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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

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NGP 7.4 Fyzika
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RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

REAL - Open RBR-LT WRC 2013 - Rallye Monte-Carlo
Sorry for mistake. This is the real tournament of Open RBR-LT WRC 2013 - Rallye Monte-Carlo. The new season begins on snow in fast and tricky Monte-Carlo roads! All info in or follow us on
23.1.2013 3:00 - 28.1.2013 23:59
1234  /    5678910  /    111213141516
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): A6
povrch běžný a mokrý, dobré podmínky, podvečer, mírná mlha, zataženo
8.5 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PředchozíNa RZ 16Po RZ 16

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
16Russian Federation DONSKOY Igorspin then kill one, too crazy driving last ss for me. Thx for rally!
16Russian Federation IVANOVA KatyaSpasibo organizatoram za turnir! Ochen trudno i interesno!!! Sopernikam spasibo za borbu!!!
16Ukrajina KHARLANOV RuslanThanks a lot. Very long and difficult rally.
15Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan2 mistakes and 1 moment, but all ok!! I \'m very happy to finish that day and all rally!! But very bad rezalt for me...thanks for all & Good Luck!!!
15Latvia DABINS Raivo2x spinned
15Česká republika HOPP TomasOk, today it was safety, thanks to the organizers for good rally and mainly thanks to the Tobias ;)
15Švédkso HULT TobiasI think that I will lose some time here
15Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasGan greitai iviaukiau si GR. :)
15Česká republika KRYGLER Jani read, that last stage was cancelled so congrats Tobias :) you were simply faster than me. see you next time
15Česká republika PTACEK MartinHmmm...bad time...ok, last SS.
15Lithuania RALLY Gurusad mistakes - break turn twice
15Lithuania SALTENIS Vilius:\')
15Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefani was very carefull here
14Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanfuf... very hard....dont concentration...
14Latvia DABINS Raivolast split spinned
14Švédkso HULT Tobiasmaybe to safe...
14Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasLiudnai, cfh... :(
14Polsko KNAP Kamilheh zapomnialem ze to SF :P
14Česká republika PTACEK Martinaaaah......wheel is it will hard for me :-(
14Lithuania SALTENIS Vilius!@#$%^&*())#^%&%*^(&%^$&#
14Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanno problems here
13Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanbad!! but good fight with Arnas)))) thanks...bu it\'s not my day...I cannot to push...
13Česká republika HOPP TomasSpin
13Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasPo truputi. :)
13Česká republika KRYGLER Janno problem
13Russian Federation NIKONOROV Rodion33/11
13Česká republika PTACEK Martin35/55 :-(
13Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBaaad. Three mistakes.. Damn
12Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanbad((( I dont to push...very hard...I\'m so tired after working...
12Latvia DABINS RaivoLittle mistake and broken a steering
12Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasApsisukau. :(
12Polsko KNAP Kamilehh falstart
12Česká republika PTACEK MartinGood for me.
11Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanHi all!! very bad driving((( I dont know why...
11Latvia DABINS Raivoi will try to get some points maybe...
11Švédkso HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :)
11Česká republika KRYGLER Jani want safe ride to finish, thats all... Tobias is far away...
11Russian Federation NIKONOROV Rodion20/6
11Česká republika PTACEK MartinI hit wood barrier.....fortunately car is ok.
11Lithuania RALLY Gurukaukstelejau gala ir kazkodel parjo vairas :D delto po pirmo splito atleidau
11Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusThat was fast. But not enough
11Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanno mistakes
11Polsko TRZESZCZKOWSKI Sebastianall situation irritated me - problems with changing mods from france mode to snow mode and again ... incorrect tracks ... instalation... problems with RBR connection... what\'s happened? RBR Czech is falling down?
10Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanfuf...It was hardly!! I dont push all day and drive my car very safe!! and I\'m happy to finish, but 2nd leg dont my)))) after last service dont problem!! GL for all!! right rhythm - its a major)))
10Russian Federation DONSKOY Igorspin again/ thx for rally!
10Polsko FRAJDA DanielI don\'t believe :/
10Švédkso HULT Tobias40/25, will be tough again ;) Except of that spin on SS5 this was a good leg, but I think it will be really hard to keep Vecera, Lessus and Krygler behind me, just have to wait and see. Good luck everyone :)
10Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasKaip sniojau i tvoras likus keliem metram iki finiso... sunkus reikalas cia man su tuo monte carlu, viskas gerai jeigu ne sis gr, abu vaziavimus bedos, gal rytoj pavyks aplenkti, taip kovojau, bet neiseina. sekmes visiems. :)
10Ukrajina KHARLANOV Ruslan53/33 Very, very bad...
