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----SLORBR 8---- 07. Rally Alpi Orientali
7th round of SLORBR 8. More info @
7.2.2013 12:00 - 12.2.2013 23:59

Tournament belongs to cup SLORBR (SLORBR)
Only drivers nominated by their team
12345678  /    9101112131415
RZ/SS 12 - Osli - Stryckovy
Results for class (group): A8
surface new and dry, good weather, morning, crisp, clear
10.6 km
All / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
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Cup nominations

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SSNameDrivers comments
15Slovenia BLATNIK Primozso bad feeling on this stage that i forgot how to get through it, really bad
15Poland DELCZYK BartoszVery nice rally. In the previous stages i had some problems but I\'m happy with the result.
15Czech Republic FOJTIK Kubaok, I hope it will be podium :)
15Croatia GRGURINA RobiNot bad time for the power stage, considering the old tyres. Thanks for the rally, I enjoyed it very much. Go Promoz!
15Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanNice drive Tobias.1 smal mistake on bergheim and the car was dead.
15Sweden HULT TobiasGood tarmac rally to be me, many PBs and good feeling with the car :) Good luck everyone and GO URBAN!!!
15Poland JANGAS Mariuszok jakos poszlo
15Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergeyok :-)
15Czech Republic KUCERA DavidApart from one spin and lil\' hit barrier on Sosnova in the 1st leg it was a calm rally. I tried to combined fast pace but with some room for safety drive. I made a crucial step towards getting the title. Robi and Stefan drove great! I wish luck to my ill teammate, Kristijan and Simon! Vidimo se :-)
15Finland MAKINEN Tommithanks
15Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrThanks :)
15Spain MARZOA JuanSe me fue en la penultima curva...,en fin...,congratulations Piotr
15Slovenia MEJAK MarkoI was so pissed when I spun on osli, but decided to push and it payed off:)
15Slovenia MEJAK MatejDamn you took the last power stage point by 0.1s :). Thanks to Grgurina, I have a bit more chances to win in slo standings :)
15Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriIam still ill. Iam on the end, hope, but still I not feel as well. My concentration is so difficult to keep. All the rally I think about others problems, not just about road. .. Anyway I am happy for see finsihed of this nice event. GL to all and congratulation to David.
15Serbia RISTIC UrosSafe on last one, car was damaged ;) Great result for me, 2nd place in n4, very happy with that! There is still room for improvment ofcourse :) Bravo Stefan!
15Germany RITTER Reneok result is ok. But we lost many many seconds and do much wrong things. Can be look better. Grats to podium! see you soon...
15Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszThis was really good, fast rally. Im happy from the finish, a lot of expierience got here. Last stage little nervous to see finish but Ok. Thanks :)
15Czech Republic SLANY MirekDiky za turnaj. Brno Racing Team
15Serbia SMILJKOVIC Stefanbad last 3 stages but overall good rally for me.Ajde Kristijan stisni Skodu malo :)
15Germany STEIN TorstenOk,Thanks
15Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanEeeeh... A leg to forget... On Sosnova the car just fliped over on the roof on the bridge and was lucky to survive that one, but lost around 1 min... And even without it would be impossible to catch Stefan. Peklo, Mlynky and Sosnova destroyed my rally... On others it was quite ok.
15Slovenia TOMAZIC SimonI am a bit angry. :) I was focused just on Matej and completly forget about others, and because of that lost two important points. And i relized that in the middle of the stage, then i start to push, but it was to late. Before that point, aslo done two mistakes, lost 15 s. :) Matej, good luck! :)
15Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborthank organizer !!
15Poland WOJTCZAK Danielbad leg for me :/
14Poland HOFMAN Bartoszcrash;/
14Poland JANGAS Mariuszok
14Czech Republic KUCERA Davidspin - 6s lost ... last one
14Spain MARZOA JuanAll in...XD
14Slovenia MEJAK Matejoff
14Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriHate this stage. Did my maximum. No injury on this SS. So fucking ungry from Stryckovy. I need this 20s lost, now.
14Serbia RISTIC Urossta radis urose jbt
14Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI Bartoszspin and 15 seconds lost, but OK. Going to last stage : )
14Spain SIXTO ManuelAqui te los dejo Juan, entiendete con ellos !
14Poland WOJTCZAK DanielPB
13Poland HOFMAN Bartoszvery easy
13Poland KRUSZ PiotrThanks
13Slovenia MEJAK Marko:)
13Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriI try to psuh, because I loved this stage. But result is just mistakes. I did a spin on jump before first village. Huge piece of luck and car control. And than I lost motivation and did again spin on slow place. Lost I think 18s. F..k !!! Car is quit eOk
13Serbia RISTIC Urosjebeno bi
13Germany RITTER Renedon t let me alone baby!
