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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Corona Rally Mexico 2006
Official RBRchamp
10.3.2006 7:00 - 13.3.2006 23:00
12345678910111213  /    14151617181920212223
RZ/SS 1 - Fraizer Wells
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): A8
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, ráno, ???, ???
5 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
Na RZ 1DalšíPo RZ 1

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
23Španělsko ALVAREZ Joseluisok
23Hungary Attila CsicselyGood race! Gratulations Hamreus, nice race. Hajra MAGYAROK
23Španělsko BARTES Jordiok, two last stages with damaged wheel but good rally overall
23Polsko CEBULA Jarekuff I am in finish and I am quite happy, hope to get some points.
23Švédkso Erik PerssonIm happy to finish. One big off first day and one roll day 2.
23Estonia erkoshit final stage and i find the only tree on the free land. only shit happens
23Chile Felipe Alfarofor a second i lose a position but, it\'s a good rally for me, i think that i can chose more points, cya in catalunya
23Švédkso Henrik Ossianssoncarefull
23Finsko HYNONEN VesaStage 21 my clucht btoken and my race it is!!!! Shit!!! This race was i best race 20 stage!!!
23Estonia Jaanis SulgHappy to finish. Congratulations to all winners.
23Polsko Jacek KowalewskiI\'m happy I finished. It was very fast and very tough rally. After all it\'s ok:)
23Romania Janos Soosgratulation Holba nice race
23Slovinsko JEREB Jureway better than leg1!!
23Finsko Jesse Turunenvery bad rally for me, didnt find the rythm and i did mistakes all the time.. i will probably switch to Gr.N..
23Chile kallo zarate:O:O: mi primer rally terminado wn..!!! aguante alfaro..!!! vamos!!
23Polsko Lukas Lachyeeeah i defendes Dmitry and Mikhel, beggining of leg was slow, but final stages i went much faster, great fight, but not enogh corners for me ;-) congratulations
23Polsko Lukasz BednarzI am happy to see finish line. Today\'s first stages was awful but later it well good:) See you on Spanish tarmac stages:)
23Polsko Lukasz Derejskione small mistake and i go out of the road :( was fast - congratulations for all finish drivers !!
23Netherlands Marcus van Ringendespite lots of practice didn\'t get close to pr\'s lots of scary moments. congrats winners and finishers
23Australia Mark SteelePretty safe, one bad mistake in 23 stages.. Ok, a good rally..
23Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
23Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
23Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
23Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYthis championship i ride really bad
23Španělsko NSRCHI\'m pretty happy, I did my best with no major problems. congratulations to all finishers and winners :-)
23Hungary NYILAS Mihalyennyi....nem akartam \42esznelkul\42eldobni....igy is jobb lett a 2.nap... Hajra Magyarok!!!
23Russian Federation Paul Jashchishinesli bi 1-day ne zaporol bilo bi klevo
23Hungary PEPICH Zoltanhat az uccso kicsit zilalt lett befrissitett a nod. MISI PAPA bar jol lehagytatok azert elveztem nekem hobby nektek eles :) GRAT mindenkinek
23Finsko Petri Vayrynenpushed to limits and over... :P but good rally.. GGA
23Polsko Piotr Trzeciaknice :)
23Polsko PODSIADLO Michalgreat I\'m on finish :)
23Estonia RIISMAA Andresi am happy for finish and some stages waz very good times for me :)
23Hungary Sebestyen Nagyvery good finish. the car was ok, thx to the skoda team!
23Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioCongratulations to the winners and the finishers. See you in next rally
23Hungary Szabolcs DeakDrove as if against Tommi - don\'t know if he will run.. If not, I believe I\'ve won :)
23Germany Timo Ebelwent slow at first but after one mistake i decided it\'s all or nothing and put the pedal to the metal. seems to have helped at least a little bit. my rally of the 1000 mistakes, but well, it\'s just a game, isn\'t it?
23Slovensko Tomas Holbavery good rally, but very dangeours in very high speed, i am happy, thanks for organisations of this World Camp
23Russian Federation Voronin Vladimirslava bogu est finish!
23Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekgreat rally for me,but its a big pity ot that penal 30s,if it didnt,i coul be first,but its a rally.So congratulation Robert,you was better.And GL others
23Polsko Wojciech Talagalepiej bedzie jak nic nie powiem
23Polsko Zbigniew Artystamaybe i\'ll get higher on the list :D
23Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonale jo, na tu bidu
22Španělsko BARTES Jordione mistake and then one wheel touched
22Estonia Jaanis SulgOkey
22Chile kallo zarate=O
22Polsko Lukasz Derejskii see tommy hamreus just before me - its a true ??? its amazing :)
22Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
22Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
22Polsko Michal Ostapiukmistakes
22Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKY1x help
22Španělsko NSRCHmessy, but I try to push and keep the pace
22Hungary Peter Kreiszbasszamegaza majomkurvaisten. az uccso kanyar elott... ahh
22Polsko Piotr Trzeciak1 mistake ;/
22Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
22Hungary Sebestyen Nagyok
22Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioNervous for last stage :)
22Hungary Szabolcs DeakWilder than your wildest dreams, when you\'re going to extremes..
22Germany Timo Ebelbest positioning so far. but no chance to get one more in s1600 class. too many mistakes in the whole rally.
22Slovensko Tomas Holbacarefull
22Česká republika Vratislav Honzaleksurely to finish
22Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonj
21Španělsko ALVAREZ Joseluisgetting better
21Hungary Attila Csicselyuristen ketszer borultam es azthittem vege de tommi is hibazott
21Španělsko BARTES Jordicarefully but good
21Švédkso Erik Perssonrolled
21Švédkso Henrik Ossianssonwent into a tree, broke front suspension.
