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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

RBR-RU Rally Retro Championship 2017-2018-11- Zhemchuzhina Chernomoria
Registration open and more info: --- Forum: Forum and on Facebook INFO --- Make sure that you have installed all the tracks patched track ---We invite everyone to check yourself and your car!
17.5.2018 12:00 - 21.5.2018 23:59
RZ/SS 13 - Salak-Aul (Hradek 2)
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): H/2
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, ráno, průzračno, jasno
5.8 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 13DalšíPo RZ 13
1.Russian Federation
Lada 1600R Grp2
H/204:29.20 77.6
1.equalRussian Federation
Lada 1600R Grp2
H/276:16.93 80.1

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
14Russian Federation BORKUNOV AlexanderFinish! Vsem spasibo!
14Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanBad on the shot GB))) Try to do my beat on this rally! Nice rally, great battle!! Thanks to all!!
14Ukrajina DRIVE AlexanderSpasibo za rally!
14Česká republika DROZDA Karelok
14Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeybylo veselo) spasibo za rally!
14Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonNu nakonecTO finish. Need back TOP Position after a few LOST STAGES. See U.
14Španělsko MARZOA Juangood rally for me, safe driving, no push, an error ending the championship it can be terrible...thanks organizers!!
14Španělsko Pablo ChouzaThank you, I really had fun on this rally. Bye and good luck!
14Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiVery nice rally, thanks to all!
13Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanDont try to for finish
13Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok
13Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiWR in class
12Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanVery hot driving!! and fight!! Love it
12Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok
12Španělsko MARZOA Juandont like german stages
12Španělsko Pablo Chouzaonly one mistake, lost time but not a lot
11Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanNice battle
11Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok
10Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan??? Igor??? Its a best
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonStop&go +6sec.
10Španělsko Pablo Chouzasome small mistake, but ok
9Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexander3-4
9Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanDont push at all((( Dont can more now... tyres 6/4! Nice battle with Igor! sorry for Sasha
9Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander4/6
9Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey... 6/7
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antontry to be not so slowly, without serious risk.
9Španělsko Pablo ChouzaI tryed to be careful, but the time was really good
9Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi3/5, podriftil malost`
8Russian Federation BURASHOV YuriThank you for the rally! It\'s sad when an engine dies from a light touch(
8Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanBad choice of setup...not fast. lost time on the one of the hairpins... Can more
8Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey...kosyaki posupalis...mashinku polomal..
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhorrible ss for me, very much time lost from hairspin, thats a big problem now
8Španělsko MARZOA Juansafe...
8Španělsko Pablo Chouzacould be faster, but i was scary XD
7Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexander11-12
7Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanNoproblem. safe driving. tyres 17/11))))
7Romania DIACONESCU Remusfu
7Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander10/14
7Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey19/19
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonall repaired on service, tires was 35/13 damages. And on this SS out after start, +6sec lost maybe
7Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denis23/13
7Slovensko MYDLIAR Jozeftree
7Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok, all repaired
7Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi13/9, bez polomok.
7Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr25/8
6Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanSome mistakes on last split
6Španělsko Pablo Chouzai dont like this one, but not bad this time
5Russian Federation BORKUNOV Alexander6-7
5Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanGood job. tyres 17/11
5Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander6/8
5Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey11/11
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonOK! Fast and clear, something damage, can`t repaired all on service, small time. Not bad section for me.
5Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denis all lost
5Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok, car is almost perfect and keep on fighting
5Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi10/6
5Ukrajina ROGOVSKOY Sergeyviletel (
5Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr17/5
5Česká republika TOMECEK Liborsorry team !
4Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanAgain had off... bad for nice battle
4Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok
3Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanDont can more
3Španělsko Pablo Chouzaa little slow
3Russian Federation RUDYAKOV VictorCall for help.
2Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanLost car on the 1st SS...big off to the wall...and now I hade a problems with steerings
2Španělsko Pablo Chouzai am being too agresive and my car is suffering
2Russian Federation RUDYAKOV VictorToo much damages. Don\'t know how to drive.
2Russian Federation Starkov Romanmama mia a ya v textures provalilsya na 4.4 km
1Russian Federation BORKUNOV AlexanderPrivet
1Russian Federation BURASHOV YuriHi all!
1Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan Hi all!! I\'m tired after realrally weekend...Tried to keep right rhythm
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonHi All. Safe start, i wish you all good luck
1Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
1Slovensko MYDLIAR Jozefhi
1Španělsko Pablo Chouzahello, i had a small accident, not dramatic
1Russian Federation RUDYAKOV VictorLost the door. Broke the wheels.
1Russian Federation Starkov Romanperegrev ne uzhe li opyat` sxod
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi all !

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.