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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

VWRC 2010 - Rally Mexico
Rally Sweden - Second round for the Virtual World Rally Championship 2010. More infos on
1.3.2010 0:01 - 7.3.2010 23:59
RZ/SS 9 - SS 9 - Guanajuatito
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): A5
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, večer, průzračno, jasno
6.8 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PředchozíNa RZ 9DalšíPo RZ 9

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
12Slovinsko BLATNIK Primozhad some problems in the first half of the rally and thought already that the chances of a good finish aren\'t high, but then managed a push on two stages, but there are plenty of competitors to come so good luck to them
12Polsko BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszjeszcze na sam koniec babol ale to cisnienie
12Česká republika CAPEK TomasWooohooo :-D
12Polsko CEBULA Jarekvery difficult rally for me...begining wasn\'t bad but I think that my setup wasn\'t best many times I had big understeering...then I did some changes but it was so so slippery and at last stage I was 3 times out of the road :D
12Česká republika CECH Mira:-(
12Kanada DAMARIO GinoYah. I made the last 90 left on this stage. Cool rally, though the service was too long.
12Česká republika DUDA Milavery good rally,thenks
12Česká republika FAZEKAS Jirihezky
12Germany FITTIG Hannesbad
12Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasWhat I can say? I says it\'s quite clean rally without big drama in the midle of rally I a bit put presure from mine spot. Rene you very fast and in future you will win rally like Matuez did in sweden :) Congratulation all winers !
12Croatia GRGURINA RobiI had some problems with car balance after few offs on the stage before. Spin and few off again. Good luck and see you next time!
12Lithuania GRICIUS VytautasOK FINIS////////////////
12Švédkso HERNEHULT DennisI finaly finish. had a good start but when grip was very bad around ss8 I lost all controll and could not push becouse of the risk. Thanks organizer and good luck Jernej!!
12Finsko HIRVELA TommiNice drive Antti. My driving was not what I expected. Hope to see you all in Jordania with S2000 class. Cheers.
12Česká republika JANAC Ondrejlot of mistakes,but I am in finish and its ok for me
12Finsko KALHOLA AnttiGlad to see my team mate at the finish. No big mistakes but when the grip got bad I also lost my rhythm and didn\'t really attack anymore, too dangerous roads for that I guess. Good luck to other competitors and thanks for organizers.
12Polsko KIEROWCA Testowyok,good fight with Dennis, 2 mistakes on m2 coz no grip,with no grip i cant drive,thanks for tha rally;)
12Russian Federation KORYSTOV DmitryGood tournament. Although result is bad :) but I\'ve set personal best time
12Slovinsko KRUH Gregoryeah, i did...i drove slow and careful because i have only 3 mistakes (with this lose 20s)... i very happy to see the finish and good fight jan :) see you in next event good luck where is the simon tomazic???
12Česká republika KUBINI VladimirThanks, hello next
12Česká republika KULHANEK Aless autem jsme jeli poprve, takze jsme se ucili ja i mitfara...vsechno bylo oproti misakovi jinak, ale musim uznat, ze takovahle zmena je vazne zabava...jeste si zkusim asfalt...
12Polsko KUSMIREK RomekThanks.
12Germany LINTZ Janno no no...not good at all! Fiurst stage DNF and at the midle of the rallye another one. Besides of that I could manage some good times. Need more patience. Good luck at all.
12Finsko MAKINEN Tommi3,91 :D lol , bad rally for me , see ya next rally, joo taa ralli pitaa unohtaa nyt , keskittya tulevaan :)
12Česká republika MATOUSEK Vlastimilno tragedy
12Slovinsko MEJAK Markoi was so nervous on this one :D too bad for the cfh but ok shit happens :)
12Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK srthis time i managed to reach finish, but it was not easy
12Finsko Mike HonchoRally started so well and as always i blew my changes. C4 starts to feel better and better....
12Česká republika MLEZIVA JakubI was 2times out from the way....very bad performance :( see you next rally, bye.
