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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

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KORAL Vaclav

e-LARC 2020 - Winter Rally 2020
1st event of official virtual Lithuanian Automobile Rally Championship ALL INFO / REGULATIONS / REGISTRATION
16.1.2020 0:00 - 21.1.2020 22:59
RZ/SS 2 - SS2
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): WRC
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, dopoledne, mlhavo, zataženo
7.7 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 2DalšíPo RZ 2

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Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
12Česká republika ADAMEK OndrejThx.
12Finsko AKERFELT PatrikGood rally despite i somehow forgot to repair my car in the 3rd service. But at least i didnt do any major mistakes in the whole rally which is a good thing.
12Finsko Alatalo KaarleThank you for the rally, it was fun! Many mistakes, but still made it to the end. Thank you Joona for the great setup! Fisu
12Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasVery disapointed about my driving. Atleast I have a finish :) See you in Rally Sarma!
12USA BUCK TylerWhew! Good start to the season. I made some mistakes and left some time on a few stages but that doesnt matter in the end. Good to see so many good drivers show up for this rally. Wach, next time I will try to open the road for you. I tend to procrastinate though ;)
12Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomasfinisas... bent tiek gerai... jei ne tas prakeiktas stogo pagavimas buciau laimingas pirmuoju etapu.
12Polsko CHRASCINA MariusThanks for organizer, i dont remember this original stage and very more mistake. First kontakt whith snow for a very long time. See you in next round.
12Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciushard rally, a lot of mistakes. Thanks
12Česká republika DVORAK Jangood fun but no good driving :D all stage without big mistake. thanx for nice race
12Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarThe goal was to end,so I am happy. I would like to finish with in TOP10 to add some points. Snow not its my surface. See you Sarma Rally. Thanks for championship.. Good luck all.
12Polsko FELIKSIK KubaOverall, I\'m happy because some of the stage were good times. Two accidents and support from fans on the 1st and the 8th stage. It is a pity because I wanted to finish in the second ten. Thank you all for the competition.
12Česká republika FISER KrystofLast stage is bad for me. Spin a lost time but Winter rally is awesome and we are in finish. Thanks!
12Lithuania GYLYS ArunasGood rally, I\'m gald that I finished it. Nice stages. Thank you Ignas very much. See all you soon in Sarma rally
12Švédkso HULT TobiasI am very disappointed with myself that I did not even give myself a chance in this rally. After SS2 it was okay so I will try to work on my stability for the next rally. Thanks again everyone for helping me making it to the start :)
12Lithuania Irmantas Buivydasterrible
12Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyfinish) thx for rally!
12Česká republika KANDLER JanGood race.Thanks organizers.
12Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasPraeitam GR trinktelejau i medi, apsisukau ir teko pasikapstyti pusni +10s. Sitame GR sugebejau apsiversti.. +10s. :D Na bet ka darysi, finisas yra, lauksim kitu, Vyrai greitai vaziuoja, sunkoka pavyti. Sekmes visiems ir susitiksim kitame etape. ;)
12Polsko KLIMAS AdrianThis stuttering problem is killing my eyes... Because of that I done falsestart on Sikakama, and next I have lag and spin on Peklo - problems with back to the road cost me 17 seconds... With this stutter problem, no chance to clean driving... But thanks for the rally!
12Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasFinise.:) Atidirbom ir ypatingai neprisidirbom. Buvau sudauzes stikla . Tai pora GR leciau... Iki.
12Finsko LAAHANEN JanneYea. Shit.
12Polsko LASEK Patrykcrash + cfh....ehh
12Španělsko MARZOA Juanok, good race for me, dont like the snow and not train..., good fight with Jan, very fun...thanks organizers!!
12Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkigood start for new season. thanks
12Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.a lot of mistakes the first 3 stages, until there I was more confident to finish the rally, the main goal for the first time ever...thanks!
12Lithuania OVIDIJUS VaštakasPirma ralio puse tragiska, stogas, spinai, c4h, paskui po truputi susitvarkius masina isejo suvaziuot savo tempu antroj pusej
12Finsko PELTOLA SamiTerrible result but thanks for the rally!
12Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandr((((
12Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszThanks :)
12Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszMy first season on e-LARC, best wishes for all. Jacobo very thanks for fight!!! I lost with spin on last kilometer of rally!! Best regards!!!
