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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Open RBR-LT WRC 2017 - v-Rally SWEDEN
All info on our web page. Read before start... WWW.RBR-LT.COM
15.2.2017 7:00 - 21.2.2017 23:59

Turnaj je zařazen do poháru RBR-LT 2017 (Open RBR-LT WRC 2017 championship)
Pouze jezdci nominovaní týmem
12345678  /    9101112131415  /    161718
RZ/SS 16 - Likenas 1
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RC5
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, dopoledne, mlhavo, polojasno
7.7 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 16DalšíPo RZ 16

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Schovej odstoupené
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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
18Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasOk, finish :)
18Česká republika DROZDA Karelthx
18Lithuania GRICIUS Vytautasfinisas////////////
18Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok waiting for rest drivers,thx for rally
18Russian Federation KARKACH AlexThanks to RBR-LT !!!
18Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton(( Out.... but finish is good. 2nd time a row 3rd place... ))) Not bad. Thx RBR-LT )))) See U
18Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylI think I doe this one - good. Despite damaged car from past two horible stages - it was a plessure to drive car here. After first stage this morning I knew that I can\'t go higher at leaderboard so I drive in Latvala mode. Just drive and see where it is. Thanks organazires for good rally.
18Polsko KRUSZ PiotrFuck the kuadnovaara !!!
18Česká republika KRYGLER JanDifficult to drive such a damaged car. But finish is achieved. I am so happy for my Swedish hattrick :) Thanks to RBR-LT!
18Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusrezultato nera,2 diena visas kortas sumaise/Aciu organizatorims
18Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkitry to get some power stage points
18Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavPosledni rz v kotrmelcich nastesti sem se vratil na kola jinak pekny zavod.
18Portugalsko PAULO Temperai finnish the rally!!!! very happy, no mistakes in this leg 3, very happy with my rallly apart from small mistakes on leg 1 and 2. thanks rbr-lt.
18Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrtnx for rally
18Lithuania RALLY Guruhorrible +9
18Česká republika REZNICEK Milanok,super,thanks all
18Lithuania RINKEVICIUS DaliusAciu uz rally.
18Germany STEINBACH LutzThx all
17Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignasspin...
17Ireland JONAITIS Jonisa lot of mistakes and snow banks aswell
17Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonnow, need MAXX Atack for Power points )))) GL me
17Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylhate this stage, this bumps and this pacenotes... I feeling here like Meeke on real stage
17Česká republika KRYGLER JanI have damaged rear wheel from last stage.
17Lithuania RALLY Guru/8*-/*/*+/*-+/ fu***- this game again - go to pause and black screen.... Feels to slipery at this time
16Ireland JONAITIS Jonisspin and donut for spectators:)
16Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonWow, Jan - You crasy!! Realy Fast !!
16Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylmake too many mistakess. I\'m back off for 2nd place battle
16Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertassogas ilgai varciausi.Laime ant ratu atsistojau..
16Lithuania RALLY Guruok - good one
15Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasBad day, but it\'s only rally for practice :)
15Polsko FRAJDA Daniel2 big mistakes at kuadonavara and lost many times, go go Piotr!
15Lithuania GRICIUS Vytautassiandien geriau ,tik paskutiniam dope istrigau//////////
15Ireland JONAITIS Jonissliding like cow,really bad grip.75 min on service zone,waiting for a last day,Robert c\'mon !!
15Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonNot bad 2nd day, but a little lost time. The last SS broke the rear dampers. Tires 22/15 damage. Ok! Wait my oponents. the purpose of the Third Leg - TOP 3 )))) good luck YALTA !!!
15Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylabsolutly no grip here. Hope the day was good despite early wake-up
15Česká republika KRYGLER JanI was focusing to not make a stupid mistake like Neuville :) I am satisfied with this leg, concetracion was high and speed was ok as well. Gap is comfortable for next three stages i think. Lets see.
15Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasNa Joni pavarei :).O mane kankino kompiuterines problemos.Neisijungiau kai kuru programu ,kurios matyt siuntesi updeitus...N abet yra kaip yra..
15Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavTak jsme to zvladli nastesti bez divaku ale zbytecne moc chyb
15Portugalsko PAULO Temperanot my best day, again a few small mistakes, but we are here, still need to finnish tomorow
15Lithuania RALLY Guru+3-4 - bad result not my day. Lost for himslef about 20 seconds, what a shame :D...
15Česká republika REZNICEK Milanthanks,thanks all
15Lithuania RINKEVICIUS DaliusAntra diena kur kas geriau, nei pirma 4 gr nebaigti...
15Germany STEINBACH Lutzcrash
14Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignas2 spins...
14Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
14Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonvery bad start again and again....every SS bad start +2sec
14Česká republika NOVOSAD Rostislavraci opatrne
14Lithuania RALLY Guruech - deep off +6
14Germany STEINBACH Lutzroll
13Ireland JONAITIS Jonisbetter than first time
13Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok
13Česká republika KRYGLER Jansmall mistake in last split
13Lithuania RALLY Guru+1 but is ok now
12Romania DIACONESCU Remusstrange..........................
12Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsomewhere lost 3sec ?? strange
12Česká republika KRYGLER Janone mistake in first split
12Lithuania RALLY Gurulittle bit better but any way slow +3
11Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasA lot of mistakes...
11Ireland JONAITIS Jonishmmm i hope RBR really misisng tracks from Sweden...
11Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton19/ driving
11Česká republika KRYGLER Jan19/22/16/18
11Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusto much speed in one corner.very bad day
11Česká republika NOVOSAD Rostislavauto opraveno jen castecne
11Portugalsko PAULO Temperafrench stage in ssweden, not used to this in rbr-lt :D all ok guys
11Lithuania RALLY Guruok quit good time for me. Nice
11Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasMedis
11Polsko ZAWISZA MaciejRoll and cfh
10Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasWithout pacenotes..
10Ireland JONAITIS Jonisslow last split...
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsafe
10Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasBlamba penkis kartus ekranas isjijunge.Gerai kad nsusidauziau...
10Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavDvakrat jsem to tahal ze zaveje auto totalne rozjebane
10Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrvery bad stage for me
10Polsko RAJEWSKI Tomasz...
10Lithuania RALLY Guruok +1,6
10Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasSukibimo mazoka
9Ireland JONAITIS Jonisstart with rollovers....pffff
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhi all, again....2nd day msut be better than 1st, where i`, lost 1 minute
9Česká republika KRYGLER Janhi
9Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavVyletel jsem daleko mimo trat dlouho jsem se skrabal na zpet
9Lithuania RALLY Guruech shit +6
9Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasSaugiai
9Lithuania Rinkevicius RytisNice
8Russian Federation AHMETSHIN Evgeniyok
8Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasGood day! :)
8Latvia Egle Edvardsbad day, bad luck for me, at service, needed 89:30 minutes :D
8Lithuania GRICIUS Vytautaspirma diena tragiska nuo pat pradzios su helpais ,gal kita geresne bus/////////////
8Ireland JONAITIS Joniswhat FINISH IN FIRST DAY??? roof and help from spectators...sadly,seen u on second day ,bye
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonmany damage..service 65min...38/30 tires... because bad grip and lost many time.... for all 1st day lost 1minute.... kill people on 2nd SS and out with damage on 6ss ((( Bad day. Will see 2nd Leg. Good Luck guys!! Yalta - Gooooo !!
8Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylI was too cautions on this stage.. baad visability at night and not good pacenotes makes me brake at all posible places to keep car on the road. To be honest it was terrible stage. But overall seems to be fine, car was good, not many BIG mistakes, and only sec away from 1st place. It\'s good for me.
8Polsko KRUSZ PiotrOk
8Česká republika KRYGLER Janheavy damaged car from mlynky, second leg will be hopefully better
8Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertasok.Kazkur Joni ivelei klaidele.
8Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijuspirma diena be didesniu nuotykiu.kova tai vyksta gera,nuotaikos geros laukiam antros dienos
8Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavPrvni etapa se nam moc nepovedla,tak doufam ze druhou zajedem lepe.
8Polsko NOWAK PaulaDziekuje za fajny rajd :)
8Portugalsko PAULO Temperasecond loop apart from a nasty crash on stage 7 was with no mistakes, lost 17 seconds to my friend Denis in that stage...and i think i did a good time on this last stage with a car very demage i was able to do this time, very good!!!! thanks to organization rbr-lt
8Polsko RAJEWSKI Tomaszone mistake on first sikakama, next slow but clear, ok see you on next day!
8Lithuania RALLY Guruhorrible +8 without wing car going to wider. Losing and losing time in hard corners... Any way without crash is will good for me. My target for 1 day 5-6 position in overall
8Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasPirma diena labai daug laiko praradom, pavyti varzovu nebepavyks belieka tiketis klaidu.
8Česká republika REZNICEK Milanno prvni etapa se nam vubec nevydarila
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusNear 90 minutes needed to repair car. What can I say.. Really bad, but I\'am happy to finish without SuperRally. See ya.
8Germany STEINBACH Lutzfirst day is ok
8Polsko ZAWISZA MaciejFirst day ok.
