| Team name | Team description | Team manager | Members |
| 100Pikes Team | A MoRtE nAs CuRvAs EnTrAnDo A tUmBa AbErTa !!! | | 4 |
| 4H Racing CZE | | | 4 |
| 4mula Poland | Team miłośników F1 lecz także rajdów samochodowych. Więcej na http://4mulapoland.wix.com/index | | 6 |
| 555 Racing | BROC - Brazilian Rally Online Championship
more info:
Team Since 22/09/2008 | | 15 |
| 593RBR.ec | A brand new team | | 5 |
| 8360R JohnDeere Team | http://8360r-johndeere-team.goneo.cz/o-nas.html
| | 8 |
| 999 Racing Team | Nový amatérský team na scéně RBR :) | | 4 |
| ABERacing lugo | A brand new team | | 7 |
| ABRacing | A brand new team | | 5 |
| Abuin Sim Racers | A brand new team | | 4 |
| AcoresRallyTeam | uma equipa de doudos | | 4 |
| ACP Classic Rally Team | Team for Classic RBR cars drivers | | 7 |
| ACTUAL LINUX e-Racing Team | Klub pratel LFS | | 11 |
| AFofR | Association Friends of Rally
AFofR team | | 7 |
| AFONDU SIM RACING | Equipo de enfermos de los rallys y las subidas | | 8 |
| AJN SPORT | http://sprint-rally.webnode.cz/ | | 8 |
| Alfa Romeo motorsport Liberec | budoucí šampioni | | 9 |
| AMK Cihelna | Amatérský sportovní tým | | 7 |
| AMK Větřní rally team | | | 7 |
| AMK Wrocławski GRS Team | The official virtual team of the Auto Moto Klub Wroclawski and Grupa Rajdowa Surfer.
Grupa Rajdowa Surfer
Auto Moto Klub Wroclawski | | 45 |
| Anderssonmotorsport | | | 7 |
| Anoia Racing Sport | Equipo ARS | | 6 |
| Anvel Racing Team | TEAM WEB
| | 16 |
| AOP Racing TEAM | Flat out | | 5 |
| APM Rally Team | http://apm-rally.jex.cz/ | | 5 |
| Apus Rally Team | A brand new team | | 6 |
| ASK Užice Rally Team | www.rally.uzice.net | | 5 |
| Astrako Racing | Ricardo bell performance | | 8 |
| AT WORLD EF WRT | A brand new team | | 5 |
| AT-Rally Team | Official Web-Site | Virtual Rally Team | | 6 |
| Atari Rally Team | VISITEM O NOSSO SITE : www.gridlfs.com | | 4 |
| ATB Motorsport | Talsi rally team | | 4 |
| Aurienses Team | A brand new team | | 34 |
| Auto Klub Lubań | Siemka xD Jestem tutaj Nowy | | 6 |
| auto/sport rbr team | Jsme parta kamarádů co fandí rallye a rádi se na závodech občas potkají. | | 5 |
| AUTOMOBILKLUB KUJAWSKI | Szukam początkujących kierowców :) | | 4 |
| AUTOMOBILKLUB POLSKI WRT | Zajrzyj tutaj aby nas lepiej poznać. Działamy w ramach Koła Sportu Wirtualnego przy Komisji Sportu Samochodowego AP. A może do nas dołączysz? | | 15 |
| AutosportTEAM Spěváček | Během sezony startuje náš tým pravidelně v divizi 3 závodech na okruzích | | 4 |
| AZR Motorsports | Portuguese Rally team
| | 4 |
| B&H Rallye Team | Začínající tým složený z pár nadšenců a příznivců rallye. | | 6 |
| BADOMIL Racing | BADOMIL Racing je závodní tým jezdíme pro zábavu a máme i vlastní polepy na auta jestli se chceš přidat tak neváhej a přidej se. Pokud chceš dostat týmoví polep nepiš na které auto na mail - machanmara1@gmail.com | | 6 |
| Banco Molocos | A brand new team | | 4 |
| BBB Rally Team | A brand new team | | 18 |
| BBS RALLY TEAM | Breaking Bad Syndicate Rally Team | | 5 |
| BESIP Motorsport | BESIP WEB
| | 10 |
| Beskidy Virtual Rally Team | Team for all drivers.
www.bvrt.irbr.pl, Fanpage Beskidy VRT. | | 14 |
| BETA RACING Rally Team | BETA RACING Rally Team Web Page | | 4 |
| BJR-Team(Ger)hdT | The german hobby-driver-Team.
Wa are fast, cool and like a family | | 8 |
| BK Racing | WLKP Rally team | | 4 |
| BLACK CATS Rally Team | A brand new team | | 9 |
| Blue Devil | Blue Devil jede peklem!