13Spain SIXTO ManuelMe falto velocidad punta....
13Serbia SMILJKOVIC Stefanoff in the field in high speed,rear left whell is almost off
12Slovenia BLATNIK Primozmoments that shorten your life
12Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok.
12Sweden HULT TobiasPB :)
12Czech Republic KUCERA Davidtyres 13 all around ....
12Serbia LAKETIC Nemanjaopet menjac :/
12Finland MAKINEN Tommijust cruising, not my stages
12Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrO la la!! Big crash - car is damaged :\
12Slovenia MEJAK Markospin cost me 15s :S
12Slovenia MEJAK Matejso f***ing close to crash at the end :O
12Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriWell, Iam so safe on beginning, but later I find a good rythm. No problems at all on this stage. Again I lost a bit to Kristjan. Grr !! Hope today come SS , when I beat him. ... Car is Ok.
12Serbia RISTIC Uros2 veeery big spins in first split, later another one, happy to finish, but time is bad :/
12Germany RITTER Renehit the spectators and lost 40 sec another. god damn... :-/
12Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszMy suspension was little damaged and I see It but good leg.
12Spain SIXTO ManuelTengo el Corsa todo destrozao, no da tiempo a reparar sin penalizar. Una piedra en el camino...jajajaja.
12Czech Republic SLANY MirekUFFF ... na prejezdu salto pres cumak - nechapu , a pakto bylo jasny = s tim se nedalo jet
12Slovenia TOMAZIC SimonEhh, I now remeber that Robi is in SLORBR points, and it would be nice if i was infront of him, and Matej behind. But now it is too late...
11Poland HOFMAN Bartosz;/
11Poland JANGAS Mariuszok
11Poland KRUSZ PiotrVery stupid crash!!!!
11Czech Republic KUCERA Davidstrange feeling from the car....
11Finland MAKINEN Tommino mistakes
11Czech Republic NOVOSAD Rostislavdvakrat divaci
11Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszToo long gearbox i think
10Poland HOFMAN Bartoszcrash
10Serbia LAKETIC Nemanja2x gasenje na hartu
10Finland MAKINEN Tommivery good but shit time wtf
10Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriToo slow. I didnt want to push and did a mistake. Tricky stage..
9Slovenia BLATNIK Primozput myself some tyres on the bridge on the second pass
9Slovenia BOLCINA JankoNevidni gledalec 1m iz proge. To res ni fer. Beda.
9Poland DELCZYK Bartoszvery bad stage, i destroy my car ;/
9Poland HOFMAN Bartoszi was punch tyers and lost oil, wtf?
9Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :)
9Poland JANGAS Mariuszok
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergeyhi
9Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikok
9Czech Republic KUCERA Davidno risk
9Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
9Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriI dont really understand, why my car is completely repaired. I had a feeling from last service, car is not 100 percent repaired. .. Anyway I drive very carefouly and no risk
9Slovenia NOVAK Klemensklopka
9Czech Republic NOVOSAD Rostislavdivaci auto zustalo lezet na boku
9Germany RITTER Renewe lost to much time at the last passing this stage. 1 minute we lost.
9Czech Republic SLANY MirekZdravim u druheho dne
9Serbia SMILJKOVIC Stefani hate this stage so much
9Slovenia TOMAZIC Simoncliped the tires before the bridge and almost roll the car.
9Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi
9Poland WOJTCZAK Danielbig crash
8Slovenia BLATNIK Primozlet\'s go for a push and see how it unfolds :) bravo Robi
8Czech Republic FOJTIK KubaOne funny moment on the last stage, but the rest was ok :)
8Croatia GRGURINA RobiI lost some time on Peklo and Bergheim, but everything else was ok. Finally a completely tarmac rally, so I had a good rythm and enjoyed a lot, especially on Sosnova :)
8Sweden HENRIKSSON Urban1 mistake on bergheim and this rally was done. GO Tobias GO!!!!!!
8Poland HOFMAN Bartoszcrash!but my drive was good, first time i have good speed of the most challange. We will see next leg!
8Sweden HULT TobiasGood first leg, my only mistake was that spin on SS4. Good luck everyone :)
8Poland JANGAS Mariuszok
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergeyk
8Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikbad day, 1x cfh and 1x crash...I must push hard in next leg!
