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8.Classic Cup 2015-16 NEW
NEW - sorry guys ! Rally Sweden info:
8.2.2016 18:27 - 14.2.2016 23:59
RZ/SS 11 - Lesjoefors 2
Results for class (group): H/A
surface worn and dry, good weather, late morning, no snow, heavy clouds
7.7 km
All / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PreviousSS 11After SS 11
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
1.Czech Republic
KUBINI Vladimir
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
H/A05:20.15 86.6
Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 (E39A) GrpA
3.Czech Republic
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
NARU Kazuma
Toyota Celica ST165 GT4 GrpA
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
BENITEZ echedei
VW Golf II GTI 16V GrpA
Diff 1.
Diff bef.
Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 (E39A) GrpA
H/A46:38.44 91.1
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
NARU Kazuma
Toyota Celica ST165 GT4 GrpA
4.equalCzech Republic
KUBINI Vladimir
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
5.equalCzech Republic
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
Toyota Celica ST185 4WD Turbo GrpA
BENITEZ echedei
VW Golf II GTI 16V GrpA

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SSNameDrivers comments
11Poland ANIOLEK Marcinthx
11Czech Republic BENES Alan.................
11Spain BENITEZ echedeigood another PB for me. Perhaps my best rally in the rbr at the moment
11Poland BIERNAT TomaszThanks for rally! :) Lukasz Polonez is a little bit slower than Porsche ;) but... it\'s fatastic car ! :D See U on next round! :D
11Poland BUCZEK LukasI have lost ca. 50sek. for CFH. So ended driving without training :D Thank you Cat for nice event. Tomasz Biernat show us what the Polonez can!!!
11Spain CIN RamonThx for rally. Very alien people here.
11Germany DEMUTH MathiasFinish. No chance today again Alexander. He was to fast for me. I do not like all thias stages today. Thx for the event!
11Poland FOLTA MaciejResults are not good but for me that was rally for fun and was fun, so I\'m happy. Nice event THX
11Germany FUNKE Janthanks
11Czech Republic hebbinice Denis - snow is not my best friend , thx for the championship
11Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanNice fight Radek. False start on ss3 than spin and the car was bad to drive in to service. After service i try to drive safe to the finish and i think that works ok for me.
11Belarus HLUSHNIONAK Aliaksandrgg gl
11Slovakia HOSALA Romanthx
11Germany HUMMEL StefanDanke!!
11Japan irtdb_832Okey thx for the rallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyThanks for rally!!
11Ireland JONAITIS Jonisthx
11Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonOKey! Good Stage for me, but was some moments Very Hot! Lost some times, but Finish is Very good! Thx all for Battle! Thx Cat for Stage! GOOD LUCK ALL!
11Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertasok
11Austria LaTeXWhen my tyres are damaged I clearly are not able to react appropiate to it. Beside of that I did 2 bad mistakes. The first was trying to use the snow to turn and brake at 3 left / 2 left after 1 minute like I did in the earlier days. The second was killing spectators. Thanks for rally-had great fun
11Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisterrible last leg((((
11Spain MARZOA Juanmany mistakes...,nice battle with Naru...thx cat
11Russian Federation MEDVEDEV Romanfirst try was better :C
11Germany MORGENROTH Andrehauptsache im Ziel ;)
11Japan MORISHITA Asamibuji kansoooo otukaresamadesita!!!
11Slovakia MYDLIAR JozefThanks for rally. Nice winter.
11Japan NARU KazumaIm really enjoyed this snow rally. Thx Cat and thx for the rally.
11Slovenia NOVAK Klemenwithout any grip on front I went on the roof and drove few km without brakes...
11Austria PAMMER HaraldTires gone and a big crash.
11Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi\42Thanks\42 to organizators. Why was canceled the first event?
11PMS Rally Teamthanks to orga for great event - our performance today was bad, so we are lucky to be in finish - good luck to the rest of starters & will see you at next event - bye
11Czech Republic POUSTKA VaclavI dont like snow, all SS very careful. THX
11Poland PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszNo grip on the last stage. Generally all ok, no big moments, some mistakes but I am happy :) Thanks :)
11Germany SALOMO MarcoOk. One big mistake, with roll and cfh cost about 50 seconds. The rest only little mistakes. So I will agree with the result. Thank you Cat for this nice event.
11Japan ShensheeI need to practice driving more in snow stage. But I am happy to be able to arrive to finish!
