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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Open RBR-LT WRC 2020 - Rallye Monte-Carlo
Rallye Monte-Carlo is a first round of Open RBR-LT WRC 2020 championship. All info in or
5.2.2020 1:01 - 10.2.2020 23:59

Turnaj je zařazen do poháru RBR-LT (Open RBR-LT WRC 2014 championship)
Pouze jezdci nominovaní týmem
12345678  /    9101112  /    13141516
RZ/SS 6 - Curbans - Venterol
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): H/B
povrch nový a mokrý, dobré podmínky, ráno, průzračno, jasno
5.8 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 6DalšíPo RZ 6

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Nominace do poháru

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
16Španělsko BENITEZ echedeicrash. not good start in this event
16Lithuania BUTMANAS PauliusWell, we are finally at the end.. Looked like we drove all 2020 season in one rally, but this is just 1s round. Tough season ahead. Almost ended our race in previous stage hairpin, would been very pitty, but we are lucky like many times in this rally. We should earn a point or two. That\'s OK.
16Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciusnot good start of new season..thanks
16Romania DIACONESCU RemusOk..calm..the speed kill..
16Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarMore lag here... I dont understand but great rally for me,not mistakes,good times and solid drive. See you in Sweden! Thanks RBR-LT
16Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok,first finish done!!! THX !!
16Polsko KAJZAR Slawomirthx
16Polsko KLIMAS AdrianNo chance to win so I try to take it easy last day. Slow, clean and safe drive takes me to the finish. Thank You RBR-LT for a nice rally. Good Luck all! See You in Sweden ;)
16Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasPirmas blynas prisvyles. Lauksim kitu etapu. Iki
16Ukrajina LEBED NazariyNo tyres in this SS, but is rally a good result for me! I AM FINISHED!!!!!!! I am happy! Thanks RBR-LT!!! Very good rally! Go to gravel Sweden!!!
16Španělsko MARZOA Juande pena....thx
16Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiok. not best start to new season
16Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszFirst day wasn\'t good, I have\'t a lot of problems with pacenotes so I lost a lot of time. Last day on first stage I hit a stone and broken radiator, very lucky thath I finished, thanks :)
16Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszTeam have scores, im not, very weak firs day for me but im learning new car and class. Douring the season it will be better i think. Thank You, best regards
16Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisHappy to be at the finish. Had some mistakes. Some were mine, and some were influenced by external factors, but Ford held up pretty good. Ill take what ever the place now, good job fellow R5 drivers!
16Česká republika REZNICEK Milanthx
16Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrOk! Tnx for rally and exciting fight! On the last dope, the tires were worn out. I am very happy to be at the finish line! All with the beginning of the championship!
16Argentina SAGRERAA Enzowooow no me esperaba terminar primero , una lastima por Arthur y Cristian , los 3 salimos a ganar todo este dia creo q el que tuvo la suerte fui yo que con la ayuda de la gente pude seguir, gracias RBR-LT por este campeonato. nos vemos en la proxima :)
16Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusFirst really clean Monte Carlo in 12 years, so yeah, I\'m more than happy :) Thank You all!
16Španělsko SANCHEZ PabloGood. Stupid mistake with de Handbrake controller, lost 3/4 seconds but ok, im finish the Rally but im not happy for the disaster of the second leg. See you in Sweden . Thanks RBR-LT , the championship its so looooongggg!!
16Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stno doma moc chyb v 1 casti tak priste dik vsem ahoj
16Česká republika TOMECEK Liborok ... Thank ! .... TOYOTA Gazzoo Racing !!!!
16Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboA bit crazy run on this last stage. Pity I span a bit on the second leg, plus those two first stages of the rally. Most important thing is that I didn\'t do any critical damage to the car and brought it to the finish line of the last stage. Good result. Thanks RBR-LT for the rally
16Polsko WORONECKI MirekWeak preformance and few mistakes trough all rally. Not best weekend. Thanks for rally, very good job :)
16Polsko ZAWISZA Maciejthx
15Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBetter -3
15Ireland JONAITIS Jonison stage 14 damaged car, it\'s not easy to steering, but left only one stage!!