12Česká republika REZNICEK Milanthx
12Germany RITTER ReneVery nice rally! I am very happy to start here... Good rally for us i dont think before it can run so good. If i say i am not a snowman. :-D Ok good luck to all of you and see you soon! ;-)
12Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHappy to finish. It\'s a really strong car. But I need to improve a lot as a driver. Thank You.
12Česká republika STOLFA OndrejNice rally,nice battle with Jyrki and good start of season...Thanks and see you soon! RB Racing GOOO
12Česká republika TOMECEK Liborthank
12Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboNice start of the season. Pity I\'ve made a few silly mistakes. At least I finished. Thanks for the rally
12Lithuania VAI TomyjusPirmas ralis, pirmas finisas. Visai neblogai, NGP6 fizikos duoda vaisiu :) aciu ir iki kitu startu.
12Lithuania VAICEKAVICIUS TomasPensininko rezimu bet finise. Gera sezono pradzia. :D
12Polsko WACH TomekIt was impossible to drive with full confidence after a weeks driving mainly in formulas on rfactor2 but I was able to build it up pace stage after stage and I\'m very happy with the final result. I believe that pace for the win might be needed to be 30seconds better than this but it\'s a good start.
12Polsko WORONECKI MirekFaaar too slow trough all rally and mistakes with + 1 min. But hat a competition so fast drivers and many ;). Thanks and se U in next round :)
12Japan YUKI MikanThanks ALL,Thanks RALLY !!
11Finsko Alatalo KaarleWhat a shame, had to drive with wrong notes and didnt get them back to default. Damn.
11USA BUCK TylerSurprisingly no damage from off on SS9... Now we just need to reach the finish.
11Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSlow... fucking finland stages
11Lithuania GYLYS ArunasGood
11Česká republika KUCERA PetrAaaaggrrrr... Helll
11Lithuania KUTKA MantasTwo spins
11Finsko PELTOLA SamiJust driving through
11Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusYeah, this one is ok
11Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejnice
11Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboOk. Onto the last stage
10Finsko AKERFELT PatrikSuprisingly good time with very worn tires, just trying to survive to the next service.
10Finsko Alatalo KaarleThis went great again. Next one will be hard!
10Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSpun in very narrow place, took much time to rotate car into right direction. No words...
10USA BUCK TylerWas worried I would lose too much time here. Maybe pushing too hard in places but survived.
10Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomassu tokiais kreivais ratais yra per daug sunku...
10Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarCar damaged,push
10Lithuania GYLYS Arunasfew mistakes but ok
10Finsko LAAHANEN JanneAbsolute fucking shit driving. First I went off on my own and had to cfh. THen I had the weirdest bounce into the audience at the water splash
10Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhopacenote error
10Finsko LOTJONEN RoniBank threw me into tree.
10Portugalsko Luis Carreirocrashed
10Lithuania Mantvydas RalysTo much in the corner, and there was a stove. idk how to call it. I hit him, and game is over... uh.
10Finsko PELTOLA SamiSafe run
10Germany RITTER ReneWhat a great fight! :-)
10Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusA struglle, not a driving to be honest
10Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejsh......t stupid mistake,Stuck on the snow and lost over 20s :(
10Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboTook it carefully
9Finsko AKERFELT PatrikSomehow forgot to repair my car so im going to lose a lot of time before next service
9Finsko Alatalo KaarleDamn guys are fast. This went better than the first.
9Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignas2 runs into snowbanks, also stalled engine twice. Not happy with my driving...
9USA BUCK TylerBig moment.. Sucked into shitty snowbank and spin. Had to reverse. Luckily not the fastest section of road so not tons of time lost but we now have to manage this damage.
9Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomasdeja, bet mano kova baigesi siame greicio ruoze, per greit atvaziavus i posuki strigau pusnyje, veliau bandydamas atgauti prarasta laika viename posukiu gavau stoga, reikejo ziurovu pagalbos ja atverciant, prarasta daug laiko, o ir masina apgadinta labai stipriai...
9Polsko CHRASCINA Mariussnowband
9Česká republika DVORAK Jani went off
9Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarCrash in last corner... car more damaged,shit I really stupid guy
9Česká republika FISER Krystofok
9Lithuania GYLYS ArunasGood, few small mistakes
9Polsko KLIMAS Adrianfalse start because of stuttering...
