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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

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NGP 7.4 Fyzika
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RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

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KORAL Vaclav

RBRPro - ERC - Rally Cyprus 2020 - 2 Legs - V2 Restarted
22.10.2020 23:59 - 28.10.2020 23:59
RZ/SS 12 - SS Daniel Bonara
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): WRC
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, dopoledne, průzračno, jasno
5.5 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 12Po RZ 12

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
12Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloCongrats Owen! Disappointing second leg, had the pace to be in the podium. This rally is dedicated to Leo, my team manager, who gave me an opportunity when I was a noob.
12Latvia ANDREJEVS Marekscould be good ...spin on this stage and SR on SS9.... damn it.
12Španělsko BENITEZ echedeitoo many lag boxes zone. Solid rallye for me. Objetive correct. Strategy work. all for the last rallye ERC. Championship posible
12Portugalsko DiogoBI MEAN COULD BE BETTER
12Francie Gilou2agood rallye enjoy thank you all
12Russian Federation gresGood race, good stages. Thanks!
12Brazil gustmeyermy 1st leg was really not good, happy with this result! it could ben worst
12Francie Jean-Pierre Fouchera crazy stage with the gravel tyre ! im happy to finish my first RBR pro gravel rally and my third rally in this game.. it was not easy i made 4 mistake, i lose 30-35 seconds but it\'s like that.. happy to finish this race without superrally.. see you in germany
12Ireland JONAITIS Jonisnot happy with pacenotes.... thx for tournament
12Polsko Karol MYRCHAwrong tires.. didnt prepare enough for leg 2
12Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
12Finsko Laasonen MiciSafe speed througth the rally. only 1 mistake in 2nd kormoran pass. Thanks for the event.
12Portugalsko LEOTE Paulothough I got lost in Bonara but no, did good in a couple of stages, easy with the throtle. See you all next run!
12Latvia MASPANS Rihardsspin in first lap, but anyway there was nothing I can do more. Next time will drive with R5, will see how it goes then. :)
12Italy melomaovery nice rally....allfor one and one for all!!!!
12Velká Británie MORGAN OwenCoes wael wedi\'i hymestyn i\'r R5 arall heb unrhyw dorri o gwbl, fe welwn ni. Efallai eich gweld chi eto
12Italy MORICONI NicolaBella lotta tra Italiani !!!
12Argentina MORONI AndresGracias RBRPro!!! por el Rally y la organizacion!! nos vemos en la proxima!
12USA TITUS Samimpossible on minimum graphics settings, tire walls render in too late. Hit first tire wall and fucked the radiator, overheated near end of final lap. My fault for not recceing this stage. Overall disappointed
12Velká Británie turbojaygot stuck on tyre wall twice, glad to finish thanks for great rally
12Latvia USVILS Kristapsto be honest I dont deserve to be at the finish. Good job Mici! See you on next rallies! GL for my teammates!
11Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloHorrible, between the door and the bonet... Could not see a thing
11Latvia ANDREJEVS Mareksno power rad damage from previous stage.
11Španělsko BENITEZ echedeicongrats to all people like cut for green zone
11Kanada BOUCHARD DanielBig crash, out.
11Portugalsko DiogoBi was soooo fast I loved it
11Norsko Eirik Husabook
11Francie Jean-Pierre Foucheri really enjoy this stage, a better time than the first pass in leg 1
11Finsko Koskela Eelisok
11Latvia MASPANS Rihardsthere is nothing I can do in this stage
11Italy melomaonice...
11Velká Británie MORGAN OwenLegit as it comes, 4 wheels never off.
11USA TITUS Samhuge 5th gear off on late note, c4h
11Latvia USVILS Kristapsoh well - c4h twice
11Latvia VIZULIS Uldiscar burning (literally) but finished D;
11Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwTime for maths, my plan for this leg
10Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloHorrible again, lost the door. I love this stage but always the same when I run it
10Latvia ANDREJEVS Mareksfun is Berica :D
10Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok
10Kanada BOUCHARD Danielthat was rough.
10Portugalsko DiogoBBAAAAAAD
10Norsko Eirik Husabook
10Finsko Jani89water pump broke and need retire
10Francie Jean-Pierre Foucherno mistake in this stage, a better time than the first pass