12Česká republika MOLITOR Pavelwerry good rally,thanks bi :-)
12Česká republika MORAVEK JanFinish!!! I am very happy :-) Very difficult rally! thanks for organisator :-)
12Česká republika NOVY Karel:-(
12Finsko PUTKINEN Rikuwohoo! i\'m happy to be in finish, this is my first rally in this championship and that good drive so i\'m happy. this is the first time ever for me when i didn\'t crashed or rolled any time in this long rally :D now looking forward how fast others comes...thanks for the rally and congrats to podium!!
12Česká republika REJMAN Milantak to jsem to pekne pohnojil. 3x nedojel, asi dvakrat tolik pomoci a vyletu ven nepocitane. uf
12Finsko REPO KimmoBad rally from me:( Thanks!
12Germany RITTER Reneboaaaa i m very very very ANGRRYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would say STAGE 8 ..... o good luck all other drivers it result can be sooo good!
12Japan RUKAWA KyonNo big mistake I\'m glad Thanks for vwrc,and thanks for this great skin creator! cu
12Slovensko RYBAR JanIt was very difficult event for us and now I am happy in finish.We had 2 mistakes when we were nearly fatal crash but we keep balance and only spined car.From the 1st stage I had bat feeling so Iam didnt push to throtle so mucch.GL to all in finish.See you on the next rally:D
12Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikja ja
12Česká republika SINDELAR Martasskoda te prvni rzety .if motorsport
12Germany STEIN Torstengood Rally,but the times??????????
12Germany STEINBACH Lutzvery good rally,I am pleased to Tim
12Polsko SWIEZY Dawidgood rally for me:)No big mistakes but driving was very carefully.
12Česká republika TABORSKY Marekgood race, thanks VWRC
12Slovinsko TOMASSINI KristijanWell... what can i say.. it should be quite clean rally if I weren\'t crash heavily twice on SS11 and lost about 30s plus the car was a wreck.. Simon just do it easy.. Good luck! Jernej mislim, da bi morala biti ta dirka tvoja, glede na izbor prog :D
12Česká republika TOMECEK Liborthank the organizers for the nice and difficult rally ... one error after another !!!
12Finsko Topi HovinenI cant believe it! The last stage and this guy right here fails it by driving to a ditch with rear tyres and getting stuck there. The stage is getting better as now I know atleast which way I should go. Although I should be happy to be at the finish but arggh... Thanks for organizing anyway
12Česká republika VALEK Vlastana uplne prvni RZ jsme udelali 2 obr chyby -hledal jsem ve vysledcich Lubose....jako premiera docela dobre.jsem rad,ze jsme udelali Pavla -je to dobry souper....
12Polsko WALCZAK PiotrDespite my horrible ridiculous mistakes, I finished in the top 10 in my class so it\'s preety good for a debut(especially on the keyboard).Good luck for everybody in the next rally !!
11Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkato sem tomu zase dal pres strechu
11Polsko BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszoj
11Slovinsko FELTRIN JernejNot my day. Good luck to you all and thanx to organizers!
11Germany FITTIG Hannesomfg rolled again -.-
11Croatia GRGURINA Robifew offs
11Estonia Janek_Madhousec4h
11Finsko KALHOLA AnttiBanged the rear end into a bank a few times and damaged the wheels.
11Česká republika KULHANEK Alessilene zas otluceny ze vsech stran...
11Finsko LINNA Lassii hate those cameramans
11Finsko MAKINEN Tommi360 spin :D and many mistakes , bad day for me
11Slovinsko MEJAK Markosome mistakes but ok...i don\'t like this one
11Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakublost concentration...
11Česká republika MOLITOR Pavelrolled
11Česká republika MORAVEK Janwery good
11Finsko PUTKINEN Rikucarefully through. alkaa tulee hiki jo nain pitkassa rallissa, selka marka :D
11Česká republika REJMAN Milanpomoc
11Finsko REPO Kimmoroll
11Japan RUKAWA Kyonbad grip
11Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikok
11Polsko SWIEZY Dawidlast stage:)
11Česká republika TABORSKY Marekok...
11Slovinsko TOMASSINI KristijanThat was fuckin\' disaster... rolled twice.... the car is going to be scrapped after the last one if it survives... Sh!t....
11Finsko Topi Hovinenheh, I\'m starting to get worried about PTD again...