9Lithuania KUTKA MantasTwo spins, almost roll over :)
9Finsko LAAHANEN JanneAwww shit made a mistake and into the banks I went. Car\'s broken again, steering wheel pointing like 5-10 degrees to the side while going straight.
9Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhocar still not fully fixed. :(
9Finsko LOTJONEN RoniLicking banks too much
9Portugalsko Luis Carreiroalmost rolled but had to reverse... all ok, lets go
9Lithuania Mantvydas RalysSpin at the same place, where I rolled my car on previous stage....
9Lithuania MATIJOSAITIS HENRYnice stage, went off. lost about 10s
9Lithuania MEDUNECKIS Mancikasnesamoniu nesamone......
9Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkipb
9Lithuania OVIDIJUS Vaštakasjau geriau
9Finsko PELTOLA SamiSpin
9Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrrool... kill suspentions... spin.... very difficult to control a car...
9Germany RITTER ReneOk runs good...clean run no big mistakes... it was good. :-)
9Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBetter than last time, but it was far from clean stage
9Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejgood time for me
9Belgium THELC MattHit some people at the side of the ride, lost a lot of time.
9Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboVery nice run, feel something weird in the steering
8Finsko Alatalo KaarleFirst part of the stage big spin and out of the track. End went really well and luckily didnt lost everything.
8Lithuania Aras Kaledageriausias stag koki esu vaziaves. gaila kad du spinai gal rezult butu geresnis. bet staage\'as reikalauja dideliu kiausu wow :)
8Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasStill many kisses with snowbanks
8USA BUCK TylerWay too cautious. The snowbanks on this stage are really brutal so I stay middle of the road. Costs me time but better safe than sorry.
8Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomasviename greitame posukyje teko apsisukti
8Polsko CHRASCINA Marius2 x off
8Česká republika DVORAK Janfirst good run
8Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarLittle off in fast section but ok
8Polsko FELIKSIK Kubadach przed meta :<
8Česká republika FISER Krystofbig mistake.. +10sec
8Lithuania GYLYS ArunasNo mistakes good
8Lithuania JUSTAS KuizinasVaziavosi gerai, kol nedejau stogo
8Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylngp6 - crpp!
8Česká republika KUCERA PetrThis was nightmare. I was not able to catch good pace. It was slow and full of mistakes. But we are still going, that is good.
8Lithuania KUTKA MantasBeautiful stage :)
8Finsko LAAHANEN JanneA bit better run than the ones before, but could improve a bit too. Still couldn\'t quite fix the car so we sadly have a wrinkly amblikmees on our roof.
8Finsko LOTJONEN RoniBad run but atleast we continue now with 4wd
8Portugalsko Luis Carreiroreally fast stage, enjoyed it
8Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkigood
8Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.getting confidence stage to stage
8Lithuania OVIDIJUS Vaštakastaip ir neiseina visko iki galo susitvarkyt
8Španělsko PAULOS AlejandroI crashed near the finsh of the stage...
8Finsko PELTOLA SamiGood run considering the damage but doesn\'t really matter at this point
8Estonia Rebase KevinI gave up
8Germany RITTER ReneTry to stay concentrated. Good times from the guys at the front. ;-)
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBloody hell. Could been a really nice run, but two mistakes and here we go. And silly one. Need to improve a lot on this case
8Estonia SIMSON GabrielEngine died
8Polsko TOMASZ MOSKALAZajechalem silnik :( A tak ogulnie to lipa ze po calym sezonie 2019 nie przyslali Dyplomow ! Jedynka dla organizatorow :(
8Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboVery good run
8Polsko WORONECKI MirekSpin
7Finsko AKERFELT PatrikOne mistake, cautious run
7Finsko Alatalo KaarleShould have made notes for this or even tried it before. Buuu me.
7Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSame problems as in previous stage
7USA BUCK TylerPushing a bit because I know lots of people dont like this stage. A couple mistakes but maybe only 1-2s lost.
7Česká republika DVORAK Jan2 big moments
7Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankuslabai kvaila klaida.... :(
7Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK Not bad but Tobias push in this stages
7Lithuania GYLYS Arunasgood run
7Lithuania JUSTAS KuizinasGerai praejo dopas, tik pradzioj turbut su galu uzkabinau stulpa
7Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylngp6 - is crpp!
