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----SLORBR 8---- 01. Lavanttal Rally
1st round of SLORBR 8. More info @
18.10.2012 15:00 - 23.10.2012 23:59

Tournament belongs to cup SLORBR (SLORBR)
Only drivers nominated by their team
1234567  /    891011121314
RZ/SS 14 - New Bobs - POWER STAGE
Results for class (group): A5
surface normal and dry, good weather, evening, crisp, clear
10.1 km
All / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PreviousSS 14After SS 14
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
A506:10.12 98.2
2.Czech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
3.Czech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
4.Czech Republic
SLANY Michal
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
A576:27.27 84.4
2.equalCzech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
3.equalCzech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
4.equalCzech Republic
SLANY Michal
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5

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SSNameDrivers comments
14Estonia AAVIK RobiPretty good rally, would probably have a better place if it wasn\'t for the mistakes.. Many thanks to Tobias, nice fight! And thanks to the org.s! The frontmen are ******* quick.
14Finland BEAR Mattthx for the rally
14Slovenia BLATNIK Primozbetter 2nd leg with quite impressive gain of places :D congrats 2 all
14Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekfucked up power stage... last 500m without brakes. but anyway, happy to finish the rally :)
14Poland BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszsafe.thx
14Russian Federation DONSKOY Igorok. thx!
14Slovenia FELTRIN JernejBravo Gantar. Cestitke vsem v cilju.
14Slovenia GANTAR Domenas usually very bad second leg :/
14Croatia GRGURINA RobiI didn\'t have any feeling for the car, so I made a lot of mistakes. Bravo Primoz!
14Slovakia GULAS MichalPrvy velky turnaj v zivote ... velmi pomala jazda :-/ + zopar chyb ktore nemuseli byt ... THX ADMIN FOR TOURNAMENT :-D
14Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanrealy bad day 1 and safe day 2.
14Estonia JALAK Marioslippy, off and many small mistakes.Overall good results,I hope to win this rally, but two last stages not really good.Lets see what Marek doing.
14Poland JANIAK radekradiator kaput
14Czech Republic KANDLER JanPriste caoooooo
14Czech Republic KRYGLER Janfirst leg great, second fucking terrible... i am looking forward to some tarmac rally. Bye
14Czech Republic KUCERA DavidNow I can say the penalty cost me 2nd or 3rd place.But that\'s rally.I am very statisfied with my performance as I made only minor mistakes and I honestly admint I couldn\'t have driven more precisely.I was pushing but obviously times near WR in the tournament are mere dream for me.GL to JIRI!
14Serbia LAKETIC Nemanjagomila gluposti :)
14Finland MAKINEN TommiLittle mistakes here.. but really good rally! GL All and thanks for rally! Flying Finns!!! :)
14Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrWystarczylo :) Thanks Petr
14Finland MARJAMAKI Eetuhuhhuh, thank you! GO TOMMI GO
14Spain MARZOA Juanbad.....:(
14Russian Federation MATVEEV Alexgood. thanks for buttle friends!
14Slovenia MEJAK Markoshiiit, I overshoot penultimate corner massively, lost shitload of time :S overall could be much better but atleast I get some points :)
14Slovenia MEJAK Matejgood rally for me..would be better without the mistakes on leg2 but ok. Good result for my 25th birthday :)
14Latvia MELGAILIS ArmandsTraki avarija. Crazy agan crash.
14Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyspin
14Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriIts very difficult to drive with car destroyed like this. Its always slide somehow, also on straight direction. .. Anyway I did quite good tournament with minimum of mistake. ... My problem is, I dont know these track. Hope next round is on tracks, what I know. .. Congratulation David
14Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martinveryvery bad last stage, but 2nd leg was good, i hope i can get podium here. Ty slorbr :)
14Spain PEREZ Estebanbad
14Czech Republic PETER Marekmarek doing nothing, because after i see results after TannerII, i lost power to racing and fighting with cutters... sorry, but your time at tanne2 is impossible...
14Bulgaria POPOV DanielDisasterous rally for me. A lot of struggle on the stages, I am not happy with my setup, the tire wear is too high. I hope to get some points.
