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Rally Liepaja - Ventspils
RBR Planet - 2nd round of European Rally Championship. Snowmod needed! Our project: RBR Planet
3.2.2013 8:00 - 9.2.2013 23:59
RZ/SS 15 - Kaihuavaara
Results for class (group): A5
surface new and dry, good weather, late afternoon, hazy, partialy cloudy
6.1 km
All / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PreviousSS 15After SS 15
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
1.Czech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
A504:18.67 84.9
2.Czech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
1.equalCzech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
A578:16.89 88.8
2.equalCzech Republic
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5

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SSNameDrivers comments
15Estonia AASALA VahurYippikayeee. This must be enough for Gr. N victory - except for one bad mistake on day2 , it was a very good rally. Cmon Estonian boys, lets make it 1-2-3 in Gr. N!!!
15Spain DE DIEGO JavierSpin. Well, the rally was hard to me, we had lot of problems in the secong leg and I am very luckily for finish. See you in the next one.
15Sweden HULT TobiasOk rally for me, happy to be here. But it will take a while until my next rally on RBR-Planet because all my money are gone now :( Good luck everyone and GO TOMMIE!!!
15Estonia KANGRO AnttiMade a lot of mistakes on this rally, i hope i can make it to the podium, but its not easy to get used to different car, but this car can go very fast and is cheap to run! Rent it from me for good setups ;)
15Czech Republic KOLAR Lukasthanks. Very nice rally,
15Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalNice rally :))
15Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelfyyyyjo , posledni RZ naplno :)
15Czech Republic KRACALIK LiborOk. We have first place. I love snow. We are happy.
15Sweden LINDBERG Tommiebad rally, but atleast i am here which was the main goal. Congrats to the podium, well done!
15Estonia MÄESTU Indrekbig off, luckily escaped. i\'m happy with third place. It\'s hard to keep speed and not damage the car
15Ukraine PIDLUSKY Oleksandrdifficul to drive damages car... 2 mistakes on last stage. Rally not good for me. many small mistakes and several big...
15Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszIt was hard rally. Im sad cause of second leg. The first and third was ok, no big damage. But Its good training and really good lesson to me.Thanks :)
15SCHENK MikeThanks to organisation,was a great rally.Make fun and was interesting too.If there was not so much problems with my internet and computer - i think i drove a bit better. But now in finish,look how good we are at the end. Good luck to the rest of starters -will see all at the party and next event.
15Czech Republic SIP Jaroslavvelice arocne diky
14Estonia AASALA Vahurvery careful now - no heroics with damaged suspension
14Spain DE DIEGO JavierMore problems with snow banks, but at least we hadn\'t crashed.....
14Estonia HAAMER CarolVery Hard stage, i have one big moment but now all is OK.
14Sweden HULT TobiasA bit better now ;)
14Czech Republic KOLAR Lukasthis stage was beter
14Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelv zaveji na pul minuty :(
14Estonia MÄESTU Indrekkeeped good line ,nothing more. next one junctions are critical
14Ukraine PIDLUSKY Oleksandrdamage car(
14SCHENK Mikeshit computer,there is no fluide picture,makes no fun to drive like this! :-(
14Czech Republic VASICEK Michalcar is hard damage
13Estonia AASALA Vahur1x off, slight damage to steering, but nothing major
13Spain DE DIEGO JavierSpin because a snow bank, arg....
13Estonia HAAMER CarolThat was OK
13Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelboj do posledni RZ tak jak to ma byt :)
13Sweden LINDBERG Tommiebig roll, c4h and completely damaged suspension :/ fight is over, just cruise to finish :(
13Estonia MÄESTU Indrekit\'s gonna be tough
13SCHENK Mikewas terrible to drive - my computer is something doing in background,dont know what.
12Estonia AASALA Vahurno hurry. was just keeping very clean lines. now car also has no damage
12Spain DE DIEGO JavierHard crash, asked for help......
12Sweden HULT TobiasWent off and got stuck for 20 sec -.- If I had any chances of catching Lukasz before this stage they are definitely gone now :(
12Czech Republic KOPYTKO Michallittle crash
12Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelhodiny , po velkem skoku
12Sweden LINDBERG Tommiegetting really close with Antti now :D
12Estonia MÄESTU Indrekno grip on rear
12Ukraine PIDLUSKY Oleksandrroof
12SCHENK Mikedrove a propper line,but sometimes a bit to near on the snow-walls.
11Estonia AASALA Vahurnice and steady
11Spain DE DIEGO JavierSome problems with snow banks, we lost 10 sec. more or less...
11Estonia KANGRO Anttithat was really bad, a lot of offs, damaged suspension.
11Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalIn the snow barrier engine stop ... :((
11Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelkameraman na vnejsku zatacky , takovej blb , nebyt tam on tak je to jen krizovka , ale aspon ze to nebyl strom , skoda ohromne casove ztraty
11Sweden LINDBERG Tommiebig off close to the end, had to restart the engine
11Estonia MÄESTU Indrekreversed
11Ukraine PIDLUSKY Oleksandrscary moment...
11SCHENK Mikelook is ok but a small mistake short befor finish make a better time not possible.
10Estonia AASALA Vahurwill not push for overall podium - rather will try to secure group N4 victory
10Estonia AAVIK Robiwhat the helll?! i didn\'t even hit the damn tree
10Spain DE DIEGO JavierAll good, no errors and very confidence. I enjoy so much. There were some parts that I can\'t know what were road and what were snow banks.
10Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :) I will just try to secure my 2nd place behind Lukasz, he is to fast to catch.
10Estonia KANGRO AnttiVahur is too far now, will try to keep Tommie of my back :)
10Czech Republic KOLAR Lukasgrrrrrrrrrrrr, I dont see way
10Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelok jedu si svoje
10Estonia MÄESTU Indrekcarefully
10SCHENK MikeHey to all - after the snow tonight we had the problems to see the stage,so many mistakes are following.Hope for better sight!
9Estonia AASALA Vahurlost alot of time on leg2. Tommie and Kristaps lost more. Will have to wait for other Esonians now. stupily made an error in service - so penalty here.
9Estonia AAVIK Robispin and crisis just after the 3rd km, otherwise, bad day, the car is broken, so am i, i just hope to finish
9Poland ANTOS RemikMuch more better day than previous one. No big mistakes. Anyway, with that car and that condition I can not get good results.
9Latvia BALODIS Janis2nd leg finished quitly
9Spain DE DIEGO JavierWell, at least we could repair all (except the gearbox). Lets run again.
9Sweden HULT Tobias40/50, ok second day but it wont be enough to keep Lukasz behind... Good luck everyone :)
9Estonia KANGRO Antticouldnt find any rhythm again, decided to drive late in the evening, wasnt a good call. reversed 3 times and a lot of offs. Sorry for Tommie and Kristaps, but that is rally.
9Estonia KLAIS Svenok day :) see what others do!
9Czech Republic KOLAR Lukasuvidime jak ostatni :) Brno Racing Team
9Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalSecond day is ok for me :)
9Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelsme v cili 2 etapy to je zatim dobre
9Czech Republic KRACALIK LiborI love snoooooooow!!!!
9Sweden LINDBERG Tommiefrustrating leg, lots of mistakes and connection problems yesterday so i had to restart the plugin several times.. but we are atleast here and still in the race :)
9Estonia MÄESTU Indreki\'m angry at me, not using brains
9Ukraine PIDLUSKY Oleksandrday 2 was OK
9Serbia RISTIC UrosOne mistake fucked up everything.
9SCHENK Mikeit was a very bad day 2 for us - a lot of problems with car and handling - also the serverproblem! but in finish,will see you all at day 3 the final day - good luck all!
9Czech Republic SIP Jaroslavspicka jede rychleki. Zkusil jsem vice riskovat, ale skoncilo to jen vyletem mimo trat. Dobr zkusenost,jsem rad ze jsem dojel.Kosa jedeneuvritelne,jen aby to nepodelal. Very difficult stages, it si not easy, keep car on the road. Tomorow, we will see, how it will bo
9Germany STEINBACH Lutzok
9Estonia TAMMAI KauriC4H
8Estonia AASALA Vahurhandling is insane.
8Spain DE DIEGO JavierThe car is absolutely distroyed. Just trying to the assitance...
8Sweden HULT TobiasArgh, bad stage, many mistakes but luckily the car is ok :/
8Estonia KANGRO Anttibroke front suspension, will be difficult on next one
8Estonia KLAIS Svenok
8Czech Republic KOLAR Lukaspred cilem krasne zaboreni do bariery, ztrata cca 7s
8Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalBad luck Tammai :/ It\'s a pitty :(
8Estonia MÄESTU Indrekhard work but only 3 secs, wasn\'t clean also ofcourse
8Serbia RISTIC UrosCall for help. Jebem ti sve.
8Czech Republic SIP Jaroslavmyslel jsem, ze cas bude lepsi, ale jsem spokojen
8Estonia TAMMAI Kauristupid roll and C4H.
7Estonia AASALA Vahurroll, car is badly damaged. have to go half throttle next 2 stages
7Poland GORALIK Lukasznew setups
7Sweden HULT Tobiasok
7Estonia KANGRO Anttireverse AGAIN
7Czech Republic KOLAR Lukashnus fialovy, pres to bilo vubec nevidim kam jedem. Nemam rad snih.
7Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelnevzdame se
7Sweden LINDBERG Tommiesorry for Kristaps :(
7Estonia MÄESTU Indreki can\'t catch antti
7Serbia RISTIC UrosBig roll at the end, car is damaged lot :/
7SCHENK Mikethis is a day to throw away!
7Czech Republic SIP Jaroslavjel jsem pomalu, odrazelo se mi slunicko do oci
7Latvia USVILS Kristapsi\'m disapointed :(
6Estonia AASALA Vahuri was just avoiding mistakes, where others have faultered
6Estonia AAVIK Robithe car is in bad shape
6Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasGearbox :(
6Latvia BALODIS Janisafter 2nd split saw the result and after that had a spin and drove into snow. Were stuck and lost about 10sec
6Spain DE DIEGO JavierVery hard crash, cant repair all... bad....
6Sweden HULT Tobiassome small mistakes but nothing mayor
6Estonia KANGRO Anttino grip
6Latvia KINEENS Tomsspin
6Estonia KLAIS Svenone istake that almoust causis the car go overhead but ok stage
6Czech Republic KOLAR Lukasvse opraveno, jdeme dal.
6Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalCar is repaired...
6Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelhruza des , neudrzel jsem nervy a zbytecne dostal penalizaci za predcastny start. Tak snad uz se sklidnim
6Sweden LINDBERG Tommiebig damage, could not repair all
6Estonia MÄESTU Indrekhell, splippy and broken car. service didn\'t repair needed items
6SCHENK Mikehave a lot of problems with the car,and something destroyed my windscreen so i dont see anything - all this cost a lot of time. lost performance because the waiting time for serverconect is a very bad joke!!!
6Czech Republic SIP Jaroslavjsem spocenej, jak v saune. jeste 3 RZ
6Latvia USVILS Kristapsbattle is over :(
5Estonia AASALA Vahurdangerous stage, took it really easy
5Estonia AAVIK Robibad
5Spain DE DIEGO JavierCrash.
5Estonia HAAMER CarolVery very bad, my rally is over
5Sweden HULT Tobiasfelt slippery so I drove safe, but the time is ok
5Estonia KANGRO Anttireally bad off in the first split, almost hit a tree and reversed, lost 8 sec
5Latvia KINEENS Tomsbig mistake
5Estonia KLAIS Svensafe drive
5Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalNo mistakes, ok
5Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelsme radi ze jsme v cili uz se tesime do servisu ve 3 zatacce jsem trefil nejakou zmrzlou hroudu a od te doby mame rozhozene rizeni. jeste jednu RZ do servisu musime nejak prezit
5Czech Republic KRACALIK LiborVery difficult stage. Very slippery. We had a big problem and people had to help us.
5Sweden LINDBERG Tommieoffroad
5Estonia MÄESTU Indrekstupid spectactors too close to road
5Serbia RISTIC UrosI really hate peklo snow.
5Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI Bartoszno comment
5SCHENK Mikevery bad,and the problem with the server more than 10minutes waiting
5Czech Republic SIP Jaroslavbyl jsem venku, ale pak jsem se s tim pral. jsem rad, ze jsem v cili.
5Estonia TAMMAI Kauriso many mistakes and rolls. C4H
5Latvia USVILS Kristapsvery bad :(
4Estonia AASALA Vahurfor me, this was very good. just a bit of damage though
4Estonia AAVIK Robiplugin is faulty
4Spain DE DIEGO JavierOne spin...
4Estonia HAAMER CarolStupyd Roll First Stage, Bad Start for me
4Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :) Saving tires here...
4Estonia KANGRO Anttivery bad off for me, lost a lot of time here.
4Latvia KINEENS Tomsspin
4Estonia KLAIS Svenok
4Czech Republic KOLAR LukasJdem na to opatrne, je tezke si zvyknout na snehanky
4Czech Republic KOPYTKO Michalrolled ... low damage but ok..
4Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavel10 vterinovy vylet mimo trat , na rychlem useku jsme zkoncili v zaveji.
4Estonia MÄESTU Indrek1 big mistake
4Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszIm not happy from that time, I am bad in this snow
4Slovakia SABADOS Antonv splite 1 po vyjazdu som nechal tam taky 20s...
4Czech Republic SALA DavidBezkomentae
4SCHENK MikeHey to all,bad start in day 2 a lot of problems.
4Czech Republic SIP Jaroslavjsem spocenej, jak v lete, ale jednou jse,
4Estonia TAMMAI Kauridon\'t push
4Latvia USVILS KristapsHi all. I need to push here, because I\'m not that fast in next one
4Netherlands VAN KUYK Wernerspin grr
3Estonia AASALA Vahurno big problems, so happy with leg1
3Estonia AAVIK Robithe car is absolutely totaled, flipped twice and got stuck and wheels were bent, the steering is too sensitive, so no feeling AT ALL, very bad :(
3Poland ANTOS RemikVery bad day. I have lost brakes on last stage...