21Finsko HYNONEN VesaMy mistake
21Estonia Jaanis SulgFlipped over the roof and call4help
21Polsko Jacek KowalewskiOn the stage before I had very unlucky rollin\'. My car was seriously damged... ehh... bad day for me:(
21Finsko Jani Vaisanen1x call for help
21Romania Janos Soosmade a mistake on the lat few corners
21Polsko Lukas Lachhard brakingbefore bridge
21Polsko Lukasz DerejskiZbyszek Artysta jum fast forward and live me behind - its beather driver than me :) my stage almoust cleare - only one hit the tree
21Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
21Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
21Česká republika Michal Nemec4 sec to Myhali( i am sorry if i write your name wrong :/ )
21Polsko Michal Ostapiukonly 2 gear :/
21Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYok
21Španělsko NSRCHok
21Hungary NYILAS Mihalykurvara csuszott......
21Polsko Pawel Mazurcholera uszkodzilem silnik na tym mostku na bramce na mecie...dlaczego ?????????????
21Hungary PEPICH Zoltanigen szerintem is csuszott
21Hungary Peter Kreiszhmm...
21Finsko Petri Vayryneni hate these HOLES in road ....hitted one and then killed spectators....
21Polsko Piotr TrzeciakI hate this stage ;/ slow ;/
21Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
21Estonia Rait Helydont know how far I can go now
21Hungary Sebestyen Nagygood
21Hungary Szabolcs DeakAdrenalin, you don\'t even feel the pain..
21Germany Timo Ebeldamaged front right wheel due to excessive cutting ^^ time okay though
21Slovensko Tomas Holbavery very carefull
21Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekcarefully
21Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonok
19Španělsko ALVAREZ Joseluisno feeling today
19Španělsko BARTES Jordiok
19Chile Felipe Alfarogood prime
19Švédkso Henrik Ossianssoni don\'t like this stage, but it went ok
19Estonia Jaanis SulgHave not managed to get high speed again.
19Finsko Jesse Turunentook this stage carefully because last time i crashed here badly
19Chile kallo zarateXD
19Finsko LESKINEN Veli-Mattijust driving.. nothing to winn
19Polsko Lukasz Bednarzok
19Polsko Lukasz Budzinskigonie ostro
19Polsko Lukasz Derejskifast but not fast enough - all the time on under control
19Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
19Slovinsko MEJAK Markolot of luck out there:)
19Česká republika Michal Nemecok
19Polsko Michal Ostapiukcall for help
19Finsko Mika MakiThe car is a bit damaged
19Španělsko NSRCHlittle damage on front right wheel
19Hungary PEPICH Zoltan:D:D: 0.1 :D:D
19Hungary Peter Kreiszevvan
19Polsko Piotr Trzeciakok ;/
19Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
19Estonia RIISMAA Andresok
19Hungary Sebestyen Nagystill hate this stage.
19Polsko SLODKOWSKI KarolHmmm....
19Hungary Szabolcs DeakAdrenalin keeps me in the game..
19Germany Timo Ebeldamn it ^^ once again a big mistake.
19Slovensko Tomas Holbaok, but very carefull
19Švédkso Tommy Hamreusi cant drive today, only bad times
19Polsko Wojciech Talaganie bylo zle moglo byc lepiej
19Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonjj
18Španělsko ALVAREZ Joseluisok
18Španělsko BARTES Jordislow, playing safe
18Chile Felipe Alfarogood
18Švédkso Henrik Ossianssonok
18Finsko HYNONEN VesaMy record!
18Estonia Jaanis SulgSmall mistakes, but otherwise okey.
18Finsko Jesse Turunencarefully, trying to stay on the road and get some points, no chances to podium anymore..
18Polsko Lukasz BednarzOne mistake.
18Polsko Lukasz Budzinskiladnie
18Polsko Lukasz Derejskicleare and slow
18Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
18Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
18Česká republika Michal Nemecok
18Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
18Finsko Mika Makishit! holes in the ground stopped my car.. almost rolled
18Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYclear
18Španělsko NSRCH1 mistake again.. difficult stage
18Hungary NYILAS Mihalyhaat nem merem jobban \42elengedni\42......
18Hungary PEPICH Zoltana elejen lekoccoltam 1 fat huto el ucso 400 m en csak vitorlaztam :)
18Hungary Peter Kreiszezzel elol vagyok? beszaras
18Finsko Petri Vayrynenout....
18Polsko Piotr Trzeciak2 mistake;
18Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
18Hungary Sebestyen Nagyone missed brake.. otherwise ok
18Polsko SLODKOWSKI KarolCooling out :( I drived 900m with engine dead and i think thats thr end of rally for me :(
18Hungary Szabolcs DeakNice one, Vladimir :)
18Germany Timo Ebelcouldn\'t have been any worse ^^ rolled on after first 5 corners. damaged suspension with that i guess. driving like a boat on the sea.
18Slovensko Tomas Holbaa hit a tree, uf, i am losting concetrations..
18Česká republika Vratislav Honzaleknot bad,but i coul be faster
18Polsko Wojciech Talagafuck
18Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonok
17Španělsko ALVAREZ Joseluis1 big error
17Hungary Attila Csicselykemeny a verseny
17Španělsko BARTES Jordigood, no mistakes
17Chile Felipe Alfarook
17Polsko Gebala Rafalpechowy ss
17Estonia Jaanis SulgQuite okey.
17Polsko Jacek Jankiewiczeasy...easy Jacek :P
17Polsko Jacek KowalewskiFew seconds behind the road... too nervous!!!!
17Finsko Jani Vaisanenok
17Slovinsko JEREB Jure1x spin
17Finsko Jesse Turunenwell, at least i stayed on the road. now i just need to find my speed.
17Polsko Lukasz BednarzGood.
17Polsko Lukasz Budzinskiok
17Polsko Lukasz Derejskislow and clear - this good idea to stay like that
17Netherlands Marcus van Ringentried to make desertrally......
17Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
17Slovinsko MEJAK Markospin
17Česká republika Michal Nemecok
17Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
17Finsko Mika Makislow
17Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKY1x help
17Španělsko NSRCHso so
17Hungary PEPICH Zoltana vegere elalutam hiaba majdem ejfel van :D:D
17Hungary Peter Kreisznemertem. ma fososabb vagyok mint tegnap.
17Polsko Piotr Trzeciak2 mistakes;/
17Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
17Estonia Rait Helytwo prevoius stages with broken clutch...not good
17Estonia RIISMAA Andresok
17Hungary Sebestyen Nagygood for me.
17Polsko SLODKOWSKI KarolDach przez maske bueheheeh :)
17Hungary Szabolcs Deakslow
17Germany Timo Ebelone off because my car didn\'t shift down so i had to press the button a few times but then it was too late.
17Česká republika Vratislav HonzalekI previous stege I little went off a suddenly spectators get me back to the road!!! grrrrrr:(((((( Thats a pity.
17Polsko Wojciech Talagaduze nerwy i duze bledy
17Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonjj
15Španělsko ALVAREZ Joseluisslow
15Hungary Attila Szocsafter stage finish crashed in bug, fuck :(
15Španělsko BARTES Jordibad, two spins, and touch a tree
15Česká republika BISAHA OndrejOK bye guys. This computer isnt able to show normal playable FPS so I retiring of race. Its imposible to make normal times its imposible to enjoy fun by racing so I am go out. Good luck to all who will start now and good night
15Polsko Gebala Rafali sie zaczyna!!!drzewo i juz mnie ciagnie na prawo...
15Finsko HYNONEN VesaFlying Finns Memory
15Estonia Jaanis SulgSlipped out of road slightly.
15Polsko Jacek Jankiewiczlot of mistakes
15Romania Janos Soosclean run
15Slovinsko JEREB Jure1x cfh
15Finsko Jesse Jarvinenengine...
15Finsko Jesse Turunencrashed..
15Hungary Jozsef Szucsserulesmentesen lehoztam,a clban ugyanugy megforgatott a rampa,lehet,hogy vege
15Finsko KARIMAA JoonaDamn, crashed just at the finish line into you all now what :(
15Norsko kenneth ostvoldok stage
15Polsko Lukas Lachcarefull
15Polsko Lukasz BednarzWill be cry :(
15Polsko Lukasz Budzinskifatalnie
15Polsko Lukasz Derejskii hate this SS - my hands shook and i go wery slow
15Slovinsko Matej Mejakcrashed to treee
15Hungary Math DavidKatasztrofa
15Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
15Česká republika Michal Nemecbad
15Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
15Finsko Mika MakiAlways have to slow down for finish.. otherwise i break the car in the planks
15Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYcrashed
15Španělsko NSRCH2 side wheel drive :O
15Estonia ott87finish was something bad radiator off
15Hungary Peter Kreiszjujj a veget nagyon elfeltem. de legalabb most nem hibaztam.
15Polsko Piotr TrzeciakI need service ;/
15Polsko PODSIADLO Michalwaterpump - bye bye :/
15Hungary Sebestyen Nagypoor 2nd split, the other 2 is well done
15Estonia SEPP Marekok i\'ve had enough, time to make a break from this game...
15Polsko skateman34567It was a bad SS, two crashes...ehhh
15Polsko SLODKOWSKI KarolSlow but i only want to finnish the rally :)
15Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioA lot of luck for me this time
15Hungary Szabolcs DeakNervous..
15Germany Timo Ebelcan\'t do one single stage without getting offroad at least once and losing a whole lot of positions and time.
15Slovensko Tomas Holbacrashed..
15Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekcarefull
15Polsko Wojciech Talagalekki blad
15Polsko Zbigniew Artystafew mistakes
15Česká republika Zdenek Kvetoncelne do stromu, ale snad OK
14Slovinsko a lot of crashes :)
14Polsko Adam Rzymkowski:(
14Španělsko ALVAREZ Joseluisok
14Hungary Attila Csicselyok
14Španělsko BARTES Jordigood start
14Česká republika BISAHA OndrejI am very sad. I dont know why I have max 40fps :( with my computer. A3200+64,512 ram, sb live!, GF6600GT pci-e. my ICQ is 288344859 if you know why is RBR like slide show pleace said me it. Thank you
14Hungary BOBAK Norbertohhh, sorry, its 05 citro.
14Polsko Gebala Rafalojjjoooj
14Finsko HYNONEN VesaGood
14Estonia Jaanis SulgMade lot of small mistakes.
14Polsko Jacek Jankiewiczroll after jump :(
14Polsko Jacek Kowalewskikeep rollin\' rollin\' rollin\'!!!
14Polsko Jakub Kruczekthis rally is shit 2xcall for help
14Finsko Jani Vaisanenok
14Romania Janos Soosroled over on the last corner:(((
14Finsko Jesse Turunencarefully..
14Finsko KARIMAA JoonaOne spin.
14Norsko kenneth ostvoldf...... bad stage, lot off mistakes
14Polsko Lukas Lachsmall problems on landing
14Polsko Lukasz BednarzBad bad bad:/
14Polsko Lukasz Budzinskiok
14Polsko Lukasz Derejskiclear - not bad
14Polsko Marcin Tomczykcall for help :(
14Netherlands Marcus van Ringenbad start in day2
14Hungary Mark Szucs1 call help
14Slovinsko Matej Mejakslapped my ass into some rocks :((
14Hungary Math David1 borulas
14Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
14Michal MajewskiI\'m first :)
14Česká republika Michal Nemecbad, i\'v spun.
14Polsko Michal OstapiukI hit stone
14Finsko Mika Makiok
14Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYgood
14Španělsko NSRCHjust a little mistake at start
14Estonia ott87last split out 5sek :(
14Hungary Peter Kreiszhibaztam kicsit. nem orulok.