14Japan RUKAWA KyonNeed more testing and setups Thanks
14Slovakia SABADOS Antongood race, thx
14Slovenia SEDEJ Vojkonu upam de bo drugic buli.lp
14Estonia SEPP Marek2nd leg was terrible, still can\'t get used to the horrible understeer with this car :) Congrats to Mario ;)
14Spain SIXTO ManuelPufff
14Czech Republic SLANY MirekDiky za turnaj ..Hezky boj v A5.. Brno Racing Team
14Germany STEIN TorstenOk,Thanks
14Czech Republic STEINBERG KurtNice rally... :)
14Slovenia STROVS Nejcrealy realy bad rally for me...
14Slovakia TOKOLY VladimirFinish
14Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanEh.. I\'ll loose some places due to a spin and bad driving in general... Anyway.. It\'s nice to be back! GL to all.
14Slovenia TOMAZIC SimonOk :S What are they made of? I went a bit offroad at right 90 in first gear, and hit i don\'t know what...perhapse was a pissed turtle? :D I guess she was very pissed because she borke my gearbox...once again, don\'t like the car :D
14Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborthank organizer !!
14Latvia USVILS KristapsJust perfect Day2 :) No mistakes and great driving, also car worked well! This year SLORBR is going to be very interesting because of no WRC cars :) GL all! And thanks for great fight here, and big thanks to orgs! :) See ya!
14Czech Republic VODICKA PetrThis SS ok, but second leg was horrible.. Thx and see you next.
14Poland WACH TomekNice fight, GL Matej :)
14Poland WALCZAK PiotrTo bad I had crash on first leg, second leg was pretty clean.
13Poland BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszroll
13Sweden HULT Tobiasgood
13Estonia JALAK Mariostupid worn surface,2 big mistake
13Czech Republic KRYGLER Jandisaster disaster disaster
13Serbia LAKETIC Nemanjaroll 300 m pre cilja
13Finland MAKINEN TommiWhen we are speaking about Power Stage i overpush always.. now just finish ->
13Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriCrashed on high speed section. Car is completely destroyed. I just try drive to finshed... Very disapointed for me...
13Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martina bit slow, but no mistakes
13Czech Republic PETER Marekno cut places, not time...great
13Slovakia SABADOS Antonnarocny Rz na moje gumy....
13Estonia SEPP MarekOh well... stupid c4h.
13Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavProste KOKOT!!!
13Slovenia STROVS Nejczdele sm pa mislu dat Gantarju kako sekundo... oja, drugic :D
13Slovenia TOMASSINI Kristijanreally bad driving... bent steering again..
13Latvia USVILS Kristapslast stage, i\'m not hopping for extra points, too many fast drivers can be in front of me
13Czech Republic VODICKA Petr15s out
12Estonia AAVIK Robihuge crash and off
12Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekok still pushing :)
12Sweden HULT Tobiasno tires left at the end :(
12Czech Republic KRYGLER Jan...
12Finland MAKINEN TommiOkey no problems..
12Finland MARJAMAKI Eetuhuhhei
12Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriNow I catch good rythm. Loose some time in service, rear diff was death. Now car is Ok, more or less. Push to final fight !
12Slovenia NOVAK Klemenvec po travi kot po cesti..
12Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martinperfect stage :)
12Bulgaria POPOV DanielContinuing with damaged car
12Slovakia SABADOS Antonstrasne.... nemal som uz gumy...
12Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslavno coment
12Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirok nice stage
12Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanToo agressive....
11Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekfast :)
11Poland BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszroll
11Slovenia GANTAR Domencfh
11Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanhitt tree and spin.
11Belarus HLUSHNIONAK Aliaksandr+40 + vylet
11Sweden HULT Tobiasok
11Czech Republic KRYGLER Janspin... missing pacenote \42dont cut\42 on some place
11Slovenia LIPOVZ Markokurva
11Finland MAKINEN Tommi\42Yes\42 Jurkki :)
11Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrUFF... Big moment :)
11Slovenia MEJAK Markoi suck big time on this one :(
11Latvia MELGAILIS Armandsbad crash
11Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriCrash and spin. Long time, I cannot move back to road. .. F..k !
11Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martingoooood
11Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslavve vracaku me zhasnul motor
11Slovenia STROVS Nejccrashed... the car is a wreck now, perfect for tihght left handers and nothing else
11Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanCostly spin... lost 10s...
11Latvia USVILS Kristapsmistake in last split
11Czech Republic VODICKA Petr.... crash
10Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekok, car is working perfect
10Sweden ERIKSSON Torbjorn RRfuck :(
10Estonia FJODOROV Marekthis car has no power to go back to the road
10Croatia GRGURINA Robicfh after big off and hit spectators
10Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok.
10Sweden HULT Tobiasok, crashed after the finish but I was able to repair the car ;) :)
10Poland KLIMAS Adriancrash
10Czech Republic KRYGLER Janlost concentration... dad came back from pub...
10Slovenia LIPOVZ Markojajca...
10Finland MAKINEN TommiCarefully, lead is now over 10 seconds so i can little bit slow down.. but still need pushing
10Spain MARZOA JuanCFH
10Slovenia MEJAK Markoshit only 13 percent tyres :D
10Slovenia MEJAK Matejhit a tree and spun
10Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriNow is coming more difficult section for me. Iam very wake here...
10Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martinpretty good speed, but some offs
10Czech Republic PETER Marekjalak :D :d :D
10Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslavzase 2x mimo trat!!! Tuhle nemam raaad
10Slovenia STROVS Nejcspin
10Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirhelp
10Latvia USVILS Kristapsso far everything works great!
10Czech Republic VODICKA Petrbad time, today its not very good
9Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekcarefully
9Slovenia BOLCINA Jankobuzara
9Poland CHOROBIK Dawid2x cfh
9Romania DRANCA Raresi drive slowly to finish the rally.
9Slovenia GANTAR Domenroll
9Croatia GRGURINA Robilost the brakes after the crash
9Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbansafe.
9Sweden HULT TobiasPB :)
9Estonia JALAK Mariosafe
9Czech Republic KRYGLER Janinsane times here... i must say that this stage i hate and i had 2 offs, but still pb
9Finland MAKINEN TommiGood but i did WR in team test so it was race PB for me :D
9Czech Republic MARES Davidprejel jsem odbocku
9Slovenia MEJAK Matejlost 10s with a spin before the first corner
9Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriykorobka syka
9Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriThis just confirm, If you now the stage, its completely different world. I know this one and I drove very nice clean, carefoul and time isnt bad. :-( Car is Ok, keep pushing ...
9Slovenia NOVAK Klemenon the roof...but car is ok
9Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martinhard crash into trees, lucky that i didnt have to use c4h
9Bulgaria POPOV DanielSuspension bend after small off
9Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslav2x hodiny,skoda
9Slovenia STROVS Nejcrolled
9Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirlittle problems but good stage
9Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanBent the steering rod...
9Latvia USVILS Kristapssafe here
8Romania DRANCA Raresthe car run well,but i\'m not verry happy about the strategy.
8Estonia FJODOROV Marekoff
8Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok
8Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :) Bad start with a spin...
8Estonia JALAK Mariomax
8Czech Republic KRYGLER Janhmm great start...
8Finland MAKINEN TommiHi
8Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriOk
8Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martincrash
8Spain PEREZ Estebanhi all
8Czech Republic PETER Marekwtf??? fuck cutters
8Bulgaria POPOV DanielSpin..again...
8Russian Federation SOLDAKOV IlyaRAZVOROT
8Slovakia SUCHAC Majook
8Slovakia TOKOLY VladimirSlowmotion ride.Bad,bad,bad!!!
8Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi
8Latvia USVILS KristapsHi all! Careful start of Day2
7Estonia AAVIK RobiHad lack of confidence, multiple huge mistakes on the last loop, hope to have better luck on the next leg, amazing drive Tommi and Jurek. Good luck everybody
7Poland BANASZEK Piotrekok, but time is .... :(
7Finland BEAR Mattbad leg for me... on last stage tyres was so shit
7Slovenia BERGLEZ Boštjaneh..zadel drevescek v hardu, pa kar problem z menjalnikom..ostalo nekje v nevtralu, ceprav je katalo da je v 2..
