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RETRO e-LARC - Rally Visaginas
1st event of special series dedicated for the Lithuanian rally history ALL INFO / REGISTRATION / FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM / YOUTUBE
25.1.2021 0:00 - 31.1.2021 22:59
RZ/SS 9 - SS9
Results for class (group): H/4
surface new and dry, good weather, morning, crisp, clear
7.6 km
All / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
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SSNameDrivers comments
11Finland AKERFELT PatrikGood rally for me. One mistake that cost me 10s, but overall good run. Thanks for the rally!
11Argentina ALENKA SebastianUn rally super dificil, cometimos algunos errores pero fue muy duro. Nos vemos en la proxima fecha
11Spain ALMENA Josevery fun, thanks.
11Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasNervous stage this time... Dissapointed about my performance on some stages, but today we had and little bit positive signs. Let\'s what we can do with setup until OLD Rally Sweden.
11Hungary BAKAI Peterunfortunate for the one CFH stage 10 but I am happy I survived!
11Poland Damian SkupieńDestroyed suspension. A lot of crash in this round. Thanks!
11Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciusthanks, a lot of mistakes
11Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankusguldem spidaka pagavo pusni, sovem i medi. Aciu uz smagu raliuka
11Portugal ESTEVEZ OscarRally finished,which was the objetive,the Scandinavian stage are very bad for me,I`m not able to go fast here- All rally in default,see you next rally. Thanks for the championship.
11Lithuania GYLYS ArunasAhh, hit a snow bank in the first split and badly damaged rear susp. Car turned a lot to the left, lost lots of time. Anyway, nice event with beauty stages. Thanks Organizers for such an events. Need more pratice with that car. See you soon
11Sweden ISRAELS WilliamPushed all I had, couldnt do anything more. It just feels so bad when you lose all possibilitys to get a good result by some shitty technical issue.
11Poland KAJZAR Slawomirthx. good job Janek
11Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasNa daug prarasta laiko, du atsigulimai ant sono. Vienas kainavo daug, kitas maziau. Na esame finise, tas jau yra gerai :DNenusisikes ralis manau man, matysim kaip toliau bus, daugiau tesyu, yra variantu ir kitu wrc automobiliu isbandyti. Viso ;)
11Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyryltrying too hard and wreck car from the begining.. Good Jon Enzo! Good fight!
11Finland Konttinen Ismoquite solid rally for me, thanks.
11Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasSmagi publika susirinkusi. Atrodo leki ant ribos o iki ju kaip iki menulio. Siaip pralekiau be klaidu, gerindamas asmeninius laikus. Dekui.
11Slovakia KUNDLAK JanOK, last section was good for me. I lost about 15-20 sec in rally. Ok, i am in finish. Thank for good race.
11Russian Federation Larionov SergeyThanks!
11Ukraine LEBED NazariyThanks!
11Finland Lehtoranta Villethanks for the rally!
11Latvia LICIS AtisNice rally. Thanks. Not my best drive, but not my worst. Only some minor mistakes, nothing specia;
11Spain LOPEZ GartzenComplete disaster, all the rally with a lot of damage unable to drive confortably. I was trying to finish and I went off in the last stage...
11Finland MAKINEN TommiWell, pretty good and clean race for me, some stages i was pushing more. Let\'s see how this enough :) Let\'s improving more. good luck for all and thanks for rally! Go FiSu!
11Poland MALBORSKI FilipHorrible rally for me. idk how can i be so bad hopefully a better event next time.
11Finland MARTIKAINEN Riku1 cfh and 1 bad mistake which almost ended our rally. at least crossed finish line. i\'m happy if i get some points. thanks.
11Spain MARZOA Juanincreible
11Spain Miguel Lopezsame corner... roll. nice rally thx
11Russian Federation NAZAROV SergeySpin and broke suspensions at the middle of the stage. Fight with a car after that. Some time lost, but finished. Good race, a lot of fun! Thanks!
11Finland NIEMELA Jyrkiperfect rally. no mistakes. thanks!
