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!!! WRC 2010 !!! RALLY OF TURKEY
2010 FiA World Rally Championship / Round 4/13 / All cars
16.4.2010 0:01 - 18.4.2010 23:59
123456789  /    1011121314151617  /    181920212223
Results for class (group): N3
surface worn and dry, good weather, morning, crisp, clear
8.7 km
All / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PreviousSS 23After SS 23
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SSNameDrivers comments
23Norway BJORHOVDEN Vegardrolled and killed people :/ good rally but the final stage. thx for rally and see you next time
23Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelThanks again Tommi for a fun weekend :) Great driving all podium finnisher. Hope to cu all next race :) :)
23Croatia Filip ANDYSuper!
23Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbantnx for the rally .
23Finland MAKINEN Tommii went out 2x. bad rally for me many minutes superrally penalty. aijai, too bad. but see you in next rally :) kiitos Tommille kisasta! :)
23Finland Mike HonchoAaaaaaaa biggest mistakes of the rally on last stage :-) But still a great rally. Thanks
23Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavAuto vubec nefungovalo,ale dotahl jsem to nastesti do cile.
23Germany STEIN Torstengood Rally,Thanks
22Sweden ERIKSSON Micael...and now is class victory secured... :)
21Sweden ERIKSSON Micaelsafe, no need to push...
21Croatia GRGURINA Robihit a tree I have never hit before
21Finland MAKINEN Tommifew mistkaes, because i went flat out.
21Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslav2*mimo trat.
20Sweden ERIKSSON Micaelok
20Finland MAKINEN Tomminooooooooooooo. cfh :(
20Finland Mike HonchoI dont trust notes at all.
20Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslav1* Divaci,jinak hodne spatne.
19Sweden ERIKSSON Micaelok, but i,m not total happy with my setup yet. Needs more work...
19Finland REPO Kimmomotor broken.FUCK!!!
19Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavNejak moc to klouzalo.
18Norway BJORHOVDEN Vegardhello all, lets have fun today
18Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelHi all, stage ok
18Finland MAKINEN Tommigood morning everybody :)
18Finland REPO KimmoHit pole at the finish.Oil pressured and gearbox broken:(( Kaikki menny tamaan pain mantyja vittu.Kaljakauppaan mars.
18Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavMimo trat nemohl jsem se stama dostat!Strata asi 15 sec.
17Norway BJORHOVDEN Vegardinterresting day. very slippery at times, several moments. one roll, one off road with reverse useage. some near death understeer moments. but ok, i am thru without SR
17Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelPushed a little here, i know that Tommie don,t like this stage and i needed to make up for that cfh on last stage. Cu all tomorrow :)
17Czech Republic KUBICIK Josefok
17Finland Mike HonchoDifficult day, retirement was VERY close on those tarmac stages.
17Finland REPO KimmoI`m STUPID!! Tarmac setup :((( The day was very difficult and bad driving.No beer today ;)
17Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavStema gumama co delate to je hruza!
17Finland WILLMAN OskariHappy to get finish
16Norway BJORHOVDEN Vegardnow THAT was slippery xD
16Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelNow you realy got your chanse Tommie, cfh for me here.... :(
16Finland KALHOLA AnttiOne understeer moment too much.
16Finland REPO Kimmospin again :(
16Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslav2* Divaci.To je na hovno natech sotolinach na asfaltu.
16Finland WILLMAN Oskarionce off road and CFH
15Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavKlouze to jak hajzl,zvolil jsem jistotu.
14Finland KALHOLA AnttiTwo offs this time, first time sideways into trees and drivers door is now happily open. Second time a big spin and a stall.
14Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavRadeji na jistotu
14Finland WILLMAN Oskariok
13Finland WILLMAN OskariStucked twice and rolled once
12Finland KALHOLA AnttiHorrible grip and horrible driving.
12Sweden LINDBERG Tommiewas going 10-20 km/h into one of those red/white concrete barriers, and engine just died... ridicoulus
12Finland MAKINEN Tommiei ollu yllatys.
12Finland Mike HonchoLITTLE understeer :-)
12Finland REPO Kimmospin
11Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelStill very safe, i intend to give Tommie a chans to catch me so we cane have a big fight day 3..... :) :)
11Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojaswent off twice
11Sweden LINDBERG TommieHaha Micael =P slippery ass hell!
11Finland MAKINEN Tommiok, i think. slipery
11Finland REPO Kimmobad
11Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavMotor KO!
10Norway BJORHOVDEN Vegardhi all, dont expect much today, i am normally not good in slippery conditions
10Sweden ERIKSSON Micael8 X Safe..... :)
10Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojashi
10Finland HAMALAINEN Samiperkeleen liukasta ja puuhu mentii perkele
10Finland KALHOLA AnttiWent off in a right after the bridge and hit a tree, lost quite much time.
10Finland MAKINEN TommiJari-Matti went out, i saw he\'s car :(
10Finland REPO KimmoHi! I drank too much beer yesterday and now has a hangover :(
10Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslav2*mimo trat,1 hodiny.
10Finland WILLMAN Oskarislippery stage
9Norway BJORHOVDEN Vegarddrink beer after? crazy fin! you have to drink the beer BEFORE you drive :D c yah tomorrow
9Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelCu all tomorrow :)
9Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasI think I did on same corner like Kalhola, big sideways to field and cross all grass then somethig back on road.. lose 3 or 6 seconds I think. good luck in morning stages