7Slovenia BLATNIK Primozterrible mineshaft, everything else ok :)
7Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekon last stage ex aequo with tommi :D quite good, except the stupid mistake on pirka. now i wanna see if david and simon are ready :)
7Slovenia BOLCINA Jankopffffff :o)
7Spain CASTRO CarlosLeg ok, gooooo SimControl!!!!!
7Russian Federation DONSKOY Igorok, thx!
7Sweden ERIKSSON Torbjorn RRno meaning to drive this stage, il go to service and take the penelty insted..........
7Croatia GRGURINA RobiThe car feels weird after a long time back on gravel. I\'ll try to modify the setup for leg2.
7Slovakia GULAS MichalOK ... Skoda chyby na RS 3 kde som spravil kotrmelce a uviazol v priekope = pomoc divakov ... jazdim skor na istotu dojst do ciela a neposkodit auto :D ... thx for 1. leg :D
7Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanbad day for me.good drive Tobias.
7Sweden HULT TobiasI have done an almost perfect first day, but still nearly a minute behind Tommi. Incredible driving Tommi and Jurek :) Good luck and GO URBAN :D
7Estonia JALAK Mariobad last stage.
7Czech Republic KROUPA Vojtaout - nechal sem tam tak 50-60s :(:(:(
7Czech Republic KRYGLER Janwell, this competition is amazing, but i want to enjoy fight with Jirka. Thats the plan. I will see if my prediction were good or bad.
7Czech Republic KUCERA David28/23. I couldn\'t have driven better with this car. It\'s been my edge .... GL to my teammate and all SLO guys :-)
7Finland MAKINEN TommiGood leg, no big mistakes. GL All! Eetu vetoo vetoo!! Flying Finns! :)
7Czech Republic MARES Davidchladic,zustal jsem stat na trati:((
7Spain MARZOA Juanok
7Slovenia MEJAK Markoi destroyed tyres on pirka so this was not that bad...overall not good leg for me, too many mistakes and very poor driving
7Slovenia MEJAK Matejgood drive for me on this last one. Tyres at 22/14, so good grip for me :). See ya on the next leg and hopefully at the finish line ;)
7Latvia MELGAILIS ArmandsFuuu crazy first leg...hoppe next leg be better :)
7Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriy100/12 ny blyat\'
7Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriI push like from hell on this stage. One spin and bad start from forest, 10s lost. But anyway, iam totally out from good performance. So slow on this very difficult SS. ... Car is Ok, now. ... Congratulations to my team mate David! Wow! .. Hope for better drive on second leg. Ciao J
7Slovenia NOVAK Klemenzal....trenutek dekoncentracije in.... srecno ostalim!
7Czech Republic NOVOSAD Rostislavmuseli mne divaci dat spatky na kola zustal jsem na strese
7Spain ORTIZ JorgeMany mistakes
7Slovenia PACNIK Alesbeda od bede !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
7Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martinagain c4h., very bad leg for me, total 3c4h\'s. I can win this way.. See you next leg
7Spain PEREZ Estebanok
7Czech Republic PETER Marekflying finns??? No, Czech blood !!! :D
7Bulgaria POPOV DanielNo grip at all! Huge crash in the back that damaged the suspension badly. I drove it safe to the end. This and the spin on SS5 really pulled me back. Maximum attack tomorrow!
7Japan RUKAWA Kyonhit the tree :(
7Slovakia SABADOS Anton1. etap ok.....
7Estonia SEPP MarekGood first leg, no problems. Good luck for the new season to everyone :)
7Russian Federation SHIMAN Alexander(((
7Czech Republic SLANY Michal1 etapa spokojenost. BRNO Racing Team
7Czech Republic SLANY Mirek...cil splnen -dojeli jsme .. druhy den uz muzeme pridat.
7Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavPneu 80%% procent
7Czech Republic STEINBERG Kurtsoustredeny vykon :)
7Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanApart from last stage, it was terrible.. I don\'t know the car and can\'t really find the correct gear for the corners... And it\'s gravel.. and dry one.. so :) didn\'t expect more... Banda, nadrkal ste do konca :)
7Slovenia TOMAZIC SimonMission acomplished! :) I guess this year with this car, i will be always catching last podium place. Jurek and Tommi are just too fast with S2000 cars.. :)
7Latvia USVILS Kristapsalso mistakes here, but overall happy about finish, see you tommorow
7Poland WACH TomekNot bad ;)
6Poland BANASZEK Piotrekok
6Finland BEAR Mattfunny as hell =) 2 x spinn
6Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekbig mistake, almost rolled :/ lost 10s
6Sweden ERIKSSON Torbjorn RRAbsolutly no tracktion, my tires are comletly worn out, just sliding in every corner ........
6Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanfast spin.
6Sweden HULT Tobiasgood
6Poland KLIMAS Adriannot my dayyyyy
6Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominik...
6Czech Republic KRYGLER JanPB i guess, but does it matter? here? not at all...
6Czech Republic MARES Davidkazdou Rz jsem mimo trat:((
6Slovenia MEJAK Mateji hate this stage, so i took it very carefully
6Latvia MELGAILIS ArmandsFuuu rati skibi 45grados :D
6Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriy2 vyleta :(
6Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriTerrible drive, just now hope for finished first leg
6Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martinalmost perfect :):)
6Bulgaria POPOV DanielNo grip
6Russian Federation SHIMAN AlexanderOb derevo i krutanulo... uletel, hotel sam vybrat\'ja... no HELP
6Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavJa sem pomalej:-(
6Czech Republic STROBL Michalfajne..
6Slovakia SUCHAC Majotak mame to za sebou,, rana jak zdela ,, strom ostal cely len auto nie
6Latvia USVILS Kristapsspin here
5Estonia AAVIK RobiHad a loss of concentration in the start so i clipped a cliff and now the wheels aren\'t straight anymore, this is gonna be a loss
5Poland BANASZEK Piotrekcrash
5Slovenia BERGLEZ Boštjanoff
5Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekhmmm good one ;)
5Slovenia BOLCINA Jankoprov zijoo
5Latvia DABINS Raivo...
5Slovenia FELTRIN Jernejbrez treninga ne gre. Srecno vsem
5Slovenia GANTAR Domenhit a tree
5Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanfalse start.
5Sweden HULT Tobiasgood
5Estonia JALAK Mariodamn, slippy ?!
5Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominikhard crash and lot of mistakes
5Czech Republic KRYGLER Jantoo difficult for me there, but time is quite good...
5Finland MAKINEN Tommireally bad last split, i went wide twice.. but still not bad time..
5Latvia MELGAILIS Armandsbig crash and two offroads
5Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriI dont drive long time this SS. So difficult for me finished the stage. I also did some small injury durnig cut corners on car. Not happy, from this stage. ...
5Bulgaria POPOV DanielAarrhh spin..lost 15 seconds maybe...
5Slovenia SEDEJ Vojkoah
5Russian Federation SHIMAN AlexanderZAGLOH zachem-to (((
5Czech Republic SLANY Mirek...zatim jedeme tak, abychom dokoncili prvni den...
5Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavV lese,nemam dvere :-)
5Germany STEINBACH Lutzno no no no .......
5Czech Republic STROBL Michal2x vylet ven
5Slovenia STROVS Nejcpustu pol avtomobila med drevesi :(
5Slovakia SUCHAC Majovylet mimo trat strata velka
5Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirreally hard stage.I have a mutch problems.
5Latvia USVILS Kristapscrazy guys in front of me :O
5Poland WALCZAK PiotrHit a tre and reverse, luckily with no heavy damage.