11Czech Republic NOVOSAD RostislavDik za pekny turnaj
11Croatia PECMAN Edinthanks. lucky other driver. :)
11United Kingdom PETTET JordanHappy to have finished, not the best run from me. lots of flukes and lucky saves. Hope to neaten up on the next rally, find a bit more pace and comfort w/ the car especially on loose surfaces.
11Finland PUTKINEN Rikui tried to push in the last one. lost maybe 30sec to my mistakes but in overall a good rally. thanks!
11Czech Republic REZNICEK Milanthx
11Argentina SAGRERAA Enzocumplimos !! gracias por el rally muy divertido . nos vemos en la proxima
11Germany SALOMO MarcoThx! Good tournament
11Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOk, could be better, but also could be much worse. Lessons learned and Thank You.
11United States TITUS Samdespite so much damage, car still felt pretty good for final stages
11Spain ULIBARRENA JacoboAt least I finished. Hard rally, nice experience. Thanks
11Latvia USVILS Kristapsah, last two stages of the rally were bad, lost around 40seconds. Till that really enjoyed rally with this car, thanks! :)
11Estonia VAHER Jasparwhoooo :%) in the end for the first time, unfortunately lost so much time because of that last error and roll
11Lithuania VAI Tomyjusfinito. aciu organizatoriams, buvo puiki proga prisiminti kaip reik vaziouti su 4wd. Winter rally wtf.
11Poland WORONECKI MirekThanks :)
11Poland ZAWISZA Maciejthx
10Finland AKERFELT PatrikOne small mistake, otherwise ok.
10Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasGuys are really pushing hard here. Some mistakes, but overall okay-ish run for me.
10Hungary BAKAI Peterohhh... I tipped and slid on my side into a tree.... major F
10Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankusejosi labai gerai, bet sovem salto
10Poland FELIKSIK Kubacrash
10Lithuania GYLYS ArunasGood run
10Sweden ISRAELS WilliamI somehow go 10 sec penalty for someting I dont know why but yes. Next stage will be max attack, all or nothing.
10Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylhard fight with Enzo ^_^
10Finland Konttinen Ismoi hope i can keep focus to the end, no need to push more
10Slovakia KUNDLAK JanOK,no mistakes
10Latvia LICIS AtisThis was enjoyable. Damage to rear left damper
10Spain MARZOA Juanout
10Spain Miguel Lopezspin
10United Kingdom PETTET JordanSmooth-ish, kinda, maybe, sorta, not really.
10Latvia USVILS Kristapsah, the worst stage so far. half spin and offroad, lost close to 10sec
10Estonia VAHER Jasparon half stage I clipped a snowbank and went into snow, came back but wheels are broken and terrible to drive, dont know if im going to make it, have to drive really slowly
9Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignas2 stages left. Lets see if we are able to do something.
9Hungary BAKAI Peterok
9Sweden BERG LiamOff 1 time and no rythym not good stage
9Argentina BERNARDINI RobertoOnly turns to left. Oval setup
9Portugal ESTEVEZ OscarGood fedeling here.
9Lithuania GYLYS ArunasNot good, lots of offs. Damage still not repaired, as so short serice time
9Sweden ISRAELS WilliamShit stage, shit rally, shit everything....
9Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylhard one
9Finland Konttinen Ismovery careful but quite clean run
9Slovakia KUNDLAK Jani drive this stage first in my life...really bad, big crash and car is in not good condition..
9Ukraine LEBED NazariyNice SS
9Latvia LICIS Atisbig off in 1st split.slowed down after that, still got some damage
9Finland LIIMATAINEN Juhomy brake pedal stopped working so I had to retire.
9Finland MAKINEN Tommisafe, in this stage want push more than can.. grip is not that good
9United States MARTINA Dominico nooo understeered into a couple trees on a fast 5 right, so sad. fun rally anyway:D hopefully can get to the finish in the next one
9Spain MARZOA Juancrash..., no all repair
9United Kingdom PETTET JordanSloppy again, need to neaten up
9Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusThat didint go well at all
9United States TITUS Samred screen, rollover, awful stage :x
9Latvia USVILS Kristapspacenotes on this one are way too optimistic, after first mistake took it very carefully
9Poland ZAWISZA Maciejcrash
8Finland AKERFELT PatrikDamage from previous stage and spun into snowbank, had to reverse.