Web Blue Devil
| | 19 |
| Bolidomania Rally Team | BOLIDOMANIA.PL | | 16 |
| Botswana Rally Team | Botswana Rally Team | | 13 |
| Božkov Rally Team | Božkov Rally Team | | 10 |
| BPM Racing | 420-BPM | | 9 |
| Brasov Rally Team | A Romanian RBR Team. | | 7 |
| BRC Sport | Equipo de CANTABRIA, amantes de los rallys. Unete a nosotros si quieres correr y pasarlo bien. | | 11 |
| Brikul Racing | | | 8 |
| BRNO Racing Team | WEBSITE / FACEBOOK | | 4 |
| Brodin Motorsport | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brodin-Motorsport/171541552908165 | | 6 |
| Bruce Rally Team | Team's searching drivers. JOIN TODAY! Website | | 4 |
| BRUTE RACING TEAM | Professional eSport and motorsport team.
We invite skilled RBR drivers.
| | 7 |
| BTBfin.blogspot.com RALLYsim | BTBfin Facebook and
BTBfin Blogspot | | 6 |
| BURNS Rally Team | WRC Rally ART | | 6 |
| CANARIAS VIRTUAL RALLY TEAM | A brand new team | | 8 |
| Car Speed Racing RBR Team | Zapraszamy do współpracy każdego zainteresowanego :)
Nasz instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carspeedracingrbrteam/ | | 19 |
| CARLSBAD Rally Team | Týmové stránky
| | 13 |
| CDE Valles Pasiegos | WEBSITE // FACEBOOK
| | 11 |
| CG Rally Team | An Italian Rally Team for Fun and Entertaiment!! | | 4 |
| Chachar Racing Team | Nový amatérský team z Ostravy. Začínáme s Rally a uvidíme kde budeme za pár let...Příjímáme stejně špatné piloty jako jsme my,hlavně že se pobavíme a pokecáme... | | 6 |
| Chaleteros RT | A brand new team | | 4 |
| CHIEF RALLY TEAM | WELCOME: http://chiefrt.at.ua/ | | 6 |
| CHS Racing Team | Jihočeský team z okolí Českých Budějovic (RBR,LFS)momentálně hlavně střílečky COD6,BF2BC | | 5 |
| Citroen Total Rally Team / Castrol BP Ultimate Mitsubishi | team from: WWW.RBR.PL | | 7 |
| CL Virtual Rally Team | A brand new team created by passionate rally fans to dispute major RBR Tournaments. | | 4 |
| CLUB RALLY | WEB Club Rally Team | | 6 |
| Clyde Car Club | Scottish rally team based in the Greater Glasgow Area. We welcome new players and anyone from the UK, EU or Ireland. | | 3 |
| CML Team | CML CZech team hleda nove jezdce.Od 500Km,- :)) | | 4 |
| CMS | Porque Somos como os mafiosos de nápoles, matamos e a seguir enviamos flores
Gerido por: Filipe e Tiago Mendes | | 9 |
| CNMOTORSPORT.SE | Soderhamn, Sweden
www.chrisnystrom.se/wrcleague | | 4 |
| ComFix Rally Team | Brand new team from Kajto hometown Ustroń | | 31 |
| Conquest Racing | Facebook Twitter | | 10 |
| Cooper Tires Proimp Rally Team | Cooper Tires | | 4 |
| Crash team Brno | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Crest Autosport | Check us out on facebook
Crest Autosport Sim Rally Leagues | | 7 |
| CRL Rally Team | BG Team | | 8 |
visit us on web:
http://crorbrrallyteam.webs.com/ | | 38 |
| CRORBR.com TEAM | Visit us on CRORBR.com | | 12 |
| CRT/Carvul Racing Team | Bulgarian amateur online racing team | | 4 |
| Czech DM Engineering | Czech Amater Team.
http://cdme.webnode.cz/ | | 5 |
| Czech Rally Fans OLD STARS team | Web CRF-RBR teamu
starý páky CRF :) | | 6 |
| Czech Rally Fans RBR team | Již od roku 2007 společně brázdíme tratě na pluginu. | Facebook | | 17 |
| Czechia Racing | www.jommadrallyteam.iplace.cz | | 4 |
| D-Factory racing | Dirt, Drift, Drag, all in one. www.d-factory.lv | | 12 |
| DE-CAT RallyTeam | A brand new team | | 11 |
| Delta Racing | www.delta-racing.net | | 4 |
| DeVito Racing | | | 7 |
| DGmotorsprot | David rally team | | 7 |
| DK-TAX Benešov | my jsme ševci a povidláci :-)
www.dktax.cz | | 4 |
| DLMotorsports | mailpromelao@gmail.com | | 4 |
| Doctor Speed | Doctor Speed Rally Team Bulgaria | | 6 |
| Dream Chasers | CZ/SK
| | 4 |
| DRES | This team is made up of a Spanish-speaking community, which organizes championships for its registered user members at www.rallyonline.es | | 21 |
| DRGIS Racing | A brand new team | | 13 |
| DSP RALLY TEAM | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Dundee Motorsport | A brand new team | | 5 |
| DV-Rally Team (RBR-RU) | | | 6 |
| DX Racing | | | 4 |
| Dynomotors Rally Team | DRT . neni co resit. | | 5 |
