'m such an idiot!
12Netherlands Sven Deutschmanngood
12Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok
12Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesSIGA
12Latvia USVILS Kristapsspin
12Španělsko VERA Oscarsitotengo miedo jaja
11Italy BARICALLA Andrea1 request of help
11Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiostion de los grandes. la verdad no tenia hoy la cabeza como para correr en esto. lo siento equipo
11Greece DALIANIS Georgevery bad time for me here again....had a spin and lost more than 10\42....
11Italy friulMTok
11Greece GAVALAS HarisNice stage!
11Italy Gigi_Monticelliok
11Finsko Jani89ok
11Greece KAPETANEAS Panagiotis\42lost\42 the pacenote and \42find\42 the tree
11Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaossmall mistakes but ok
11Australia Left Foot BrakeI don\'t think you can go 20 seconds faster than that without literally knowing every cm of the stage and practicing a lot before the rally.
11Greece louvros10Nice and easy.
11Greece MALLIS Georgenice and clean
11Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristoscarefully
11Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.I dont know what happened
11Španělsko RIVAS Diegook
11Barbados Ronideoh boy that was a tricky one but i made it to the end
11Italy simo.cioffibuona questa buona
11Netherlands Sven Deutschmannokay
11Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok, few little mistakes but happy so far
11Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesOff on the first jump...
11Finsko Tomppelixi hit a tree with side of car..
11Latvia USVILS Kristapspushed on this one, made two mistakes, but good time i think
11Španělsko VERA Oscarsitovoy acojonado no.. lo siguiente
10Španělsko BENITEZ echedeinot too faster but ok
10Greece DALIANIS Georgebad time for me
10Italy friulMTok
10Greece GAVALAS HarisNo problems!
10Italy Geppettohi
10Italy Gigi_Monticellinot good
10Finsko Jani89ok
10Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosclean
10Španělsko LAMAS Cristianatropello
10Australia Left Foot BrakeThink I am under-geared...
10Greece louvros10Nice, slow and carefully.
10Greece MALLIS Georgesafe
10Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosvery carefuly
10Barbados Ronidenice stage i had a good rhythm
10Španělsko Serrano Adripor un fallo tonto tuve un accidente lastima era mi primer rally
10Italy simo.cioffimah...poteva andar meglio...rimasto impiglianto in un ramo in una sx1
10Netherlands Sven Deutschmannway to safe
10Finsko Teemu Myllykangasno mistakes
10Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesDNF
10Finsko Tomppelixok run
10Latvia USVILS Kristapsbig mistake in first split
10Finsko WolfsmindOne of my favourite stage
9Španělsko BENITEZ echedeistart too cold, but objetive near
9Greece DALIANIS Georgenot good
9Italy friulMTok
9Greece GAVALAS Harisa bit slow!!
9Italy Geppettohi
9Italy Gigi_Monticelliok
9Finsko Jani89ok
9Greece KAPETANEAS PanagiotisVery nervous ...
9Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaossafe clean
9Australia Left Foot BrakeA bit slow
9Greece louvros10Missed a hairpin and lost about 5 sec.
9Greece MALLIS Georgesafe
9Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
9USA MURPHY Jasondamaged radiator on puddle...
9Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosok safe
9Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeA big bump compression and downhill
9Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.beautiful stage.
9Italy POZZI ManuelRICORDA: un paletto e\' + robusto di una pianta!!! TEMPERATURA ACQUA BOLLENTE....
9Španělsko RIVAS Diegohello
9Barbados Ronidenice stage i was cautious
9Italy simo.cioffiil navigatore mi dettava note errate e sono uscito di pista con richiesta...grazie a tutti
9Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVkekW
9Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok start
9Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesDone
9Finsko Tomppelixok run but no chance to get good place anymore
9Velká Británie turbojaybad run
8Španělsko BENITEZ echedeidont like this type stage. not good day. next day max attach
8Velká Británie bumpkinWho put those tyres there??
