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Open RBR-LT WRC - Rally Sweden 2015
Open RBR-LT WRC 2015 2 nd round Rally Sweden 2015 All info on our web page:
18.2.2015 15:26 - 24.2.2015 23:59

Tournament belongs to cup RBR-LT 2015 (Open RBR-LT WRC 2015 championship)
Only drivers nominated by their team
12345678910  /    1112131415161718  /    192021
RZ/SS 3 - Rojden 1
Results for class (group): A8
surface new and dry, good weather, late morning, no snow, light clouds
6.1 km
All / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
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SSNameDrivers comments
21Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHad mistake, lost about 3 sec. I\'m happy, because I in finish. Thanks for great rally!
21Ukraine BAKHTIN AlekseyThanks
21Russian Federation BOKOV Sergeythenks!!!
21Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimir2-x crash.... Thenks all!!!
21Poland CHOROBIK Dawidok, finish, thx for rally, thx for nice fight, congrats. Shame a lot of little mistakes where I lost a lot of seconds, but its rally, see on next time!
21Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanBad rally only last day was ok.
21Sweden HULT TobiasI did my best here atleast, WR :) Very sad that the rally was going to end like this after my mistake on SS2. Good luck everyone :)
21Ireland JONAITIS Jonissaugiai ir gerai,su default ,saugojom pazicija, manau pasiseke,aciu uz rali
21Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergeyok
21Czech Republic KRYGLER Janthat was maybe too careful, but ok, i am satisfied... race without any major mistake. Bye!
21Czech Republic KUBINI VladimirThanks for rallye!!!
21Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasDekui uz rali.Paskutiniai du SS labai idomus,neteko dar vaziuoti.
21Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusfinisas pasiektas su kuo save ir sveikinu,perdaug laiko issvaistyta pirma diena.
21Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyslabo... snova zagnyl kolesa, na etot raz tolko 2 levih.
21Portugal PAULO Temperawell, second rally of the season, second rally i have finnished, i guess is the first time this happend. about rally,after i hit a tree on leg one, the podium positions on n4 group was i have to push hard on leg 2 and 3 to try to make maximum points...maby 5th place... im happy...
21Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovNice stage and we at the finish!)
21Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszVery difficult rally, I am happy that I finished:) Unfortunately I had problems with differential, so I lost 5 minutes in leg 2. I push hard on the last stage :) i hope that I will get some points :) Thanks :)
21Poland RAJEWSKI TomaszBad rally for me, i dont like snow, See You in Mexico. Thanks
21Lithuania RALLY GuruIm push hard, a lot hard tuch\'esso at finish car loks scary :D any way +2 thanks all for nice fight. Se you in Mecsico
21Ukraine SMIRNOFF PetrThanks oraganizers. It was difficult.
21Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborthank organizer !
20Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSafe
20Poland CHOROBIK Dawiddamaged car..
20Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanHard stage.
20Ireland JONAITIS Jonisnu kaip su default , tai gerai :)
20Czech Republic KRYGLER Jan1st run
20Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexfirst drive on this SS
20Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriykolesa \-/ 3 htyki
20Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovOnly one stage to go!)
20Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszno codrives
20Poland RAJEWSKI Tomaszim first time on this stage!
20Lithuania RALLY Guruit was fun - some damages from previos SS and lost 2 s
19Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSmall mistakes, but ok
19Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanGl last day.
19Czech Republic HOFFMANN JakubHi :D a milion hits snowbank :D car is KO :D
19Sweden HULT TobiasHi, good luck. The powerstage is the main goal for me.
19Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi spin
19Czech Republic KRYGLER Janhi
19Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovVery hard rally for me!
19Lithuania RALLY Gurupush hard but have troubles from outside and after lost driving direction, so few mistakes and lost 2 s
19Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi
18Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasThis day was good for me, See u in last day!
18Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanThanks for the service. now is the car ok for the last day.
18Sweden HULT TobiasI will focus 100 percent on the powerstage now. Good luck everyone :)
18Ireland JONAITIS Jonisook, Mateusz out,Sergey was not too fast,is good wishes for me , seen u in last day,bye
18Czech Republic KRYGLER JanIt has been good, except the Karlstad 2 with strange physic.
18Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirbez snwm mam r. o 8s rychlejsi, ty casy co vidim o leccems napovidaji ... ale to je znama vec :-))
18Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusantra diena zymiai geresne,kelis spinus turejau,stengsimes trecia diena pakilti auksciau
18Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexhard damage, 89 min servis time
18Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyremont okolo 85min. Snow mod govno!
18Portugal PAULO Temperafor me was ok, i loose all the chances to win the rally during the first thes second leg i push har try to catch the fifth place...maby impossible...lets see
18Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovNot so good, but we still learning!
18Ukraine PIDLUSKY Oleksandr2 day OK. was small mistakes...
18Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszI lost central differential... Max speed 70 km/h. I lost over 5 minutes.
18Poland RAJEWSKI Tomaszonly 43s before PAULO i think i dont defend my position, hes incredible fast, but we have damaged suspenssion all Leg2 so we drive wise and carefully. Waiting for leg 3...