11Česká republika VODICKA Petrno word, cfh again
11Česká republika VOSTAREK Michalvery bad:(
10Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkaasi ok zatim pojedu jenom na dojety
10Polsko BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszprzestrzelone skrzyzowanie
10Česká republika DUDA Milaok
10Germany FITTIG Hannesroll... needed help of the spectators
10Polsko JANGAS MariuszKowalczyk biegnie sorki
10Finsko KALHOLA AnttiSlow cruise through, lethal stage with this grip so didn\'t want to take any risks.
10Russian Federation KORYSTOV DmitryPersonal best
10Česká republika KULHANEK Alespretahnul jsem to a trefil jsem strom...nastesti to dojelo do cile a vse opraveno...
10Finsko MAKINEN Tommispin in first split and very big jump :)
10Slovinsko MEJAK Markomany many mistakes
10Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakubspin...its pity....Why is servis so long?? Its about nothing...
10Česká republika MORAVEK Janok, no problem :-)
10Finsko PUTKINEN Rikucarefully...
10Česká republika REJMAN Milancelou rz jsem varil, az jsem za cilem uvaril
10Česká republika RENDLA Michalcar died
10Srbsko RISTIC UrosDriving almost whole stage without a brakes, losing them after big crash.. :)
10Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikale jo
10Česká republika TABORSKY Marekbig crissis...uf uf
10Finsko Topi HovinenWent wide in a junction and then completely misjudged THE jump :D man, that was close a disaster...
9Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkau konce do kamene strata 7s
9Germany FITTIG Hannespedal to the metal again
9Česká republika KULHANEK Alesbudka jako prase...tady vubec nemuzu jet stopu jako s Misakem...ten podvozek jinde funguje, ale tady vubec...vzdycky me to nakopne a uz se valim...v protismeru to bylo to samy...
9Finsko LINNA Lassivituiks meni
9Finsko MAKINEN Tommiroll :/ ei mee hyvin nytte, auto maaliin nyt vaan
9Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakubbig mistake....I was long after jump and almost its over. I am lucky.
9Česká republika MORAVEK Janok
9Finsko PUTKINEN Rikutoo careful driving, mistakes
9Česká republika REJMAN Milan2 vylety mimo s 1 pomoci
9Česká republika RENDLA MichalOut in last corner. Broke radiator.
9Germany RITTER Renewow i have the full car feeling.
9Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikjo
9Bulgaria SLAVCHEV Krasimir4 rolls
9Polsko STENER Pavelbad bad bad crash, I go out from rally, see you ;]
9Polsko SWIEZY Dawidwith BIG problems
9Česká republika TABORSKY problem
9Finsko Topi HovinenPretty careful
9Polsko WALCZAK Piotr!!!!!!!!!!!!
8Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkadira me odhodila primo do lesa hodne velka ztrata
8Germany FITTIG Hannesok
8Švédkso HERNEHULT Dennisout of track. had to change gear to reverse....
8Finsko KALHOLA AnttiLots of big moments. Nearly went off after the long straight as well, but managed to stay out of trees with staying on a gas and having a half-spin.
8Česká republika KULHANEK Alesauto opraveno....
8Finsko MAKINEN Tommiit\'s over now , 3x out this stage , nyt ajellaa vaa terveisia :))
8Česká republika MLEZIVA JakubI drove very very bad...
8Česká republika MOLITOR PavelCrash
8Česká republika MORAVEK Janlast split was very careful
8Česká republika PETERA Jirka junbad rally for me
8Finsko PUTKINEN Rikudamn...retire was soooooo close! huh...
8Česká republika REJMAN Milandojezd bez brzd
8Germany RITTER Renei give all what i have... man this rally runs very good.
8Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikja
8Germany SOMMER Timi do to many mistakes...i must be more concentrate
8Česká republika TABORSKY Marekshit stering from 7 SS :-D
8Česká republika VELE Mirekdo haje !!!!!
7Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkatady tu rz nesnasim protoze ju neumim skoda
7Portugalsko Daniel FerreiraSTRAIGHT OUT.... TREEEE
7Germany FITTIG Hannesok
7Švédkso HERNEHULT Dennisagree whit anttiiii
7Finsko KALHOLA AnttiVery difficult stage with this grip level.