11Czech Republic SMIDRKAL IvanThanks Cat
11Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyareziny st*r((((
11Germany STEIN Torstenich hoffe es werden in meiner Klasse richtig Replaykontrollen durchgefuehrt,so macht es keinen Spass mehr zu fahren
11Germany STEINBACH Lutzder Hass... aber durch
11Czech Republic STOLFA Ondrejthanks for nice rally,but very difficult
11Czech Republic SUDICKY Mirajesus christ mfcr ... hited cfh standing near the road...without that time under 5 min...thx cat nice racing
11Poland SWIECH Pawelvery unlucky rally for me, i like snow,speed was ok, but too many serious mistake-2 times call for help:(
11Japan TETSUYA TanakaIt was first time to play RBR in few weeks so I ran very carefully whole the rally.But I also enjoy snow condition :) Thx,Cat.
11Poland TOMASZ MOSKALAale NUDA jedno i tosamo a tyle nowych oesow chlopaki sie mecza aby zrobic :(
11Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborthank organizer !
11Latvia USVILS Kristapsi dont know how to save tyres...
11Poland WALKOWSKI MichalOk... I had enough of snow for a couple of days ;-)
11Germany Woifehin the finish a last! Thanks for the organization.
11Poland WORONECKI MirekThanx Frank, not great result,but I\'m happy couse no mistakes ... almost ;)
11Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisi am happy to see the finish line...i hate snow..:) good job fabian !..Thx to the CC Cup Oragnisation.....i need a Big Beer :)
11Poland ZARYCHTA DanielChcialem narobic wstydu chlopakom i sie nie oplacilo.
11Poland ZMYSLOWSKI Marcin30 sek. not fair penalty :/ replay on server, thx for rally, regards :)
10Poland ANIOLEK Marcinfs
10Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
10Germany BORTZ Stefanlost 10 s in deep snow
10Poland BUCZEK LukasI`ve been rolled :/
10Spain CIN Ramonroll and spins. car damaged
10Germany DEMUTH Mathiasspin
10Poland FOLTA Maciejcrash and 2 or 3 spins
10Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey...
10Ireland JONAITIS Jonisroof
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok, need more PUSHing!!!
10Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirthe short gearbox - probably poorly ;-))
10Austria LaTeXAfter a big jump I lost control over my Opel and I needed a fraction of an eternity to get back on track.
10Germany MORGENROTH Andregott sei dank im ziel seit wp 8 2 reifen hinten und vorne krumm..mal schaun ob ich die letzte schaff :S
10Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko! ^^
10Austria PAMMER Haraldno grip, tires are gone i think
10Czech Republic PLOJHAR Otasauto v plamenech, uvareno
10Germany SALOMO MarcoGood
10Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyavilet y finisha(+ 3-4 sek
10Germany STEIN Torstenich lach mich tot +20sec. auf der WPman oh man und das ohne Fehler
10Germany Woifehthe first stage with real good feeling - despite hitting a tree frontally at about 140kph - funnily nothing was damaged :D
10Poland WORONECKI MirekI just start feeling surface, a little bit too late ;)
10Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszI hit the tree, gearbox broken. My third CC and another DNF. No luck here.
9Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
9Germany BORTZ Stefannearly rolled
9Poland FOLTA MaciejRoll :(
9Germany FUNKE Janthanks cat! lost so much time
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonwow, i`m lost position, need to push
9Czech Republic KUCA MilanPorsche 3:48 , ouuu GUT NGP !!!!!
9Austria LaTeX2 flips
9Russian Federation MALYSHEV Deniswhy so bad? can\'t understand
9Russian Federation MEDVEDEV Romanpb :)
9Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko!
9Slovenia NOVAK Klemenajajajajaj!
9Austria PAMMER HaraldRear left big damage.
9PMS Rally Teamthanks to orga for reset after ctd
9Germany SALOMO Marcofor the car conditions is the time real good
9Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilya2 spin + 2-3 sek(((
9Japan TETSUYA Tanakahad a spun
9Germany Woifehand another roll, just for fun xD
9Poland ZARNOWSKI Mateuszjump start, many mistakes - bad stage
9Poland ZARYCHTA DanielGonilem Tomka w NFD i przegralem klase.
9Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszThis jump was crazy, I took it completely flat out.
8Spain BENITEZ echedeiother PB fantastic rally for me
8Germany FUNKE Jansome mistakes...not good
8Czech Republic hebbinot my day
8Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey.....bad setup
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonout +2sec
8Austria LaTeXDefintely the best stage up 2 now.
8Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisslow
8Germany MORGENROTH AndreLEFT TIRED IS BROCKEN on this stage
8Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko demo stck many
8Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiPizdec!