18Lithuania RALLY Guruok, any way to slow, but with this tyres I cant faster. Agaisns some one driwing with different physicks and its sad...
18Ukraine SOROKIN Nikitagood 2 day
18Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborskoda 1 etapy !!!!
17Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasAfter jump to snowbank
17Ukraine BAKHTIN Aleksey net slov!!
17Poland CHOROBIK Dawidsnowbanks... i lost 3s
17Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanrealy bad day.
17Ireland JONAITIS Jonisone off, need a Rgear :(
17Czech Republic KRYGLER Janhalfspin
17Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirminor accidents +12s! (zars*ana obleva...)
17Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyfuckin sugrobi instage.
17Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovOnly one stage to go!
17Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszproblem with clutch...
17Ukraine RAEVSKIY SergeyNo steering
17Lithuania RALLY Gurufa**** again - troubles from outside, go to pause and after lost driving directory +6s f***
17Lithuania VID Viktorf....................
16Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSnowbanks
16Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbannot my day. rolled and the car is not good now.
16Ireland JONAITIS JonisIgnas lekia, net nematau priekyje
16Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovWe try to stay in the road!
16Lithuania RALLY Guruf** -few mistakes +4.7
16Ukraine SOROKIN Nikitagood
15Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSpin
15Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok.
15Ireland JONAITIS Jonislast split slowest
15Czech Republic KUBINI VladimirLibor na trati? Sledujes ty casy? Asi mu tam chybi zatacky :-)))
15Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyfuckin mod
15Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovMinus one opponent!
15Lithuania RALLY Gurutoo much mistake after split2
15Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisok
15Russian Federation TITOV Yuriyvilet(((
15Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborto nema cenu resit ! to by jsme nemohli jezdit ! kdybch to bral vazne !!!! takze si jedu svoje a prdim na ne !!!
14Russian Federation AHMETSHIN Evgeniykrisha(((
14Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanWrong setup and the car was realy bad to drive this stages.
14Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakubshort service :DDD
14Sweden HULT TobiasToo much in the snowbanks on the last one.
14Ireland JONAITIS Jonismasian nenukentejo,varysim toliau
14Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimircrash (+10-12s)
14Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriydolbomod. snes dva kolesa na 100%
14Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovLet us move!
14Poland RAJEWSKI Tomaszheavy damage after day one so we drive carefully
14Lithuania RALLY Gurutyres +10 -seems someone dont have normal physics...
14Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskis3 splitas geras
14Ukraine SOROKIN Nikitalost 15 sec
13Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakub2x crash :DD and KO crash after finish :DD I am best :D
13Ireland JONAITIS Jonisgreiciau neiseina
13Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovWe must to fix our car!
13Lithuania RALLY Gurunot puch - try safe mu tyres +3
13Russian Federation TITOV Yuriypizdec!!!!! Opiat\' zastrial na etom dolbonom SU((((((((((((( Eto prosto pizdec!!!!!!!
12Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSome mistakes
12Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimir+10s
12Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbani have default setup :(
12Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakubspin , crash , went off , i need manual for snow with wrc :D
12Ireland JONAITIS Jonisbus gerai
12Czech Republic KUBINI VladimirPB, hm asi tam mam nejake zatacky navic ;-))
12Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovI try to get finish!
12Lithuania RALLY Gurutry drive without risck so +4.2 s
12Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskis+8 sau
11Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHi, ok
11Sweden HENRIKSSON Urban Bad start to day.
11Czech Republic HOFFMANN JakubHi ... a lot of hit snowbank and hit marschall
11Sweden HULT TobiasI will try to enjoy the rest of the rally. Good luck in day 2 :)
11Ireland JONAITIS Jonisswx,hi again
11Czech Republic KRYGLER Janhi
11Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimir--
11Russian Federation NIKOLAEF AndreyOut((
11Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovBad stage again!!!(((
11Lithuania RALLY Guruok +4 sec. but no problem
11Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisok
11Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi
10Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignas...
10Russian Federation CHIROKOV VladimirOK +50sec
10Poland CHOROBIK Dawidok, finish, I lost a lot of time because my wheel is damaged, I fight with car, see on second leg
10Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanbig mistakes on 2 stages. and i think i drive to safe on day 1. See you on day 2. Nice drive Roman.
10Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok, first day finished,GL for rest!!
10Russian Federation KARKACH AlexOn 7SS - big *BAAH !* in the right wheel.
10Czech Republic KRYGLER JanOk, no risk. Thanks for reset.
10Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirbig crash (+12s) 3x somersault. Servis 88!
10Russian Federation MEDVEDEV Romangood first leg! Good luck for all
10Czech Republic NOVOSAD RostislavHodne tezka rally
10Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovVery hard first leg, but we still at the race!
10Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszIt was ok. Very difficult, slippery. I was very carefull :)
10Lithuania RALLY Guru+8 sec, no tyres at all. Day in finish
10Ukraine SOROKIN Nikitana 7 su slomal koleso. dumayu den 2 budet lujshe
10Russian Federation TITOV Yuriysukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
10Lithuania VID Viktorgaline padanga-100 prekine- 67
9Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHad off
9Ireland JONAITIS Jonisfinisas arteja...
9Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovOnly one stage to go!)
9Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateusz3 x snowbank
9Lithuania RALLY Gurutyres + 15
8Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
8Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovI try to stay at the track!
8Lithuania RALLY Guru+9 troubles from outside...
8Ukraine SOROKIN Nikitalost 20 sec. slomano koleso
7Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSpin
7Poland CHOROBIK Dawidfight with car, i lost a lot of time on stages
7Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok.
7Ireland JONAITIS Jonispfff ,roof+help
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonwater pomp and radiator 0 dead. Engine die (( befor 2nd split. Not Lucky
7Russian Federation MEDVEDEV Roman i need to be careful
7Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovWe try to continue this rally!
7Lithuania RALLY Guruf** this tupid SS
6Poland CHOROBIK Dawidmy wheel is very damaged and tyres too, 50
6Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanbig off.
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
6Latvia KINEENS Tomsc4h
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antoncrash. Razvorot. +10sek lost, radiator po4ti vitek. Jalko, ne doedu ((
6Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexcrash
6Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovA had a stupid mistake at the end of the stage!(
6Ukraine RAEVSKIY SergeyBig crash and call for help. Car is seriously damaged.
6Lithuania RALLY Guruok safe not push I heed better tyre condition
6Czech Republic VECERA Lukasits unreal it was last race!!!
5Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimir10min..........
5Poland CHOROBIK Dawidexcatly, 10min... it shuld be miniumum 30min, 60min it would be great, its unreal!
5Ireland JONAITIS Jonis10 min???????
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antondamage Dumpers, Hub, Gearbox...... Very safe drove, Save a car
5Czech Republic KRYGLER Jan10min servis? hmm great...
5Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirminor accidents (+6s)
5Czech Republic NOVOSAD Rostislavvylomene koa penalizace v servisu 3.10
5Portugal PAULO Temperafor me was ok just 2 little mistakes....the car is ok...hope keeps like this ;)
5Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovAt least we had some service!(
5Lithuania RALLY Guruwithout radiator cant push just finish - no tyres no radiator +15sec.
5Ukraine SHESTAVIN Dmitriyder\'mo!
5Russian Federation SOLDAKOV IlyaPizdec auto i podveske) a 10 vinyt remonta nixy- ne dali
5Czech Republic VECERA Lukas:D is it real conditions? haha
4Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasSafe, but I spun
4Poland CHOROBIK Dawidspin
4Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanoff and mistakes all stage.
4Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonOk, safe
4Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyeto wlak
4Portugal PAULO Tempera1 spin in a very slow corner ;(
4Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovEvery time our car want to turn right!(((
4Lithuania RALLY Guruno tyre and fu** this stupis SS and invisible wall in the end I physicall cant stop before this fuking walll
4Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyasyka! kak ge nenavigy etot sy! posto-nno zriteli na doroge!!!!!!!
4Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrdamn snow became a frustrating experience recently, cant make good setups now theres a stupid crash
4Czech Republic TOMECEK Libor!!!!!!?????!!!!!
4Czech Republic VECERA LukasI have no power of engine
3Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
3Czech Republic KRYGLER Janstupid mistake
3Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexcrash
3Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovI try to do my best!
3Lithuania RALLY Guruvery bad lost over 7 sec. Tyres bad and strange car feeling
3Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisteko apsisukti
3Czech Republic VECERA Lukasbad rhythm!so many mistakes
2Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakuboh no :( jump to tree
2Sweden HULT TobiasNoo :( That was a stupid mistake, I was really looking forward to this rally :/
2Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
2Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriydermo eto
2Portugal PAULO Temperawent of the road 1 is fine
2Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovIt was not so easy!
2Lithuania RALLY Gurunot bad, not too much mistakes +1.22
2Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisteko i pause iseiti
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHigh speed spin after jump. I\'am not happy with car setup. Too hard
2Czech Republic VECERA Lukastwo times off:(
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHi, safe
1Ukraine BAKHTIN AlekseyHi!
1Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanHi all. safe start and i think i go safe on leg 1, only 10 min service on leg 1. gl all.
1Czech Republic HOFFMANN JakubHi all , my first start with WRC , see you how to will go next stage , but i can only fun
1Sweden HULT TobiasHi everyone, good luck :)
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonisswx, hi all
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhi all. very safe start.
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV SergeyHi all!
1Ukraine KOVALENKO VladislavNe ploxo, no trenirovok net(
1Czech Republic KRYGLER JanHi
1Czech Republic KUBINI VladimirHi ,,
1Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexcrash in last turn ((
1Ukraine PAVLO VorobyovHow I can demaged dumpers?
1Poland RAJEWSKI TomaszHello all, adventures on first stage -.-
1Lithuania RALLY Gurustupid mistake lost 4 sek in one need turn rear gear f** Bad start
1Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskissveiki, neblogai
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHello! Safe start
1Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrgonna suck some snow
1Czech Republic TOMECEK LiborHI
1Czech Republic VECERA Lukashi

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