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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Open RBR-LT 2011 Rally Guanajuato Mexico
8.3.2011 0:01 - 14.3.2011 23:59

Turnaj je zařazen do poháru RBRALLY-LT 2011 (Lithuania national championship)
Pouze jezdci nominovaní týmem
12345678910  /    111213141516171819  /    202122
RZ/SS 2 - Alfaro 1
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): N3
povrch rozbitý a suchý, dobré podmínky, večer, průzračno, jasno
10.1 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PředchozíNa RZ 2DalšíPo RZ 2
Ford Fiesta ST
N305:42.79 106.1
Ford Fiesta ST
N307:10.53 103.7

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Nominace do poháru

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
22Norsko BJORHOVDEN VegardOk, one of my better rallies i suppose. see ya all next time
22Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelCongrats to all podium finnisher, thx to organizers for a nice rally. Cu all in next rally :)
22Slovinsko FELTRIN JernejNice one Vegard and congrats! Thanks to organizers and good race to you all!
22Polsko FRAJDA DanielThx all :) see you next.
22Croatia GRGURINA RobiToo many mistakes in the rally.
22Španělsko IGLESIAS Diegook, important mistakes, but we finished the rally, thanks.
22Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonkowmarno
22Lithuania KRIUKA LinasBad leg but its finish thank God i didnt do anything stupid on the last stages :D
22Polsko KRUSZ PiotrCongratulations Vladimir!!! Very tough rally, becaues dont like these stages. Damian bravo we the top 10:)))
22Česká republika KUBICIK Josefok diky
22Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisThe target is reached :) So, that was a really fantastic rally to me. Any big mistakes through all rally! I\'m very happy with my driving this weekend and with results of course. Congratz to all class winners and finishers! Big thanks to organisers. See You all on the next! :)
22Lithuania MACAITIS Petrasfinisas
22Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK srhard rally, but I finished it!
22Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriymde.......
22Ukrajina NECHIPORUK IgorGood rally ! good rezult for me.
22Russian Federation NIKOLAEF AndreyCHERTOV FOTOGRAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22Lithuania RALLY Gurufinisa pasiekiau aukstyn ratasi - va cia tai smagumas - o ne koks su** hotlapas :D
22Japan RUKAWA KyonNo concentrate in 1st Leg. Congrats for all winners!
22Lithuania SALTENIS Viliussudas kaip reikiant
22Russian Federation SHIMAN Alexanderfinish na razdolbanoj mashine :)
22Lithuania SISI Saulutejeigu nekrentu tai kodel nevaziuoti sia klase?
22Lithuania SVEDAS LukasFInish! I\'m glad I reached it without SR.
22Latvia TIKUMS Elmarsnice rally, but i screwed LEG 2 :(
22Kanada Vladimir SINELNIKOVOK!
21Polsko FRAJDA Danieloff road at last corner :/ lost 10sec
21Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonGreBannie Nastroiki
21Lithuania KRIUKA Linastoo many mistakes
21Lithuania LISOVSKIS Denis1 to go! :)
21Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK sreasy, easy...
21Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyc4h +40sec
21Russian Federation SHIMAN AlexanderUletel naproch\' :)
21Lithuania SVEDAS LukasOne time off the track. Lost about 5s
20Norsko BJORHOVDEN Vegardhi all, gl
20Švédkso ERIKSSON Micaelphuuuu, allmost ended the rally in first sector, big off... I,m gonna be in ultra safe mod from now on :)
20Croatia GRGURINA Robispin & cfh afer the roll
20Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasBlemba, tokiov vietoj padariau klaida, kad eina sikt...
20Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonotvratiteLbno
20Lithuania KRIUKA LinasHi all. I feel a lot of pressur right now to finish at this short LEG :)
20Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandercfh (((
20Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHello! :)
20Lithuania MACAITIS Petrasdejau i medi kaip reikalas
20Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK srthere was one BIG trouble...
20Lithuania RALLY Gurusudas n*
20Kanada Vladimir SINELNIKOVoffroad!
19Norsko BJORHOVDEN Vegardfairly ok day, knew from the start i would not be able to challenge Jernej so i focussed on keeping the rest behind me. see you all the last day
19Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelGreat day for me :) Now i just gonna be very safe on last leg =)
19Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejgood race to you all and see you guys on final day!