8Germany SALOMO MarcoHit a snow bank, roll into the deep snow, try to drive back on the road, but the beetle have not enough power. So I cfh. The car is heavy damaged :-(
8Germany Woifehok, a bit better...
8Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisbig crash with help...we see the finish line :)
8Poland ZARNOWSKI Mateuszlost a lot of time on a roll, but car is OK
8Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszAnother stage, another mistakes...
7Spain BENITEZ echedeiother PB very good
7Germany BORTZ Stefan2x cfh
7Poland BUCZEK LukasSecond time on this Stage ever!!!
7Spain DE DIEGO Javiercrash
7Germany FUNKE Jantoo safe
7Czech Republic hebbineed service
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton19/13, hit in snow wall, lost 2-3sec
7Austria LaTeXAfter the first split I got a feeling for the stage and it was fine.
7Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denismaybe fatal crash for final result(((
7Japan MORISHITA Asamidamage yabakatta.....
7Japan NARU Kazumascary
7Austria PAMMER HaraldTires 80...
7Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN Evgenyi..........
7PMS Rally Teambad drive, comes from health, is bad too
7Germany SALOMO MarcoCant find rhythem . But time is okay
7Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyavilet posle 1 spita(((+2-4 sek
7Germany Woifehhit spectators :-( - rear diff was gone, hope itll be easier now.
7Poland WORONECKI MirekI hit something on last stage, right front susp. was damaged, very carefully drive on this stage
7Greece YANOLIDIS Janniscrash
6Czech Republic BENES Alanhahaha
6Spain BENITEZ echedeipenalty in the start but very fast
6Germany BORTZ Stefan2x spin
6Germany DEMUTH Mathias...
6Germany FUNKE Jananother good run
6Czech Republic hebbibad , bad
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton+2sec lost - out
6Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimir:-DD mozna s wrcem ...
6Austria LaTeXEverybody who had once in his life the luck to drive on this stage just falls in love with it. It is magic.
6Japan MORISHITA Asamiguda guda orz..
6Japan NARU Kazumamuttan !
6Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiWTF??? I must drive second time at the evening! Beacose I can`t drive at the next 7 days!!!
6PMS Rally Teamloose & lost car over a crest
6Germany REHM NicoSchade....
6Germany SALOMO Marcoonly little mistakes.
6Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyaskol*zko stalo((
6Japan TETSUYA Tanakatente- hae- w
6Latvia USVILS Kristapsim not happy with my driving
6Germany Woifeh-no comment-
6Poland ZARNOWSKI Mateuszit stopped snowing so I could see a lot of mud on the track
6Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszFew times off, but nothing serious.
6Poland ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinpenalty? for what? have to protest against it after rally finish :/ replay will be on server
5Spain BENITEZ echedeigood
5Spain DE DIEGO Javierspim
5Germany DEMUTH Mathias:O
5Germany FUNKE Janfirst good stage
5Czech Republic hebbiagain in wall
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok
5Austria LaTeXOh the driving improved so much. On time i flipped because i was curious if it is possible to do it this way. As you may expect it wasn`t but everything is fine.
5Germany MORGENROTH Andrebad drive on this stage..2x in the snow wall and spin!!
5Japan MORISHITA Asamihelp x 1time orz...
5Austria PAMMER Haraldwtf, jumped the start again...
5Germany SALOMO Marcook.
5Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyapomarka y finisha
5Latvia USVILS Kristaps...
5Germany Woifehdamn. rolled the car multiple times, its utterly damaged now...
5Poland WORONECKI Mirekbad
5Greece YANOLIDIS Jannistrouble with snowbank....lucky situation
5Poland ZARNOWSKI MateuszLost 10s on mistakes, but OK.
5Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszNice, (almost) clean stage.
4Poland ANIOLEK Marcinuff
4Czech Republic BENES Alanok
4Spain BENITEZ echedeisome small mistakes but ok
4Germany BORTZ Stefanget stuck in snow
4Germany DEMUTH Mathiasno grip with the broken diff...
4Germany FUNKE Jannice stage bad run. bad time to drive....
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton16/10, bad Karlstadt 2 times, lost time
4Austria LaTeXBad stage because of no rythm
4Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denis17/20
4Germany MORGENROTH Andre1x spin
4Japan MORISHITA Asamihelp x 2times T_T
4Austria PAMMER HaraldNo grip, tires done...
4PMS Rally Teamok thanks to our crew - no risc and car repaired. look now for second loop.
