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7. RBR R2 Cup 2015 - Barum Czech Rally Zlin
Register at RBR R2 Cup 2015 Official Web Page - Round 7 - Barum Czech Rally Zlin
11.6.2015 23:00 - 15.6.2015 23:00
RZ/SS 8 - Pindula 2
Results for class (group): H/2
surface new and dry, good weather, morning, crisp, clear
6 km
All / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
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SSNameDrivers comments
9Czech Republic DROZDA Karelthx
9Spain echebenitezque va llegue con las gomas en verguillas jajaja bueno un desastre de rally va a ser un 0 fijo.semetin en este rally va a ser muy importante el que valla fino ahi gana. / disaster rally :( see you in next
9Czech Republic HOFFMANN Kubabig mistake in last turn before finish when i was little out line something lost , for me very good drive , my drive was quite good and very enjoy this race , thank you :) Tommi GL :)
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonprosto ugasnoe rally dlya menya. O4enb mnogo perevorotov, nado menyatb mawinu nafig.thx organizer. Denis good job
9Czech Republic KRYGLER Janufff nice fight with Mateusz! I am dead, seriously. Thanks!
9Spain Leon AgustinBueno, rallye acabado, con una ayuda, dos trompos y varios sustos. Felicidades Echedei por esos chetos tan logrados jajajajajjajajaja
9Portugal LEOTE Paulobad ass crash all the time crash boom mt ass all crashed :D
9Finland MAKINEN TommiHappy to be finish.. hehe :) not so good for me... Amazing Jakub! :P
9Spain MARZOA Juanvenia en modo calculadora desde hace tiempo..., creo que es el primer rally de asfaltoque acabo en este campeonato, ya era hora...
9Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszperfect rally :)
9Bulgaria S.Todorovjust crashed and the car was broken
9Poland WALKOWSKI MichalGooooooood job ;)
8Spain echebenitezque va las gomas ya no agarran
8Spain GIL diegonada, fuego al pasar meta
8Czech Republic HOFFMANN Kubamistake in second split but ok
8Spain Jordi RamónBye.
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonout and zagloh +5-6sek
8Spain Leon AgustinBuen tramo, sin sustos
8Finland MAKINEN TommiOk, cant be faster ..
8Bulgaria S.Todorovvery good stage for me!
7Spain echebenitezcon gomas usadas que en la asistencia no las cambie mas no puedo hacer
7Spain GIL diegoun toque a 20kmh y se rompe el coche... Luz de presion de aceite encendida... en el proximo tramo adios...
7Spain Jordi RamónTrack, better. Penalty time, very bat.....
7Spain Leon AgustinBuen tramo, sin sustos. A terminar el rallye que bastante ha costado llegar hasta aqui
7PMS Rally TeamDownhill a bit too fast and lost rear while beginning to brake - thanks for this great rallye - hope to see all at the next event!
7Bulgaria S.Todorovvery good stage for me
6Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS TomasFirst time at this stage, i could\'t control car because there was broken left steering rod, so glad that after this stage was service :)
6Spain echebenitezbueno queda la ultima seccion a ver si me quedo con la satisfaccion de bajar mis tiempos
6Spain GIL diegocon la sensacion de que el coche no agarra
6Czech Republic HOFFMANN Kubaquite good
6Spain Jordi RamónLittle off track at the start. Very time lost. And now with penalty...
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonservice 30 min
6Spain Leon AgustinTramo desastrozo, un vuelco con ayuda al principio y dos trompos que casi nos cuestan el abandono, uno de ellos con toque incluido a un arbol
6Finland MAKINEN TommiRolled :/ SHIT
6PMS Rally Teamsmall mistake, but ok. service clear - lets go.
6Bulgaria S.Todorovdrived all stage with hot clutch, my next shoot is to get in front of PMS Rally Team
5Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS TomasFirst time at this stage, car is not going straight :( had to to fight with car.
5Spain echebenitezotro golpe :(
5Spain GIL diegomenudas espantadas de atras... a puntito de siniestrar
5Czech Republic HOFFMANN Kubastart was brutal :D first gear and car stay stop :DD
5Spain Jordi RamónIn the ground much skid
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsuka, ebannoe Twingo ((( Snova 2 outa
5Spain Leon AgustinBuen tramo, con un gran susto en una frenada que nos hizo hacer un trompo, al principio al arrancar muy lentos en la tierra tambien
5Finland MAKINEN TommiReally bad :(
5PMS Rally Teamtoo much small mistakes, they demaged a bit the car ...