| E&R Racing | OUR WEBSITE: https://er-racing.webnode.cz/ | | 4 |
| Ekman'z Racing Team | Swedish Noob rally, We just drive for fun :) | | 4 |
| Elviña Racing Team | A topeeee! | | 7 |
| Energy-Racing Team | | | 7 |
| Equipo Argentino RBR | Equipo Argentino RBR
" Rally al PALO" http://rallyalpalo.foroargentina.net/forum | | 18 |
| ERT | Extreme Rally Team | | 6 |
| Escargot Rally Team | Tým "svátečních" jezdců rally založený 3. října 2006, přejmenovaný na Escargot Rally Team 22. února 2009. Třeba teď budeme dávat lepší časy... :-) | | 8 |
| Escuderia A Gandara | A Gandara Sport | | 4 |
| Escuderia Anilla Racing | Para unirse a nosotros msn : lambecunetas@hotmail.com | | 7 |
| Escuderia Asturacing | | | 6 |
| Escuderia Mangallo | www.mangallo.org | | 6 |
| Escuderia Pontevedra | eSports team representing Escuderia Pontevedra -est. 1970-
https://www.facebook.com/EscuderiaPontevedra | | 7 |
| Escuderia TRM | Equipo Oficial Privado Gallego
gracias a todos | | 26 |
| Esfola Gatos RT | Aqui o resultado é o que menos importa, o que interessa é ao final do dia beber umas cervejas e comer umas febras no pão. | | 8 |
| ESOX Rally Team | TEAM WEB /
| | 25 |
| EURASIA Rally Team | http://euraziart.ru/ | | 4 |
| Euro NCAP team | crash testy jsou našim každodenním chlebem :D | | 4 |
| eWRC.cz Motorsport | http://www.ewrc-motorsport.com/ | | 6 |
| EXE Racing |
EXE Racing
| | 15 |
| EXE Racing 2 JRT |
| | 7 |
| Fados Motorsport | Fados Motorsport | Facebook | Jedeme RBR-CUP, RSC a dál rosteme, pojď do toho s námi! | | 25 |
| FAMILY RACING RALLY TEAM | Team forum | | 14 |
| Fifty-Fifty | | | 4 |
| Fine Racing Team | ... | | 4 |
| FIP RBR Pro Sport | http://fip-sport.xf.cz
http://fip-sport.xf.cz/forum/ | | 6 |
| FiSU Rally Team | Finnish Simracing United Rally Team | | 20 |
| FlashGrafix VRT | Team for GVRC´championchip´s and other turnaments!!! | | 6 |
| Flatout | Τhe oldest Greek RBR community and team. Join us at FLATOUT.GR | | 13 |
| Flying Estonians Motorsports | A brand new team for Flying Estonians!!
Flying Estonians Blogspot----https://flyingestonians.blogspot.com/
Flying Estonians Facebook----
https://www.facebook.com/groups/422396352069823/ | | 9 |
| FLYING FINNS | We Flying every rally! | | 4 |
| FOG Rally Team | www.teamFOG.us FOG Rally Team compete in all competitions for fun. | | 15 |
| Fontaine Palace Rally Team Liepaja | Liepājas RBR amatieru klubs. | | 4 |
| FordRallyeSport Team | FacebookPage Team
Forum Team
| | 12 |
| Förort 2WD Junior Rally Team | We are here for starting pilots with 2WD ( R1, R2, R3) cars.
Happy start to your career :)
| | 6 |
| ForosFiat Sports | Fe en Dios e ferro a fondo !! | | 6 |
www.slorbr.com | | 4 |
| FreeTimeRallyTeam EC07 | 2007 Euro Cup Team | | 6 |
| FRONTLINE Rally Team | F-R-T | | 13 |
| Galaicos Team | Pilotos gallegos con ganas de motor! | | 4 |
| Galocheiro Sport RBR | Cangas Del Narcea, Asturias | | 4 |
| Gazoo Racing Terceira | Malta da ilha Terceira, Açores. Bem-vindos. | | 6 |
| GB WRT | A team for the Brits of RBR | | 9 |
| GEARED TO WIN | E-Aci Rally Italia Talent | | 4 |
| German Virtual Racers Community | [GVRC] www.ly-racing.de | German-speaking racing community | | 49 |
| Get Race! | | | 5 |
| GH Rally Team | Southamerican Rally Team | | 12 |
| GhostSpeed Racing Team | GhostSpeed.net | We pass and you even see us
www.ghostspeed.net | | 7 |
| GR Rally | Fast and smooth drivers. Rally and Racing fans. We welcome fast drivers with a big heart.
| | 4 |
| GRIZZLY Racing | Jezdíme RBR-CUP
| 1. místo: Palmira RBR-CUP 21/22, 20/21
| 2. místo: RBR-CUP 22/23, NRC12, RSC 22/23
| 3. místo Palmira RSC 2023
| 4. místo: NRC11 | | 13 |
| Groupe Azur | A brand new team | | 5 |
| GRUENDAUER-Racing | www.gruendauer-racing.com
www.facebook.com/gruendauerracing | | 7 |
| Gruzeria PCH ACL | | | 14 |
| GRW ROZDZIELE | Grupa Rajdowo-Wyścigowa ROZDZIELE
| | 4 |
| GT Team | A brand new team | | 4 |
| GX Motors Racing-Team | www.gx-motors.com/racing-team | | 4 |
| Haná Motorsport | A brand new team | | 6 |
| Hanácký Rally Klub Vyškov |
Team WEB !!!!!!