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergey48/18 ((
10Polsko KRUSZ PiotrOk
10Česká republika KRYGLER Jani hit some stupid tree in first split... than i overpushed, lucky to be here... dont worry Tobias, i will make stupid mistakes again and again... thats just me :)
10Russian Federation NIKONOROV Rodion29/9
10Česká republika PTACEK MartinNice fight Alex. This day was good for me, but a pity of bad selected setup in first round Leg. Last day wil bee interesting. Cao.
10Ukrajina RAEVSKIY Sergey-2 spectactors on this leg and 1:40 + to total time :(
10Lithuania RALLY Guruva taip vat n ir prasikami raliai. kadangi susimoviau 4 gr tai tiesiog susirasinejau stenogramas siems dopams. paskutiniam du syk nusiverciau nuo skardzio... Kaip su gamepadu ir taip jokiu sansu ant SF neturiu o ir ant asfalto tas pats...
10Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusPrasom man medali uz sia diena! Damn, good day. Such a calm driving. Nice. See ya next leg!
10Lithuania SISI SauluteNuostabu,
10Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanrealy hard 2nd leg,i have no tyres left,car is still in mess.
10Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrso-so
10Polsko TRZESZCZKOWSKI Sebastianno comment - crash with bush cause damaged cars with stoped engine.
10Lithuania VALL Tab20/34
9Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanmore agressive!!! but many mistakes...I\'m sleeping well!!)))
9Latvia DABINS Raivoomg, whata a unlucky day... i know that happen... because i havent much time to drive this leg and i was only time now from morning and its suck... but yea, see you at next rally probably and good luck to all, this is one big, slippy hardcore rally...
9Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urban : (
9Švédkso HULT Tobiassafe
9Ukrajina KHARLANOV RuslanBad...
9Česká republika KRYGLER Janpush push
9Česká republika NOVOSAD Rostislavvylomene kolo hodne tahne na pravou stranu
9Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyCrash after finish. I hope I can to continue.
9Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBlin. Nu smagu.
9Latvia USVILS Kristapssad :( first day was very good..
8Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanhard drive with this damages...but ok))
8Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanbig off and the car is damage.
8Švédkso HULT TobiasI really have something to learn from you here Adrian. I am looking forward to see and learn from your replay :)
8Polsko KARCZ Sebastianniecche mi sie grac
8Lithuania KRIUKA Linas...
8Lithuania RALLY Gurunuo durnumo vaistu nera - nors as labai labai abejoju kad kabinau ziurovus bet ein n*
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusNuu.. Buvo galima ir geriau. Mazumele apsisukau.
8Česká republika VECERA Lukasfucking bad race for me!!!!
7Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanbig spin((( reverse and lost many time! some damages after service
7Polsko FRAJDA Danielfew spins :/
7Švédkso HULT TobiasNothing to do about Adrian, he is flying :) Finally new tires :D
7Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasDu kartus griovyje buvau uzstriges, nesekmingas bandymas nutolti nuo varzovu :( is technines puses masina tvarkinga, bet apniokoto neblogai
7Česká republika KRYGLER Jani lost some time because of tarmac setup...
7Švédkso LINDBERG Tommie2 times hit spectators, and finally a tree mounted in the front so the engine died :/ great stage for me! ;)
7Russian Federation NIKONOROV Rodion25/8
7Česká republika PTACEK MartinCar is enought damage...
7Ukrajina RAEVSKIY Sergey- 1 spectator
7Lithuania RALLY GuruNu visai normaliai suveike setupas naujas ir padangikes puse velnio... Paskutinius dopus variau atydziai ir vis sudarynedamas stenograma tai stojau pauzen belenkiek kartu
7Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusKeletas isgasciu - bet visumoje, labai patenkintas vaziavimu. Visiskas susikaupimas
7Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefansometimes i hate this game
7Russian Federation SOLDAKOV IlyaCRASH
7Latvia USVILS Kristaps3meters before finish line :( so stupid :(
7Česká republika VECERA Lukasfuck! 300m to finish and little out
6Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivannot good...I\'m sleeping))) not big mistakes? but very safe
6Russian Federation DONSKOY Igorspin at the end
6Švédkso HULT Tobiasok
6Polsko KARCZ Sebastiandaj spokoj na peklo sa inne ustawienia wbijam wtakie rajdy gdzie niema itenera
6Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasPuikiai. :)
6Polsko KLIMAS Adrianspin
6Česká republika KRYGLER Jandid you all of you drive with tarmac setup? weird...