8Španělsko CAIHUELAS Vicencvoy i me estampo sere tonto
8Italy Carlo IOVINOok
8Španělsko CHAVEZ FranciscoOk
8Italy CICCIO Pazzook
8Greece DALIANIS Georgesecond legg finish without big dramas. could i do better? sure but i am ok. its my first time with this car...
8Italy DIVINCENZO PieroTenerla con la ruota sinistra storta e stata un impresa nelle ultime due ps... e vabbe, sono riuscito ad arrivare pero XD anzi ahhahaa
8Italy friulMTna merda tutto quanto
8Italy Gigi_Monticellihi all
8Russian Federation gresNot bad day. Several mistakes but not critical.
8Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEno good this leg for mi...very mistakes.
8Finsko Jani89ok
8Greece KAPETANEAS PanagiotisThanks once again to RPRPRO boys foe giving us this great
8Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosalmost clean
8Brazil KRUGER Brunoslick
8Australia Left Foot BrakeSadface =(
8Portugalsko LEOTE PauloTwo times off road but no serious damage except for windshield
8Greece louvros10Annoying SSS with no grip and tires in the middle that you stuck for no reason.
8Greece MALLIS Georgeok
8Španělsko MARZOA Juanok
8Italy MORICONI NicolaBuona !!!
8USA MURPHY JasonVery good run through SS8 and Leg 2 for me. Happy with that.
8Velká Británie nigelw-ogdenmade it better second loop
8Greece OICHALIOTIS AristosEnd of 1 leg without damages, so ok
8Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeNot my best driving today. One roll in Kormoran. See you.
8Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.slow.
8Španělsko RIVAS DiegoBueno chavalada. Este dia lo voy recordar por aos. De tener el rally medianamente controlado voy yo con mis santos cojones y me mando un croceta y para rematar la faena ir a contra tramo. Ya se me hacia raro de cojones que no me cantara el copi las notas...... EPIC RALLY FAIL!!!
8Barbados Ronidetoo many mistakes too many crashes
8Italy simo.cioffipurtroppo ho dovuto fare una richiesta,la macchina e\' rimasta bloccata tra le ruote che delimitavano il tracciato :( deluso,mi sono giocato la gara cosi\'
8Španělsko SOUT0 DiegoGood day, good luck rest of teammates
8Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVgg
8Netherlands Sven Deutschmannto tight driving and to many mistakes. was a rugh week and not fit. lost more then a minut in the stages :)
8Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok, i need to push more in 3rd leg
8Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesStuck on a right corner, lost 10 seconds there...
8Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboVery bad driving today. Best of luck
8Latvia USVILS Kristapsangry on myself :(
8Latvia VIZULIS Uldisi like this stage, but with damp surface it was kinda annoying. Overall, good second day. Lost some time, but not so much.
8Australia W_Darwinstarted slow then 1 big mistake..
8Japan YUKI MikanThanks ALL!! Thanks Organizer!! Take Care your health !!
7Španělsko BENITEZ echedeifeel different grip
7Greece DALIANIS Georgesome mistakes cost me time here...
7USA FOMIN GermannGOD DAMN IT! Caught a tree right after stage finish
7Italy GeppettoNO
7Finsko Jani89ok
7Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosalmost clean
7Brazil KRUGER Brunonot bad
7Australia Left Foot BrakeFuck it - Greenhills is broken for me.. I got another DNF and I couldn\'t tell you why. The car is in almost perfect shape.
7Greece louvros10Damage steering. 2 mistakes cost some lost sec.
7Greece MALLIS Georgeok
7Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosgood
7Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.DNF again... I will send my replays. Big save at the end of the stage.
7Španělsko RIVAS DiegoMe voy partiendo el culo de risa yo solo en todo el tramo de la cagada surealista de tramo anterior....ajajajajaja, Menudo retrasado soy
7Italy simo.cioffibuona questa davvero buona :D
7Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVok
7Netherlands Sven Deutschmannshame on me, totally lost it. false start and trying to make up for it cost me 2 spins :(
7Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok
7Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesNot possible a small tree would damage so much the car... look like hiting on a wall... the second left 1 on the inside...