4Czech Republic SUDICKY Miramy mistakes
4Latvia USVILS Kristapsi felt like i dont have grip at all :(
4Poland WORONECKI Mirekreverse :/
4Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisspinn
4Poland ZARNOWSKI MateuszI\'m enjoying the driving. Everything is allright :)
4Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszGood stage for me.
3Poland ANIOLEK Marcinto much mistake :(
3Spain BENITEZ echedeiiok another PB very happy with this setup at the moment
3Germany BORTZ Stefanhit snowbanks too often
3Spain CIN Ramon3 spin
3Spain DE DIEGO JavierLost loy of time in a snowbank
3Germany DEMUTH Mathiasoffs, demaged the car :-(
3Czech Republic hebbibad , three times in snowwall
3Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanFalse start and spin.
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonDenis - molotok!! U menya snova out
3Austria LaTeXMaybe the is not better, but the driving is much better than at VDRM. The two flips at the stage before were bad for the overall result.
3Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisbig out and small mistakes
3Russian Federation MEDVEDEV Romanbig spin
3Germany MORGENROTH Andre2x Spin :(
3Japan MORISHITA Asamisetting mis orz
3Japan NARU Kazumadamaged car..
3Austria PAMMER HaraldHad very low grip on the front, lost my frontbumper at karlstad... so, no downforce at the front of the car and had one spin.
3PMS Rally Teamthrow car away, team ok, but the car ... hard demaged - looks for safty and hope for service, otherwise give up!
3Germany SALOMO MarcoOfftrack - lost about 6 sec
3Poland Sherman\
3Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilya2 spin y finisha(((
3Germany STEIN Torsten+13sec. wieder,wie geht das,das Replay wuerde ich gern sehen wollen,alle anderen sind beieinander mit der Zeit
3Germany STEINBACH LutzRolle
3Czech Republic SUDICKY Miraspin before finish maybe 3sec
3Russian Federation TITOV Yuriyspin(((
3Latvia USVILS Kristapsbad stage, many mistakes..
3Germany Woifehjust bad, cfh and spin
3Poland WOWRY Mateuszrolka
3Poland ZARNOWSKI Mateusznice stage
3Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszFew times off the road, not good...
2Spain BENITEZ echedeiok
2Germany BORTZ Stefanhit a tree after finish. can\'t concentrate on the road because the wipers annoy
2Germany DEMUTH MathiasRolled.. Alexander is to fast for me today...
2Germany FUNKE Jancrash in first corner hahaha.....
2Germany hennera lot of spins :/
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonout
2Austria LaTeXI flipped 2 times, but i feel that i can drive much more accurate than at VDRM. Now I hope I can use it.
2Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisout
2Japan MORISHITA Asamiorz...
2Germany Penny_Mennyziemlich realistisch, dass die halbe Aufhaengung hinten kaputt ist, wenn man eine Schneebank beruehrt..
2PMS Rally Teamone and a half spin, came too often into snowbanks.
2Germany SALOMO MarcoRoll
2Germany Woifehvery bad, no confidence in the car.
2Greece YANOLIDIS Jannislittle better
2Poland ZARNOWSKI MateuszI\'ve lost a few seconds on a junction, but Ok. No bigger mistakes.
2Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszGood stage, I could drive faster but I want to keep it on the road.
1Spain BENITEZ echedeihi all. my PB good
1Germany BORTZ Stefanhit a piece of concrete and lost a door
1Spain CIN Ramoncrash
1Germany DEMUTH MathiasHi all
1Germany FUNKE JanHi all! Too much time into the walls...
1Czech Republic hebbihi all
1Sweden HENRIKSSON UrbanHi all and gl.
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhi all guys! Good Luck!!!!
1Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimirhi all!
1Austria LaTeXIn last sector I switched to reverse gear instead of first accidentally. Beside of that fine stage.
1Spain MARZOA JuanHi all
1Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko!
1Japan NARU Kazumahi all and gl
1Slovenia NOVAK Klemenstucked in one corner
1Austria PAMMER HaraldBad start, jumpstart and spin. :(
1Czech Republic PLOJHAR Otaswow nice start
1PMS Rally Teamhey to all teams - good luck all!
1Germany SALOMO MarcoHi. Gl for all!
1Czech Republic SCHAMBERGER Karel stzdravim
1Germany STEINBACH LutzHallo
1Czech Republic SUDICKY Mirahi all
1Japan TETSUYA Tanakahi all!
1Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi all
1Germany Woifehhi all. lost too much time in snowbanks...
1Poland WORONECKI MirekHI all
1Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisstart verschlafen :)
1Poland ZETKOWSKI RemigiuszHello everyone :) My target is to reach the finish in this Cup, finally ;)

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  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
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