5Bulgaria S.Todorovgot some mistakes, after the second hairpin hitted a tree and spined. That cost me a lot of time
4Spain DE DIEGO JavierOk, but with that SR...
4Bulgaria DONCHEV Iliangood stage, but bad rally for me :(
4Spain echebenitez40 segundos mas de penalizacion por la asistencia que tuve que reparar mas de la cuenta si no no podia seguir corriendo.nada a seguir atacando a ver que sucede
4Czech Republic HOFFMANN Kubanot ideal time but ok
4Spain Jordi RamónBig scare... One spin
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonechebenitez - stop to Cut, prosto tak net penalty
4Spain Leon AgustinBuen tramo, sin sustos
4Finland MAKINEN TommiJakub... :D
4PMS Rally Teamgood run
4Bulgaria S.Todorovvery good run, but it can be better :)
3Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS TomasI was trying to go fast, but when i was cutting corner i hitted tree and my car was in ditch i thinked i could drive from him, but my car stucked and i needed spectators help, then i was not going so fast, car is ok
3Spain echebenitezadios a mis esperanzas de puntuar en este rally.este tramo va a ser muy decisivo.en un salto me paso un poco y le du a un arbol de frente.suerte que fue en la parte final tuve que pedir la ayuda y con la inercia de la bajada llegue a meta pero sin motor
3Spain GIL diegola primera vez en mi vida que acabo este tramo... no sin problemas
3Czech Republic HOFFMANN Kubafuck :( after jump car to spin and went off :(( lost min 10s :(
3Spain Jordi RamónVery dificult this SS, careful.
3Bulgaria KIROV DamianRoll and CFH :(
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsuka, pereputal vixod i pomow. DER`MOVOE RALLY DLYA MENYA ((
3Czech Republic KRYGLER Jansmooth drive
3Spain Leon AgustinBuen tramo, con un buen susto pero nada en especial, tambien tuvimos un toquito con un bolardo pero poca cosa
3Finland MAKINEN TommiSafe mood.
3Spain MARZOA Juanpare a tomar algo...tenia sed
2Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS TomasIn one corner lost grip and that costed for me 15 sec penalty :( because i cutted track
2Spain DE DIEGO JavierHit a rock
2Spain echebeniteza ver si puedo mantener este ritmo todo el rally
2Czech Republic HOFFMANN Kubaeasy went off in last split and little problem with brakes ...
2Spain Jordi RamónGood. Small opening in the ground. This track is very fast, i liked!
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonlose 20-25sek from 1 out and 2 turned (( Ne mashina a Gavno, postoyanno perevora4ivaetsa, tvarb
2Spain Leon AgustinBuen tramo, sin arriesgar
2Finland MAKINEN TommiNot good :( missed one junction etc.. too safe driving..
2PMS Rally TeamAt the first jump a bit too fast and loose car.
2Bulgaria S.Todorovvery glad from my driving...made one mistake without i would be 12th or 13th :)
1Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS TomasFirst time at this stage, had some fails, one time rolled over and needed spectators help it costed for me a lot of time
1Spain DE DIEGO JavierBad, had to reverse twice
1Poland Dominik BilickiEhh pomylona trasa i spora strata juz na pierwszym odcinku specjalnym...
1Spain echebenitezhi all hola a todos
1Spain GIL diegohola a todos
1Czech Republic HOFFMANN KubaHi all and good luck all , Tommi Come On !! , my first start with FWD on NGP ... see you ..
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all
1Spain Jordi RamónHi! I lost first round. And in the last corner, touch... FULL!
1Bulgaria KIROV DamianHello everyone!
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonon 2nd split spin, lose few seconds. Hi all. Badly, what Power Loser (((
1Czech Republic KRYGLER Janhi, that will be not my race... i am compeletly exhausted from the exams
1Spain Leon AgustinBuen tramo, solo un pequeno fallo al principio donde casi se nos cala el coche, pero bastante bueno
1Finland MAKINEN TommiHi all :) crazy Jakub :D
1Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
1PMS Rally TeamHey to all teams !
1Bulgaria S.Todorovcrashed..never tried the stage before
1Germany STEBANI TimBad mistake, 2x rolls :(

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