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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

3.GVRC Classic Cup 20
Legend Boucles a Bastogne Virtual Historic Rally Championship
16.3.2020 0:05 - 22.3.2020 23:59
RZ/SS 8 - Clementine
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RC3
povrch nový a mokrý, špatné podmínky, dopoledne, mírný déšť, zataženo
10.6 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 8Po RZ 8

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
8Polsko BANASZEK Piotreknot my day. 3x cfh. THX
8Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniobig crash,,,,,finish...
8Hungary BIRO Zoltanunfortunately the setup was pretty useless here. almost crasehd when the car threw its ass in the air after a jump. still carshed though, after having to much understeer adn th front didnt grip. bad rally after all, still better than the others so far this year. well done everybody and take care!
8Germany BORTZ Stefanbin immernoch verwundert, das auf Wp4 mein Lenkrad zwischendurch einfach mal den geist aufgegeben hat und ich fast in einen baum und Zuschauer geflogen waere
8Germany BRUHY Frank2x big moments in this stage , but i heve so much fun during the rally ! good luckk to all CC fans and come good to the corona time ----------------- !!!
8Germany DEMUTH Mathiasno trust to go pedal to the metal in the high speed passages. Thganks for a nice and difficult rallye! But I do not linke this NGP :-(
8Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarFlat out! but not good luck in this rally, see you next time! GO RB Racing
8Polsko FOLTA MaciejOK finish, very tricky conditions, car was so understeer and i had problem with clean drive. Fortunately finish and now wait for result and next round. Thanks!
8Česká republika hebbigreat competition , love the CC - thx
8Japan Hirozukabig problems...engine go 3x times out...need new start...very nice rallye, exciting , thx
8Germany HUMMEL StefanDanke Frank!
8Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyfinish) good fight Maciej! Frank, thx for rally!
8Germany JIRON FabianI completely fucked up. 2x i stalled the car. One the first gravel section i had to dodge the rock. That rain makes you blind. Still great stage list! Thx cat for the fun rally
8Ireland JONAITIS Jonisthx
8Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexgreat rallye. thx :)
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonThanks for the Rally, i was not Lucky
8Finsko LAAHANEN JanneFun rally, thank you Cat once again. See you all in the next one!
8Finsko LONN JoonasSS7 stupid mistake as I hit the pole and rolled. + 10 s there and + 15 s on SS8 as I couldnt see thru the broken windscreen. Anyway happy to finish as those were the conditions that I hate.
8Germany Marcel ZardaWow..great stages like allways and difficult conditions..we liked it.. THX Frank!
8Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiVery hard for RWD
8Česká republika PLOJHAR Otaspeknej zavod, mel jsem hodne stesti, skoro jsem dostal pretacivy smyk v rychlosti 160, diky ;))
8PMS Rally TeamBig thanks to orga, all they will help & fans - it was an amazing event, with hard conditions over all - we had so much fun inside car. Good luck to all teams, they will start!
8Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszGood rally, difficult conditions I like it! Safe driving without big moments :) Thanks!
8Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrBad rally for me. Tnx!
8Germany SALOMO Marcotop rally! Thank you CAT!!!
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusGood one. Really good rally, just first two stages were bad. Thank You. Amazing event.
8Germany Schafhauser.racingthx
8Japan ShensheeSlippery, but so much fun. Thank you!
8Germany skoda130rsdollackboeser Fehler zum schluss ,wegen der Sicht einen Stapel Reifen zu spaet erkannt (fuer ein Zaunspfahl gehalten) schoene Veranstaltung ,Danke Frank
8Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanthanks
8Velká Británie SMITH TonyGreat event thanks, really tough...too tough for me in places!
8Španělsko SOBERON AlexThanks for this difficult and very fun rallye
8Germany STEIN Torstensehr schoene Rally,Danke Frank
8Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejno takhle by to slo... skoda,ta sotolina se nepovedla
8Germany Thunderacekleiner fehler noch zum Schluss, am gelben Schild haengen geblieben. 1/2 Jahr nicht gefahren ...Fazit.....gut. Danke Frank
8Česká republika TOMECEK Josefdik
8Česká republika TOMECEK Liborthank
8Germany WAGNER RolandMan sollte die Strecke besser kennen. Danke fuer die schoene Rallye.
8Germany Woifehthank you Frank for a really nice rally!
8Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisok...we finish, nice exciting rallye..i like this conditions !! Thanks for the Rallye
8Japan YUKI MikanThanks ALL!! Thanks RALLY!!! Thanks Organizer!!!!
7Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekagain cfh
7Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniocrash and mistake but ok
7Španělsko BENITEZ echedeicrash. broke brakes
7Hungary BIRO Zoltantoo many mistakes, and the car was too soft and the rear diff pushing too much.
7Germany BRUHY Frankno speed on the long straight
7Germany DEMUTH Mathiashard fight with the car....
7Česká republika hebbisome lags , picture standing
7Germany HUMMEL Stefan1x Graben und 1x Acker!!
7Germany JIRON Fabianslow
7Germany KAZMIERZAK Alex1 off but ok
7Finsko LAAHANEN JanneGood run, no mistakes.
7Finsko LONN JoonasHit one of those white poles and rolled... Windscreen broken so difficult to see
7Česká republika PLOJHAR Otasmoc rovne ten volant nesmeruje :D
7Germany skoda130rsdollackso ,noch einmal schoen vorsichtig
7Velká Británie SMITH TonyNo drama, no speed
7Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejto vubec nefunguje :-D
7Germany Thunderacekannte ich nicht mehr
7Germany Woifehdamn. Lags again and had to swith to the Task Manager, when I came back I was on the throttle insted of the break and went off...
7Greece YANOLIDIS risk
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedeispin
6Hungary BIRO Zoltanthe car is understeering a lot, but the driving was bad too. have to do better
6Germany BRUHY Frankvery slippery
6Germany DEMUTH Mathiasvery very slippery!!!
6Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK good but not max attack
6Germany JIRON Fabianwithout a handbrake really hard. A lot of time lost
6Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexliked it but had 2 offs
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonno comments....+1min20s
6Finsko LAAHANEN JanneQuite okay. Overshot one junction and stalled. Lost 5s.
6Germany Marcel Zardavery slippery
6Česká republika PLOJHAR Otaspic do retarderu, auto poskozeno, hodne tezko se to ridi
6PMS Rally TeamOk a few mistakes, but loose only a bit time, never mind ...
6Germany Schafhauser.racing1 spin again
6Velká Británie SMITH TonyHit rear on chicane, also overshot hp
6Španělsko SOBERON AlexVery slippery, too much understeer
6Germany Thunderacepuhhh
6Germany Woifehreverse on the last hairpin. Thought there was a camera guy on the outside, but I could have just gone through the grass...
6Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisjumpstart :))) nervous :))
5Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniook
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeitoo slow
5Hungary BIRO Zoltanunfortunately had a spin after CP1. the car had low grip again, maybe because I hit a tree before. shame
5Germany BRUHY Frankgreat time Janne !
5Polsko CHRASCINA Mariuszrolls
5Germany DEMUTH Mathiashard with RWD
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarEngine off in finish line, engine died
5Germany JIRON FabianNever drive this stage. Car dampers are to hard for that kind of stage careful driving
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton13/2...very hard.... but i want just finish
5Finsko LAAHANEN JanneDamn it\'s depressing to see the leaderboards when everyone else is driving WRCs and Gr.A8 cars :D
5Finsko LOTJONEN RoniGot stuck in a bush
5Germany Marcel Zardavery unstable on the bumps
5Česká republika PLOJHAR Otaske konci 2 chybky, nevadi
5PMS Rally TeamLoose time on gravel but had fun & work - think it was ok so. In service we need again less than 10min for all - so it is not so expensiv ;-) - so now back to tarmac & hope for fun ...
5Germany SALOMO MarcoSpin in the last corner
5Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusReally good loop, no bigger mistakes and quite decent pace
5Germany Schafhauser.racing2 spins, 1 big hit in tree
5Germany skoda130rsdollackshitt ,min 5s im Graben gestanden
5Velká Británie SMITH TonyOvershot junction, lost time reversing
5Španělsko SOBERON AlexExtreme caution and fail, go straight in crossroads
5Germany Thunderacejetzt ist es aber eng hier oben .... durchfahren ....
5Germany Woifehall good
5Greece YANOLIDIS Jannismistake but ok
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeigood
4Hungary BIRO Zoltannot good, had no grip on the first lap, was going from one side of the road to the other.
4Germany BORTZ StefanDie cut-Strafe ist doch ein Witz!? hab eh schon ne halbe Minute verloren und die Karre beinahe geschrottet, als sichmein Lenkrad aufgehaengt hat und keine Befehle mehr weiter gegeben hat.