HRK hledá kvalitního jezdce do skupiny S2000 a S1600! | | 11 |
| Hawaii Beach Rally Team | Hawaii, Beach, Relax, Sun, Palm, Peace and BAMBOOCHA :) | | 12 |
| Herbie 53 RallyTeam | Můj auťák brouk. | | 5 |
| HERBRFC | Historic Extreme RBR Fan Club
herbrfc@centrum.cz | | 6 |
| HFRT | Hungarian Fanatics Rally Team
www.rallysimfans.hu | | 8 |
| HM Rally Team | Hakuna Matata Biczys ! | | 4 |
| HMB Šumava Rally Team VR46 | PAMK Klatovy | | 4 |
| Honda Team CZ | Nový mladý Team | | 4 |
| Hovet Rallyteam | Swedish Rallyteam | | 4 |
| howadosti team | www.howadosti.wz.cz | | 4 |
| HR Racing | Drive it like you stole it! | | 12 |
| Hrabová Motors | HRC 09'
| | 4 |
| HSF rally team | | | 34 |
| HUNGARIAN JUNIOR RALLY TEAM | HJRT. http://hjrt.rallysimfans.hu
| | 10 |
| HUNGARY RALLY TEAM | Hungary Rally Team | | 11 |
| Hurry Up! Racing | | | 25 |
| HyväKaveri Motorsport | HyväKaveri Motorsport | | 6 |
| IF Motorsport | WEB IF Motorsportu | | 10 |
| ImboRALLY | International Richard Burns Rally Team | | 9 |
| IRIDIUM RBR Team | Official Web | | 10 |
| IRL Team | Irish Rally Legue’s Team | | 5 |
| IRON MUSTANGS | A professional eSportRally team https://teamironmustangs.wixsite.com/esports | | 6 |
| IRT - International Rally Team | | | 9 |
| IS RACING | https://www.facebook.com/ISRacing-102165505062760/ | | 54 |
| J.M.A.Z. Rally Team | Velkej sport
http://jmaz.webnode.cz/ | | 5 |
| Jari Team Racing | http://www.jtr.cz/rbr | | 4 |
| JF Racing | Registration open -
Virtual WRC 2016
| | 7 |
| JKMV Rally Team | TEAM WEB
| | 5 |
| JKRT_AUS | The Hecktic Lads of Rallying | | 5 |
| JM Rally Team | Příjmu nové, aktivní piloty do teamu. | | 7 |
| K-RS | Kazincky-RS (Rally Service)
(www.rallysimfans.hu) | | 13 |
| KAIZERLING rally team | LTU | | 4 |
| Kaleda Racing | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Kamenov RallY Team | | | 4 |
| KARBON Autosport | | | 4 |
| KFC Racing Team | simracing team
facebook.com/KfcRacingTeam | | 8 |
| KhersonRally | A brand new team | | 6 |
| KITCARSWEB.com>>> Rallye Team | www.kitcarsweb.com | | 4 |
| Kizbern Racing | https://cs-cz.facebook.com/KizbernRacing/
| | 8 |
| Kizz-me WRT | Official Site
Facebook | | 17 |
| KLM Motorsport Team | | | 6 |
| Kolomyya Racing Team | Національно команда Коломиї , яка присвячена колишнім і тепернішнім картингистам і автоспортсменам ! Команда запрошує всіх украінських гонщиків і всіх хто не може жити без автоспорту з усіх регіонів ! | | 5 |
| KorpusEst Rally Team | | | 4 |
| Kozik Rally Team | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Kromos Rally Team | http://www.kromosrallyteam.com | | 4 |
| KRT | A brand new team! | | 4 |
| KSEV WRT | Mikkää ei mee kohtuuella! Talli hakee taitavia HUOLTOUKKOJA riveihinsä! | | 6 |
| La Guagua Racing Team | Equipo Canario de Rallys Online | | 16 |
| La Marquesina Racing Sport | https://m.facebook.com/LaMarquesinaRacingSport/
https://www.youtube.com/user/LaMarquesinaRacing | | 4 |
| LADA-SPORT Rally Team | Russia auto sport! Lada Forever!
ps. Берем всех кто хочет и будет гонять на Ладах!! | | 5 |
| Lanzarote Racing E-Sport | Equipo Canario en RBR, contando con el patrocinador de CANARIAS SIMULACION,
https://canariassimulacion.wixsite.com/assetto-corsa | | 4 |
| Lénárt RallyTeam | Lénárt family .