14Polsko Piotr Trzeciakcrash ;/
14Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
14Polsko Rafal Dworakok
14Hungary Sebestyen Nagyok
14Estonia SEPP Marekno comments
14Polsko skateman34567preety good :)
14Polsko SLODKOWSKI Karol2 crashes before finnish and Call for Help :/
14Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioOK
14Hungary Szabolcs DeakAlmost OK.
14Germany Timo Ebelgone offroad on the last 10 metres of the stage *wargh*
14Slovensko Tomas Holbavery carefull, but good start to day2
14Česká republika VALENTA Ferry:-(
14Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekvery fast,but maybe bad temp
14Polsko Wojciech Talagaok
14Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcin2 big mistakes
14Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonj
13Polsko Gebala Rafal1200m do mety...subaru padlo na jednym wzniesieniu...ale fajnie bylo
13Finsko KARIMAA JoonaI drove into tree, engine stalled and 4th gear locked up. Great rally!
13Polsko Lukasz BednarzOh no:((( Big hit in tree on 3 km after start
13Polsko Lukasz Rybackifuck fuck fuck.
13Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczykengine and battery is dead :(
12Germany /ok
12Hungary Attila Csicselygood
12Španělsko BARTES Jordilittle mistake 5 seconds lost
12Česká republika BISAHA OndrejMy car is under SS11 very damaged. in this view is time good 4 me, but its terrible
12Polsko CEBULA Jarekok
12Polsko Gebala Rafali co????? juz luzie dojechal!!!!!!!!!!fuck 1s i bylby dzien z glowy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12Finsko HIRVELA Tommiok
12Slovinsko Igor Slaparok
12Estonia Jaanis SulgIts definetly head gasket problem :(
12Finsko Jani Vaisanenok
12Polsko Jarek Matogadobre i to moglo byc gorzej
12Finsko Jesse Turunencrashed..
12Slovinsko Joco Petkovicbad
12Hungary Jozsef Szucscall4help bassza szjba a a kurva annyat
12Finsko KARIMAA JoonaCame flatout.
12Norsko kenneth ostvoldok, little mistake
12Česká republika KOZAK Radovanok
12Polsko Lukas Lachok
12Polsko Lukasz Derejskinot posible to go that fast like Wojtek Talaga :)
12Polsko Lukasz Gniadekwypadek
12Polsko Lukasz Rybackii\'m happy because i\'m in finish. but my time is ugly ;(
12Slovinsko Matej Mejakspin
12Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
12Česká republika Michal Nemecit starts feel better.
12Polsko Michal Ostapiukcall for help
12Finsko Mika Makicarefull
12Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczykgood
12Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYhit a rock and spectators are dieing
12Španělsko NSRCHa bit slow
12Estonia ott87ok
12Hungary Peter Kreiszhat ebbol csinalok egy videjot. :))) olyanokat fogok meg amit nem is lehet. :D
12Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
12Estonia SEPP Marekaargghh...
12Hungary Szabolcs Deaklosing out..
12Slovensko Tomas Holbaok, no mistakes
12Finsko Tommi ojalajust cruising.
12Norsko trond ostvoldhave to drive slow:(
12Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekno problem
12Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcinok :)
12Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonj
11Germany /ok
11Španělsko BARTES Jordibad time
11Česká republika BISAHA OndrejI realy cant race on this stage. In first part I did big mistakes when I crash into the tree 2 times. All mistakes here was caused by my computer. This stage goes like on PC486 - slide show :(. I lost over 30 sekund only on this stages :(
11Polsko CEBULA Jarekok I feel very good cos all damages was repaired and now driving is good :)
11Chile Felipe Alfarogood srtage
11Polsko Gebala Rafalfura mi sie gotuje:(cienko to widze.........
11Finsko HIRVELA Tommisome mistakes but ok no problem
11Slovinsko Igor Slaparslow
11Estonia Jaanis SulgCar has no power at all. Is this head gasket problem maybe?
11Polsko Jacek Jankiewiczoff the road at the same spot..
11Finsko Jesse Turunencrashed...
11Slovinsko Joco Petkovicj
11Hungary Jozsef Szucsfaszomat ebben is maradt
11Finsko KARIMAA JoonaBlaah
11Norsko kenneth ostvoldok
11Česká republika KOZAK Radovancrash in first corner
11Polsko Lukas Lachtoo slow
11Polsko Lukasz Derejskiyes yes yes - Talaga behing me on this ss :D
11Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok
11Polsko Lukasz Rybackishit..... tree and high oil temperature. i\'m only want to see finish this day.
11Slovinsko MARKOVIC MarkoDamn holes on road. I had one spin.
11Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
11Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
11Michal Kuceraok
11Česká republika Michal Nemecok
11Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
11Estonia Mihkel KyttOMG
11Finsko Mika Makislippery so i was carefull
11Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczyknice
11Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYok
11Španělsko NSRCHok
11Estonia ott87slow
11Hungary PEPICH Zoltanhat ez nemsikerult az anitvirus is frissitett en is elbasztam ......
11Hungary Peter Kreiszhibaztam 2 igennagyot. evvan. nem birok odafigyelni rendesen
11Polsko PODSIADLO Michal:/
11Hungary Sebestyen Nagywell done, some small mistakes.
11Estonia SEPP Marekshitty time but i\'m was sooo lucky not to crash out so i\'m very satisfied with this time after that scary moment on first split
11Hungary Szabolcs Deakhuh
11Slovensko Tomas Holba11 SS is a risik for me:)one mistake(stone) and a must helping with my friends, spectators...+35
11Finsko Tommi ojalajust cruising... rolled car once in start, had call for help. now my only job is get the car in finish...
11Norsko trond ostvoldstill clutch and gearbox problems. couldnt fix it
11Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekin last trird i hit the bush
11Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcinbig mistake on finhish ..noooo :(
11Polsko Zbigniew Artystaok
11Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonok
9Germany /not good lots oh mistakes F...