19Russian Federation FILATOW Maksimoboshlos bez crbIsh,no ne bez cosakov)))))))))))))))
19Polsko FRAJDA DanielOK for me, see you next day.
19Croatia GRGURINA Robiok, better than leg 1
19Estonia JALAK Mariobad day
19Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonvilet, ochenb ploxoi deNb (((
19Lithuania KRIUKA LinasFinish at last, ss1 and ss5 was pain in my arse...
19Polsko KRUSZ PiotrOk
19Česká republika KUBICIK Josefok
19Finsko LINNA Lassigood day :)
19Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisPerfect day for me. Almost no mistakes. Now a target to me is FINISH :) See You all on the last day! Good luck to all!
19Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK srhappy to be on the finish line; CU on the 3rd circle
19Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyvilet v povorote 2sec
19Ukrajina NECHIPORUK IgorGood day.
19Lithuania SALTENIS Viliusfuck
19Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanhope i\'m still on second place
19Latvia SOSTAKS Karlishmmm
19Lithuania SVEDAS LukasMuch better than first day, but not the best I could.
18Croatia GRGURINA Robioff
18Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonploxo
18Lithuania SISI Saulutenesuprantama,kodel vanduo visuomet kaista,juk nieko nekliudau?
17Croatia GRGURINA Robia few offs
17Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonoki
17Lithuania KRIUKA Linasmany scary mistakes... ;/
17Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderstupid mistake, birch & prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
17Latvia LICIS Atisbig off. call4help
17Lithuania MACAITIS Petrassudege tarpine 100 procentu gerai kad servisas po ranka
17Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyrezina 10 pered, 8 zad, kak novaya:)
17Lithuania PILKA Donatasspinas, stogas ir desertui ziurovu pagalba, virs 1min prarasta
17Lithuania RALLY Guruna*ui ble* - stai ka galiu pasakyti :D sorry komanda... pavedziau
17Lithuania SALTENIS Viliusfuck
17Lithuania SVEDAS LukasGood stage for me.
16Lithuania Giedrius Katinaskrc ir wel tarpine pradege
16Španělsko IGLESIAS Diegospin
16Estonia JALAK Mariooff
16Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonploxoi deNb ((( u menya temperatura 39.... ele dvigayusb ((
16Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderlittle mistake (( -5 sec
16Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyvot suka, pered finishem help shvatil +40s:(((((((((
16Lithuania RALLY Gurubl*
16Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusAmazing run, but I killed head gasket
16Latvia SOSTAKS Karlisstupid paparaci
16Kanada Vladimir SINELNIKOVoffroad!
15Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelPB =)
15Croatia GRGURINA Robispin
15Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonvilet +5sek
15Lithuania KRIUKA Linasmistakes....
15Ukrajina KUZMINOV AlexanderI can faster!
15Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisThat was perfect! :)
15Lithuania RALLY Guruka galiu pasakyti - trugdziai is isores, teko stabdyti geima viduri dopo, poto kazkaip kreivai asisedau ir prasidejo nesamoneskurios baigesi ziauriu spinu . Praradau net neisivaziduoju kiek laiko 15-17 sek naa***i
14Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelThat whas a hard stage but now is the car fine again :)
14Estonia JALAK Mario****
14Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonploxo
14Lithuania KRIUKA LinasEverything is fixed so it very good, only i cant keep up with Vilius ;/
14Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisA little bit tired... But evything is good so far :)
14Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyrezina 10 procentov
14Ukrajina NECHIPORUK IgorNot bad
14Lithuania RALLY Guruziauriai pratai, bet nors be cut\'u
14Lithuania SVEDAS LukasOne time small off.
13Švédkso ERIKSSON Micaelaaargh, i need service, way to big jump, car is not good...
13Lithuania Giedrius KatinasKaip eilini karta pradege tarpine
13Estonia JALAK Marionot my favorite gravel stage..C4H
13Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonny tak sebe... normalbno
13Finsko LINNA Lassispinned
13Ukrajina LOPUKHOV AlekseyNo brake (((((
13Lithuania RALLY Guruvaziavau 60 proc pajegumu. Labai megstu si dopa taciau be vairo neturiu jame patirties...