Play with keyboard. | | 4 |
| Leones al Moño | Amantes de peugeot y chevrolet, pero corremos con lo que sea!!! | | 6 |
| LFS Fun Club | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Likarca racing TEAM | Rally fans from Idrija Slovenija | | 13 |
| Liteneart Club | Litenes alkanu blice. | | 6 |
| LIZSPORT - MR Corse | Portugal | | 39 |
| Logia Cervecera RT | Un equipo para los amantes del rally y la buena cerveza / A team for lovers of rally and good beer / LogiaCervecera.com | | 4 |
| Lucifer Rally Team | Lucifer Rally Team | | 10 |
| Lundholm Rally | Lundholm Rally,
We drives in the Swedish RBR Series | | 5 |
| Lynx Racing Team | The Iberian Lynx is Racing for his life!! Save him! www.soslynx.org | | 12 |
| M M Racing Team | MMRT is an italian simracing team founded by Michele Molteni | | 7 |
| M&R Rally Team | Soustředíme se na RBR-Cup / XRS / RBR Planet | | 22 |
| M(oka)-Sport Hungary | Hungarian drivers driving for fun :) We love (to) rally! | | 8 |
| M-ce Rally Team | A brand new team | | 5 |
| M-sport Sweden | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Mad-Croc Racing | Website | | 11 |
| MAF RALLY TEAM | Madeira a Fundo Rally Team @ www.madeiraafundo.com | | 6 |
| Marlboro Rally Team Poland | Polski Team http://marlbororallyteampoland.fora.pl/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LktMt8jNQyE | | 4 |
| Matsuoka Motors | Even the person in which country can participate.
However, I am not good at English.
media | | 4 |
| Max Racing Team | A brand new team
www.max-racing.no | | 4 |
| MCMotorsport | Equipo español de SimRacing. | | 11 |
| MEGASPORT Rally | Perspective ukrainian rally team
Official site: www.megasport.in.ua | | 8 |
| MeTHKa rally team | Friends,rallying and good fun !
MeTHKa rally team | | 9 |
| Millers Oils Rally Team | Team for Polish Rally Championships. | | 5 |
| MILWAUKEE Motorsport | Relax tým pro nadšence do rally :)
Přijímáme nové aktivní členy! Neboj se podat žádost. :) | | 7 |
| MKteam | www.motokopytko.com.pl | | 8 |
| MM Racing | | | 13 |
| Mogul Racing Team | Sme partia ktorá jazdí pre zábavu. | | 5 |
| Momo racing team | Sunday Riders | | 4 |
| MONTEK MOTORSPORT | www.montek-motorsport.cz | | 17 |
| Morábia ST | Race 4 fun, not 4 fame!!! | | 26 |
| Mortonki Motorsports Racingteam | "MMR", Finnish rally drivers. | | 4 |
| MosDeporte | Pilotos de la web www.mosdeporte.com | | 7 |
| MOTORSPORT ČERNOUSY | Přeji všem členům našeho teamu mnoho ůspěchů v nové sezoně 2021 | | 13 |
| MOVO Racing | | | 4 |
| MP Motorsport | | | 5 |
| MP Racing Team | Březolupský Rally Team
http://www.mpracing.cz/ | | 15 |
| MR Corse | www.mrcorse.net | | 8 |
| MSP Competition | www.bps-rally.pl
www.bps-racing.com | | 4 |
| MTS SUBARU DZIERŻONIÓW TEAM | www.mtssubaru.pl | | 4 |
| MVD Motorsport | Radši pro prdel než na krev :D | | 3 |
| MWM Rally Team | Cieszyn | | 4 |
| NALÓN RACING TEAM | Pilotos de la Cuenca'l Nalón!! Pie a chapa y con fé!! | | 7 |
| NB Equipo Carreiras Virtuais | Equipo Galego de Carreiras virtuais | | 4 |
| Neste Rally Team Latvia | | | 12 |
| Neva Rally Team | Russian rally team from Saint-Petersburg. | | 4 |
| NEXUS Racing | Týmové stránky | | 22 |
| Nitram Racing | Equipo oficial de Nitram Racing | | 9 |
| No Fear Rally Team | No Fear RT WEB
| | 12 |
| No Limit Racing | No Limit Racing Web | | 5 |
| Nordic Sim Motorsport | Facebook Forum -12 IRC Champ | | 13 |
| Nordic Sim Motorsport-Junior | Facebook Forum | | 8 |
| np126p RT | zachęcamy do teamu np126p RT. Everyone invited | | 8 |
| NRC Legends | | | 6 |
| NRT | Notor Rally Team | | 4 |
| OCR Competicion | A brand new team | | 5 |
| ODY RACING TEAM FRÝDLANT | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Old men Rally Team | Senior Citizens league. 40+ drivers | | 4 |
| oriGINal RBR Team | https://www.facebook.com/pages/oriGINal-RBR-Team/266750380124801?fref=ts
Priority: Napa RBR Cup - NRC | | 9 |
| Ourense Rallysport RBR | Equipo de Ourense en RBR | | 5 |
| P--R Racing | RBR Rally Team | | 7 |
| P.E.P. Racing | Miscellaneous group of pro and wanna-be-pro drivers. ;) | | 6 |
| P.S.R.T | A brand new team | | 5 |
| Palmeirinha Rally | Palmeirinha Rally | | 4 |
| PALMIRA RBR Team | RBR-CUP / RSC / XRS | | 19 |
| Pannonia Rally Team | Hungarian RBR drivers
(forum) | | 10 |
| PBG | Příbramský gang | | 3 |
| Peaners Motorsport | Coming from tracks spread around the world we are ready to roll on gravel, tarmac and snow. We do not forgive, we do not forget, expect US! :) | | 4 |
| PecaRally Team | Pro všechny pohodové jezdce!!!