8Poland KRUSZ PiotrA lot of mistakes, but it\'s good, because I\'m at the finish line 1 day. In stage 2 will try to avoid stupid mistakes and a little speed ;)
8Czech Republic KUCERA DavidBlah, I had one scary moment. This stage is pretty tricky. The more you focus on not to do a mistake, the probability to do so is higher :-D I am happy to see finish as the compilation of stages was not easy to cruise through at all. I am looking forward to the next half. GL Simon,Kristijan,Jiri :)
8Finland MAKINEN TommiNothing to do, Davi is too fast.. but ok i did some mistakes where i lose time. But anything can happen.. see you :)
8Poland MALCZEWSKI Piotr1 day not god - 30-35 sec faster is possible
8Slovenia MEJAK Markothis last one was terrible, the rest of the leg was between bad and average :)
8Slovenia MEJAK Matejok leg1, but was hoping it would be better
8Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriIam to tired. I did some mistakes, but I cannot drive better today. Yesterday on night I have a fever 39.5c and still I dontfeel good. Iam so sad, because in normall condition? ibelieve Iam very strong on this event. Bad season for me anyway. ... Sorry David
8Czech Republic NOVOSAD Rostislavprvni dve rz hruza pak us to celkem slo.
8Spain ORTIZ JorgeVery bad rally, many mistakes and three cfh and one SR
8Serbia RISTIC UrosIt was ok day for me, lost a lot of time on Berg but that i was expecting because of low PC performances. PS. Go go Smiljkovic :D
8Germany RITTER Renei lost over a minute after spectator help! damn i m so angry... but it s Motorsport. see you at 2nd Leg.
8Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszIm happy because my car is not damaged and I didnt do mistakes. This guys are really fast so Im only go to finish :)
8Czech Republic SLANY Mirek...prvni den za nami - dost chyb, setap OK.....stale je co zlepsovat. Brno Tacing Team
8Serbia SMILJKOVIC Stefannot bad,bit slow on peklo and sosnova,on peklo cuz it is scary and sosnova cuz i hate circut stages.
8Germany STEIN Torstenok
8Czech Republic STUDENY IvoUff
8Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanUhh.. that was a scary leg... Hit a bank and had a spin on Mlynky (I hate that stage by the way) and lost the rythm. Happy to see the finish of the leg, but Stefan was way to fast and consistent for me... Good luck to all.
8Slovenia TOMAZIC SimonSurprise in last lap, i found concrete block in the middle of the finish line...didn\'t know that i hit it before. lost a second or two, because had to stop completley...and i still hit it! Anyway, glad to be here..Matej, slow down a bit.. :P
8Czech Republic TOMECEK Libor????!!!!
8Latvia USVILS Kristaps1,3km until finish :@
7Latvia DABINS Raivoretire retire retire
7Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelBurning upp :) Lost controll in 6:th gear and smack in a tree
7Slovenia GANTAR Domenbearly touch a tree and whole car system shutdown. da fak
7Poland HOFMAN Bartoszmistake!
7Czech Republic KOUTSKY DominikI HATE THIS STAGE! cfh
7Czech Republic KUCERA Davidok
7Finland MAKINEN Tommifuck 2x off -.-
7Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrFull throtle :)
7Spain MARZOA Juanno me lo puedo creer...
7Slovenia MEJAK Markocould be better
7Slovenia PACNIK Alesdziratondo
7Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI Bartoszok !
7Czech Republic SLANY Mirek...opet se chybovalo, ale dojelo se
7Slovenia SMID Miranoff road...
7Czech Republic STUDENY Ivohodne spatne !! 2x help
7Latvia USVILS Kristapswater :(
7Czech Republic VECERA Lukasspin:(
6Poland BACZYNSKI Michal:/
6Poland BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszcfh
6Sweden ERIKSSON Micaelaaargh, spinn in first sector...
6Poland HOFMAN Bartoszomg... this is not my fall!
6Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikok
6Czech Republic KUCERA Davidok, without much risking. Tyres just 8 percent all around :)
6Finland MAKINEN Tommioff....
6Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrBIG roll :\ 30 sek lost :\ OMG!!!!
6Slovenia MEJAK Markotoo careful
6Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriCrash in fast section. Low concentration...
6Spain ORTIZ Jorgecfh
6Serbia RISTIC Urosslabo
6Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszIm happy from timing, Im not attacking but going to finish
6Slovenia SMID Miranspin....
6Czech Republic STUDENY Ivonemam rad mlynky !!
6Latvia USVILS Kristapsokey, now I just want to finish this day, I\'m not hopping for good result, but as well I\'m not tarmac expert
6Czech Republic VECERA Lukasok safety:)
5Slovenia GANTAR Domenthis realistic drives me crazy
5Sweden HULT TobiasUrban :(
5Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikbad, David is very fast!
5Czech Republic KUCERA Davidscary one is coming
5Serbia LAKETIC Nemanja:/
5Finland MAKINEN Tommimistakes in last split
5Slovenia MEJAK Markolost a second or 2 in first lap
5Slovenia MEJAK Matejlost time in the second loop off of the gravel
5Serbia RISTIC UrosMnogo sam rizikovao, isao sam dosta agresivno, vreme je odlicno s\'obzirom da secka non stop, brze od ovoga je nemoguce na mom PC-u!