7Polsko KARCZ Sebastianno coment
7Česká republika KRAJCA Lukas:-(
7Česká republika KULHANEK Aleschtel jsem trosku zrychlit a hledat limit a mezicasy nic moc, jediny k cemu to vedlo, ze jsem posledni vracak pred cilem projel po strese...:( dlouho mi trvalo nez jsem se vyhrabal zpatky...:(
7Finsko LINNA Lassidamn, hitted tree
7Finsko MAKINEN Tommicrash
7Česká republika MATOUSEK Vlastimilk...a uz teda
7Finsko Mike Honchoagain cgh
7Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakubok...
7Česká republika MORAVEK Janno good for me
7Česká republika PETERA Jirka junbig spin
7Česká republika PURGER RadekNEMA TO CENU!!! SPADLO RBR A +5 minut kua!!!!!
7Finsko PUTKINEN Rikuabsolutely too carefully driving and then i had handbrake bug again
7Česká republika REJMAN Milanchyb jak maku
7Finsko REPO KimmoFucking gear box! Taa paska hajoo heti ko osuu pikkasenki johonki :-(
7Germany RITTER Renefor a little time up from the road
7Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikja
7Česká republika SINDELKA Robertdamaged wheel, big problem :-)
7Polsko SWIEZY Dawidtoo carefully!!!
7Česká republika TABORSKY Marekstering KO :-(
7Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijanthe grip is terrible.. at least for my (non existant) driving skills :D
7Finsko Topi HovinenThe grip is getting awful and I\'m not so familiar with these reversed stages. But overall a good run. Some S2000 cars are going like mad
7Česká republika VELE Mirek300metru pred cilem rana a prevodovka zas,no vite kde !
7Česká republika VODICKA Petr....omg
6Slovinsko BLATNIK Primozfail
6Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkaok
6Polsko BOSS PawelCFH
6Česká republika DUDA Milaok
6Česká republika FAZEKAS Martinneni cas to brat vazne :D
6Germany FITTIG Hannesno risk
6Croatia GRGURINA Robiovershoot a hairpin
6Česká republika HEJNA Thomascrash
6Švédkso HERNEHULT Denniscant do better on this ss...
6Finsko KALHOLA AnttiVery very careful, hopefully not too careful. Well if someone dares to attack here and survives then I will lose a lot.
6Polsko KARCZ Sebastianuff hard stage for me
6Česká republika KULHANEK Alesauto opraveno...
6Finsko LINNA Lassitoo much mistakes, two times missed intersection and some spins
6Finsko MAKINEN Tommiagain mistakes in last split
6Česká republika MATOUSEK Vlastimildebil....
6Finsko Mike Honchodamn cfh
6Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakubsafety.
6Česká republika MORAVEK Janone little mistake
6Česká republika parosThis stzage was one of the best from me.
6Česká republika PETERA Jirka juncar ok
6Finsko PUTKINEN Rikusome very scary moments in this stage, almost rolled and crashed from big speed
6Česká republika REJMAN Milanpomoc divaku nebyla nic platna, strom byl silnejsi
6Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikale...
6Germany SOMMER Timmy head is wet
6Polsko STENER PavelCFH :/
6Česká republika TABORSKY MarekI am idiot.....blba chyba no a bez leveho zadniho kola se blbe jede:-D
6Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijanwell Dennis is to far ... so no use of attacking.. Simon please don\'t make the same stupidity as you did in WCN :)
6Finsko Topi HovinenI have to admit I never thought my rally would last this far :)
6Česká republika VODICKA Petr....! I went out about 150m before finish
6Česká republika VOSTAREK Michalvery fast and crash:(
5Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkastrata bude za chvilku velka to ne
5Polsko BUCZKOWSKI Tomasznie lubie szutru
5Česká republika CAPEK TomasCrash :-(
5Česká republika CECH MiraChybi kolecko s vice zubama
5Kanada DAMARIO GinoSome nice rolls on that one.
5Germany FITTIG Hannespedal to the metal
5Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasYes pedal to the metal like Rene
5Česká republika JOHN Tomaschyba a jen stredni prevodovka tady to dela hodne..
5Finsko KALHOLA AnttiStarting to lose some grip now, didn\'t come well.