7Finsko Tomppelixfuckin tree jumped on the road
7Latvia USVILS Kristaps..........
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedeigood time
6Greece DALIANIS Georgethank God!!! the car was ok. that was a good time for me here just a few mistakes.
6Italy DIVINCENZO Pieroora io dico... ma si puo essere cosi bestia?.. sbattere nell ultima curva a fine ps!?
6USA FOMIN Germannsnapped the driveshaft :(
6Italy GeppettoOK
6Finsko Jani89bad time
6Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaossafe clean
6Brazil KRUGER Brunook
6Australia Left Foot BrakeJust keeping it middle of the road... no idea where I am in the standings... or where I would be if I had not got a mystery DNF penalty.
6Greece louvros10A mistake lead to another one and lost about 10 sec and picked up some damage.
6Greece MALLIS Georgesome mistakes
6Španělsko Mendez Manuok
6Italy MORICONI NicolaMaledetto salto!!!
6USA MURPHY Jasongood run.
6Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristossame driving but better time!
6Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.almost 15 sec lost because of a bump and a rock.
6Finsko PAANANEN Jerenow mechanic can fix my car to next day
6Italy Pulighe Francescocrash spinx3
6Španělsko RIVAS DiegoAcabo de hacer la mayor estupidez desde que juego al rbr..... Hice una croqueta y se me puso en sentido contrario a tramo. empece a correr otra vez si darme cuenta que iba al reves..... EPIC FAIL!!! Lo que hacen los putos nervios
6Italy simo.cioffiqualche errorino :P
6Netherlands Sven Deutschmannmuch better :)
6Finsko Teemu Myllykangasstupid mistakes
6Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesThis amazing stage made me remind of Rally Serras de Fafe!!!
6Italy TheBlackBeasttwo very very ugly accident :\'(
6Finsko Tomppelixfooook
6Latvia USVILS Kristaps....
6Latvia VIZULIS UldisI had to use reverse so lost about 7-10sec in that accident..
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeinot bad
5Greece dachre33i had a mistake in the start, but i am still in race..
5Greece DALIANIS Georgein yhe last split the F@@@ing phone started to ring , i couldent hear the co driver lost consetration and hit the car twice....lets see in the next what damage the car has.....
5USA FOMIN Germannkissed a tree right before the finish. Everything else seems fine
5Italy Gigi_Monticellisome mistakes
5Finsko Jani89hit tree. car broke. lose time
5Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosclean
5Australia Left Foot BrakeYeah....
5Greece louvros10Easy and uneventful.
5Španělsko Mendez Manuok
5USA MURPHY Jasonnice run.
5Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosok
5Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.better than first run...?
5Finsko PAANANEN Jereno idea what happened there... my rally is over
5Španělsko RIVAS Diegook
5Italy simo.cioffistavo andando benissimo,sono rimasto inpantanato in una sx2 :( peccato
5Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVbetter than the first run :>)
5Netherlands Sven Deutschmannmwa but ok
5Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok
5Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesOff on a tight right 3...
5Latvia USVILS Kristapsok
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiimpossible more faster, car in very bad conditions
4Španělsko CAIHUELAS Vicencaguantando el tipo pero msin ariesgar
4Greece DALIANIS Georgeok first loop safe
4USA FOMIN GermannSmall mistake, big consequences. Rolled over, but had a good stage otherwise
4Greece GAVALAS Harisfalse start!!!
4Italy GeppettoNO
4Italy Gigi_Monticelliok
4Finsko Jani89one big mistake but ok
4Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosclean
4Australia Left Foot BrakeLook - I keep getting given DNF when I clearly haven\'t cut the track or crashed... this is the like, the fourth rally in a row. I will post the replay online this time.
4Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhomy shifter is broken, I try to downshift and sometimes it upshifts 2 gears. >:(
4Greece louvros10Made a couple of mistakes and lost focus and about 15 sec.