| | 8 |
| PECMAN Sport Team | Free team for all nation. :) | | 4 |
| Pécsi RBR | A szerény lóerőket, nagy bátorsággal pótoljuk! | | 4 |
| PEDAL To The METAL | Welcome all drivers, priority is given to drivers with least 60% finished tournaments! We aren't national team, we are from all over the world!
| | 19 |
| Peřina rally team | A brand new team | | 4 |
| PERU RBR TEAM | El equipo peruano de RBR | | 9 |
| Peter Racing Team | Better Racing Team | | 4 |
| Pivovar Kounice RBR Team | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Play-Max.pl Rally Team | www.play-max.pl
Play-max rally simulation cockpit | | 8 |
| Playteam | Playteam is a portuguese simracing team founded in 2007.
https://www.facebook.com/playteamjustfun/ | | 4 |
| PM Racing | Nove slozeni tymu | | 7 |
| PMJ Virtual Rally Team | A brand new team | | 9 |
| Poland Virtual Rally Team | no name team | | 16 |
| PRABOS Racing | Rally Team | | 5 |
| Prestige Rally Team | Racing for BULGARIA | | 6 |
| Provil MotorSport | Provil MotorSport Facebook page.
Provil MotorSport Home page official. | | 9 |
| Pucens team Laidi | | | 5 |
| Pure Motorsports | RBR and LFS racing team, born to race! | | 5 |
| PureSimRally | | | 6 |
| Putkinen Racing | | | 6 |
| PVR Pride GT-R | Emergency Exit Movie Team
| | 18 |
| PZ Motorsport | Successor of Rookie Rally Team and AK-SPORT WORLD RALLY TEAM | | 31 |
| R-EVOLUTION Team | R-EVOLUTION Official Web | | 13 |
| R70 Team | A brand new team | | 4 |
| RACEARENA Rally Team | Racearena Rally Team | | 12 |
| Racersteam Rally | Equipo de competición de Rally de la comunidad automovilistica de Racersteam.
Visita nuestra pagina www.racersteam.es y entra en nuestro foro de rbr checo y registrate.
| | 9 |
| RaceX WRT | Parta kamarádů, co se baví RBRkem | Týmové úspěchy: 1.místo RBR-CUP 2024 | | 14 |
| Racing-Team-Sahara | | | 7 |
| Rage Quit Racing | Digital motorsport e-rally team | | 5 |
| RALLY and RACE Team | www.rallyandrace.pl
Zapraszamy chętnych! Może to właśnie Ty dzisiaj do Nas dołączysz ? | | 10 |
| Rally Sim Belgium | for all who love rally and rally games
http://rallysimbelgium.actieforum.com | | 4 |
| Rally Team Argentina | | | 7 |
| Rally Team Lípa | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Rally Team Metuje | Nadšenci z Broumovské kotliny a okolí. | | 4 |
| RALLY Team Sokolov | A brand new team - Tým začínajících jezdců ze Sokolova a okolí. Hledáme další jezdce i z jiných častí ČR. | | 9 |
| RallyCup Squad & Autoracing.pl VRT | Sponsorzy:
| | 11 |
| Rallye Český Krumlov | www.rallyekrumlov.cz | | 12 |
| rallye e-motorsports | Zespół z Polanicy Zdroju, skupiający jego mieszkańców.
Team from Polanica Zdroj, bringing together people. | | 4 |
| Rallying for Holland | All Dutch speaking drivers representing our nations pride. Visit our website for more info | | 20 |
| Rallysport.hu Racing Team | Hungarian Rallyfans | | 7 |
| Rapid Riders Team | Jen jediná věc nás dělí od nejlepších týmů a to vzdálenost plynového pedálu od podlahy | | 8 |
| Ras Team Competicion | Equipo de la Comunidad de Madrid. | | 4 |
| RB RACING | Most sucessful RBR NRC team, 4 titles
(NRC8, NRC9, NRC10, NRC11) | | 6 |
| RBR - LT | http://www.rbr-lt.com/ | | 62 |
| RBR Generation Team | | | 8 |
| RBR MONSTER RallyTeam | Who Dares Wins | | 6 |
| RBR PRIOZERSK PROSPORT | The calm before the storm. Waiting for our team | | 7 |
| RBR Priozersk Rally Team | Rally not chess, then must think. | | 4 |
| RBR-Ru Rally Team | Welcome to Russian RBR Site - http://rbrally.gwn.ru | | 17 |
| RBRallySpain | A brand new
Grupo simracing de españoles que nos encantan los Rally, tramos, subidas.
joinchat/AAAAAEt3GnIYd2I5whqUag | | 9 |
| Red Bull Racing | A brand new team | | 4 |
| REP.GARAGE@JPN | Nippon Jin Gentei No Chiimu Desu!