7Lithuania KUTKA Mantasfalse start again :)))))))))
7Finsko LAAHANEN JanneNot the best of runs, but could\'ve been worse too. Insane time from Tobias!
7Finsko LOTJONEN RoniOk no wonder why the car felt so bad, rear diff broken. Surprisingly good run still even though the car feels like shit
7Portugalsko Luis Carreirolitle mistakes but ok
7Lithuania Martynas Sidunovaszjbs
7Lithuania MATIJOSAITIS HENRYThe most stupid pacenotes i ever had.. Very much disapointed, broke the steering rod once again..... :(
7Španělsko PAULOS AlejandroNot bad stage
7Finsko PELTOLA SamiJust driving through with the damage I have
7Estonia Rebase KevinStill driving with the willy wonka wheel
7Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOk, some bits and pieces there and here, but I\'m happy
7Estonia SIMSON GabrielWater temperature high.
7Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejnot good...i dont like this SS
7Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboSilly off track while checking temps, and car is a mess in left or right turns
6Finsko AKERFELT PatrikOne close call with a tree but still good run.
6Finsko Alatalo KaarleWow, that went well. Slower than others, but still nothing major.
6Argentina ASTERION Gerardme pudrio
6Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasWas too cautious, also in this stage had massive overstering
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedeicrash
6USA BUCK TylerOk, not my favorite stage though. Klimas doing a good job here.
6Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomas2017 metais kai dar vaziavau su evo x sitame greicio ruoze baigesi mano winter rally, todel buvo baisoka cia spausti iki dugno
6Lithuania DEIVYDAS Vaicikeviciusgg
6Česká republika DVORAK Janclose to jiri, but still with mistakes
6Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarGood stage but Tobias push more
6Česká republika FISER Krystofone close call
6Lithuania GYLYS ArunasGood but not as fas as I want
6Estonia JALAK Mariocareful and slow, Tobias good run!
6Lithuania JUSTAS KuizinasLabai atsargiai per si dopa
6Česká republika KANDLER Janspin :(
6Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyryluntrivbl
6Finsko LAAHANEN JanneHalf-spun and had an austin powers moment as a result. And then on the next corner I went off as well.
6Finsko LONN JoonasHit a bank, rolled into the tree...
6Finsko LOTJONEN RoniStalled on a snow bank. Also car is feeling very unstable
6Portugalsko Luis Carreiro2 mistakes and lost time
6Lithuania Mantvydas RalysKosmosa vaziuoja vyrai. Net neisivaizduoju kaip reikia vaziuot ar bent jau palaikyti toki tempa.. Kazkokia mistika
6Lithuania MATIJOSAITIS HENRYVery nice stage, liked it. At last kilometer, had small off. Overtrusted the pacenotes. But the speed was very good.
6Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiout +7
6Lithuania OVIDIJUS Vaštakasvaldomumo 0
6Španělsko PAULOS Alejandrolot of time lost in a small mistake
6Finsko PELTOLA SamiThe car is undrivable
6Estonia Rebase KevinDont know why but my wheel is always bent
6Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusGame is lagging a bit also I made three huge mistakes. And that suspension arm is giving a headache. So not the best, not the best.
6Lithuania SIMASKA Justasok
6Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboCrashed against a super stiff bush. Luckily car is still running
5Finsko Alatalo KaarleUgh, my car is wrecked. Jumping around while driving slowly, too many mistakes.
5Argentina ASTERION Gerardmuy roto
5Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasQuite carefullish
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok
5USA BUCK TylerOk, if there is damage to the car the plugin isnt showing it so it must be very minor. Need to maintain this rhythm.
5Polsko CHRASCINA MariusSnow band, cars its demage
5Lithuania DEIVYDAS VaicikeviciusNot a very good run..
5Česká republika DVORAK Janhalf spin, i dont know why
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK Safe run
5Lithuania GYLYS ArunasGood, no mistakes
5Estonia JALAK Mariomaybe too much careful.
5Lithuania Justas Grasyse-Larc Winter rally SS5 2020
5Polsko KLIMAS Adrianfatal 2 last stages...