4Greece MALLIS Georgeok
4Velká Británie nigelw-ogdennot to bad with damaged steering
4Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosa little fasrer
4Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.DNF? no crushed, no rolled, What happened?
4Finsko PAANANEN Jerepretty ok
4Italy POZZI ManuelMaaaa vaffanc**o!! Si spegne pure la macchina per colpa della temperatura troppo alta..
4Španělsko RIVAS Diegomistake
4Italy simo.cioffiprendiamo confidenza col mezzo :D
4Bulgaria Stilyan UZUNOVfrick
4Netherlands Sven Deutschmannto safe but ok
4Finsko Teemu Myllykangasone spin..
4Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesClea stage, need to improve the pacenotes! :D
4Finsko Tomppelixhad to drive with broken suspension..
4Velká Británie turbojayok
4Latvia USVILS Kristapsone off - lost 4-5sec
4Lithuania Vytas Visciuscrash :(
3ALFALFA Palburroreventao
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeibig crash, lost one door, 3 spins
3Greece dachre33safe run ..
3Greece DALIANIS Georgeok fast without any risk
3Italy DIVINCENZO Pieroerrori da bestia proprio -.-
3Norsko Eirik Husabofell off
3USA FOMIN GermannA bit too cautious, but that\'s not a bad thing
3Italy friulMTdanni
3Greece GAVALAS Harislot of mistakes!
3Italy GeppettoMMMM
3Croatia Ian Loncarwhy ios it night time?
3Finsko Jani89very bad
3Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaossafe through. only a half spin
3Brazil KRUGER Brunotwo mistakes
3Australia Left Foot BrakeI just wanted to make it to the end with the car intact.
3Greece louvros10Taking it nice and easy.
3Greece MALLIS Georgevery bad stage
3Španělsko MARZOA Juanvery safe
3USA MURPHY Jasongood pace for me.
3Velká Británie nigelw-ogdenpoor agian two big crashes broke steering after about one mile in, canno see me getting much further
3Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosok safe
3Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeRolled
3Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.5sec lost in first split.
3Finsko PAANANEN Jeresafe.
3Španělsko RIVAS Diegobad feeling
3Barbados Ronidemade 2 mistakes car over heated and shut down couple kilometers from stage end
3Russian Federation SIDOROV PavelDidnt notice the rock inside the corner, luckily didnt retire
3Italy simo.cioffipeccato eccerci girati in un fosso dopo 3 km...non molliamo forza MMRT
3Netherlands Sven Deutschmanncostly mistake in the start, barrelroll.
3Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok
3Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesFirst time on this stage, AMAZING!!! :)
3Finsko Tomppelixbad
3Velká Británie turbojayok
3Latvia USVILS Kristapsi dont know this stage. c4h and few offs
3Latvia VIZULIS Uldisok
2Greece Antonis Paparinopoulosresstart pls
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeisome outs (awita nene)
2Polsko BROSZ Kacperslow
2Španělsko CAIHUELAS Vicenchi all
2Italy Carlo IOVINOslow
2Greece dachre33safe run ..
2Greece DALIANIS Georgetoo safe
2Norsko Eirik Husaboto slow
2USA FOMIN GermannHit something right off the start and now something is deffinitely broken. Plus one spin
2Greece GAVALAS Haristoo much understeer!!!
2Italy GeppettoNO
2Italy Gigi_Monticellinot so bad
2Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEhello
2USA HANCOCK genethe grapgics are fantastic from what the used to be!
2Croatia Ian Loncarahhh
2Finsko Jani89ok but too safe
2Švédkso Kevin.Lindstromok
2Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosalmost clean
2Australia Left Foot BrakeHard to compete against lockdown drivers who obviously have practiced the stage 50000 times....
2Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhowatching split times too long and next corner i crashed out
2Greece louvros10Had a slip in the end of the stage that cost me more than 10 sec.
2Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
2USA MURPHY Jasonsolid run.
