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41.Classic Cup 2008
Rally de Antibes info:
11.10.2008 15:05 - 17.10.2008 23:59
RZ/SS 6 - Villars
Results for class (group): N3
surface new and dry, good weather, noon, crisp, clear
7 km
All / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PreviousSS 6After SS 6
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
Ford Fiesta ST
N303:47.62 110.7
Ford Fiesta ST
Ford Fiesta ST
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
Ford Fiesta ST
N316:49.49 95.6
Ford Fiesta ST
Ford Fiesta ST

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PreviousHide split times
NameCarClassTyresSplit 1Split 2Finish
Germany VDRMFord Fiesta STN3Dry gravel01:17.2502:34.0203:47.62C 
PurasFord Fiesta STN3Dry gravel+00:05.14+00:09.66+00:12.19
Germany Iesi08Ford Fiesta STN3Dry gravel+00:04.05+00:52.62+01:00.91C 

Hide drivers comments
SSNameDrivers comments
6Alexander SvendsonCrappy stage...
6boxissdobry rajd
6Germany BRUHY Frankshit , last stage - greetings Karel
6Slovenia FELTRIN Jernejfor me OK. GL all
6Czech Republic FROHLICH Pavelskoda ty krozovky...minuta pryc
6Poland GORALIK Lukaszbad :(
6Czech Republic HABART PatrikI came to score some points and I was successful, so I\'m prety satisfied with this performance. Congrat to all class winners. Thx for the rally.
6Finland HIRVELA TommiLast stage was difficult and I had a spin there and lost maybe 6-7secs but I am happy for this result. Congrats all finishers and class winners!
6Czech Republic HOLECEK JirkaDokoncil jsem soutez!
6Germany Iesi08Endlich mal im Ziel!!!
6Finland KALHOLA AnttiHalf spun and there went the victory, so close yet so far away.
6Slovakia KUREK Miromal som namale
6Switzerland Levanjo Gazarinisetup for tarmac is not ok. Good rally
6Germany Mark Deubnermist.. wenn ich gewusst heatte das thomas einen fehler macht am ende jetzt.. jetzt bin ich etwas sauer grad grins wegen meiner fehler... ;=
6Poland MINSKI Michalpostawilem wszystko na jedna karte, nie oplacilo sie...
6Japan MORISHITA Asamitoriaezu bujini kanso- (^o^)v
6Sweden NORDINS Tomas1 spinn
6Poland NotActive.trncco za popierdolony oes !!!!!!11
6Czech Republic OPRSAL Petrczech vs slovakia
6Czech Republic PILKA Marekok pekna rally gratuluji vitezum dekuji poradatelum
6Poland Pyzolo 0.30 sek :D piekna walka :D
6Czech Republic RENDLA MichalNice rally!
6Russian Federation SANIN Mixailgood rally Lukasz!!!!!
6Slovenia SEMROV Gorazdehh
6Czech Republic STEPANEK Jakub-)
6Slovenia Tomazic S.better :)
6Finland Topi HovinenI had to be very careful at the last stage because my rear left tyre was having some tough time after the hit to armco in previous stage
6Germany TraxKnappes Ding Max62, haette dich fast gehabt:-)
6Germany VDRMbad day..
6Canada Vladimir SINELNIKOVMolodez Serega!!very good Job!!Good Luck Yossarian and hebbi!!!
6Poland Yossariannice Vlad! Those stages are my most disliked, exept last one, but even that went wrong. Couldn\'t do anything more. Any points are better than no points thou
6Czech Republic ZAK Davidna to ze standart setup a kupa chyb tak ok :)
6Czech Republic ZEHNAL MartinOpet sem havaroval...15s sem stratil
5Norway Benjamin A. WardWent off at high speed at the mid section. Too bad.
5Czech Republic FROHLICH Pavelnevybrana krizovka...tahali me divaci z lesa,auto neni moc pojizdne
5Czech Republic HOLECEK JirkaNo comment
5Czech Republic KOCIAN Martinkkk
5Slovakia KUREK Mironechapem ako moze ist niekto o 20 sec rachlejsie. To by som musel ist krizom a nebrzdit !
5Russian Federation LOTOV Sergeyspin
5Germany Mark Deubnerda hab ich nochmal zuviel gewollt thomas... naja ohne die 3 fehler weare es ein guter kampf gewurden denke ich
5Japan MORISHITA Asamirihabiri jyuncyo- (^-^)
5Czech Republic OPRSAL Petrvery gut
5Czech Republic PILKA Marekhodiny