6Česká republika PTACEK MartinSetup not ideal....
6Lithuania RALLY Guruok
6Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusNu ka tu, ka tu. As savimi didziuojuosi.
6Russian Federation SOLDAKOV IlyaDVA RAZVOROTA((((
6Latvia USVILS Kristapsbad first split, but I hate this stage, so I\'m happy yo reach finish line
6Česká republika VECERA Lukasvery difficult drive for me with tarmac setup:(
5Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanbad and very-very safe start!! GL for all
5Polsko FRAJDA DanielCrash at bridge :/ I have only first gear :(
5Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urban : (
5Švédkso HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :) Stupid spin, but Adrian, crazy time...
5Lithuania KARTAUSKAS PauliusNo water pump
5Lithuania KRIUKA LinasI hate some physics in this game...When i hit plastic road markers in real life I ONLY SCRATCH my car...
5Česká republika KRYGLER Janhi in second leg, i will try to catch guys before me... this stage was quite good, a few little mistakes, but time is sweet
5Lithuania RALISTAZ Gedvisvery uncomfortable with a car...hard day ahead
5Lithuania RALLY Guruok maniau bus baisiau su padangomis -60 proc
5Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusSiek tiek klaidu
5Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrhad a spin :(
5Russian Federation TITOV YuriyEro pizdec! Zastriat\' poperek na moste...takim dolboebom kak ya toka rozhdayutsia!
5Latvia USVILS Kristapslitlle off in first corner, after I was just driving in my own temp
5Česká republika VECERA Lukashi
4Španělsko BALADO Miguelinteresting first day, need be careful
4Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanok))) safe my big problem with the car and tyres - 21/30!! see you on 2nd day))) GL!!
4Latvia DABINS RaivoMistake 2nd split, but okey. First day very safe without some risk. Tyres at the moment okey too. See you in 2nd leg and than i`ll see or i need push harder or not...
4Russian Federation DONSKOY Igorbad focus
4Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderno grip
4Polsko FRAJDA DanielFirst day OK !
4Polsko GOLAS Lukasznie jest zle ale setup do poprawy
4Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbantry to drive safe on day 1 but did many many mistakes.tire 16/18.GO NSM GO.
4Švédkso HULT TobiasOops no tyre change and my tires are 35/40, it will be tough. Big moments here in first split so after that I calmed down. Considering that this was my first true rally with SnowFrance mod I am really happy with day 1. Good luck everyone :)
4Polsko KARCZ Sebastiandzwonek i jeszcze silnik mi sie zagotowal ledwo co dojechalem do mety to jest fart :)bedziemy odrabiax straty :)
4Lithuania KARTAUSKAS PauliusSad about crash. Good speed was.
4Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasTeko aptureti ir slydima ant sono ir apsisukimu keleta, masina aplamdyta neblogai, na, ziuresim kaip kas toliau bus. :) Sekmes visiems.
4Ukrajina KHARLANOV Ruslan43/11
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergey34/10
4Lithuania KRIUKA LinasTotal koshmar :D
4Česká republika KRYGLER Jani damaged steering and then i hit the rock... pity
4Švédkso LINDBERG Tommieok, goog recovery from the c4h in stage 1.
4Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisStupid mistake again. Rally over. Thank You to all.
4Finsko MARJAMAKI Eetutree on the driving line..
4Russian Federation NIKOLAEF AndreyTOKIO DRIFFT )))))
4Russian Federation NIKONOROV Rodion17/6
4Česká republika PTACEK change pneu? It will hard next Leg. Will see.
4Polsko RAJEWSKI Tomasznightmare... -,- im without SR and without .......brakes
4Lithuania RALLY Gurukoks asilas neleido keistipadangu... Kiek kartu jums reikia pakurti turnyra kad ismoktumet padeti varnele prie servizo???!!!
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusWell, not that bad. See ya next leg
4Russian Federation SHIMAN AlexanderSPIN and on SS2 lost 1 min -((( 33/44
4Lithuania SISI SauluteSveiki visi! Su sezono pradzia!!
4Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanno tyre change ? Ok not bad,I\'m still in the rally,had few mistakes here,it is hard to be acurate on this stage.
4Russian Federation SOLDAKOV IlyaRAZVOROT
4Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandralright
4Polsko TRZESZCZKOWSKI Sebastianspodziewalem sie lepszego wyniku :(
4Latvia USVILS Kristapsno tire repair? :O First day was okey, but i\'m worried about my tires
4Lithuania VALL Tab17/25
4Česká republika VECERA Lukasok,but who created race is fool! :(
3Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanfuf...1 big moment and spin with crash near the finish...lost some time((( and some damages of car!! good fight
3Polsko GOLAS Lukaszok!
3Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanoff.
3Švédkso HULT Tobiasok
3Polsko KAMINSKI Adamok
3Lithuania KRIUKA LinasKlaidos lygiose vietose...
3Česká republika KRYGLER Jani pushed quite more than first run, but time is same :/
3Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisGood one! :)
3Česká republika PTACEK MartinNew setup is better.
3Lithuania RALLY Guruech labai nepataikiau su nustatymu pakeitimu, karve ant ledo...
3Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusPoor first half
3Latvia USVILS Kristapsi was trying to do better, but at early start I almost crashed, so this wasn\'t my best time. anyway, 5seconds off in okey :)
2Portugalsko AGUIAR Tiagocfh. very damage
2Španělsko BALADO Miguelfunny stage
2Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivangood rhythm!! no problem))) tyres 20/27!
2Russian Federation DONSKOY Igorspin-contact
2Polsko FRAJDA Daniel2x spin :/
2Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanmany mistakes and spins.
2Švédkso HULT Tobiastough for the tires, but good driving for me.
2Polsko KAMINSKI Adammistakes
2Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasSpin
2Ukrajina KHARLANOV Ruslan32/9
2Polsko KLIMAS Adriancfh
2Polsko KRUSZ Piotr2 dzwony i juz lipa totalna
2Česká republika KRYGLER Jandifficult stage
2Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHmm... Not so good.
2Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexcrash
2Russian Federation NIKONOROV Rodion18/7
2Česká republika PTACEK MartinNow, I try change setup, will see.
2Lithuania RALLY Guruok po pirmo splito labai pasijuto ant padangu sukibimo stygius
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusNaaah...
2Russian Federation SHIMAN AlexanderOFF... tried by myself... but HELP(((
2Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefani had a roll
2Polsko TRZESZCZKOWSKI Sebastianproblem with gearbox - during gear down gearbox jump 2 gears by 1 step :(
2Latvia USVILS KristapsOk, no risk at first section
2Česká republika VECERA Lukasvery bad
1Španělsko BALADO Miguelhi all, good stage
1Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanHi all!!! I\'m very gled to see you)) GL for all
1Latvia DABINS RaivoHi all. Start really safe... Rally will be long
1Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelHi all, nice to be back :)
1Polsko GOLAS Lukaszcofanie
1Švédkso HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :)
1Polsko KAMINSKI Adamhello
1Lithuania KARTAUSKAS PauliusHello to all. Car ir going well.
1Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasSveiki, Hi.
1Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok safe
1Polsko KNAP KamilHello!Bad start :( Crash + CFH
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV SergeyHi
1Lithuania KRIUKA LinasF...
1Česká republika KRYGLER Janhey guys! no stress, just fun, long slides :)
1Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHello to all! Nice to see You all again! :) Not the best start to me, caught a C4H about 200metres after start :)) So, now I need to push..
1Finsko MARJAMAKI Eetuhuge roll
1Bulgaria POPOV DanielTerrible feeling. I rolled the car and the damage is big now..
1Česká republika PTACEK MartinHello and GL.
1Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszHi! almost clear and 200m before finish crash and now brakes off
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHello! Nothing much to say. Car is going really well, but my driving was not good enough. Fear to crash this rally in first stages
1Portugalsko SANTOS Carlosomg 2 roads hit the middle of them
1Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanhello ! No risk in this stage
1Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrpretty good start
1Polsko TRZESZCZKOWSKI Sebastiantoo slow.. i\'ve started snow season
1Latvia USVILS KristapsHi all! Easy start in first stage of championship
1Česká republika VECERA Lukashi again! fucking bad create race,why I have to start from first SS if it fall before 2SS? its joke? first race bad create second again

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
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  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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