10Finsko Koskela Eelisok
10Velká Británie MORGAN OwenSlow +10 on best, first clean run this leg though
10USA TITUS Samwhere did i cut??????????
10Velká Británie turbojayspin mid stage
10Latvia USVILS Kristaps100 mistakes again. hard to find any motivation. should have been crashed long time ago already
9Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloBetter than leg 1
9Latvia ANDREJEVS Mareksnice
9Španělsko BENITEZ echedeigood fighting with R5s and R4s
9Kanada BOUCHARD DanielE\'d into a tree.
9Portugalsko DiogoBit was going amazing, was third, but the damage from last stage ended the dream
9Norsko Eirik Husabosafing
9Francie Gilou2anot very fast on this stage
9Russian Federation gresTricky stage.
9Finsko Jani89ok
9Francie Jean-Pierre Foucheri hit a tree... lose 15 seconds
9Finsko Koskela EelisThere was bumb on the road
9Latvia MASPANS Rihardsok
9Velká Británie MORGAN OwenBad aagin, spin, was slow anyway
9USA TITUS Samhit 4 different trees
9Latvia USVILS Kristapsvery wierd camera angle, all the time crashed with my right side.
9Latvia VIZULIS Uldisok
8Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloHorrible, lost like 15 seconds in mistakes
8Latvia ANDREJEVS Marekstaking easy
8Italy BARICALLA Andrea1 stupid call of help
8Francie BATTI GANU*
8Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiWR class
8Kanada BOUCHARD DanielController malfunction also DNFed Pikes Peak due to game crash, but also because I am not fighting for any points this year.
8Norsko Eirik Husaboscared...
8Francie Gilou2agoog stage
8Finsko Jani89ok
8Francie Jean-Pierre Foucheri made a spin and lose 7 or 8 seconds... no damage a drive cazreful in this stage
8Finsko Koskela Eelisok
8Latvia MASPANS Rihardshard to push with default setup in this stage
8Velká Británie MORGAN OwenRubbish, crash and a spin, 30 seconds gone easy
8Finsko Teemu Myllykangascar felt so different compared to the first leg wtf?? many mistakes and call for help fuck this shit
8USA TITUS Sam2 big offs, vague steering
8Latvia USVILS Kristapsim never doing good on this stage, same this time..
8Latvia VIZULIS Uldisterrible
8Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwJust cruising at my low level pace, could be much faster but I know what I\'m doing on this leg, just get to the end, valuable team points
7Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloMassive spin. Feeling good with the car, looking forward leg 2
7Latvia ANDREJEVS Mareksgood day. ciao
7Italy BARICALLA Andreaa lot of stupid mistakes and a sr, it isn\'t my good day
7Španělsko BENITEZ echedeino tyres. big error select tarmac tyres in this specials. but at the moment objetive 50 per cent . see you next leg
7Portugalsko DiogoBwas a bit nervous, made a few serious mistakes, but overall good leg, now we wait
7Norsko Eirik Husabook
7Italy friulMTok
7USA Gillettalmost made it
7Russian Federation gresVery interesting leg. Good stages. Thanks!
7Brazil gustmeyerso many mistakes on this leg! hope do to better on next one! good luck all!
7Finsko Jani89big mistakes. because nothing to lose. maximum attack. this rally is lost.
7Francie Jean-Pierre Foucherstage ok no mistake
7Ireland JONAITIS Jonisnot good
7Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
7Francie ManoFerrara3 last Special in tarmac tyre ^^
7Latvia MASPANS Rihardsok first day
7Velká Británie MORGAN OwenReally good leg for me, WR in pikes peak and some good times, on to leg 2 now, job half done for the team
7Argentina MORONI AndresGracias RBRPro!!!
7Finsko Teemu Myllykangasfelt good, will be great battle with mici
7Finsko Tomppelixaaand of course its not working on next stage
7Velká Británie turbojayGlad to make it to the end of leg 1 of a tough rally, happy ish with time so far
7Latvia USVILS Kristapsvery bad first day, lost around 1min, but good that I got back close to both Fins, so I still have a chance to fight for something.
7Argentina VARAS Arielnice rally!
7Latvia VIZULIS UldisThat Uzkotin...
7Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwOk, few mistakes but happy enough
6Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloOne massive spin near the end. Didn\'t practice online stages, despite the polemic
6Latvia ANDREJEVS Marekssomething not ok with car from previous stage..have to limp it to service now...
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiwin the stage with tarmac tyres. low level in rbrpro
6Portugalsko DiogoBI ENJOYED IT SO HARD
6Norsko Eirik Husabosafing... but a crash and spin anyway :-)
6USA Gillettf