5Czech Republic PTACEK MartinHmmm......brutal Tommi.
5Czech Republic SEMERAD Martin2 volani
5Finland Topi HovinenSpun and almost rolled
5Czech Republic ZEHNAL Martinmoc veliky crash...kua...:-(
4Norway Benjamin A. WardHad a great run until the very last corner where we went off into the barriers. Lost at least 4-5 seconds there.
4Portugal CARVALHO Carlosone mistake
4Czech Republic DOKULIL JiriJa ani auto nejedeme dobre.
4Czech Republic HOLECEK JirkaZtratil jsem koncentraci
4Netherlands KUYK Werner vanhad whrong setup had gravel setup car whas undriveble
4Estonia RAUDMETS OskarGood Lukasz:)
4Latvia STUKULS Jurgisonly 3rd gear
4Slovakia TOMKO MarekIdem domov...
4Czech Republic VODICKA Petrno to zas bylo...
4Czech Republic VOSTAREK Michalkua!!!!!!!:((((
3Norway Benjamin A. WardGood and clean stage. We\'ll try to go for a top six finish after all the previous problems.
3Czech Republic FOLTYN Thomasok
3Czech Republic HABART PatrikToo carefully.
3Czech Republic HOLECEK JirkaSotolina a gumy na asfalt nejdou moc k sobe
3Slovenia KRUH Gregorbad
3Japan MORISHITA Asamiok (^-^)v
3Germany VDRMshit happens.. peinlich
3Czech Republic VOSTAREK Michalslo to
3Poland Yossarianouch
2Norway Benjamin A. WardHad a jump start, so had already lost 10 seconds from the start. Other than that an OK stage.
2Latvia BULANS Gatiscrash
2Portugal CARVALHO Carlosone big mistake
2Czech Republic DOKULIL JiriTed uz to bylo vyrazne lepsi nez na RZ 1.
2Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojastotaly demaged car..
2Czech Republic HOLECEK JirkaNemam rad asfalt, ale co se da delat.
2Finland KALHOLA AnttiNot very clean.
2Slovenia KRUH Gregorproblems....
2Slovakia KUREK Mirotu su sami asfaltaci
2Germany Mark Deubnerso endlich wieder alles heile.. 2 wp,s nur 6. gang macht kein spass
2Japan MORISHITA Asamifrying orz...
2Czech Republic PILKA MarekPo startu kotrmelce a celou RZ poskozene zaveseni :-(
2Estonia RAUDMETS Oskargood for me:)
2Czech Republic RENDLA Michalhard hit
2Poland STWOREK Piotrfatalny odcinek :/ zupenie ne znany mi :D
2Japan TETSUYA Tanakawent off
2Slovakia TOMKO MarekNieco bolo zle...
2Germany VDRMone heavy spin
2Czech Republic VOSTAREK Michaludelal sem strasne moc chyb
1Norway Benjamin A. WardHad a good start, but cut a corner too much and rolled into spectators. Hope to make up time in the next stage.
1Germany BRUHY Frankohh
1Czech Republic DOKULIL JiriJedu spatne, auto navic nejak blbe brzdi.
1Poland evmer_rkeybord :/
1Czech Republic FOLTYN Thomasok
1Czech Republic HABART PatrikHi everybody! This one was ok.
1Czech Republic HARANT Lubosbad
1Czech Republic hebbicrash, grettings to Vlad + Yossa
1Czech Republic HOLECEK JirkaMam problemy ve vraceckach, kde ztracim mnoho casu.
1Poland JAGIELLICZ Marcinwith crash
1Finland KALHOLA AnttiGood time because I crashed into the barriers and had to reverse.
1Latvia KOKS Martinsc4h
1Czech Republic KRAJCA Lukasbum
1Czech Republic KUCERA DavidShit, problems with my handbrake again :-(
1Slovakia KUREK Mirobez chyby - nikdy !
1Poland Marcin Mrożekheh
1Germany Mark Deubnersuper gleich mal 2 abfluege.. arrrg
1Czech Republic MASTRLA Martinok
1Poland MINSKI Michalok
1Japan MORISHITA Asamirihabiri-cyu ^ ^;
1Poland NotActive.trnceh :. too fast oon one turn
1Poland Pyzolw miare dobry przejazd :D
1Estonia RAUDMETS OskarNice fight with Lukasz:)
1Slovenia ROVAN Uroshaha
1Poland STWOREK PiotrW miare udany odcinek, w niektorych miejscach zachowawczo ;) ale jest ok :D
1Poland TALAGA Wojciechnosz kurwa ostatni zakret w barierki i przy nawracaniu wjechalem w fotoreportera
1Slovakia TOMKO MarekSakra. Musel som cuvat.
1Finland Topi HovinenOne spin
1Poland ZACHARIASZ Lukaszcrash

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  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
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