8Argentina ALENKA Sebastianok
8Portugal ARAUJO Isidrorolled
8Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSomething hit in snowbank and damaged rear right wheel really bad. Also had spin. Just wanted to reach service zone.
8Hungary BAKAI Petermessed up, took damage
8Sweden BERG LiamQuite okay no risks
8Argentina BERNARDINI RobertoToda la direccion roto desde hace tres tramos y seguira asi
8Poland Damian SkupieńRolled...
8Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankus3 spinai... sugaisom daug laiko kol sugryzom i trasa.
8Portugal ESTEVEZ OscarSpin
8Poland FELIKSIK Kubaznowu spiin
8Lithuania GYLYS ArunasRolled :( so lucky got back on the wheels. Fixed some damage but not all
8Sweden ISRAELS WilliamWent for the stage win and that resulted in a off which made us lose 20 sec maybe.
8Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyryltwo hard offs
8Finland Konttinen Ismono drama so far
8Slovakia KUNDLAK JanNot good section for me, i not have pacenotes for that stage :(
8Finland LIIMATAINEN Juhoflipped again after jump.. wtf is going on, this never happened during testing.
8United States MARTINA Dominici think better than last run, feeling more confident for sure
8Spain Miguel Lopezspin
8United Kingdom PETTET JordanNot a whole bunch of confidence here.Just got to keep on keeping on i think
8Finland PUTKINEN Riku2 spins and got stuck
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIt\'s a big car. Somehow it is hard to adapt to it
8Estonia SIMSON Gabrielrolled twice
8Spain ULIBARRENA JacoboOk
8Latvia USVILS KristapsWR :) but ofcourse other guys behind will come faster, with setup shouldnt be a problem to beat my time
8Estonia VAHER Jasparrolled
8Lithuania VAI Tomyjus2 rolls + cfh....
7Argentina ALENKA SebastianOK
7Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasI\'m feel in love with snowbanks, probably :)
7Hungary BAKAI Peterok
7Sweden BERG LiamOkay, lost some time towards the end
7Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciusroll, c4h
7Poland FELIKSIK Kubaspiin
7Lithuania GYLYS ArunasBig moment, lucky not rolled
7Sweden ISRAELS WilliamKept it clean and didnt want to make any mistakes.
7Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylundrivable
7Finland Konttinen Ismotrying to focus and stay on the road
7Finland Lehtoranta Villeok run
7United States MARTINA Dominicdecent drive through here. lost a lot of confidence after my accident in ss6 that i\'ll have to gain back, but no incidents through here
7Croatia PECMAN Edinstupid mistake
7United Kingdom PETTET JordanSloppy
7Spain ULIBARRENA JacoboOk
7Latvia USVILS Kristapstwo mistakes, lost around 4sec
6Finland AKERFELT PatrikNot as clean run as the previous one.
6Argentina ALENKA SebastianSpin
6Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasDid mistake in the middle of stage. Otherwise was really good run.
6Hungary BAKAI Peterbetter, but still too careful
6Hungary BENKO Sandorhit a rock on the side of the road, engine off
6Sweden BERG LiamGood run no big mistakes but still clean and no risks
6Lithuania DEIVYDAS VaicikeviciusBarely brushed the bush, didn\'t even lost the control of the car. Starter was lost and the engine is gone... That\'s why I really hate the realistic mode of this game.. :(
6Lithuania GYLYS ArunasGood run
6Sweden ISRAELS WilliamShit mistake at around 3km in where the car oversteerd off the road and lost 45 sec...
6Estonia KANGUR Kevin:( Was going really good and i was having a lot of fun, but i braked a bit too late and ran into a rock.
6Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylshit stage
6Finland Konttinen Ismobit faster but more little mistakes
6Slovakia KUNDLAK Janyes, good run. I lost 5 sec on SS5
6Ukraine LEBED NazariyNice SS!
6Finland MAKINEN Tommismall mistakes, lovely stage but very tricky.