4Germany BRUHY Frankok
4Polsko CHRASCINA Mariuszout
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarImpossible drive this car... more damaged
4Germany JIRON FabianSo slippy. No trust in pushing. Narrow section w
4Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexi really like that stage
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhard race for fwd
4Polsko KRUK Michalgearbox die O.o what ?!
4Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertas.......
4Finsko LAAHANEN JanneTricky stage, a few close calls.
4Česká republika PLOJHAR Otassedla
4PMS Rally TeamShit - stupid mistake at the end - ending with a spin & loose so time, but we had fun - a lot of fun & work inside our 911!
4Finsko PUHAKKA OssianOver crest into right four log.
4Korea, Republic Of Rabbit Runner:((
4Germany RITTER ReneNa toll! Mit kauptten Kuehler schon gestartet das konnte schon nix werden.
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIt\'s really nice with these condintions
4Germany Schafhauser.racingpush
4Velká Británie SMITH TonyVERY close to those little posts!
4Španělsko SOBERON Alexhandbrake is killing me lol
4Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejfuj
4Germany Thunderaceups ....
4Česká republika VALA Stanislavpatnik a konec
4Germany Woifehdidn\'t manage to get the car around in the forest the first time and also got a cut penalty
4Greece YANOLIDIS risk
3Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniook
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeifor me ok
3Hungary BIRO Zoltanwell I had a spin after the 2nd CP, lost about 5-6s there. other than that the car felt great, really happy for some gravel. hopefully I can dial it in for tarmac too and all will be well :)
3Germany BORTZ Stefanin den Graben gerutscht und ueberschlagen
3Germany BRUHY Franklittle bit to defensiv
3Germany DECKER Maxwhat the hell was that? Didn\'t even hit anything at a bridge and crashed hard, engine dead
3Germany DEMUTH Mathiasno tracktion at the real wheels, but fells better than on tarmac!
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarCrash in first corner... diff rear broken... impossible go fast now
3Polsko FOLTA MaciejDifficult stage for us, have massive understeer
3Japan Hirozukapush hard
3Slovensko JACKO Kristiancrash crash...transmission problem, radiator problem...
3Germany JIRON Fabian2x off slow
3Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexnice stage
3Finsko LAAHANEN JanneFamiliar stage, so I dared to push a bit. Hit my rear right corner on something close to the middle. I hope nothing broke.
3Macedonia MAMUTOV Davidwow some stupid shit lol Why can\'t i change my setup
3Germany Marcel Zardahad a little overshoot..lost some time there
3Česká republika PLOJHAR Otasteda klouze to az neskutecne, jak kdybych jel na suchych
3PMS Rally TeamThat`s what we mean - fun & work inside car is a must have for us! ;-) :-) :-D
3Korea, Republic Of Rabbit Runner1st ... class :)
3Germany RITTER Renecomplete other driving! Now its the time i dont understand anything. :-/
3Germany SALOMO MarcoGOOD
3Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusYeah, that went better
3Germany Schafhauser.racingvery slippery
3Germany skoda130rsdollacksehr rutschig , vorsichtig machen ,sonst abflug
3Velká Británie SMITH TonyHard work but happier on gravel
3Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejcrash v prvni zatacce,to jsem necekal :-D
3Germany Thunderacehinten raus sehr vorsichtig. muss alles erstmal kennen lernen
3Germany Woifeha bit too wide in places, okay overall
3Greece YANOLIDIS Jannismistake...but damage
2Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniook...vamos!
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiroll engine off
2Hungary BIRO Zoltanthe right rear suspension was damaged. there were many sweeping left hand corners, so had to play it safe. had some big moments still...
2Ireland BOLAND DaraGrand enough. Just taking it nice and easy.
2Germany BORTZ Stefanin einer Schikane haengen geblieben
2Germany BRUHY Frankvery slippery , not good feeling
2Polsko BUCZEK LukasPoor driving :/
2Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomášoh my goood.....
2Germany DECKER Maxclean run
2Germany DEMUTH Mathiasthe car moves where it want, not where I want it to....
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarEngine off in last corner
2Česká republika hebbispin
2Germany HEUER MichaelEngine Damage cause of overheating
2Slovensko JACKO Kristiani am drunk :P
2Germany JIRON FabianI lost a lot of time on hairpins. With that much steering degree and no handbrake is really hard.
2Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexcool one
2Finsko LAAHANEN JanneQuite good, a bit cautious at places.
2Finsko LOTJONEN RoniSpinned once
2Argentina MANDZIJ Juan Estebangot away with a spin but very very tough
2Germany Marcel Zardamay a bit too safe
2Česká republika PLOJHAR Otasmoc to nedrzi ale to ocividne nikomu
2PMS Rally TeamOk the rain ... but it is outside - slippery, funny and work - that is a really good mix. Inside service we need less than 10 min for change or repair some parts. Ouh now wet gravel, hope for fun but not more ... we will see ...
2Korea, Republic Of Rabbit Runner:))
2Germany RITTER ReneThat goes faster i know!
2Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrVery bad...
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusNot the best loop. I will try to improve
2Germany Schafhauser.racingso much understeer..
2Germany skoda130rsdollackohh mit 4 Fahrern inerhalb einer Sekunde ,haben einen Zaun leicht touschiert
2Velká Británie SMITH TonySo slippy. Span twice
2Španělsko SOBERON AlexSlippery and without handbrake... not the best conditions
2Austria STELLNBERGER PhilippFlipped in first sector
2Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejje to boj
2Germany Thunderacena geht, 10sek auf Yano
2Germany WAGNER RolandNo Grip_kam nicht ums erste Eck
2Germany Woifehokay stage
2Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisspinn
2Slovensko ZETAK Dennisspin
1Španělsko BARBADOS Antoniobad start
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all. no grip. problem last corner
1Hungary BIRO ZoltanHi all! can\'t recall hitting anything, yet the suspension is broken, so had to slow down quite a lot unfortunately
1Ireland BOLAND DaraTried to just take it handy but it was tough. Just want to finish this to be honest.
1Germany BRUHY Frankhi all CC fans
1Germany DECKER Maxvery cautious start, still one overshoot
1Germany DEMUTH MathiasHi all. No Grip with NGP6. A lot of understeer with a Porsche...
1Germany DG301Hi alle, krasser Start von Mathias bei dem Wetter auf dem Porsche
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all. Celica Returns
1Španělsko FERNANDEZ Nikothx
1Germany HASELSTEINER Sebastianschoener Einstand, kein Grip, luft
1Česká republika hebbihi all
1Japan Hirozukaslippery :)))
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Germany JIRON FabianHello. Wasn\'t paying attention. Lost some time
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all, loose a last corner,reversing ,so maybe good run :)
1Germany KAZMIERZAK Alexstart was ok. try to finish with a smooth drive to get some points
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhi, Many LAGS screen, crash...bad start for me
1Finsko LAAHANEN JanneGot caught off guard by one bump and went off. Lost close to 20 seconds.
1Germany Marcel ZardaHi, safety on this conditions should be the right way
1Česká republika PETER Marekznacka neuhla
1Česká republika PLOJHAR OtasHi
1PMS Rally TeamHi to all teams, a bit slippery, but all ok - enjoy it, hope so until end of last stage ;-) Good luck to all teams!
1Korea, Republic Of Rabbit Runner:)) very slowy
1Germany REITER MAXtwo mistakes
1Germany RITTER ReneHello bad start! Sometimes i dont understand the game. So much understeering here i dont know and long brakes. :-/
1Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrHi all!
1Germany SALOMO MarcohI:
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIssues with pacenotes, so there was some mistakes.
1Germany Schafhauser.racing2 spins
1Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stzdravim 2x couvani
1Germany skoda130rsdollackHallo, fuer das Wetter sind wir mit dem Start zu frieden ,hoffentlich bleibt das auch so ;-)
1Velká Británie SMITH TonyWent off, had to reverse. More careful after that
1Španělsko SOBERON AlexHi all, a little crash and steering damaged
1Austria STELLNBERGER PhilippGood stage but then I hit the camera spectator bug on this stage. So C4H for me then.
1Germany Thunderacehalbes Jahr nicht gefahren. NGP 6 noch nie. Geht doch ....
1Česká republika TOMECEK Josefcau
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi
1Germany WAGNER RolandHi all_Good Luck
1Germany Woifehhad some heavy lags because Windows decided to do stupid stuff in the background. Hopefully I\'ve killed that off now
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all
1Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisno brakes to beginn and big trouble...lost lot of time

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

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1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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