4Slovenia BOLCINA Jankosla koncentracija pa je blo po grmovju
4Poland BURCZYNSKI Arekno clutch, but i don\'t know why
4Slovenia FIDEL Jakabad luck :(
4Croatia GRGURINA Robihit spectators
4Sweden HULT Tobiasengine stopped and I lost a few seconds :(
4Estonia JALAK Mariopush
4Czech Republic KROUPA Vojtabad road
4Serbia LAKETIC Nemanjabig offffff
4Slovenia MEJAK Markosmall off
4Slovenia MEJAK Matejneeded some time to get the feel for the grip on this one. After that a good drive for me. Tyres at 13 percent
4Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriysyka blya, avtohelp za 800 m do finisha, kakogo hrena\'
4Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriI dont know, lose to much now. I dont like these stages, I cannot push more. Car is Ok.
4Slovenia NOVAK Klemenskoda...lih pred ciljem spin...drugace TOP odpeljan brzinc
4Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martinradiator 90percent damaged . :D
4Bulgaria POPOV DanielVery bad
4Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavNeni tady prostor na chybky a ja jich delam az prilis!!!
4Germany STEINBACH Lutzzu vorsichtig
4Czech Republic STROBL Michalfuj!!
4Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimirsoo funny stage
4Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanAleluja.. Happy to be here :S
4Latvia USVILS Kristapscould be better
4Czech Republic VONDRA Honzacrash
3Latvia DABINS Raivowhat a stupid mistake!!!!!
3Sweden ERIKSSON Torbjorn RRno cluch no breakes left, tottaly forgott my tire choise so i slided off and hitted abig three :(
3Slovakia GULAS Michalcrash :-/
3Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanspin.
3Sweden HULT TobiasAmazing times Tommi and Jurek :D
3Estonia JALAK Marionice fight guys :P
3Czech Republic KOUTSKY Dominiklost 20 sec
3Czech Republic KROUPA Vojtabad
3Czech Republic KRYGLER JanPB, but here? lame! :(
3Czech Republic KUCERA David2s in the first split? Where?
3Slovenia MEJAK Markobaaad driving
3Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriSo much carefoul, but car without injury.
3Slovenia PACNIK Alesu picku mater
3Estonia PAJUSSAAR Martin2x c4h :S
3Bulgaria POPOV DanielTommi and Jurek are very fast..
3Serbia RISTIC UrosTo mi je kad ja verujem ovom suvozacu retardu raspalom.
3Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavPredcasny start!!!!! Ocas no
3Slovakia SUCHAC Majototo bolo lepsie
3Slovakia TOKOLY VladimirFirst good stage but brake for me is problem with gearbox.
3Slovenia TOMASSINI Kristijanuhh.. disaster :S
3Latvia USVILS Kristapscrazy times...
3Latvia VIZULIS Uldisfailed with pacenotes..
2Poland BOGDANOWICZ Jurekok
2Slovenia BOLCINA Jankosej te kar zamori
2Poland CHOROBIK Dawidznnowu sie scielo masakrycznie, cos sie dzieje nie tak...
2Latvia DABINS Raivoi drive without cutting, but you TOMMI? I want to see your replay!
2Sweden ERIKSSON Torbjorn RROK
2Croatia GRGURINA Robia lot of small offs
2Slovenia GRM Lukacfh, ker sem zapeljal na travo is se cudezno nisem mogel premakniti
2Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok.
2Sweden HULT Tobiasok
2Poland KLIMAS Adrianhitted tree
2Czech Republic KRYGLER Janawful performance...
2Sweden LINDBERG Tommiespin
2Finland MARJAMAKI Eetugood
2Slovenia MEJAK Markoalmost retired on one bad landing
2Latvia MELGAILIS ArmandsSome drivere take unreal time without cut :)
2Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriKristjian, well done. You are each year better and better :-) ... I drive good, carefoully and fast. Not possible push more.
2Slovenia NOVAK Klemenlih pred ciljem na streho
2Serbia RISTIC UrosMa ne znam stazu, ne vredi...
2Czech Republic SLANY MirekZdravim - snad dojedeme celi....