9Finland HAMALAINEN Samisaatanan saatana vikalla patkalla keula eella kaiteesee perkele!!!
9Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbani do like all.
9Finland KALHOLA AnttiWent off in a fast right and destroyed the left rear driveshaft. Had to drive very slowly to finish as the car went like snake after that. Have to start the next leg also with a slightly damaged car. Not a nice finish for the otherwise clean leg.
9Czech Republic KUBICIK Joseftak dojebat zavod,takovou erzetou
9Sweden LINDBERG Tommiecfh and a boiling radiator all stage.
9Finland Mike HonchoHoly crap it was slippery. First time with gravel tyres on tarmac.
9Czech Republic OSTROVSKY Milanchjo, to zas byl haluz, vylet ven, a ted me to prozmenu zavolalo divaky automaticky
9Poland PODSIADLO Michalfirst leg clear, great fight with Repo Kimmo, I hope 2nd leg would be as fun as 1st :)
9Finland REPO Kimmonow i go drink some beer ;)
9Spain SACRAMENTO Ciprianook good stage for my, ..we will see what happen in the second leg.., good luck all
9Finland TOLVANEN Olliprobably the biggest differences today comes on this stage. ok leg, two spins on second stage of the second loop..
9Czech Republic VELE MirekOk,prvni den za mnou,spokojenost
9Finland WILLMAN OskariVery difficult day. Very pleased to get finish. Tomorrow I will continue safe driving. I try to get finish without SuperRally
8Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojasagain offroad :(
8Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanthe car is not good.
8Finland KALHOLA AnttiI must have driven this one pretty badly in the first loop as the time is better now.
8Sweden LINDBERG Tommieoverheating pretty bad now, doubt i will make it to leg finish...
8Czech Republic OSTROVSKY Milanale ne, dneska jedu pro zabavu, a je z toho drobnych chyb.. zde me pred koncem roztocila hrazka a jak sem byl venku tak sem zatocil smerem k silnici, divaky sem jeste ani nevidel, ale v jel sem do jejich blizkosti a 40s je tam
8PAJAK Max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8Poland PODSIADLO Michalajjjj, half-spin :)
8Spain SACRAMENTO Ciprianogrrrrrrrrrrr one spectator :((
7Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojastwo times a lot to much sideways to one side to another and one offroad :(
7Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbancfh.the car is not good : (
7Sweden LINDBERG Tommieoffroad
7Czech Republic OSTROVSKY Milanopet vylet v tom samem poslednim esicku
7Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavJe to v P...!
6Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok
6Sweden LINDBERG Tommiecrash and now high watertemp, so we will see if i make it to service =/
6Poland MALAWSKI Marcinwitch small problems
6Czech Republic OSTROVSKY Milanmensi kiks v prvnim sektoru
6Finland PUTKINEN Rikuvittu jes
6Spain SACRAMENTO Ciprianowhith dry tires
5Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok
5Finland PUTKINEN Rikutilanteita
5Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavJe to strasne uskakane.Neda se jed vsude naplno.
4Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok
4Finland PUTKINEN Rikumeinattii kaataa 2kertaa
4Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavJel jsem 6 casy a po te sem sel mimo trat.Pak uz auto nejelo,jeste ze je ten servis.UF.
3Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok
3Finland KIRVESMÄKI MikaelEi nayttny lahtevan ;(
3Czech Republic OSTROVSKY Milan1x out
3Czech Republic OTRUBA Paveli hit stone and hit a tree.
3Finland PUTKINEN Rikumistakes and moments
3Finland REPO KimmoOffroad
2Poland GWIZDZ Marcinno szlag by to !
2Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbanok
2Finland KIRVESMÄKI MikaelPera kolahti puuhun,moottori hajalle,valuin maaliin ei varmaa lhe auto kyntii..
2Finland MAKINEN Tommioh no. it\'s over. sorry :(
2Poland OLEK LALIKkurwa
2Czech Republic OTRUBA Pavelok. with out problem, but slow.
2Finland PUTKINEN Rikuiha jees molemmat jalat paketissa
2Finland REPO Kimmohit tree and spin
2Spain SACRAMENTO Ciprianook
2Czech Republic SEVCIK MichalOnly some small problem :-)
2Czech Republic SOPIK Miroslav1*v lese mezi stromky,asi 15s. v trapu.
1Spain Bastos Jacobobien!!
1Norway BJORHOVDEN Vegardhi all! warmup with two beers and a magic cig. funny to see how far this goes. gl to all the entire weekend!
1Ukraine DRIVE Alexanderok!!!
1Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelHi all, trying a new car. Not completly happy with the setup.....
1Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojashey, twice times turned to wide corner.
1Poland GWIZDZ Marcinmistakes , bad start :) Helo :)
1Poland HEJDUK Patrykspin...
1Sweden HENRIKSSON Urbansafe start.
1Finland KALHOLA AnttiHello, slow start.
1Czech Republic KUBICIK JosefAhoj
1Sweden LINDBERG TommieHi guys! Huuuuge spin, flat out on 6:th gear :O
1Finland MAKINEN Tommihello, slow start. GL all! :)
1meelis swrong tyres
1Poland NIECHAJ Wojtekmaly b lad
1Czech Republic OSTROVSKY Milanhi all
1Poland PODSIADLO Michalhello
1Finland PUTKINEN Rikumeinasin kaataa ekaan kurviin ku unohtu et oli int renkaat :D
1Finland REPO KimmoHi all!
1Spain SACRAMENTO Ciprianohi all, ...thanks Tommi
1Czech Republic SOPIK MiroslavNevim co ti dva kokoti lezli tak do cesty! Uz to maji spocitane! Ale ja bohuzel taky.
1Sweden SVENSSON Kallerolled after finish
1Finland WILLMAN Oskarikaatu maalin jalkeisessa mutkassa. Rolled at the corner after finish line

Server events
New track:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Updated track:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

New track:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
New tracks:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Updated track:
  • Halenkovice 2018
New track:
  • Halenkovice 2018

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