5Česká republika KRAJCA Lukascrash
5Polsko KUBICKI Patryki hate my Clio!
5Česká republika KULHANEK Alessakris, ted to zakoplo a budka jako prase...tahne to do strany...ale je to tank..misak uz by byl po smrti...
5Finsko LINNA Lassibad
5Finsko MAKINEN Tommiflatout :)
5Slovinsko MEJAK Markohuh that was soooo close to crash :)
5Slovinsko MEJAK Matejok
5Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakubwell....just safety.
5Česká republika MORAVEK Janok, no problem
5Česká republika PETERA Jirka junLukas :( and me.... that\'s strange
5Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyFuck!
5Srbsko RISTIC Urosok
5Germany RITTER RenePedal to the metal^^
5Česká republika SCHIMMER Janaustralie mi jde min nez USA a zdravim sveho bratra kterej je na lyzaku :D :D :D
5Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikok
5Česká republika Solil Peterok
5Germany SOMMER Timohh no, i hate this type of stages
5Polsko SWIEZY Dawidshort gearbox;/
5Česká republika TABORSKY Marekgood race
5Finsko Topi Hovinenthat was ok
5Česká republika UTRATA Lukasshit, its ovet, rolled twice and in finish we crashed, car is ko
5Česká republika VELE Mirekvylet mezi senoritas
5Polsko WALCZAK Piotrthis fucking disaster !!!!!!!!!!!!
5Finsko WILLMAN Oskarithat was good stage
4Germany ANSORGE Bjoernomg my gearbox is broken i have one gear
4Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkaopraveno muzem pokracovat
4Polsko BUCZKOWSKI Tomaszlipa panie
4Germany FITTIG Hannesno risk
4Česká republika HEJNA ThomasHruza, neznam takze jizda na jistotu
4Švédkso HERNEHULT Dennisnever liked this ss. I am to scared to push
4Bulgaria IVANOV BorisCall for help
4Finsko KALHOLA AnttiTried to be careful but still managed to make couple of mistakes, no rhythm at all.
4Česká republika KUBERA MichalMusel jsem to poslat do stromu,jinak by mi to na vyjezdu z lesa zase spadlo. Takhle aspon muzu pokracovat dal...
4Finsko LINNA Lassii think my best drive ever in this stage :D
4Finsko MAKINEN Tommi360 spin and stop the engine :(
4Slovinsko MEJAK Markodamn spectators
4Slovinsko MEJAK Matejvery good time for me :)
4Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakubok....long servis i dont like it....
4Česká republika MOLITOR Pavelcrash :-(
4Česká republika MORAVEK Janit is horrible stage....i drive very careful
4Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milansem pip
4Česká republika PETERA Jirka junok
4Finsko PUTKINEN Rikusome hot moments :D
4Česká republika REJMAN Milansloupek a finito
4Česká republika RENDLA Michalok
4Germany RITTER Renei go full... a very small stage but it runs very good.
4Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikok
4Česká republika Solil Peterdamage of gearbox
4Polsko SWIEZY Dawidvery bad;/spin in first corner
4Finsko Topi HovinenWohoo! It worked! First time ever on the stage really. I think I spent more time off the road than actually on it. And I\'m not talking about cutting the corners now.
4Česká republika UTRATA Lukasdont like this stage, mistakes
4Česká republika VELE Mirekdiky za servis
4Česká republika VOSTAREK Michalhelp to spectators
4Polsko WACH Tomek;/
4Polsko WALCZAK PiotrI can go faster , but still i\'m driving not cerefully
3Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriGave up...:-( Damn it...:-(
3Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkaok
3Portugalsko Daniel Ferreiracfh..
3Germany DEUBNER MarkGrausam echt.. Das ruckeln nervt wie sau.
3Česká republika DUDA Milaok
3Germany FITTIG Hannesgood run
3Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasOn some places pedal to metal but where is Rene pedal? :D
3Croatia GRGURINA Robioff road
3Bulgaria IVANOV Boris3 crashes
3Česká republika JOHN Tomasskoda ale pocital jsem s tim no.. odeslo chlazeni 2km pred cilem
3Finsko KALHOLA AnttiNot a particularly great drive, could feel the engine starting to lose power in the long straights leading up to the finish.