Yoro- | | 9 |
| Repsol Rally Team Latvia | Repsol Rally Team Latvia Webpage
| | 12 |
| REVO eTeam Klatovy | Revolution Overdrive
WEB | | 13 |
| Rexteam | Novy team účastnící se NRC, RBR OLD, RBR CUP a dalších http://www.rexteam.cz/ oficialni rally team | | 15 |
| Ringeby Rally Team | Ringeby Rally Team is a swedish team. | | 4 |
| Rising Star Motorsport | A brand new team | | 9 |
| RM Motorsport | RM Motorsport | | 11 |
| Rock Max Racing | http://rock-max-racing61.webnode.cz/ | | 11 |
| Rookie Racing (RR) | A brand new team from Finspång.. ( Sweden ) | | 7 |
| ROTE motorsport | A brand new team | | 4 |
| ROXYCARPARTS Rally Team | www.roxycarparts.bg | | 4 |
| RPTEAM | Moscow region rally | | 6 |
| RRT-(Russian Rally Team) | | | 5 |
| RSTEAM | www.rsteam.org | | 4 |
| RT--WRC-- | Team homepage | | 9 |
| Rudbarzu Rally Team | Rally Team from Latvia
| | 4 |
| Runki Rally Team | Requirment to join: Atleast Runki once or twice a month. Drivers should be not ashamed to crash a lot. Apply now! It's just a fun team. All drivers in here are Free Agents. | | 9 |
| S&S Rally TEAM | All drivers are welcome | | 4 |
| S.A.D.A.C. Motorsport | S.A.D.A.C. Motorsport | | 10 |
| Satín Rally Sport | Přidej se k nám! Tým pro volnochvilkaře, víkendové jezdce, ale i aktivní hráče... Po přijmutí do týmu dostaneš týmový skin na míru! ;) | | 5 |
| Scott racing team | Scott racing team | | 4 |
| Scuderia 4 Fiesta | A brand new team | | 4 |
| SF Subaru|Ford Rally Team | GO!Go!Go!!!! and Kizz me!!! | | 4 |
| SGRACING | A brand new team | | 5 |
| Silesia Rally Team | Silesia Rally Maniacs
| | 4 |
| SIM-control | SIM-control | | 31 |
| Simdrivers | A brand new team | | 4 |
| ŠIMEK Racing | Legendární tým, který se účastní šampionátu NRC a Palmira RBR-CUPu | | 38 |
| SimRacing.cz | Team for members of SimRacing.cz league on rFactor. RBR is a 4fun bonus to us. | | 25 |
| Simulation Based Motorsports Team | | | 4 |
| ŠKODA pro racing | A brand new team | | 4 |
| Skoda Rally Club | www.skodarallyclub.wbs.cz | | 7 |
| Slavs RT | Contact ICQ - 323-872-446
MSN - maxiaxia@msn.com | | 9 |
| SLIVEN RALLY TEAM | A brand new team | | 4 |
| SLORBR Rally TEAM | Hope to see rbrcz back again! | | 19 |
| Slovenija Racing Team | We are racers ! | | 4 |
| SMRT | Slow Motion Racing Team | | 4 |
| ŠOPA motorsport | Valašský rally team | | 5 |
| Sporco WRT | | | 7 |
| SrS Racing | http://rallysim.wix.com/specialrallysim | | 5 |
| SRС ASTANA Team | Co6aka J|AET - KapaBaH uDeT | | 6 |
| SS Rally Team | Team from Norway
| | 4 |
| Stratos Racing Team | Un grupo de pirados por el rally | | 4 |
| Středočech RBR Team | Team Web | | 13 |
| Subaru WRT | Subaru WRT | | 6 |
| Sunday drivers incorporation | Famous team from Live for speed | | 6 |
| Sunday Racing | Závodění nehortíme a jezdíme pro radost! :)
SUNDAY RACING website | | 4 |
| SUP Rally | Equipo de Rally de origen Canario, con el único objetivo de pasarlo bien y disfrutar de nuestra pasión. twitter.com/racing_sup | | 6 |
| Svarmetal RBRTeam | Oficiální tým Svarmetal Motorsportu. | | 18 |
| Swedish OBT Team | Svenskt gäng som kör för att ha skoj. Intreserad ? Gå in här.