9Španělsko BARTES Jordibig crash on the big jump
9Česká republika BISAHA OndrejI was out 2 times. car was little bit damage on steering
9Polsko CEBULA Jarekok I am in finish of stage, I drove very carefully dont get engine to high rpm, I hope that I can get to service
9Turkey Dogan Senturklost brake lostttttttttttt
9Polsko Gebala Rafal3x glaz:)
9Finsko HIRVELA Tommigood feel
9Slovinsko Igor Slaparok
9Estonia Jaanis SulgSmall mistakes, but otherwise okey.
9Polsko Jacek Jankiewicz2x roll
9Polsko Jakub Kruczeki crash the car
9Argentina JavierBonaccinice SS
9Finsko Jesse Turunencrashed,...
9Hungary Jozsef Szucsfolyik a viz mg ridgetol
9Finsko KARIMAA JoonaTried to come fast as i can...
9Norsko kenneth ostvoldok, took it easy
9Česká republika KOZAK Radovanok
9Netherlands KUYK Werner vanafter finisch engine cut out
9Polsko Lukas Lachok
9Polsko Lukasz BednarzI hate this stage
9Polsko Lukasz Derejskicleare but too slow
9Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok
9Polsko Lukasz Rybackihigh oil temperature, so i try to drive very slow.
9Slovinsko Matej Mejakspin off the road :(
9Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
9Michal Kucerabad
9Česká republika Michal Nemecok
9Polsko Michal Ostapiukcrash :(
9Finsko Mika Makitoo much mistakes
9Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYfucking time
9Španělsko NSRCHdamage
9Estonia ott87njh
9Russian Federation Paul Jashchishinno comment :(
9Hungary Peter Kreiszfutomu keszen, ugyhogy olyanokat kellett fognom mint a piccsa. az evoval ma reg nem mennek.
9Finsko Petri Vayrynentwo times out in last corners :)
9Polsko PODSIADLO Michalsomething is wrong with car
9Hungary Sebestyen Nagywowww my beost online time on this stage ever!!! :-) but i still hate creek II.
9Estonia SEPP Mareksome incredibly stupid things on both diamond creeks. spin on dc1 and now some ballet dancing, what the f*** is wrong with me
9Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioDamage after of end stage Prospect II
9Hungary Szabolcs Deak1 off and 2 smaller mistakes..
9Slovensko Tomas Holbano mistakes, clear, godd time
9Finsko Tommi ojalano mistakes
9Norsko trond ostvoldstill problems
9Česká republika VALENTA Ferry1xout.Hovno jsem videl kua
9Česká republika Vratislav Honzalektricky stage,if you want to be quick
9Polsko WEYCHERT Wojciechbledow duzo...
9Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonjj
8Germany /lots of mistakes not good
8Hungary Attila Csicselynem szeretem ezt
8Španělsko BARTES Jordislippery
8Česká republika BISAHA Ondrej:-D very fun is that game was fine when I test last month but now stage Prospect and Prospect II goes like slide show like on 486 PC. when I drove in forest in last part I cant run clear. It was imposible :(. i must fix it before LEG 2 and try to push very very hard.
8Hungary BOBAK Norbertgurultam. motor kaputtttt. :((((
8Polsko CEBULA Jareknot good I hit tree and engine temperature is high, I hope that I can go to service
8Turkey Dogan Senturkvay be iyi gittim
8Polsko Gebala Rafal...
8Finsko HIRVELA Tommivery very careful, just trying to avoid mistakes in this very tricky stage :)
8Slovinsko Igor Slaparok
8Estonia Jaanis SulgHit a tree slightly.
8Polsko Jacek KowalewskiThis time I had very unlucky meeting with the trees. Hopefuly car ins\'t dameged too much.
8Finsko Jesse Turunenno good
8Slovinsko Joco Petkovichuh. lucky me. i lost front bumper i\'m lucky i didnt do more damage :d i hate this stage
8Hungary Jozsef Szucselbalfaszkodtam termeszetesen a vegen a rampa megporgetett
8Finsko KARIMAA JoonaGnnnh.. ok drive, too carefull.
8Česká republika KOZAK Radovannot good
8Finsko LESKINEN Veli-Mattiwoodhandlig....
8Polsko Lukas Lachstrange crash on finish :/
8Polsko Lukasz Derejskimy target - Wojciech Talaga ;)
8Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok
8Polsko Lukasz Rybackiehhh my mistakes
8Netherlands Marcus van Ringen1 roll + 1 spin
8Slovinsko Matej Mejakso so
8Hungary Math DavidEz katasztrofa....
8Slovinsko MEJAK Markocrashed into a tree
8Michal Kucerasmall accident
8Česká republika Michal Nemecok
8Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
8Finsko Mika Makiwell, ok
8Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczykmore engine problems
8Španělsko NSRCHI wanted to push a little bit and hit a tree, then a spin
8Hungary NYILAS Mihalybaszdmekazanyad.......
8Estonia ott87very bad
8Hungary PEPICH Zoltana nagy egyenes vegen a kocsiknal epenhogycsak el tudtam fordulni :)
8Hungary Peter Kreiszhat az volt, hogy az elejen utmellementem, de az nem volt durva. viszont a 2.idomero utan buzinagy mentesek utan fogtam egy fat ami megporgetett. evvolt.
8Polsko PODSIADLO Michalstrange crash on finish :/
8Hungary Sebestyen Nagysome missed brake points, but ok
8Estonia SEPP Mareknot satisfied
8Španělsko SOBRADO Emilioslow
8Hungary Szabolcs DeakScary ride..
8Slovensko Tomas Holbaclear...ok
8Finsko Tommi ojalahit on tree... only big mistake i made
8Norsko trond ostvoldclutch and gearbox problems
8Česká republika UTRATA Lukasno brakes
8Česká republika Vratislav Honzaleklittle mistakes,about 2s,good race
8Polsko WEYCHERT Wojciechwypadek,mam tylko 2 bieg.
8Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcintoo many mistakes
8Polsko Zbigniew Artystabig crash, only 2ng gear left :(
8Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonhmm
7Germany /two mistakes but ok
7Polsko Adam Rzymkowskinot bad
7Španělsko BARTES Jordigood stage
7Česká republika BISAHA OndrejI lost few time in middle part, but time is ok 4 me. I train RBR at last 4 week ago 2 days after rally Monaco and I feel that. Todays champ is very fun for me
7Polsko CEBULA Jarekok pretty good, no mistakes, I hope that this big jumps don\'t damaged my suspension
7Polsko FRYDRYCH JarekMistakes... :/
7Polsko Gebala Rafalpare wpadek a byloby lepiej
7Finsko HIRVELA Tommifew mistakes but the time was ok
7Slovinsko Igor Slaparok
7Estonia Jaanis SulgCar is so damn slow
7Polsko Jacek KowalewskiBad stage for me. After one of this big jumps I lost control of my car and I landed in the bushes:) Fortunately there were some people who helped me get out of there.... ufff.... was dangerous!
7Finsko Jani Vaisanen2x call for help
7Argentina JavierBonaccinot bad
7Finsko Jesse Turunenslow..
7Slovinsko Joco Petkovicok
7Hungary joepapi(HUN)szopi
7Finsko KARIMAA JoonaOne little off.. finally car is driveable..
7Norsko kenneth ostvoldgreat stage
7Česká republika KOZAK Radovannot good
7Netherlands KUYK Werner vanok
7Polsko Lukas Lachok
7Polsko Lukasz Budzinskiblendy
7Polsko Lukasz Derejskiim not fast - one mistake
7Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok
7Polsko Lukasz Rybackivery bad ss for me. a lot of mistakes
7Germany Markus ErbRolled three times
7Slovinsko Matej Mejakso so
7Hungary Math David2x can4halp
7Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
7Michal Kuceraok
7Česká republika Michal Nemecim not frien with corolla.
7Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
7Estonia Mihkel Kyttoffroad :P
7Finsko Mika Makiok
7Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczykengine problems :(
7Russian Federation NAGIEV Maratheh, i\'m driving this stage on S1600 faster than on N4...
7Španělsko NSRCHincredible..
7Estonia ott87spun
7Russian Federation Paul Jashchishinvery slow
7Hungary PEPICH ZoltanMisi begyujtotta a raketakat :D:D
7Hungary Peter Kreiszezaz Misiii. Alazt szet az arcukat!! Emmeg lejestem az utrol. de ez a 05-os hamar visszajon. egy olyan 4 mp lehetett.
7Polsko Piotr Trzeciakok
7Polsko PODSIADLO Michal1 big mistake
7Hungary Sebestyen Nagyvery good for me.
7Estonia SEPP Marekscrewing up all the stages now...
7Španělsko SOBRADO Emilioslow
7Hungary Szabolcs Deak2 small mistakes
7Slovensko Tomas Holbaone litle mistake with 140kmph on dashboard, but icenter ii, +1.5sec...
7Finsko Tommi ojalanever liked this stage... bad time now... just cant get rhytm in here
7Česká republika VALENTA FerryJak to jezdite hosi?
7Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekgood stage,but finish is far away
7Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcincall for help :(
7Polsko Zbigniew Artystafast, very fast :)
7Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonhmm
5Slovinsko cfh
5Germany /ok good
5Polsko Adam Rzymkowskicrash :(
5Hungary Attila Csicselynem volt jo
5Španělsko BARTES Jordibad, two silly mistakes, 20 seconds lost
5Česká republika BISAHA OndrejI cant believe :-). Jarek you ran realy nice. Congratulation to so fast time :-). ...anyway my time is good and car is without problem
5Slovinsko BOLCINA Jankojah no, shit happens :o)
5Polsko CEBULA Jarekpretty well, no problem in stage
5Polsko FRYDRYCH Jarekcan be better
5Polsko Gebala Rafal...
5Finsko HIRVELA Tommivery hard stage for me
5Slovinsko Igor Slaparok
5Estonia Jaanis SulgOkey
5Polsko Jacek Jankiewiczoff the road on last 2 km
5Polsko Jacek Kowalewskisome major mistakes... not so good:(
5Polsko Jacek Rosinskinie potrzebuje hamulcy to drzewa mine hamuja :D:D:D
5Polsko Jakub Kruczekvery hard
5Finsko Jani Vaisanennononononono
5Argentina JavierBonaccihorrible
5Slovinsko JEREB Jurespet en brezvezn cfh
5Finsko Jesse Turunenwell, better, but still not fast enough
5Slovinsko Joco Petkovicok
5Finsko KARIMAA JoonaDriving with broken clutch.
5Norsko kenneth ostvoldDrove into a three in a medium corner:)
5Česká republika KOZAK Radovanok
5Netherlands KUYK Werner vanok
5Finsko LESKINEN Veli-Mattimy record!!
5Polsko Lukas Lachlittle crash with tree
5Polsko Lukasz Budzinskiladnia
5Polsko Lukasz Derejskicleare and slow - again - i still worry about any accidents
5Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok fuks na ostatnim zakrecie bokiem w drzewo 2 s straty niezle:)
5Netherlands Marcus van Ringen2x call for help bye bye result
5Slovinsko MARKOVIC MarkoMoron mistake.
5Germany Markus ErbRolled one time and one time off the track
5Česká republika Martin KozisekI need service
5Slovinsko Matej Mejakspin and lots of mistakes
5Hungary Math DavidEz egesz jol osszejott:)
5Slovinsko MEJAK Markomy car is f***** up
5Michal Kuceracrash
5Česká republika Michal Nemecok
5Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
5Finsko Mika Makibad
5Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczykno problems, slow but no [problems :)
5Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKY1x help fucka
5Russian Federation NAGIEV Maratbad!!!