5Germany RITTER Renespin on stage and it cost many seconds. completly bad
5Portugal SANTOS Carlossome small mistakes...
5Czech Republic SLANY Mirekhooodne chyb
5Latvia USVILS Kristaps:( two tyres are complitly broken because of the last corner
5Czech Republic VECERA Lukasok
4Czech Republic BABAK Ondrejcouvani
4Finland BEAR Mattepic fail
4Poland DELCZYK Bartoszspore problemy na teym oesie, auto uszkodzone dwa razy musialem cofac ;/
4Sweden ERIKSSON Micaelshort gearbox...
4Poland HOFMAN Bartoszoff!!
4Sweden HULT TobiasI spun and lost some time, maybe 5-10 sec :/
4Poland JANGAS Mariuszok
4Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikok, no risk
4Czech Republic KUCERA Davidtaken steadily
4Finland MAKINEN TommiNo mistakes, just too carefully...
4Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrUff... Big moment - 5 sec lost :\
4Slovenia MEJAK Markook
4Spain ORTIZ Jorgeroll
4Germany RITTER Renebad time.
4Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszIts ok, good gearbox and no risk
4Portugal SANTOS Carlosclose calls, nice saves
4Czech Republic SLANY Mirek...stale problem - ale do servisu se dojelo
4Czech Republic STUDENY Ivosem trefil poradatele!!!!
4Latvia USVILS Kristapsfew mistakes because of one broken tyre
4Czech Republic VECERA Lukasok :)
3Poland Blonski Marcincfh...:(
3Latvia DABINS Raivofuck, how stupid misatke. OMG
3Slovenia GANTAR Domencrashed in time control at the end of bisane
3Poland HOFMAN Bartoszok
3Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikok
3Finland MAKINEN Tommiim happy for this time, some mistakes but nothing big :)
3Czech Republic NEVRÄLÖ Robin10 vterin penalizacka + boj s vylomenyma kolama
3Slovenia NOVAK Klemen2x bli gledalci v napoto....nimam jst srece s tem slorbr
3Czech Republic PETER Marekfuck it
3Serbia RISTIC Uroshate this stage
3Germany RITTER Reneok i am happy! we pushing hard but little bit saftey.
3Portugal SANTOS Carloswent uphill offroad almost hit crowd
3Czech Republic SLANY Mirek.. do haje - pouze na 1.stupen
3Czech Republic SNAJDER Michaelso many mistakes.. at the stage I lost 20 second to my personal record
3Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirrelative good time and cars is good
3Slovenia TOMAZIC SimonGot stuck in the tires, first corner! :)
3Latvia USVILS Kristaps:/ lost some time
3Czech Republic VECERA Lukasproblems I lost maybe 5sec
2Latvia DABINS Raivosafe, but with mistakes. )
2Poland HOFMAN Bartoszeasy
2Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikgreat time David!
2Czech Republic KRYGLER Janstupid mistake
2Czech Republic KUCERA Davidfast
2Finland MAKINEN Tommilol
2Slovenia MEJAK Markojust too many mistakes
2Slovenia PACNIK Alespizda pa 300m u grmavje
2Portugal SANTOS Carloso
2Spain SIXTO ManuelCorren que se las pelan Juan !
2Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirok
2Latvia USVILS Kristapsearly c4h
2Czech Republic VECERA LukasI think good drive:)
1Russian Federation CHIROKOV VladimirHi all!!!!!
1Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelHi all =)
1Slovenia GANTAR DomenHi. I think there was a lot of cutting from drivers in front.
1Croatia GRGURINA Robihi
1Poland HOFMAN Bartoszhi all!
1Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :)
1Poland JANGAS Mariuszok
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV SergeyHi all !
1Czech Republic KOUTSKY DominikHi!
1Finland MAKINEN Tommihi all, no any test.. i try just finish..
1Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrHi
1Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
1Slovenia MEJAK Markohi all
1Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriHi all. Iam ill, but hope, possible to drive this event...
1Czech Republic NOVOSAD Rostislavjsem se prevratil na bok hodne nestabylni vuz
1Germany RITTER Reneok not the best start but looking forward. :-)
1Portugal SANTOS Carlosstuck rails ...good start..
1Slovenia SEDEJ Vojkolp
1Czech Republic SLANY MirekZdravim vsechny posadky
1Serbia SMILJKOVIC Stefani hate this stage
1Slovakia TOKOLY VladimirHi all
1Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi all
1Latvia USVILS KristapsHi
1Czech Republic VECERA LukasHi today with Fiesta S1600 but only for fun:) I dont drive it

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