http://uffes.forum24.se/ | | 5 |
| System Stroy | Vyškov | | 5 |
| T&T Racing | | | 21 |
| T2SP Rally Team | Equipo de rallys de la Comunidad T2SP- www.comunidadt2sp.es | | 6 |
| Tasman | [PL] | | 5 |
| Team ConverTTable | driven by the designer cockpit
http://www.team-converttable.de | | 5 |
| Team DEDENGA | A brand new team | | 4 |
| TEAM LFRBR | French League Team
http://lfrbr.ffsca.org | | 26 |
| Team Naron | | | 5 |
| Team Protype | We are fastest RBR Team in hotlapping.. | | 4 |
| TeamFRC & VWRC | www.team-frc.de
www.vwrc.net | | 12 |
| Tele 2 Rally Team | Tele 2 RT not dead! | | 5 |
| THINK.0NE eSports | | | 38 |
| TOTAL Motorsport Team | Totalmotorsport | | 16 |
| TR Legends | Spojeni prvnich 3 tymu posledniho rocniku Team Rally, Nexus, Iridium, Kizz-me WRT, aby spolecne vybojovaly titul v 9 sezone NAPA RBR CUPU! | | 10 |
| Trinacria Corse | Team Trinacria Corse
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/568089450595890/ | | 8 |
| TRITON Rally Team | www.tritonracing.com
info@tritonracing.com | | 13 |
| Trnava CRT | Private Czech Rally Team. Since 22.10.2021. | | 13 |
| TugasRacing | nice racers
| | 5 |
| TulowiceRallyTeam | One for All, All for One | | 5 |
| Turtle Rallyz Team | -------
A team for fun and non stressed people!
Speed is not necesary only good vibes!
Equipo para divertirse dirigido a gente no estresada ,No es necesario ser rápido, solo buen rallyrollo!
# Discord: https://discord.gg/M8guh4V
---------- | | 11 |
| UB-RBR | | | 4 |
| USA RALLY TEAM | A̲C̲C̲E̲P̲T̲S̲ ̲A̲L̲L̲ ̲J̲U̲S̲T̲ ̲B̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲V̲E̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲J̲O̲I̲N̲ ̲D̲I̲S̲C̲O̲R̲D̲: https://discord.gg/Ae29sAs | | 6 |
| V+Z Motorsport TRS Team | Trabi team | | 4 |
| V3 Rallysport | V3 Racing Rally Division | | 7 |
| VACA Motorsport | Please join us! Prosím přidejte se! | | 5 |
| Vagamundos ▪ Rallyteam | Nový tým, který nabírá nové jezdce. Přidej se k nám! | | 4 |
| Valdemarpils Rally Team(LV) | Valdemarpils Drivers... | | 4 |
| VANADI | jsme VANADI | | 11 |
| varc - virtueller allgemeiner r2 cup | Anmeldung unter : www.gvrc.de | | 4 |
| VCT Rally Team | Va Como Trompada Rally Team
** ARGENTINA ** | | 5 |
| VD Rally Team | VD Rally Team | | 4 |
| VelRacingRally | Spanish Virtual Rally Team dedicated to RBR competitions | | 8 |
| Viking Speed Racing | | | 5 |
| VK motorsport | www.vkmotorsport.estranky.cz | | 5 |
| VLK Motorsport | Rally team POPRAD | | 4 |
| VNSimracing | Equipo de competición de aficionados a los rallys y al Simracing. | | 6 |
| Vozdovac Rally Team VRT | VRT | | 5 |
| VR Rally Team | Homeo homeo! | | 4 |
| VRally Team | Наш сайт: vrally-team.at.ua
Если есть желающие ездить под знаменами команды, то милости просим! .
| | 6 |
| VRN Team | Virtual Racing Nation | | 5 |
| VROOOM! | Portugal Fanhais | | 5 |
| Vybíječi | tři bratři a jeden zatím loser :-) | | 4 |
| W.A.M Racing | @WeAreMadm3n | | 7 |
| Walda Motorsport | Skupinka převážně Valašských šílenců co je to ještě pořád nějak baví i když na to už tolik času není...
"Bavte sa a užívajte, před závodem na kuráž,
slivovičku nalejte" | | 22 |
| WalimRajdowy | www.walimskiehoryzonty.pl | | 4 |
| WCM | West Coast Motorsport By Morabia Sport Team | | 10 |
| Wild West Virtual Rally Team | Official web-site | | 9 |
| Wilqu Rally team | Wilqu Rally Team | | 5 |
| Wind Masters | http://windmasters.at.ua | | 4 |
| Winter-Rallyesport | The Team is about the WINTER Family :) | | 4 |
| World Rally Team - SABINA | příjmáme zájemce, We accept applicants | | 6 |
| World Rally Team Estonia | Estonian fast drivers! Feel free to join -> rbrel.com | | 160 |
| WRC-Walachia rally club | New team..hledáme členy :-) | | 8 |
| WRR Motor Sthlm | Wladica Rabrenovic Racing | | 4 |
| Wyprzedź Mnie Rally Team | Official site FB.COM/TEAMWMRT
| | 4 |
| XtremeRacers Rally Team | Conduce Limpio y Disfruta...
www.xtremeracers.info | | 20 |
| Yalta Crimea Rally Team | Friend's team | | 20 |
| Żegocina Rally Team | | | 9 |
| ZGORZELEC Virtual Rally Team | www.hubex.pl, www.gordon.com.pl, | | 5 |
| ZM Czech Rally Team | www.zmrbr.com | | 11 |
| ZNC Motorsport | Zlonice Motorsport | | 4 |
| Zoom Competition | We are a finnish sim racing team, which runs mainly in rFactor, but RBR is a good sideproject to some of us.
http://zoomcompetition.webs.com/ | | 8 |
| [MS] RBR Škoda Team [MS] | A brand new team | | 4 |
| TSI | A brand new team | | 4 |