5Česká republika KUCERA PetrWell, its going great. Just few big mistakes, but as snow is not my favorite surface, suprisingly I am enjoying this rally. Thank you
5Finsko LAAHANEN JanneQuite okay, but I couldn\'t fix the car completely. Gonna be a shit leg ahead of us I guess.
5Finsko LONN Joonasno time to repair anything... Next stages will be shit i think
5Finsko LOTJONEN RoniCar\'s f\'d
5Portugalsko Luis Carreironot easy, never liked this stage...
5Lithuania OVIDIJUS Vaštakaskreivais ratais vaziuojam toliau
5Španělsko PAULOS AlejandroPenalty in the service
5Finsko PELTOLA SamiWow, went over the bridge and somehow hit the photographers :D The car has way too much damage
5Lithuania RAKAUSKAS Tomasnesamone. dingo pavaros, turejau spausti call for help...
5Estonia Rebase KevinJanne parody
5Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusSuspension arm is bent, but I think we will survive
5Španělsko SANCHEZ Pabloincredible, 15 minutes asistance....
5Lithuania SIMASKA Justasblynas
5Polsko SZKUTA Mateuszgood
5Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboDecent loop overall
4Finsko Alatalo KaarleAgain spin. Now drive slowly rest of the stages
4Argentina ASTERION Gerardeje rueda trasera derecha destruida
4Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSome big mistakes, but overall not bad
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiroll again
4USA BUCK TylerBetter but some slight damage... hopefully enough time to fix it in service. Its not too bad though.
4Lithuania DEIVYDAS VaicikeviciusMade a small mistake on the end. However, it was a fun stage.
4Česká republika DVORAK Janbetter
4Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankusmany many mistakes
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBetter -8 More confidence
4Česká republika FISER Krystofok
4Lithuania GYLYS ArunasDifficult to find a good balance, no mistakes, jus slowly
4Švédkso HULT TobiasThe dark is really tricky to drive in.
4Lithuania Justas Grasyse-larc Winter Rally SS4 2020
4Lithuania JUSTAS KuizinasVel dope paskutinis... turbut ner ko noret, kai su klaviatura varai...
4Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylRR rippet off. Suevivl mote
4KUNDROTAITE Giedreper didelis tempas ir buckis i medi
4Finsko LAAHANEN JanneDrived like a total tit. Spun once and got stuck like twice or thrice. Really stupid driving. Just need to regain focus and drive better from here on. Simple.
4Finsko LIIMATAINEN JuhoI want to get back to the service and get my car fixed .
4Finsko LONN JoonasHit a bank and rolled again...
4Portugalsko Luis Carreirogood stage
4Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebana littlebetter
4Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiok
4Lithuania OVIDIJUS Vaštakasstogas, kreivais ratais vos finisavau
4Španělsko PAULOS AlejandroMuch better now
4Finsko PELTOLA SamiShould have taken it more carefully after damage on previous stage, stupid mistake
4Estonia Rebase KevinBent my steering arm or something
4Germany RITTER Renegood push. Happy with the time.
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusSame place, same mistake and another one later.. Really struggle with this stage
4Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablomore and more lost time
4Lithuania SIMASKA Justasnelb
4Estonia SIMSON GabrielSpin.
4Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejok
4Polsko SZKUTA Mateuszok
4Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboLittle mistake on a braking
4Lithuania VAI Tomyjus1 small off
3Finsko AKERFELT PatrikTried to push a bit, good run
3Finsko Alatalo KaarleIt was good run from me, still slower than rest.
3Argentina ASTERION Gerardmejorando
3Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasMuch better now
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiroll
3Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomasvisi siais metais zymiai greitesni. O siaip matosi, kad pirmame greicio ruoze galejau spausti daugiau
3Lithuania DEIVYDAS VaicikeviciusGood run, but I made a small mistake in one corner haha.
3Česká republika DVORAK Janstill no good
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBetter -4
3Česká republika FISER Krystofmistake at jump
3Lithuania GYLYS ArunasJust easy no mistakes. Big thanks Ignas Augustonis for helping
3Lithuania Justas Grasyse-larc Winter Rally SS3 2020
3Lithuania JUSTAS KuizinasJau geriau, pagerinau laika puse minutes
3Polsko KLIMAS Adriancouple mistakes
3Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyryllol crsh over finish
3Česká republika KUCERA PetrForget the time. This was fun. Unfortunately 1x spin.