3Spain DE DIEGO JavierArg, another crash....
3Latvia GAILITIS Uldisstupid mistake on fast corner rolled over,damaged wheels and in finish also crashed and no all repair are made,hope they won\'t influance my driving
3Estonia HAAMER CarolOK
3Sweden HULT TobiasBad car handling and worn tires, so I just drove safe :) The car is fixed and I am ready for day 2. Good luck everyone :)
3Estonia KANGRO Anttibad first leg, had no grip on last stage so many offs. Hope for better results on oncoming days.
3Latvia KINEENS Tomsoffroad
3Estonia KLAIS Svennot the best time but satisfied!
3Czech Republic KOLAR LukasOK, car is ready, no damage. I am very happy. Let s go next etape.
3Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalOk.
3Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelok hodne rychla RZ snazil jsem se drzet cistou stopu ale neslo to , asi 10 vterin jsem nechal v zavjeji ale jinak dobry zacatek
3Czech Republic KRACALIK LiborOn the second stage we made two very big mistakes. We lost there over 30s.
3Sweden LINDBERG Tommieok first day is good, let see for the rest of the rally, happy to keep up with the locals ;)
3Estonia MÄESTU Indrekcracked front suspension totaly in 2nd corner, but I\'ll try next days
3Ukraine PIDLUSKY Oleksandrradiator damage
3Serbia RISTIC UrosAgain call for help, again terrible :/
3Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszIt was hard leg. The drivers are really good. My times are not the best but my car is not damaged so Im happy.
3Czech Republic SALA DavidTak sme nezvlady jednu levaou dve :-(
3Czech Republic SIP JaroslavTEZKE
3Germany STEINBACH Lutzo.k.
3Estonia TAMMAI KauriNot so good
3Latvia USVILS KristapsGood start, no problems :)
3Netherlands VAN KUYK Wernerdamh 2spins
2Estonia AAVIK Robisomething is not right
2Spain DE DIEGO JavierIt was going good, but then we crash.....
2Latvia GAILITIS UldisHad c4h at 2nd split but it doesn\'t change my driving
2Sweden HULT TobiasThe car is really hard to drive, but the time is ok :)
2Estonia KANGRO Anttislow, but this stage is not very good with this car, much better with n14
2Estonia KLAIS Svenbad time...big off and stuck about 20 seconds!
2Czech Republic KOLAR Lukasauto vubec nebrzdilo, toto jsem jeste nezazil, skoncili sme predkem v zaveji, nastesti se dalo vycouvat jinak pentla za vyprosteni, uff
2Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalVery hard stage. I drove calm.
2Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelpeklo ale jsem v cili
2Sweden LINDBERG Tommieok
2Czech Republic RANDYSEK RomanBaterie
2Serbia RISTIC Uroscall for help, 3x off etc.
2Czech Republic SALA DavidMeli jsme krizovku a trefili strom, nastesti to odnesl jen chladic a tak doufame ze vydrzi jeste jednu RZ a pak do servisu
2SCHENK MikeLost control and hit very hart to a tree.
2Latvia USVILS Kristapsthis stage is hard for N4, so i just stayed cool here, no stress
2Poland UZDOWSKI Filipnie mam slow, nie mam sil na to.
2Netherlands VAN KUYK Wernerok hard stage
1Estonia AASALA VahurHi! o problems
1Estonia AAVIK Robitaking it easy
1Czech Republic CADA Ottonic moc, v zaveru jsem v zaveji asi ohnul predni kolo
1Spain DE DIEGO JavierBad, too bad...
1Latvia GAILITIS UldisSome braking problems on tight corners
1Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :) Hit a snowbank and damaged the rear of the car :/
1Estonia KANGRO AnttiHi all, bad first stage, but its a long rally.
1Latvia KINEENS TomsHi all in LVRally :)
1Estonia KLAIS Svenfaster than i thought
1Czech Republic KOLAR Lukasnemohli sme chytit tempo
1Czech Republic KOPYTKO MichalHi :) No problems ;)
1Czech Republic KOSICEK Pavelok
1Sweden LINDBERG TommieHi! Ok start :)
1Poland RZEMIENIEWSKI BartoszIts not good time but Its 1st stage
1Czech Republic SALA DavidTak prvni RZ mame za sebou, nejak nejsme v tempu, ale verime ze se to na nasledujici RZ zlepsi.
1SCHENK MikeHey to all drivers and Teams,had no problems only one spin at the last 90left - cost time - shit happens.
1Czech Republic SIP JaroslavKOTRMELEC,
1Estonia TAMMAI Kaurirolled and C4H
1Latvia USVILS KristapsHi all. Nice opening stage at home rally :)
1Netherlands VAN KUYK Wernerok

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