13Lithuania SVEDAS LukasQuite good for me.
12Polsko GOLAS Lukaszcrash
12Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonochenb ploxo, Kriwa i paru owiBok (((( +15sek
12Lithuania KRIUKA LinasStarted good but later made few unneeded mistakes, almost rolled a car, then while trying to make up that time lost made more mistakes F F F F*****....
12Ukrajina KUZMINOV AlexanderPB again ))
12Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisSome mistakes... Won\'t push anymore.
12Ukrajina LOPUKHOV Aleksey(((((
12Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriymedlenno 2 split
12Lithuania RALLY Gurunot good, but safe. Nelabai gerai, kazko automobilis nenori iejineti i posukius, poto tenka visaip taisyti padeti...
12Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanroll cfh
12Latvia SOSTAKS Karlisidiotic crash -c4h
11Norsko BJORHOVDEN Vegardgood morning all, good luck on todays leg
11Švédkso ERIKSSON Micaelaaa, thats more like the Kyon i know... =) What whas the prob on first day?
11Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejhi all
11Polsko FUDALI Hubertdrzewo
11Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasPradejau nekaip, prarasta apie 6s..
11Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton2 raza crash..... poteryal okolo 15sek
11Lithuania KRIUKA LinasHi all. Bad start :)
11Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderhello in 2nd day. Nice start and PB!
11Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHello to all again! :)
11Lithuania PILKA Donatasdaug klaidu ir offroadas, panasu kad sendien ne mano diena
11Lithuania RALLY Gurubad lost 6 sek. padariau zioplu klaidupo pirmo splito
11Česká republika SKALICKY Michalnejak me to posledni dobou neba
11Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanbad start,spin and out of track lost a lot of time
11Latvia TIKUMS Elmarspiiii piiiiiiii
11Lithuania VICIUNAS PauliusVos vos stogo nepadariau
10Norsko BJORHOVDEN Vegardok, i cannot compete with the top guys anyways, just have to keep a good pace and perhaps some good points can be had
10Russian Federation BORKUNOV AlexanderGood.
10Slovinsko FELTRIN JernejGood first leg with some small mistakes. Good race to you all!
10Polsko FRAJDA DanielNot bad but we have few problems. Ok waiting for next day. Good luck all.
10Estonia JALAK MarioIt wasnt a good day for me because I get the C4h and lost my chance to fight with Jerney.Lets see what happens the next day.
10Lithuania KERBELYS Arnas1 diena prajo gan sklandziai, dar neaisku kokie rezultatai, buvo klaideliu smulkiu, viena kainavo apie 8s, bet tikiuosi taip gerai bus ir kit diena. :) Sekmes visiems.
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonstaBilbno, no ne fontan ((( Vsem Udachi! YCRT Go-go-go
10Lithuania KRIUKA LinasYes Yes Yes Leg one down two to go. Probably best leg i ever had awsome :)
10Polsko KRUSZ PiotrOk
10Česká republika KUBICIK Josefok
10Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandervery nice 1st day. See you in 2nd )) GL!
10Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisThat was quite good day for me, except of that one small mistake and that bug :) But ok, I\'m happy. Very sad because of Tommi, but I think he will drive tomorrow and we will make some battle :) Cya all tomorrow!
10Ukrajina LOPUKHOV AlekseyBad day!!!
10Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK srsome mistakes, but generaly - OK
10Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriygrebanaya wpil\'ka +5s
10Russian Federation NIKOLAEF AndreyNot bad)
10Česká republika PETER Mareknot good...i want to fight with Josef :)
10Lithuania RALLY Guruna** ble* sia diena kazkokia nesamone ---
10Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusWell. Could be worse
10Česká republika SKALICKY Michalterrible first day, dont know if I join second leg. I am totally disapointed.
10Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanno problem for me,see you in leg 2
10Lithuania SVEDAS LukasFirst leg finished... Luckily. It was so difficult to drive when I am tired.
10Latvia TIKUMS ElmarsThx for first day, for me its be very fast... lets see what anothers can do :)....
10Lithuania VICIUNAS PauliusLabai patiko pirma diena :) Dziaugiuosi savo rezultatu
9Lithuania KRIUKA LinasTrying to make a bigger gap from Vilius...