3Lithuania KUTKA MantasFalse start :))))))))))
3Finsko LAAHANEN JanneWent into the banks once with the whole car. Could\'ve been definitely faster. But I wasn\'t, end of story.
3Finsko LONN JoonasBig push but the car is like a snake. No grip on rear left at all. Very difficult to drive.
3Finsko LOTJONEN RoniManaged to broke something in the beginning and rolled on the finish line
3Portugalsko Luis Carreirogood stage
3Lithuania Martynas Sidunovasnb
3Lithuania MATIJOSAITIS HENRYhad 2 spins, searching pace in pacenotes...
3Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.many mistakes
3Finsko PELTOLA SamiLanded badly after the big jump and cfh
3Estonia Rebase KevinI tought that i repaired my car but it still drives weird
3Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusI\'m really happy with the car performance
3Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablocrash and the direction are damaged
3Lithuania SIMASKA Justasneapsisukau
3Estonia SIMSON GabrielToo much in the banks.
3Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboQuite ok
2Lithuania ABECIUNAS IgnasApsiprantam
2Finsko AKERFELT PatrikGood run
2Finsko Alatalo KaarleGosh that went bad, spin two times and had to reverse. Hard stage for me.
2Argentina ASTERION Gerardsobregiro poco freno
2Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasA lot of kisses with snowbanks
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeidont understand some yimes
2USA BUCK TylerSome seconds left in there but its a tricky stage at night.
2Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomaspo pirmo greicio ruozo pmaciau, kad vaziuojame kaip pensininkai, tad truputi padidinome tempa, nors baisu vaziuoti tokiu tempu po tokios ilgos pertraukos
2Polsko CHRASCINA Mariuseasy and slow
2Latvia DABINS Raivoomfg.. what just i did do...what a idiot
2Lithuania DEIVYDAS VaicikeviciusI\'m happy with the run. :)
2Česká republika DVORAK Janmany many small mistake
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarReally slow... not see nothing
2Česká republika FISER KrystofSafe run
2Lithuania GYLYS ArunasSpun and damaged rear diff in first split. Lucky at the finish
2Švédkso HULT TobiasI am lucky to be here. I will try to reset from here and do my best.
2Estonia JALAK Mariomany off-s
2Lithuania Justas Grasyse-Larc Winter Rally SS2 2020
2Lithuania JUSTAS KuizinasSugebejau vienu metu net pasiklyst dope... turejau kelis sykius apsisukt atgal :D
2Polsko KLIMAS Adrianlittle out.
2Česká republika KUCERA PetrThat was fun. Snow is not my cup of tea, I am slow, but I am enjoying myself a lot. Thank you
2Finsko LAAHANEN JanneA bit too much in the banks. Otherwise okay-ish
2Lithuania Laurynas Matonishard first stage, moving on
2Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhocar is undrivable after roll on the first stage.
2Finsko LONN JoonasHit a bank just a bit, rolled and cfh. Lost 1 min and got too much damage. Fuck.
2Finsko LOTJONEN RoniCrash but luckily didnt broke much
2Portugalsko Luis Carreironot going that well
2Argentina MANDZIJ Juan EstebanI struggle so hard on snow
2Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.another two spins
2Lithuania OVIDIJUS Vaštakasspin
2Španělsko PAULOS AlejandroBetter this time, but one mistake made me lost a lot of time...
2Finsko PELTOLA SamiVery safe
2Lithuania RAKAUSKAS Tomaskylame po truputi i virsu. 2x reversai..
2Estonia Rebase KevinOverall clean stage but really hard to drive when steering wheel isnt straight
2Germany RITTER ReneI do my best but i am not a snow specialist. :-D Spin at the beginning cost enough seconds.
2Lithuania Rytis Krasauskasstog
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusA half spin and I really cant keep up with a pacenotes. That a problem.
2Španělsko SANCHEZ PabloSpin in the middle of the stage
2Lithuania SIMASKA Justasliewai
2Estonia SIMSON GabrielClean, no risks.
2Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejok,clean and safe
2Polsko SZKUTA Mateuszgood loop
2Polsko SZYDLO Tomaszok
2Lithuania UGNIUS VaineviciusUnclean run. I will try to do a better job in the second section.
2Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboBeautiful run
1Lithuania ABECIUNAS IgnasNew YEAR, new CAR, new CODRIVER = as much fun as I can get. Nauji metai su nauja technika ir komanda, finansai nevarzo leisti sau daryti viska, kad laikas butu kupinas emociju
1Finsko AKERFELT PatrikJust drove through, clean run.
1Finsko Alatalo KaarleDidnt go that well, but better than crash.
1Argentina ASTERION Gerardproblemas diferencial delantero, mejorando ultimo tramo
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSveiki!! Hi all! Safely through
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all
1USA BUCK TylerHello, it looks like a good start. This rally will be tough though, only one small tap of a snowbank and the car could be ruined. Not very realistic but thats the name of the game.
1Lithuania CERNIAUSKAS Tomaspo tramplyno klimpome pusnyje... nors ir kaip bandeme vaziuoti saugiai
1Polsko CHRASCINA MariusHi all, first kontakt whit snow,last time very long a go.
1Latvia DABINS Raivowhat a nervous start. 3rd corner very stupid mistake and lucky roll over...
1Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciushi, safe start
1Lithuania DEIVYDAS VaicikeviciusGood start. Saved my car a bit for later stages.
1Česká republika DVORAK Janbad start
1Lithuania EITVYDAS RalysSveiki.. Smagu gryzt .. Pirmas ss biski i pusnis bet viskas gerai
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all. Slow,very bad drive in snow finland stages... I not see nothing in the night. Objetive finish
1Lithuania GYLYS ArunasSveiki visi. Hi all. Slowly amd careful, I never like this stage even at night
1Švédkso HULT TobiasThat was that rally for me... The plan was to just avoid mistakes and what do I do... Good luck everyone :)
1Lithuania Irmantas Buivydassaugiai
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Portugalsko Joao Leiriaspun once
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all, swx
1Lithuania Justas Grasyse-Larc Winter rally 2020
1Lithuania JUSTAS KuizinasNekas, keleta kartu apsisukau, vienas ratas svinkiuoja... bandysim vaziuot toliau
1Polsko KAJZAR Slawomirhey
1Česká republika KANDLER JanHi all
1Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasSveiki visi. Malonu sugrizti. :)
1Polsko KLIMAS Adrianultra safe run
1Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylnot like this NGP6
1Česká republika KUCERA PetrCheers. I hate snow, but this was fun.
1Lithuania KUTKA Mantasalmost roll over :)
1Finsko LAAHANEN JanneA solid run, nothing crazy. Just drove through.
1Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhorolled
1Finsko LOTJONEN RoniDidnt trust pacenotes a single bit, goal was to not damage car and drive safely trough
1Portugalsko Luis Carreirolets go!!
1Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebanquite terrible
1Lithuania Mantvydas RalysThese guys going fast. I will try to drive without damage. We will see , maybe I will increase my speed if I will feel good
1Lithuania Martynas Sidunovasgood to be back
1Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
1Lithuania MATIJOSAITIS HENRYmade a spin, getting used to car
1Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiok start
1Bolivia OSINAGA Tomas J.spin
1Finsko PARUS ChristerOk start. Only one small misstake.
1Španělsko PAULOS AlejandroBad stage, lot of mistakes
1Finsko PELTOLA SamiToo many snowbanks
1Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrscary moment
1Lithuania RAKAUSKAS Tomas3x reverses..
1Estonia Rebase KevinBent my wheel at the start of the stage
1Germany RITTER ReneHi all not a clean run in opening stage.
1Lithuania Rytis Krasauskasadam, pasirodo greitas
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusYeah, it was ok. A bit untrust of my self and car, but it went well
1Španělsko SANCHEZ Pabloits my first rally in snow. Slowly
1Lithuania SIMASKA Justasok
1Estonia SIMSON GabrielHalf spin.
1Česká republika STOLFA OndrejHi
1Polsko SZKUTA Mateuszhello guys
1Polsko SZYDLO Tomaszmeh
1Lithuania Taurijus Rakauskasdekui broliui uz si graju
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi
1Lithuania UGNIUS VaineviciusI had two spins, not a good way to start the rally.
1Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboPoor run
1Polsko USS MaciekHi all,I dont like winter conditions. On night is very tricky
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all.

Události na serveru
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  • Skalsko - Vinec
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  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

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  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
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  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
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  • Halenkovice 2018
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