5Španělsko NSRCHok
5Estonia ott87too bad 2times out of road
5Russian Federation Paul Jashchishin18 place :)
5Hungary Peter Kreiszupsz egy fa. tolatas meg ezmegaz. a vege: bibipp
5Polsko Piotr Trzeciakbig mistake before the line of finish ;/
5Polsko PODSIADLO Michalnot bad
5Estonia Rait Helycrash
5USA Scott MeehleibEngine blew from damage last stage. Coasting last km
5Hungary Sebestyen Nagygood for me
5Estonia SEPP Mareknot a good time but at least didn\'t crash out
5Polsko skateman34567two crashes..........................F***
5Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioCrash after finish :(
5Hungary Szabolcs Deakhang on :)
5Slovensko Tomas Holbano mistakes, but litle slow..
5Finsko Tommi ojalagood. 2seconds slower than my record...
5Norsko trond ostvoldbad
5Česká republika UTRATA LukasBad. 1x 360 and 1x tree.
5Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekquite slow,but ok
5Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcinclear
5Polsko Zbigniew Artystaok
5Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonhodiny
4Germany /ok
4Polsko Adam Rzymkowskimy mest one :)
4Hungary Attila Szocsde utalom ezt a fraizert :(
4Španělsko BARTES Jordigood, every time better
4Česká republika BISAHA Ondrejhm last part of this stage I had very slow but dont know why. Anyway - I will try push
4Polsko Bogdan SwistI hate trees :-(
4Hungary BojtorLaszlonekem ok...
4Romania Calin Manitiuhit a tree :(
4Polsko CEBULA Jarektime is not so good, but any problem
4Španělsko Eduardo CanadaDAMN!! I lost control and locked the gearbox in second gear!! At least the rest of the engine is ok....
4Greece Fotsitzis VasilisHad a little crash...
4Polsko FRYDRYCH Jarek:/
4Polsko Gebala Rafaljak zwykle wpadka-maski brak
4Glen Wimberleymy pedals are broken. the barke is always on. no acceleration up the hills at all. i feel like i\'m driving my normal car not a rally car
4Finsko HIRVELA Tommistages are incredible fast :)
4Slovinsko Igor Slaparok
4Estonia Jaanis SulgNormal.
4Polsko Jacek Jankiewicz;/
4Polsko Jacek Rosinskimam w dupie ten rbrchamp w ogole mi na nim nie zalezy co widac po czasach. odbijam sie od drzew itp. :D Wole nasza lige
4Finsko Jani Vaisanen1x call for help
4Finsko Jesse Turunenalmost rolled over, cant find the rythm :/
4Slovinsko Joco Petkovicok
4Ireland john jones2 spins
4Chile Juan Manuel Molinao`\'kdfsd`fas
4Finsko KARIMAA JoonaGreat, this rally is ruined now...
4Norsko kenneth ostvoldok stage
4Polsko Lukas Lachok
4Polsko Lukasz Budzinskiok
4Polsko Lukasz Derejskias fast as i can but its not fast enought - am a bad driver :(
4Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok
4Germany Markus Erbfor me not so bad
4Česká republika Martin Kozisekrolled
4Slovinsko Matej Mejakbad
4Hungary Math DavidCsak ovatosan..:)
4Slovinsko MEJAK Markoshit
4Michal Kucerano problem on this ss
4Michal was too fast :( My brakes are broken :(
4Česká republika Michal Nemecok
4Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
4Estonia Mihkel KyttFeels like hotlapping :)
4Finsko Mika Makiok
4Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczyknice
4Slovensko Mojmir LEHOCKYfinelly good
4Španělsko NSRCHwhen does the rally start?
4Estonia ott87good
4Hungary Peter Kreiszbibipp
4Finsko Petri Vayrynen0,32 from my record..
4Polsko Piotr Trzeciakok
4Polsko PODSIADLO Michalgood time for me
4Hungary Sebestyen Nagyi hate this non rally specific stage.
4Estonia SEPP Marekthis car is just too slow :(
4Russian Federation Sergey LotovBAD SETUP:((((((
4Polsko skateman34567very very good :)
4Polsko SLODKOWSKI KarolI hate this stage!!!!!!!!!!!
4Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioOK
4Hungary Szabolcs DeakNow the fun begins..
4Germany Timo Ebelpisse ^^
4Slovensko Tomas Holbawaw, this is my record on this stage!
4Australia Tony Hutchinsfaster, but still slow hehehe
4Norsko trond ostvoldok
4Česká republika UTRATA Lukasi am slow on this stage, i have short gearbox
4Hungary Viktor VelnerBasszameg, mostmar fobiam lesz! Az elso balosban majdnem felborult.
4Česká republika Vratislav Honzaleklast stage i lost 2s in first curve,this time is good
4Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcinone mistake on start
4Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonhmm
2Germany /ok
2Polsko Adam Rzymkowskiok
2Španělsko BARTES Jordibad time
2Chile Benjamin Castellonrolled
2Polsko Biniu Jaroslawterribul
2Česká republika BISAHA Ondrejok
2Hungary BojtorLaszlohmm... nem vagyok ma kapkodos...
2Polsko CEBULA Jareknice stage, time also pretty good for me :)
2Turkey Deniz Kargilif***!
2Španělsko Eduardo Canadano problems.. but I\'m very nervous
2Polsko FRYDRYCH Jarek:
2Polsko Gebala Rafalza wolno
2Finsko HIRVELA Tommiok :)
2Slovinsko Igor Slaparok
2Estonia Jaanis SulgSlow
2Finsko Jani Vaisanenterrible driving
2Slovinsko Joco Petkovic????RS
2Chile Juan Manuel Molinaquiteq uitett
2Finsko KARIMAA JoonaOk, nothing special.