6United States MARTINA Dominicdamn, flew off into the trees breaking the car a bit and losing lots of time. thankfully able to repair all the important stuff but sucks losing the time here
6Lithuania MEDUNECKIS Mancikasvel klaidos automobilis gavo spugi desniu ratu, servisas atliktas tesiam
6United Kingdom PETTET JordanOk ish, lacking confidence in that braking zone on the straight. could defo stand to gain alot of time there.
6Estonia Rebase KevinWell
6Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOk, main things are repaired. Really struglled in those two runs
6Latvia TIKUMS Elmarssometimes wrong things happens :(
6Spain ULIBARRENA JacoboOk
6Latvia USVILS Kristapsnice stage! :) one small mistake, but ok
6Czech Republic VALIK Jiriexpected that
5Finland ALANKO Riku2 mistakes...
5Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHad really lucky moment. Lets hope for the better time.
5Hungary BAKAI Peteroff track twice, almost died
5Hungary BENKO Sandorbest rythm so far
5Sweden BERG LiamQuite okay, small off but otherwise good
5Lithuania GYLYS Arunasok
5Sweden ISRAELS WilliamPushed hard this time and the stage time looks good so far, lets see how it goes when more and more people go thru.
5Estonia KANGUR KevinSeemed alright. I like this stage, very fast and fun. :D
5Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylshit pacenotes and overshot a hairpin
5Finland Konttinen Ismofun stage
5Slovakia KUNDLAK Jannot good run, i lost any time and damaged the car
5Ukraine LEBED NazariyVery slow (((
5Finland Lehtoranta Villefun stage:)
5Latvia LICIS Atisinteresting stage
5Finland LIIMATAINEN Juhomade some setup changes in the service and now the car feels much better
5Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebanno risk and a pacenote change
5Spain MARTIN Kikepreciosa etapa!!
5United States MARTINA Dominichmm good run through here but a jump fucked up the radiator. i think i should make it to service...hopefully..
5Spain Miguel Lopezspin
5United Kingdom PETTET JordanOk, had a little moment with a snowbank on the downhill before the long straight.
5Lithuania RAKAUSKAS Tomasfck this keyboard. need steering wheel
5Estonia Rebase Kevinalot of mistakes, but atleast a working car now
5Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusNearly ended rally here. Team will have a lot of to do at next service
5United States TITUS Samvery big off with call for help
5Poland USS MaciekI\'m stupid...
5Latvia USVILS Kristapswow, first time on this stage, very nice stage! pacenotes were good, maybe except one place where I had moment, lost few seconds, but it was enjoyable!
5Estonia VAHER Jasparno point to push
5Lithuania VAICEKAVICIUS TomasClipped a rock with rear wheel at speed, spun and went straight into another rock. And that\'s it... season opener with a bang.
5Czech Republic VALA Stanislavnakopl me hrbol do stromu
4Finland AKERFELT PatrikDamn that was difficult one with damaged suspension. Lost couple seconds but made it through.
4Andersson VictorNo pacenotes. Swede style
4Hungary BAKAI Petergood
4Hungary BENKO Sandorok, small mistakes
4Sweden BERG LiamLost a lot off time bec my left rear was really bad
4Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankusvienas spin\'as, daugiau viskas ok, labai smagu
4Lithuania GYLYS ArunasDamage, no time to fix all :(
4Sweden ISRAELS WilliamAgain very nice stage, pushed a bit more this time but it looked like everyone else did that aswell.
4Estonia KALVIK HenriIt\' hard to get good time when you can\'t fix the car in service
4Estonia KANGUR KevinA little bit better.
4Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylnot bad
4Finland Konttinen Ismostupidly missed a note and had to reverse
4Slovakia KUNDLAK JanGood section for me, no risk, no spins
4Ukraine LEBED NazariyOk for me
4Latvia LICIS AtisLada still going strong. No problems
4Finland MAKINEN Tomminot so good
4Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebanbetter
4United States MARTINA Dominicjust so slow
4Lithuania MEDUNECKIS Mancikasbiski klaideliu, bandysim vaziuot greiciau
4Croatia PECMAN Edinok drive. :)
4United Kingdom PETTET JordanBit of a struggle, just trying to get the car back to service this stage.