2Velká Británie nigelw-ogdenso many mistakes ringer asked me did i want him to drivwe went off 4 times
2Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosto safe
2Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeMany mistakes
2Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.not the best run, but safe at least.
2Finsko PAANANEN Jerenot good at all..
2Velká Británie PETTET Jordannot my best, not my wrost
2Španělsko RIVAS Diegohello people
2Barbados Ronidecautious approoach
2Italy simo.cioffiBuona prova,cerco di guidare pulito e portarla fino alla fine avendo un ritmo costante
2Španělsko SOUT0 Diegoalo!
2Netherlands Sven Deutschmanngood start, goodluck all :)
2Finsko Teemu Myllykangasok, no mistakes
2Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesOff road a couple of times...
2Finsko Tomppelixnot good
2Velká Británie turbojaynot bad
2Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboA bit cautious
2Latvia USVILS KristapsHi. ok start, some small mistakes, but nothing serious
2Polsko UZDOWSKI FilipNo words...
1ALFALFA Palburrofuck legos
1Italy BATTEZZATI Albertosafe
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all
1Polsko BROSZ Kacperslow
1Velká Británie bumpkinSteady start.
1Španělsko CAIHUELAS VicencOk
1Italy Carlo IOVINOok
1Španělsko CHAVEZ FranciscoHi all....
1Greece dachre33so slippery..
1Greece DALIANIS Georgebad time
1Velká Británie EDWARDS Kevinwow 1 stage in a leg, the mind boggles
1Norsko Eirik HusaboOK
1Španělsko ESCUDERO Danielcircuitazo epico, the best stage ever (kidding)
1USA FOMIN GermannNot bad
1Italy friulMTok
1Greece GAVALAS HarisNothing Serious! The leader time on R4 is from outer space!
1Italy Geppettops1 bella, pian piano si impara
1Greece GERARDIS Manosproper start. hoping for a good rally
1Italy Gigi_Monticellihi
1Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEhello gays.
1USA HANCOCK geneNice Start
1Croatia Ian LoncarGood one!
1Finsko Jani89mistake. but ok
1Greece KAPETANEAS PanagiotisIT CANT BE TRUE...WRONG class choise again
1Greece KOTSEKIDIS Nikolaosclean
1Australia Left Foot BrakeI didn\'t go totally spastic - maybe I should have...
1Greece louvros10I can go a bit faster...Great SSS!
1Colombia MAKANDE JuanitoPoquito a poco,soy nuevo en el plugin.
1Greece MALLIS GeorgeOK
1Germany MarjuReally good run. Happy so far
1Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
1Italy MORICONI NicolaGo !!!
1Greece OICHALIOTIS Aristosa little nervous at the first stage, to slow but ok
1Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeHello
1Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.I missed this car.
1Finsko PAANANEN Jereok
1Velká Británie PETTET JordanNot my best run but not crashes or any huge mistakes. Looking forward to the rest of the rally! Viva RBRPro!
1Italy Pulighe Francescogood luck
1Španělsko RIVAS Diegohi all
1Barbados Ronidegood stage nice and fast
1Russian Federation SIDOROV PavelMistakes
1Italy simo.cioffiOttimo esordio :) forza MMRT
1Španělsko SOUT0 DiegoHi all
1Netherlands Sven Deutschmannnice start, but 3sec slower as practice
1Portugalsko Teixeira MoisesClean one, but used 6 more seconds to complete compared to my best...
1Italy TheBlackBeastHo sbagliato pure auto, bene!
1Finsko Tomppelixwell. i am really happy with my time. just cannot reach the aliens lol
1Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboHi all
1Latvia USVILS Kristapsoff in second split
1Polsko UZDOWSKI FilipHi everyone! First start in RBRPro, I will drive ony for fun, but we want to reach the finish and learn as much, as possible. I hope that good old Fiesta will manage to the end! Have fun everyone, and go as fast as you can :)
1Latvia VIZULIS UldisHello! First time with this car. Good luck everyone.

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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