2Norsko kenneth ostvoldnot good stage. first false start, then off road
2Česká republika KOZAK Radovanok
2Polsko Lukas Lachi slightly hitted stone
2Polsko Lukasz Bednarzgrrr:/ Some mistakes on watersplashes and hit stone on last corner
2Polsko Lukasz Derejskicleare and slow :)
2Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok
2Hungary Mark Szucsszar
2Germany Markus Erbnot so bad
2Česká republika Martin Kozisekslow
2Slovinsko Matej Mejakso so
2Hungary Math Davidhat.....volt mar jobb is
2Slovinsko MEJAK Markoso so
2Michal Kuceraok
2Michal Majewskitoo slow
2Česká republika Michal Nemecok
2Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
2Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczykble ble
2Russian Federation NAGIEV Maratone mistake
2Španělsko NSRCHok
2Estonia ott87normalna
2Polsko PANASIUK Tomaszoki
2Hungary Peter Kreiszelbattam 2x nembaj. akkoris bibipp
2Polsko Piotr Trzeciakok
2Polsko PODSIADLO Michala lot of mistajes
2Estonia Rait Helytoo slow
2Hungary Sebestyen Nagymy private best on this stage :-)
2Estonia SEPP Marekwhat the shitty driving was this :S
2Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioNervous
2Hungary Szabolcs DeakHate this stage..
2Slovensko Tomas Holbacarefull, but not slowly
2Finsko Tommi ojalastill driving carefully
2Norsko trond ostvoldspun
2Česká republika UTRATA Lukasok
2Česká republika VALENTA Ferryout
2Hungary Viktor VelnerJobbat akartam, de ez sikerult.
2Polsko WEYCHERT Wojciechtak sobie :/
2Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcinmistake on finish
2Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonj
1Germany /ok
1Polsko Adam Rzymkowskinot bad
1Hungary Attila Csicselyok
1Česká republika BISAHA OndrejI rolled a car many times and now I am out of race :(. Car is total damage and chance to points results is out. OK, good luck for other drivers and drive carefoulier than I drived :).
1Hungary BojtorLaszlolassu de biztonsagos...
1Slovinsko BOLCINA Jankoz 1600 nas je ascal :o))))
1Polsko CEBULA Jarekok pretty good, maybe not fastest but any problem :)
1Turkey Deniz Kargilislow
1Španělsko Eduardo CanadaOk
1Greece Fotsitzis VasilisOk slow for start...
1Polsko FRYDRYCH Jarek:/
1Polsko Gebala Rafalza wolno i mala wpadka!oby do serwisu i dalej:)!!!!!!
1Finsko HIRVELA Tommiok, but no room for mistakes
1Slovinsko Igor Slaparbig off
1Estonia Jaanis SulgAfter split1 had one close call, but otherwise okey.
1Polsko Jakub Kruczeki hate this rally
1Finsko Jani Vaisanenok start for rally
1Argentina JavierBonaccitoo bad
1Slovinsko JEREB Jurekriza 1 cfh cist u brez veze
1Finsko Jesse Turunencrashed to tree (doh!)
1Slovinsko Joco Petkoviclol tommy wtf??
1Hungary Jozsef Szucsbazmeg ilyen a meseben nincs
1Chile Juan Manuel Molinaquite!!!!
1Chile kallo zarate69 buen numero...
1Finsko KARIMAA JoonaTried to come very fast, i think it\'s my new stage record. Good start.
1Norsko kenneth ostvoldok stage, just a little mistake
1Česká republika KOZAK Radovanok
1Finsko LESKINEN Veli-Mattihuh
1Polsko Lukas Lachok
1Polsko Lukasz Bednarzok
1Polsko Lukasz Derejskiwill be hard :) first ss and trobles :)
1Polsko Lukasz Gniadekok
1Hungary Mark SzucsKiraly
1Germany Markus ErbCrash
1Česká republika Martin KozisekI dont have any time to training so I think I will be slow on this rally.
1Slovinsko Matej Mejakok
1Hungary Math DavidHat..nem rossz, de tul ovatos voltam...
1Slovinsko MEJAK Markobad
1Michal KuceraI was out and one spectator is dead now
1Michal Majewskihmmm, it was good stage :)
1Česká republika Michal Nemecok
1Polsko Michal Ostapiukok
1Finsko Mika Makicarefull
1Polsko Miroslaw Maciejczykproblems
1Russian Federation NAGIEV Maratpizdec gavno!
1Španělsko NSRCHok
1Estonia ott87for start good
1Polsko PANASIUK Tomaszoki
1Russian Federation Paul Jashchishintupoi uebok
1Hungary Peter Kreiszbibipp
1Polsko Piotr Trzeciak1 mistake ;/
1Polsko PODSIADLO Michalok
1Estonia Rait Helyok
1Hungary Sebestyen Nagyi could run this with the car.
1Estonia SEPP Marekterrible last split
1Russian Federation Sergey Lotovspin
1Polsko skateman34567good
1Polsko SLODKOWSKI KarolShit,little crash :(
1Španělsko SOBRADO EmilioOK. Carefull
1Hungary Szabolcs DeakTake no prisoners..
1Slovensko Tomas Holbagood start, but very carefull:)
1Finsko Tommi ojalacarefully... some mistakes. not bad
1Australia Tony Hutchinsho hum
1Norsko trond ostvoldoff road
1Česká republika UTRATA Lukasok
1Hungary Viktor VelnerCsak ovatosan...
1Česká republika Vratislav Honzalekquite good
1Polsko WEYCHERT WojciechDosc szybko jak na mnie(nie znam tego rajdu)
1Polsko ZABOLSKI Marcinclear
1Polsko Zbigniew Artystanice :)
1Česká republika Zdenek Kvetonjj

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.