7Latvia Egle Edvardswtf, so slow roll, very disappointed
7Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok, PB
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton(( spin
7Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylFew driving mistakes but stage was good. And I didn\'t notice butt I driving without rear wing.... and don\'t know where I lost it... maybe on first stage of this section
7Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavOk
7Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrspin
7Lithuania RALLY Guru+6 -terrible. Somewhere lost rear wing in previos stage.. Ostberg style :D
7Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasBe suvedimo neiiseina palaikyti tempo, o ir klaidu pasitaikos daznokai
7Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBit struggling
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonout and reverse ((( +10sec
6Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylunpredictable pacenotes... driving with eyes correction
6Lithuania RALLY Guruok +2
6Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskismany mistakes
6Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIt\'s so easy to damage suspension. Now i have huuuge oversteer to left.
5Latvia Egle Edvardshard
5Ireland JONAITIS Jonisshit happens,spined and get big offroad,damged suspension allleft side,,,seen later who is who
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonvery damage car...very hard try go in spin every corner....
5Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylless grip than first pass but time waas better. Nice one. A bit wooring about pacenotes for this weather conditions, but seems all OK.
5Česká republika KRYGLER Jancfh
5Portugalsko PAULO Temperaflat out!!!
5Lithuania RALLY Guru+2 - Im not comfortable feels on this SS, dont push...
5Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisleciau nei pirma
5Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusCalmly now
5Germany STEINBACH Lutzcrash +45s
4Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasBroken rear wheel
4Latvia Egle Edvardswent good and a small clip on snow bang and a disaster - rollover
4Ireland JONAITIS Jonisagain loose control and road :)but not very bad with new car
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonwas many damage car, hard drive...20/15 tires not repaired, have not time for it ((( Bad grip will be )))) Maybe i`ll BE Very RISK!!! Va-Bank Section will Be This!!! On ALL Money ))))
4Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyryltwo offs at this stage, but generally quite good
4Česká republika KRYGLER Jan18/21
4Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasNa jaunuoli koja kojon zengiam :)
4Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavZase pres strechu zustal jsem lezet na kapote pomoc divaku
4Portugalsko PAULO Temperasome small mistakes here and there but, cant complain to mutch with my performance ;)
4Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrroof...
4Lithuania RALLY Guruok, no problem here. Time quite good for me
4Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasLaukia sunkus darbas, nes pries pat finisa padarem stoga nebloga, neuzteko laiko sutvarkyt visko.
4Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisnot bad
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusSome mistakes. Ca not fully repaired. Will try not to damage more
3Latvia Egle Edvardsok
3Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonMAX ATACK!!
3Česká republika NOVOSAD Rostislavv kotrmelcich vylomene kolo chce to servis
3Lithuania RALLY Gurufeels slipery on some corners so cant be faster..
3Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasBandom greitet
3Česká republika REZNICEK Milando divaku,dari se
3Lithuania RINKEVICIUS Daliusstogas 1 km
3Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusCar is quite damaged, so it\'s difficult to drive fast. But I try
3Polsko WACH Tomekmistakes
2Latvia Egle Edvardsno big moments. feeling confident
2Ireland JONAITIS Jonisoffroad,was to very difficult back again on road....
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton(((( ....... c4h...... nu vse...teperb po polnoi
2Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavJednou mimo trat nastesti jsem se stama vyhrabal
2Lithuania RALLY Gurunot push try escape mistakes, so +1
2Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasSis ralis linksmas, jau teko ir ant sono, ir ant stogo paciusti, bet abu kart savom jegom atssistojom ant ratu.
2Česká republika REZNICEK Milando prikopy a pomahaly divaci
2Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisok
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusDisaster.. Extreme spin in first corners, then somewhere in the middle with going off the cliff and finnaly another spin with landing on the roof, so cfh.. I dont remember more disasterous stage..
2Česká republika SOPIK MiroslavJedu to jak PICA !!!!
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasHello! My first start with new car :) It\'s only practice for me with WRC car, I can\'t wait 2017 WRC cars specifacion :)
1Latvia Egle EdvardsHi all
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi, hit bank on first hairspin ....
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton3/2 tires. Good Start!!! Vot tak nado startovatb!! Vsem Good Luck!! PoeHaLi !!!!
1Česká republika KRYGLER JanHi all
1Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertassveiki
1Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavCau prvni rz hodne opatrne
1Portugalsko PAULO Temperaall ok
1Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszHello all
1Lithuania RALLY Guru+1.5
1Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasPo pertraukos sunkiai sekasi tiksliai vaziuoti
1Česká republika REZNICEK Milanahoj opet nahaneni s Rostou...o vterinky...
1Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskishi
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHi there.
1Česká republika SOPIK Miroslavcouval jsem :-(
1Germany STEINBACH LutzHi all
1Polsko ZAWISZA MaciejHi

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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