2Serbia SMILJKOVIC Stefani hate this stage to
2Slovenia STROVS Nejchalf spin
2Slovakia SUCHAC Majoneznaaaasam japonske trate
2Estonia TAMMAI KauriDeeem :(
2Slovakia TOKOLY Vladimircrash...problem with gearbox
2Czech Republic VECERA Lukasstupid crash:(
1Poland BOGDANOWICZ JurekHi all! I am starting to defend the title ;)
1Slovenia BOLCINA Janko:O
1Russian Federation CHIROKOV VladimirHi all!!!
1Poland CHOROBIK Dawidczesc wszystkim, strasznie mi scielo na poczotku i na koncu mapy, ucieklo kilka sekund
1Latvia DABINS RaivoHey and good luck all to new season!
1Ukraine DRIVE Alexander13/14
1Sweden ERIKSSON Torbjorn RRHI good luck to all driver !
1Argentina FAVIA MikelHi ALL.
1Slovenia FELTRIN Jernejpozdrav vsem
1Estonia FJODOROV Marekwhat???? 1 min?????
1Slovenia GANTAR Domenhello
1Croatia GRGURINA Robihello everybody
1Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanhi and gl all.
1Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :)
1Czech Republic KANDLER JanAhoj
1Poland KLIMAS Adrianhi
1Czech Republic KOUTSKY DominikHi!
1Czech Republic KRYGLER Janhello everybody, it seems that it will be there incredible competition. like it
1Czech Republic KUCERA Davidgr8 false start ... and I went on go....
1Latvia LICIS Atisfunny accident
1Sweden LINDBERG TommieHi!
1Finland MAKINEN TommiHi, good luck all for new season!
1Poland MALCZEWSKI PiotrHi :) Small crash :\
1Finland MARJAMAKI EetuHi all :)
1Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
1Slovenia MEJAK Markohi all :) slow start
1Latvia MELGAILIS ArmandsFirst time in this track with this car.
1Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyny kak po etomy dopy ezdit\' bistro, ya ne znayu. bad time
1Czech Republic NAVRATIL JiriHello everybody. Its a great to be back on SloRBR. Its always great fighting hear and nice SS. This year I believe is very tough, because of new format without WRC cars. ... Anyway good luck to all! This SS I did flat out, others are not so favorite one, means I have a plan drive carefoully :-)
1Spain ORTIZ Jorgehello
1Czech Republic PETER Marekhi barbies :)))
1Bulgaria POPOV DanielFinaly SLORBR started ::) Good luck to all!
1Serbia RISTIC Urosdebilna staza!!!!!!
1Japan RUKAWA Kyonhi guys
1Slovenia SEDEJ Vojkolp
1Czech Republic SLANY MichalZase tahacka v A5 a po jedne vterine
1Slovenia SMID Miranvse vas bam nakuru.... ;)
1Serbia SMILJKOVIC StefanHi ! I hate this stage
1Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyacrash
1Slovenia STROVS NejcHello everyone :) pa se pejmo spet mal vozt :D
1Slovakia SUCHAC Majopre divakov ,,,,ok
1Slovakia TOKOLY VladimirHi all!Verry bad start 10 sec. penalty
1Slovenia TOMASSINI KristijanHi :) It will be tough this year..
1Slovenia TOMAZIC SimonHello after a long pause! :) Today, I just want to finish, without any problems...speed isn\'t matter! :)
1Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi all !
1Latvia USVILS KristapsHi all and have fun this season! :)
1Czech Republic VECERA Lukashi
1Spain Vicenc Caihuelashi all
1Latvia VIZULIS Uldishey all!
1Czech Republic VODICKA PetrHi
1Czech Republic VONDRA HonzaHello
1Czech Republic WOLAJNYK Alesout

Server events
New track:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Updated track:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

New track:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
New tracks:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Updated track:
  • Halenkovice 2018
New track:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Records / Rank times

How long do you play RBR?
1-2 months
Votes: 11294 34.27%
6 months
Votes: 3234 9.81%
1 year
Votes: 3732 11.33%
2 years
Votes: 3584 10.88%
3 years
Votes: 3852 11.69%
Soon after release
Votes: 7256 22.02%

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