6Russian Federation gresStupid crash at begin. CFH and only 4th gear in the gearbox. :(((
6Finsko Jani89shit. hit a tree.
6Francie Jean-Pierre Foucheri hit a tree... 5 seconds lose i have a damage on the car
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonispffff
6Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
6Velká Británie MORGAN Owenthat is a horrible stage, car is maybe a little too low for this one, have to be steady through the bumps, good run on the default notes with barely any runs through, just have to watch some of the 3/4s, theyre a bit tighter than expected
6Finsko Teemu Myllykangasi was in front of mici but like 6 corners before finish i spun-_-
6USA TITUS Samtook out half the forest
6Finsko Tomppelixmotor died, thankfully it was downhill and got to the end of stage haha XD
6Latvia USVILS Kristapssuper lucky twice in this stage. both this corner was like 3 or 4, but actually 1 and 2 :D
6Latvia VIZULIS Uldisbs stage.
6Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwSpin in the last split, lost around 10 seconds, hard stage, never driven it fully I don\'t think, really relying on the notes
5Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloHalf a spin and stall, damn
5Latvia ANDREJEVS Marekshad a big moment at ther took it easy
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeibig error with my tyres. arggg
5Portugalsko DiogoBlike i said earlier, not big fan oflong stages, we\'ll have to make it up in the next stages
5Norsko Eirik Husabook
5Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelcall for help again...unbelievbel
5USA Gillettunfortunate off :(
5Francie Jean-Pierre Foucherstage ok
5Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
5Velká Británie MORGAN OwenWR, half spin and a stall in the first split, and run wide a tad in the end, but very very happy
5Velká Británie PETTET JordanOK
5USA TITUS Sama few offs
5Latvia USVILS Kristapsmeh, 1sec from WR :D nice run, but few small mistakes
5Latvia VIZULIS UldisNot bad, fun stage.
5Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwHit a bale and spun in the first split, but was faster by the end so happy enough
4Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloReally good
4Latvia ANDREJEVS Mareksno comment
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiagain this stage?only 1 off road. no CUTS
4Kanada BOUCHARD DanielCautious.
4Portugalsko DiogoBalright pretty fast stage, a few mistakes in the beginning but after i got used it was pedal to the metal all the way to the end
4Norsko Eirik Husabobroken steering.. had to safe..
4Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelbad bad bad. tarmac tyres, crash, call for sad.
4Portugalsko Francisco RuivoMy car was dead at 4th km of that stage I can\'t finished that.
4USA Gillettoverheated....f
4Finsko Jani89very safe driving. and slow
4Francie Jean-Pierre Foucherjust a little mistake and lose another 5 second.. but first loop was good
4Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
4MARTIN HeribertoDespues de los diferentes problemas en los ultimos rally de momento estoy difrutando Gracias
4Latvia MASPANS Rihardsdon\'t understand how to cut
4Velká Británie MORGAN OwenPushed like hell, tried to keep atleast one wheel on at all times, few big slides
4Finsko Teemu MyllykangasNice drive from Mici!
4USA TITUS Samreally feeling those tarmac tires on this one
4Velká Británie turbojayHit barrells 4k from end bust radiator
4Latvia USVILS Kristapstwo big mistakes, lost around 10sec maybe
4Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwOff in last split, lucky here
3Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloUndersteer in tarmac and red screen bwoah
3Latvia ANDREJEVS i survived with so many mistakes?
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeidont understand my time here, with all cars
3Kanada BOUCHARD DanielFirst corner gets me every time, dammit.
3Portugalsko DiogoBwell after sector one i was top 4, i was stoked, got nervous, made a bunch of mistakes and dropped down to 19th by the end of the stage, pretty bad id say, seen i was in my natural habitat but ill keep fighting with the sharks in the gravel stages
3Norsko Eirik Husaboseveral crash and a big roll... Overdriving
3Portugalsko Francisco RuivoMany crashes... I don\'t recognise that one before... Hope the next one will be better :)
3Italy friulMTvia senza navigatore XD
3USA Gillettfalse start -> bush...f...but how bout that jump in the middle. jeez