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusYeah, there are some room for improvements. Both for car and me.
4Estonia SIMSON Gabrielgoodish
4Latvia USVILS Kristapsim not taking any risks, but again a bit better than on first pass, so ok :)
4Lithuania VAICEKAVICIUS TomasFalse start. After that tried to push out of frustration and that was a bad idea. Lost more time than I made.
4Poland WORONECKI Mirekspin
3Finland AKERFELT PatrikDamaged rear left suspension on the last right hander before finish and the car is now very hard to drive.
3Andersson VictorNo pacenotes. Swede style
3Portugal ARAUJO Isidrochanfge setup
3Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasTons of mistakes on the first split. Lets improve on the next run!
3Hungary BAKAI PeterTommi is a monster [x3]
3Hungary BENKO Sandorok, careful
3Sweden BERG LiamNot good rolled and rear left is bad
3Poland Damian Skupieńspin after spin
3Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankuslabai labai daug pusnu ismaisymu, apsisukimu, ir dar stoga padarem...
3Lithuania GYLYS ArunasQuite clean run
3Sweden ISRAELS WilliamReally nice stage with good flow. I took it very carefully because I know the rally is long and my goal is just to survive and bring home as many points as possible.
3Estonia KANGUR KevinNot the best. Spun out twice, wish the car had more steering lock.
3Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylnot bad
3Finland Konttinen Ismoclean run
3Slovakia KUNDLAK Janeverything is ok
3Ukraine LEBED Nazariysnowbanks ((
3Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebanim surprised how bad the time was actually
3United States MARTINA Dominicpainfully slow. thought i recce\'d all the stages for this rally but mustve either missed this one somehow or forgot to save the notes. default notes give me no confidence through here
3United States MURPHY Jasonnot too familiar with this stage
3United Kingdom PETTET JordanRoll, lucky to not have to CFH
3Lithuania RAKAUSKAS Tomasreverse..
3Estonia Rebase Kevinyes
3United States TITUS Sammissed the hairpin
3Spain ULIBARRENA Jacobook
3Estonia VAHER Jaspartaking it easy
3Lithuania VAI Tomyjus1 spin + reverse
3Lithuania VAICEKAVICIUS TomasTricky stage.
2Andersson VictorDriving without pacenotes
2Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasMuch much better now.
2Hungary BAKAI PeterTommi is a monster [x2]
2Hungary BENKO Sandorsmall mistake, but no c4h at least
2Sweden BERG LiamNot good, 2 spins and not a clean run i was in every snowbank
2Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciussafe start
2Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankuslabai smagiai suvaziuotas GR. Guldem spidaka :)
2Portugal ESTEVEZ OscarBetter -5
2United Kingdom FAHEY AndrewRolled about 10yds from finish...
2Poland FELIKSIK Kubateraz chociaz bez dzwona
2Lithuania GYLYS Arunasspin
2Sweden ISRAELS WilliamQuite okay from our side, could have done better but yeah... I\'m happy with the stage.
2Estonia KALVIK HenriThat was bad
2Estonia KANGUR KevinMuch better than last time. 46 second improvement compared to last time.
2Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyrylfalsestart
2Finland Konttinen Ismojust being safely on the road
2Slovakia KUNDLAK Janspin on SS1 an i damaged a car
2Finland Lehtoranta Villeok
2Latvia LICIS Atisa lot nicer when road is visible.
2Finland MAKINEN TommiOk
2Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Esteban10 sec penalty for next stage; had lost rear diff
2United States MARTINA Dominici cant remember what my last time was, but im in a higher position than last run so thats good i think :D
2United States MURPHY Jasonhit a bump hard and rolled
2Russian Federation NAZAROV SergeyNot good - 2 spins.
2Croatia PECMAN Edinok
2United Kingdom PETTET JordanSloppy, made a few big mistakes, was lucky to only pay for them with a time loss and not an early retirement.
2Finland PUHAKKA OssianFuck that tree.