9Latvia TIKUMS Elmarsok
8Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelStill much damage to the car but nothing serius i think...
8Lithuania KERBELYS Arnasoffroud
8Lithuania KRIUKA LinasGood split no1, later other were a lot faster than me :) And got back position from Vilius :D only few thens in fron of him :) Nice fight
8Lithuania MACAITIS Petras2 kart of road
8Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyfuck,+25sec
8Česká republika PETER Marekoff
8Lithuania RALLY Gurutotaliai bloga diena kvaila klaida ir vel eilines 10 sek -per tris dopus 30 sekundziu, neturiu zodziu kaip apsakyti apmaudo...
8Lithuania SALTENIS Viliuswat a roll
8Latvia TIKUMS Elmarsspit 2 offroad :( ~5-7sek
7Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelThe handling of the car is very bad, wheels are pointing at all directions...
7Estonia JALAK MarioGood time Jernej.
7Lithuania KRIUKA LinasNo cahones here...
7Russian Federation LAPAEV VitalyTeryu pozicii
7Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisCrashed in the prospect\'s bug. A bump, witch is \42very\42 big and I crashed in it. The whole front of the car is wrecked, and I spinned.
7Česká republika PETER Marekincredible Jernej
7Lithuania RALLY Gurunu tu su** n* uzgeso posuki ir kol nesustojo negalejau ijungtilaisva ir vel uzvesti vel 10 subinen ...
7Česká republika SKALICKY Michalfuck
7Lithuania SVEDAS LukasI hate people standing on the offside...
7Latvia TIKUMS Elmarsnice, PB
7Lithuania VICIUNAS PauliusViskas super !!
6Švédkso ERIKSSON Micaelaaargh, whas looking at first split times and rolled, whas unsecure of car handling after that and drived slow for some time :)
6Lithuania Giedrius Katinaskrc feilu feilas
6Croatia GRGURINA RobiI hit something but I don\'t know what, it didn\'t seem to be too close to the tree and didn\'t see any rocks there :s
6Lithuania KARTAUSKAS Pauliusvery good
6Lithuania KRIUKA Linas:) Fun as hell
6Ukrajina KUZMINOV AlexanderPB!
6Russian Federation LAPAEV VitalyOpyt problemi s rulym
6Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriyperevorot:(
6Russian Federation NIKOLAEF AndreyBeregu mashinu)
6Lithuania PILKA Donatasnemegstu australijos grunto, stengiuos vaziuot be klaidu ir pasiekt finisa
6Lithuania RALLY Guruvisiskai pravaliskas pravaziavimas, is kazkur pradejo uodega pabegineti du suktukai... +14 sek sau n***i
6Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanok i push a bit :)
6Lithuania SULNIS Viliusi medi ir gearbox parejo :/ db ant laiso riedet reiks ;D
6Latvia TIKUMS Elmarssplit 2 bad :(, but PB
6Latvia USVILS Kristapsno suprise, this wasn\'t my day
5Croatia GRGURINA Robi3 offs
5Estonia JALAK Mariooff
5Lithuania KRIUKA LinasHuge off just after first corner :D But after really good pace
5Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisEverything is ok so far... Only it\'s very sad that Tommi is out...
5Lithuania RALLY Gurupuiku - laiko uzteko servize. Deja dope pridirbau nesamoniu...
5Russian Federation SHOULEPOV Alexanderyes!
5Česká republika SKALICKY Michalbad day
5Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanok,I\'m going safe that is the most important thing
5Lithuania SVEDAS LukasAlmost everything is repaired. Hope this part of leg 1 will be better.
5Latvia TIKUMS ElmarsMistake ower first river, rollower :( no brakes, split2, split3 whitout brakes lol but time is OK!!!
5Latvia USVILS Kristapsbad SS2 and SS3
4Croatia GRGURINA Robiroll & spin
4Česká republika HAMSIK Danielspin
4Estonia JALAK Mariounlucky roll,C4H :S
4Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasGood.
4Lithuania KRIUKA LinasDamn :D I almost crashed after one blind jump after that i pushed as hard as i could to make up that time i lost :)
4Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexander2 mistakes, but good in finish. I have battle with Sergey )))
4Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisOn two wheels after a big jump, and I was forced to went ofroad to escape the roll. So lost a lot of time, but luckly didn\'t crash...