3Estonia Keijo PRIKStooo slow
3Česká republika KOSTKA Lukasmany mistakes
3Česká republika KULHANEK Alesjejda...skrtnul jsem si o breh a hodilo me to do stromu...ale jelo se pekne...
3Polsko KUSMIREK Romekproblems
3Finsko LINNA Lassigood
3Finsko MAKINEN Tommisome mistakes last split
3Česká republika MATOUSEK Vlastimilno to me poser,subaru cup,az ted koukam...priste jedu s lancerem
3Slovinsko MEJAK Matejsome mistakes
3Česká republika MLEZIVA JakubIts bad...I am tired.
3Česká republika MORAVEK Janrelative ok :-)
3Česká republika PETERA Jirka junok
3Finsko PUTKINEN Rikuhandbrake bug in second split. it locked on itself!
3Srbsko RISTIC Urosok
3Germany RITTER Renelove this Sound of the car^^
3Česká republika SIMECEK Patrikajaj
3Česká republika SINDELKA Robertzatim to ujde
3Bulgaria SLAVCHEV Krasimir2 rolls
3Česká republika Solil Petermotor is out
3Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrasumete ir medis \42D
3Finsko Topi HovinenNot good at all. Two big spins. Well, it was good to see I can finish these stages. Unless a miracle happens and PTD loads properly, I guess this is the end of the rally for me :\
3Česká republika UTRATA Lukasfew moments, but ok
3Česká republika VELE Mirekneradi prevodovka
3Česká republika VOSTAREK Michalroll my car
3Finsko WILLMAN OskariI hitted to tree and after that water temp was high. And at the end the engine lost power
2Švédkso Anders SVARDDamn. 2 cfh and one huge roll.
2Latvia BEIKMANIS Robertsdaammm c4h
2Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkatady to sem zajel nejak dobre
2Polsko BORSUK Bartekdifficult stage for me
2Portugalsko Daniel Ferreirafinding rithm.. ok
2Germany DEUBNER MarkFrag mich was das schon wieder ist.. Es ruckelt von einer Kurve zur anderen.. Das Game macht mich irre langsam
2Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejok, only one cfh-hard to drive without brakes:)
2Germany FITTIG Hannescar was not too damaged... been lucky :D
2Česká republika GABOR Stefan:/
2Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasYes Rene back! I drive with wrong gearbox :(
2Česká republika HEJNA Thomascrash
2Švédkso HERNEHULT Dennissmashed a tree and went backwards. lost maybe 6-7 sec. had a good flow otherwise
2Bulgaria IVANOV BorisMany, many problems
2Česká republika JOHN Tomasskoda ten konec nam nejde
2Finsko KALHOLA AnttiNot really one of my best stages, but no big mistakes.
2Česká republika KOSTKA Lukasone big mistake
2Polsko KUBICKI Patrykto jakies nieporozumienie jest :/ wywalilem juz praktycznie odhamowany w mete bokiem i auto juz nie ruszylo!!!
2Česká republika KULHANEK je super zabava! Sice jak se to musi tocit, tak radim jako drevo sem tam a nevim co tam mam dat za vracakach taham za rucku a vzdycky se mi to udusi....:-D. Ale ve finale pro me super cas...No nic, jdu se s tim ucit, snad s tim hned neprastim, abych se trochu povozil...
2Polsko KUPCZAK Andrzejbig crash+ CFH
2Polsko LISOWSKI Mateuszfatal :(
2Finsko MAKINEN Tommibad,i hate this stage
2Česká republika MATOUSEK Vlastimilsmall crash...lost maybe 12 sec.
2Slovinsko MEJAK Markoone off, lost about 3 or 4 second...but ok, no serious damage
2Česká republika MLEZIVA JakubIt was realy loong servis....ok.
2Česká republika MORAVEK Jangood for me :-)
2Česká republika PETERA Jirka junnice!
2Česká republika PURGER RadekTotal crash
2Finsko PUTKINEN Rikuwent off the road at the end
2Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyBad stage for me...
2Česká republika REJMAN Milandrobne chyby
2Česká republika RENDLA Michaloff
2Srbsko RISTIC Urosok
2Germany RITTER Reneyes good Job nice feeling the car is very good to drive i m happy!