2Lithuania RAKAUSKAS Tomasmore or less clean stage
2Estonia Rebase KevinWTF
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusWe need to fix a few things
2Estonia SIMSON GabrielMistake in the beginning
2Latvia TIKUMS Elmarslucky 5x times rollower. car is demaged, but still running.
2Spain ULIBARRENA JacoboNo spins this time
2Latvia USVILS Kristapstwo small excursions on snow banks, but faster then first run, so good :)
2Estonia VAHER Jasparpretty same
2Czech Republic VALIK Jirishit
2Poland WORONECKI MirekEven worst now, spin
1Argentina ALENKA SebastianOK
1Lithuania Aras Kaledahi all
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHello. Glad to start 2021 season. First stage was really nervous.
1Hungary BAKAI PeterTommi is a monster.
1Hungary BENKO Sandorc4h near the end, looks like we are not going to win this rally :)
1Sweden BERG LiamOkay start, Made half spin in the start and lost some time otherwise clean
1Poland Damian SkupieńHello
1Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankus3 spinai :(
1Portugal ESTEVEZ OscarHi all, slow but not see the road
1United Kingdom FAHEY AndrewQuite messy, but through ok
1Lithuania GYLYS ArunasSveiki visi. Hi all. Not good at all, damaged rear susp
1Sweden ISRAELS WilliamI have problems with the clutch which made us jumpstart... it feel so bad when you have done all the preparations for this rally and every chance of a good position disappearce already in first stage.
1Lithuania JAKŠTAS AntanasEtered that last turn way to fast
1Estonia KALVIK HenriHit something at the start and the car crab walked all the way to the end, wasn\'t nice
1Estonia KANGUR KevinVery slow, but i guess that\'s what you get when you drive for the first time on snow during a rally.
1Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasNa ka. Testu labai mazai, tiek kiek siame GR vaziavau :D Ir iskarto stogas pusiau. Teko ziurovu laukti kol atbegs.. Na pradzia labai prasta
1Latvia KLIEMANIS KārlisCareful start, but no big mistakes.
1Ukraine KOLOMIIETS Kyryldefault... not used to but setup was ok
1Finland Konttinen Ismosafe start, no big mistakes
1Ukraine LEBED Nazariybad result (
1Finland Lehtoranta Villeslow start
1Latvia LICIS Atisslow start,but its ok
1Finland LIIMATAINEN Juhocar just wanted to flip after jump.
1Finland LOTJONEN RoniNo practise, just enjoying
1Finland MAKINEN TommiHi
1Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebanwrong setup
1Finland MARTIKAINEN Rikuhello
1United States MARTINA Dominicawesome first stage. definitely have more room for pace but only had a couple slight incidents slowing me down
1Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
1United States MURPHY Jasonpretty good start.
1United Kingdom PETTET JordanHello, felt like an ok opening stage for me. Only really aming for the finish so let\'s see how it goes.
1Finland PUHAKKA OssianBroken suspension. Tommi is a God.
1Finland PUTKINEN Rikuspun
1Lithuania RAKAUSKAS Tomaslabai atsargus, kelios pusnys, but all good
1Estonia Rebase KevinAlot of small mistakes
1Argentina SAGRERAA Enzohola !!
1Germany SALOMO MarcoHi
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOk, very slow first section, but later it was better
1Estonia SIMSON GabrielJust enjoying, no setup
1Poland SZKUTA Mateuszhello, not bad start for me
1Latvia TIKUMS Elmarshi all
1United States TITUS Samsucked into snowbank :(
1Spain ULIBARRENA JacoboHi everybody
1Poland USS MaciekHorrible start, i can\'t feel the car and rolled
1Latvia USVILS KristapsHi all! No testing, no setup, just sit and go! :) one of my all time favourite WRC cars, so this was easy choice for this championship, GL all!
1Estonia VAHER Jasparreally careful
1Lithuania VAICEKAVICIUS TomasFirst start after a looong pause from sim racing. Lots of mistakes but no real accidents so far.
1Lithuania VEGELE MariusSuktukai, po finiso biski ant sono :D
1Poland WORONECKI MirekHi all. Bad

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  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
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