4Russian Federation MILYAKOV Dmitriymistake
4Lithuania RALLY Guruf** - pluginas nukniso 2 sek, ne nu patyliu finisavau su 2.58.?? Svarbiausiai uzstrigo kol uzskaite laika ir va se tau ...
4Slovensko SMOLAN Marektons of pitty
4Latvia TIKUMS ElmarsSplit 2 mega offroad :(
4Latvia USVILS Kristaps+/- ok
4Lithuania VICIUNAS PauliusViskas ciki :)
3Estonia JALAK Mariooff
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonmdaaaaaaaaaa
3Lithuania KRIUKA LinasI had better stages than this have to be closer to my team mate :)
3Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandercrash ((( -10 sec
3Ukrajina LOPUKHOV Aleksey(((
3Česká republika PETER Marekcar is very damaged, but i dont know why... i havent a problem at sages before... or reset?
3Lithuania PIKUNAS Aidasklaida pradzioje, daug laiko
3Lithuania RALLY Gurunegerai... Teko stabdyti vaziavima, vis trugdiai is isores... sau pralosiau 10sek.
3Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusAm. Yeah. Better now.
3Lithuania SIMELIS IgnasRagas dezei ir sankabai, nemanau, kad verta test
3Česká republika SKALICKY Michalagain heavy crash :-(
3Latvia SOSTAKS Karlisgrrrrrrrrr
3Latvia TIKUMS ElmarsSplit3 very slow :( my mistake
3Latvia USVILS Kristapsvery big spin in first split, I can\'t find my rhytm
2Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael??? what...
2Polsko FRAJDA Danielbig spin at first split :/
2Lithuania GLINSKIS vaidasTaip stengiuosi, taip lekiu, o finale 20 vieta... shikna cia kazkoke !!!
2Estonia JALAK Mariolittle mistake
2Lithuania KARTAUSKAS Pauliusradiator problems
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonpoteryal 3-5sek crash v derevo
2Lithuania KRIUKA LinasFeeling good after this one :)
2Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandergood
2Ukrajina LOPUKHOV Aleksey((( +15 sek
2Finsko MAKINEN Tommithanks
2Lithuania PIKUNAS AidasEina kaku kiek klaidu, atrodo stabdziam prasti laikai po sito gr...
2Lithuania RALLY Gurulost riftm after 1 split. Po pirmo plito truputi pameciau ritma, per anksti pradejau stabdyti, bet gerai kad nors be didesniu bedu kolkas...
2Lithuania SALTENIS Viliusahh.. Shit
2Česká republika SKALICKY Michalouuuuuu, two big crashes
2Slovensko SMOLAN Marek2 spins
2Latvia SOSTAKS Karlisscheise, rollover, c4h :(
2Lithuania SVEDAS LukasBad...
2Latvia TIKUMS Elmarssplit2 some small mistakes, but OK!
2Latvia USVILS Kristapsvery big mistake in second split... lost a lot
2Lithuania VICIUNAS PauliusAtsargiai
1Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelHi all and it,s nice to finaly get the licens :)
1Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejhi and good luck to you all
1Croatia GRGURINA RobiHi!
1Španělsko IGLESIAS Diegohi all
1Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasHi all. :)
1Lithuania KRIUKA LinasHi all. And ahhh abit too cosious in few corners :)
1Česká republika KUBICIK JosefHi!
1Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderhello!
1Švédkso LINDBERG TommieHi!
1Finsko LINNA Lassispinned.....
1Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHello to all!
1Lithuania RALLY Gurukaip pirmas blynas neprastai man, hy all
1Japan RUKAWA Kyonhello guys
1Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanok,trying to finish there is still a very long rally to go
1Latvia SOSTAKS Karlishi, too everyone ;) In first turn I lost in wood :D
1Lithuania SULNIS Viliuskokia geda. stogas rally schoole ;D
1Latvia TIKUMS Elmarspirmaja likum iemetos krumos un noslapeju auto.... ~7sekundes pakastas :(
1Latvia USVILS KristapsBig mistake in last split! GL to all.

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.