3Russian Federation gresTwo times out. Not easy after previous stage.
3Brazil gustmeyermajor mistake...wrong set up!
3Finsko Jani89ok because driving once this stage before
3Francie Jean-Pierre Fouchera good stage
3Ireland JONAITIS Jonisghrrr off, help a lot off offroads.........
3Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
3Velká Británie MORGAN OwenOk, hesitant in places, but happy to be through, one big slide at the start and nearly in the lake
3Finsko Teemu Myllykangaslittle off in first corner
3USA TITUS Samno grip lmao
3Latvia USVILS Kristapsgreat pacenotes. c4h in first corner
3Latvia VIZULIS UldisCrazy and dangerous stage. Did quite well.
3Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwCrazy stage, made one little error at the start, but new PB, tried to push as I\'m not sure others will here
2Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloOk
2Latvia ANDREJEVS Mareksslow
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeia lot of time not drive here, too slow
2Kanada BOUCHARD DanielFramedrop city here, serious frame rate issues here, still pushed, easy stage.
2Portugalsko DiogoBnice stage overall, not really used to long stages but even with 2 mistakes, im happy to be top 25
2Norsko Eirik Husabook
2Portugalsko Francisco RuivoOnly one mistake, that was good.
2Italy friulMTnon male per averla fatta senza navigatore
2Singapore Gabriel WeeThat was exhausting
2USA Gilletthowd that mustang get to the top?
2Russian Federation gresCool stage!
2Finsko Jani89stump a car twice. lost few seconds
2Francie Jean-Pierre Foucherthe engine stop in a hairpin and i lose 5 second... but a good stage
2Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
2Portugalsko LEOTE Paulo5 major mistakes 1 CFH
2Velká Británie MORGAN Owenhave to be happy with that, 1.5 off record with little practice and default notes, happy
2Velká Británie PETTET Jordan2 offs
2Belgium snellebelgi lose 30sec stuppet cam setting fuck
2USA TITUS Samshould have used gravels
2Finsko Tomppelixfuck
2Latvia USVILS Kristapshavent done this stage for very long time, felt bad, thought that I will loose a lot, at the moment atleast time doesnt look very bad, although my driving was very bad :/
2Latvia VIZULIS Uldisok
2Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwNever done this on any game before, so with no knowledge or practice of it, took it very careful
1Španělsko ALCAIDE PabloAwful, very nervous cause running out of time
1Latvia ANDREJEVS Marekshiya,
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all. Horrible. too many lag here
1Kanada BOUCHARD DanielClean run through there, now onto hell.
1Portugalsko DiogoBgot lost, got fisrt corner wrong, took a penalty
1Norsko Eirik Husabook
1USA FOMIN Germannno codriver for the whole rally ahead of me
1Portugalsko Francisco Ruivo:/ could be better... I forgot turn left in the last corner XD
1USA Gillettdid many more laps than needed. oops
1Brazil gustmeyerclea, safe not so fast but ok
1Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEhello
1Finsko Jani89OK
1Francie Jean-Pierre Foucherthe stage was ok
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all
1Švédkso Kevin.LindstromIt was ok! Not fast, not slow. Okay!
1Finsko Koskela EelisNice stage
1Velká Británie MORGAN OwenSetup doesn\'t work so well here, having to pull the handbrake more than once on the hairpin to get it round, trying to push me on
1Velká Británie PETTET JordanNot bad
1Finsko Teemu MyllykangasOK
1Finsko Tomppelixlittle mistakes
1Latvia USVILS KristapsHi. Bad first split
1Latvia VIZULIS UldisHello! Nice warmup. Now to the real rally.
1Velká Británie WILLIAMS HuwAfternoon all

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  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

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  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
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  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
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  • Halenkovice 2018

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Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
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Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
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Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
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Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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