15Polsko KAJZAR Slawomir2xspin
15Polsko KLIMAS Adrianslow, but clean
15Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyryltoo low R5 pacenotes for huge WRC aero
15Španělsko LAMAS Cristianfucking bug
15Ukrajina LEBED NazariyNo tyres ((((( Very slow last sector
15Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisLeft wheel is broken and car is pulling to the left. Hope to finish...
15Argentina SAGRERAA Enzopedimos ayuda a la gente despues de un trompo, el auto no quedo bien desde el km 4 . trataremos de llegar sanos y salvos a la meta
15Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOnce again, amazing stage. Fun to drive despite car hughely steering to left
15Španělsko SANCHEZ Pabloim pushing hard, but the time not so much better. im dont know
15Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboMuch faster than before
15Česká republika VALA Stanislavhrozny, 3x hodiny a na poslednim km jsem 2x smetl divaky, uz ten vrak neudrzim na silnici
14Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylvery low on setup. It not gonna work like that
14Španělsko LAMAS Cristianspin
14Ukrajina LEBED NazariyNorm
14Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisCrashed...
14Argentina SAGRERAA Enzoseguimos descontando. tratar de estar cerca de Arthur en los tiempos y mantener la distancia
14Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIt was fun
14Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablo2 hot moments. slipery conditions but ok
14Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboNo risks
14Polsko WORONECKI MirekAll lost, CFH
13Lithuania EGIDIJUS Gelunas...
13Portugalsko ESTEVEZ Oscarfirst time with NGP6.3 in tarmac,safe run,zero risks
13Polsko KLIMAS Adrianvery slow , very safe
13Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylspin & very unconitent
13Ukrajina LEBED NazariySlow ((
13Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all..., no se no por donde voy
13Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisGot stuck on hairpin. No service so gonna take it calm. No need to throw all of the hard work on last day.
13Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusA great stage, but somehow I have no speed here
13Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablodifficult stage. im very sad for the stupid crash at 20km/h in the second leg :(
13Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboDrove very cautiously
13Polsko WORONECKI MirekVery carefully
12Lithuania BUTMANAS PauliusOkay.. the last one is slowe than the guys with penalties, but we chose the tires like leaders. And it\'s obvious we are lacking of experience with slicks on snow. Howere it\'s a great practice for us. Looking forward to the last day.
12Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBetterr -5. See ou last day. good luck
12Ireland JONAITIS Jonisjesus crist...on 10th stage i loose about 1.30 min ......pfff
12Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylspin before hairpin cost arount 15sec((( long reverse after. C4h on 1st pass cuz of hitting\' a spect not so goot too (( But getting in to car it\'s goot
12Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasNetikusi diena....
12Ukrajina LEBED Nazariy48/14
12Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisOk. Happy to end the day without major crashes. Strategy work also ok. Hope to maintain steady pace on the last day also
12Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoLost concentration and the result was a crash
12Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr15/23 Ok) See you!
12Argentina SAGRERAA Enzofinal del dia 2 , subimos un puesto P2 AHORA :)
12Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBoring, but demanding stages. But I started even to like it. Few mistakes there was, but I think It\'s ok. We will see what final day brings
12Španělsko SANTAMARIA Borjamucho peor ahora por que se pondra la gente en las paellas mal colocada
12Česká republika TOMECEK Liborbad day ! help spectator.... crash .... very well damaged !!!
12Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboBetter than before. Car is healthy again. See you on last leg
12Polsko WORONECKI MirekWithout any damages , good, but two spins trough stages and lost aprox. 20 sec
11Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBetter -6
11Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEf.....
11Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylfirst OK stage on Yaris
11Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasJau pirmame kilometre prisiklijavau prie borto.Vairavimas pazeistas. Jau kelinta karta saindien lietuose posukiuose uzgestu.. Ne mano diena.
11Španělsko LAMAS Cristianfour spins..juju
11Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisHad a big spin. Then staled a car, and when trying sort the car bumped back of a car on a stone and got stuck there...Lost at least 15 sec there...
11Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrNo grip... Bad driving...
11Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusOne quick and one half spin. So not the best
11Španělsko SANTAMARIA Borjamuchos fallos a pesar de aver montado slick y setup madre mia como morrea
11Lithuania VAI Tomyjusuztraukiau rankini pries hairpina right. maina pradejo akseleruoti ir vaiuoti tiesiai, vietoj to kad suktu... Wally, fix the bugs, please.
11Polsko WORONECKI MirekSpin with reverse , lost +- 10 sec
10Španělsko Diego Vazquezliada parda....
10Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarVery funny
10Slovensko FAFRAK Lukastoo much of a cut, it kicked me really hard and I ended up in the tree.. too bad
10Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEdificut
10Ireland JONAITIS Jonispfff, hardware issues, damged handbrake, need repair asap....
10Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylfck Popov. got stuck on small rock, than revers ant \'hit\' spect who stant at 5meters away!!!!111
10Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasLabai nervingai,daug klaidu. Atsimusem i bordiura,gerokai apgadinom automobili...
10Ukrajina LEBED Nazariy55/16 ((
10Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkihalf car out in the hairpin and red screen :(
10Portugalsko PAULO Temperaoff
10Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisTook it slow, didnt want to risk it crashing. Tires were also gone, had no grip at the top of the mountain.
10Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoMany mistakes
10Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr18/28 No grip. Spin...
10Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusYeah, no major mistake, which is main good factor. I dont know about the speed
10Španělsko SANTAMARIA Borjame equiboque con las ruedas y el setup pensando que era nieve de verdad
10Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboQuite ok, given this stage
10Lithuania VAI Tomyjusnaudojant rankini masina pradedavo akeleruoti, tas pats uzkabinus pylima... kazkokie bugai nauju fizikos updeitu. be rankinio sitam dope buvo ka veikti.
10Polsko WORONECKI Mirekok
9Argentina ASTERION GerardOMG bad setup
9Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiPB with this wheels on dry
9Lithuania EGIDIJUS GelunasReikia wairo
9Portugalsko ESTEVEZ Oscarslow
9Ireland JONAITIS Jonisicy
9Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylspin
9Španělsko LAMAS Cristianamazing!welcome ngp6.3!!
9Portugalsko PAULO Temperahad to reverse to times, also went off the threes kept me on the road, not the start i wish
9Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoQuite ok, but not sure of the tyre choice
9Russian Federation ROMANENKO Aleksandr2 spin...
9Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHuge mistake in second corner. And really really dificult to find corect braking points
9Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi
9Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboOk, wrong pacenotes
8Lithuania BUTMANAS PauliusAfter driving 30km/h even 20 in SS4 and SS5, we done pretty much perfect recce.. So we were able to push little bit more after service. But beieve me rolling in 80km/h downhill and knowing You can\'t loose too much speed on the upcoming hairpin because no finish, was something. Lucky to be here.
8Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciussafe 1st leg, gla.
8Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarCalm,not risks in first day. See you tomorrow. Thanks RBR-LT
8Slovensko FAFRAK LukasIt was fun, but this car just doesnt work on wet surface.. so much understeer, it was a real battle for me.. but overall, its been good so far
8Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEbad ss for my...
8Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok,service done , we seen waths happens in second day. GL for all
8Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyryluntersteer. Overall slow safe & caution leg with spins(((
8Ukrajina LEBED NazariyIts good start for me!
8Portugalsko PAULO Temperawell, felt confortable to push in this one....yook some risks, not a bad time. was a tuff and tricky 2nd loop i went of the road, but happy to be here with no major problems.
8Polsko RAJEWSKA JustynaFirst day very hard! Thanks Paulina for fight! Artur good job! Dariusz go! See You tomorrow! :))))
8Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisFinally....
8Argentina SAGRERAA Enzoterminamos el primer dia , muy contento primera vez con los R2 :)
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusWe damaged a wheel in a road section, so a bit hard for driving. But what a day. Really really fast and bumpy with this setup. The main condintion acomplished, althouth with a huge cup of luck. It will not get easier next day.
8Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablohappy for the first day, its a long rally. Little mistakes but not problem. Thanks RBR LT , see you in the second day
8Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboGot closer to Maciej (unless other guys sneak in), and no critical damages to the car. Pity that I didn\'t run so well in the first two stages. Thanks RBR-LT
8Polsko WORONECKI MirekOk, but could be mutch better.
8Polsko ZYZAK Damiandamaged suspiension...
7Slovensko FAFRAK Lukasvery, very slippery.. I tried to push but it was hard..
7Ireland JONAITIS Jonisfirst help, one corner was tightens ,than we expected.....need a some job with pacenotes
7Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylhantbrake problems
7Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertas....
7Ukrajina LEBED NazariyDont risk, wet
7Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkibig crash
7Portugalsko PAULO Temperai had a momment went of the road , very happy to be here, the car is fine
7Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisFirst day is way too long for my lazy ass... Getting old :D
7Španělsko RIVAS Diegostupid mistake.....
7Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusLucky lucky lucky boy. Too late on pacenoted and medium left finished in the forest and edge of the cliff. Suprisingly somehow I managed drive on the road on my self. Miracle to continue
7Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablomore dificult condition. one stage for the finish the first day.
7Lithuania STEPONAVICIUS Rokasbig mistake on the braking point
7Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboI\'ll have a heart attack driving this stage
6Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarTricky conditons
6Slovensko FAFRAK Lukasso slippery... hit the wall with the rear, but everything seems to be ok
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonisnot good
6Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyryl\'that\'s fine. Things gonna be ok\' ))))
6Ukrajina LEBED NazariyWet...
6Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusStarting to loose focus, but I hope we will survive
6Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablovery very slipery
6Lithuania STEPONAVICIUS Rokasbad tyre choice
6Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboMore slippery than expected
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeibig crash. car dont start. this is monte
5Lithuania BUTMANAS PauliusWe all know Monte is about patience. But this was in another level..
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot bad for the moment,not more risks
5Slovensko FAFRAK Lukascareful here, i hate this stage...
5Ireland JONAITIS Jonishm, slow, bad grip, looks like cow on ice...
5Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylhalf spin
5Ukrajina LEBED NazariyNice
5Portugalsko PAULO Temperahappy to be here car is fine
5Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoHad to retire the car. Engine problem
5Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIt\'s ok I believe. Another more or less clean run
5Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablogood feeling
5Španělsko SANTAMARIA Borjaun buen susto en la sona rapidas con una salida seguimos dentro
5Lithuania STEPONAVICIUS Rokasa lot of mistakes,spins and car damage
5Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboOk, car was sliding a bit too much
5Česká republika VALA Stanislavend
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeinot bad with this wheels
4Lithuania BUTMANAS PauliusDamaged the radiator in SS3, when almost managed to start SS4, but done it in 30km/h. Finished without engine by rolling downhill. Probably not starting in SS5.
4Lithuania EGIDIJUS Gelunasvery unlucky no comments
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot max attack
4Lithuania Grasys TadasGood luck for everyone
4Ireland JONAITIS Jonisagain one awesome stage, not fast drive, just need to save my new car,cause not feel a comfortabile with him,just safe run to finish..
4Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylspin
4Polsko LASEK Patryk1min crash
4Ukrajina LEBED NazariyDont risk
4Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkisafety
4Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisFirst time on this stage.... Could go faster, but not yet
4Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoBig crash. Engine died in the downhill part of stage.
4Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusWay too much bumpy setup. I and I cant find a solution
4Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablowith intermedian tarmac not max attack
4Lithuania STEPONAVICIUS Rokasnew stage for me, but it was fun
4Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboA bit scary
4Česká republika VALA Radek2x divaci
4Česká republika VALA Stanislav1x smyk
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeislow but sure
3Lithuania EGIDIJUS GelunasOverall stage felt quite good, because we were riding at a constant speed, only one mistake in a slippery section
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarCalm
3Slovensko FAFRAK LukasI spun and it took me like 20-25 seconds to turn around...
3Lithuania Irmantas BuivydasSpin,wheels is not straight....
3Ireland JONAITIS Jonisaghrrr, my co-driver is drunk !!
3Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylspin
3Ukrajina LEBED NazariyNot good (( But I am love this SS
3Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisGood. Was able finally enjoy the ride
3Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusIt felt good
3Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablohappy, good stage
3Lithuania STEPONAVICIUS Rokasslippery
3Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboOk, good
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeispin. lost about 5 seconds. but great time
2Lithuania BUTMANAS PauliusWell we drove really carefully, but still managed to lost a door. That\'s Monte for You.. We are not where we want to be, but we won\'t gonna make good results on our first rally with r5 if we push hard. Let\'s finish.
2Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciussome mistakes
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSpin,use reversed,not see nothing,not risks
2Slovensko FAFRAK Lukasquite slippery here, had a couple of big moments on the brakes
2Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEnooooooooo
2Lithuania Irmantas Buivydasa lot of mistakes again
2Ireland JONAITIS Joniswhat a night stage!!! not remember this dark screen at my life :)
2Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylhorrible notes - cutoff many times. Plus few spins
2Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasSveiki. Naktis iveikta. 2 gr ruozas idomus, bet buvo nedrasu lab i spausti. Pasisaugojom..
2Španělsko LAMAS Cristiantopo
2Ukrajina LEBED NazariyDont like pacenotes ((( But first drive on this SS. Nice
2Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkifirst time this night stage
2Španělsko ORTEGA Antonionever run this tage, completely lost... 2 spins
2Portugalsko PAULO Temperahappy to survive to first night
2Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszfirst time on this stage :)
2Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisStage too long. And never driven it before, and in the night. Happy to be alive.
2Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoFirst time ever on this stage. Quite happy to survive the night of the Monte!
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusFirst time here, so happy to finish without major incident. But yeah, time loss probably will be huge one here
2Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablomy first time in this stage LOL, very very slow
2Španělsko SANTAMARIA Borjaun enganchon en una balla me jodio la direccion y me costaba mucho frenar
2Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboFirst time here xD
2Česká republika VALA Stanislav2x hodiny a couvani
2Polsko WORONECKI MirekFirst ride here, bad time
1Argentina ASTERION GerardPaseando
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all. Good start, or not, next stage will be answer
1Lithuania DARIUS Mackeviciushi, safe start
1Lithuania EGIDIJUS GelunasUnfortunatelly we hit a bump in a fast conrner that damaged front control arm , so we couldnt develop a lot of speed. In a middle of a stage i missed co drivers call for a sharp turn and we flew out of a track and after that our geaarbox died so we coudlnt continue the stage.
1Lithuania EITVYDAS Ralys3 or 4 spins ... not so good
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all.
1Slovensko FAFRAK LukasHi everybody.. So glad to participate in this championship in manufacturer team, its an honor.. i was bit too careful here, im gonna try to be faster on the next one
1Polsko GORCZYCA JanKeyboard
1Česká republika HORESOVSKY JakubHi
1Lithuania Irmantas BuivydasTerrible,hit spectators and many spins
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonisswx, hi all, safe start need to try catch a Vilius :)
1Polsko KLIMAS Adriancfh
1Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylmissheart note(R3) ant crash(
1Španělsko LAMAS Cristianspin
1Ukrajina LEBED NazariyHi all! Nice SS and nice start! Good luck!!!!
1Španělsko MARZOA Juanera visto...
1Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkicomputer lag very bad
1Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszHello all
1Lithuania RALISTAZ GedvisToo many mistakes. Getting really impatient on long stages. R5 feels good, calm pace.
1Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoHi all. Very safe start, always with left foot braking.
1Russian Federation ROMANENKO AleksandrHi all!
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusMorning! I cant say it\'s a clean run despite really really cautios drive. 200km race, so the pace is accordingly. And the setup. It\'s not good at all.
1Španělsko SANCHEZ Pablospin
1Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stzdravim
1Lithuania STEPONAVICIUS Rokashard stage for me with a lot of mistakes, some damage to chassis
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi all !
1Španělsko ULIBARRENA JacoboWe unluckily killed some spectators poorly places on a hairpin
1Česká republika VALA Stanislav1x help divaku:-(
1Lithuania Virginijus Magelinskashuge lag with VR :(
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all. Strategy tyres choice.

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.