2Japan SASAKI Misatomeny mistakes...
2Polsko SAWICKI Darekcfh
2Srbsko SMILJKOVIC StefanI rolld but I realy didn\'t have to :D.CFH
2Česká republika Solil Peterok, but very hart
2Germany SOMMER Timthe steup is excellent
2Germany STEINBACH Lutzno problem
2Česká republika SUDICKY Miraok
2Polsko SWIEZY Dawidbardzo spokojna jazda.Wogole nie podchodza mi te trasy wiec tylko walcze o przetrwanie:)
2Slovinsko TOMASSINI KristijanJernej this one should be yours :D
2Finsko Topi HovinenA spin and a stall. Luckily the head gasket lasted the whole stage. Surprisingly good time considering that before the rally I couldn\'t even make it to the first split....
2Česká republika UTRATA Lukasgood stage, car ok
2Česká republika VALENA Frantisekstrecha!!S vylomenymi koly to fakt nejede!
2Polsko WALCZAK Piotrtwo horrible mistakes !!!
2Polsko WIJAS Adrianno i jak zawsze musialem zaliczyc row ale cud ze wyjechalem i jade dalej:)
2Finsko WILLMAN Oskarifew little mistakes
2Germany WINTER Svenmistake in the beginning, result suspension defect
1Česká republika BEZSTAROSTI JiriFuck! :-( In first corner...:-(
1Slovinsko BLATNIK Primozhi&good luck
1Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkazdravim
1Polsko BORSUK Bartekspin
1Česká republika CAPEK TomasGood.
1Česká republika CECH MiraAhoj,Hallo.
1Portugalsko Daniel Ferreiraok.. hi all
1Estonia EICHFUSS Allarcar did a strange move and lost 5 sec.
1Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejhi all! CFH and we lost the brakes:)
1Germany FITTIG Hannesroll after finish... lets see how the car drives now :s
1Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojashello all, at the first corner big drama.. so clouse near to crash :( huh big stress :(
1Česká republika HEJNA ThomasGood
1Finsko HIRVELA TommiHello. This is just a practice run for me as a \42Safety car\42 :) Hopefully I can compete in Jordania with S2000 class :)
1Estonia Janek_Madhouseauto suri v2lja, 10 sekki l2ks
1Polsko JANGAS Mariuszkiepsko
1Srbsko JEVTIC Ivanbig mistake
1Finsko KALHOLA AnttiOk start, little bit scary in places.
1Česká republika KALISTA Jiriall right
1Estonia Keijo PRIKSbad drive
1Česká republika KUBINI VladimirHi
1Česká republika KULHANEK AlesS timhle autem jedu poprve v zivote ostry zavod, tak uvidime jak nam to s tim pujde...Prvni poznatky oproti A8 jsou skvely brzdy, ale kratka skrin...jelo to 180km/h a vic ani tuk...:(
1Finsko LINNA Lassivery hard stage for me
1Slovinsko MEJAK MatejOMG!!! I drove this so many times and never gone off like that :(
1Česká republika MLEZIVA JakubHi, I did some change on the setup and it was not be good. I wiil have to return it.
1Česká republika MOLITOR PavelHallo :-)
1Česká republika MORAVEK Janhi!!! First stage was OK...
1Česká republika OSTROVSKY MilanAhoj
1Česká republika PETERA Jirka junspin =D
1Polsko PIEKARSKI Andrzejok
1Finsko PUTKINEN Rikucareful start
1Česká republika REJMAN Milanzdar, zacatek opatrne
1Česká republika RENDLA MichalHi all!
1Germany RITTER Reneyes ok but i m slide very hard over the Stage... we push at the next Stage a little more look what goes on! ;)
1Norsko SAUJANHOLM Linashi all
1Polsko SAWICKI Darekbig spin
1Česká republika SCHIMMER Janna konci hodiny :-(
1Česká republika SINDELAR Martassakra divaci no to jsem zacal.
1Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanheh,167 max speed
1Česká republika Solil Peterok, I have started slowli
1Germany SOMMER TimHej guys
1Germany STEINBACH LutzGood Start
1Česká republika SUDICKY MiraHi all, not a good day
1Slovinsko TOMASSINI KristijanHi there :) I HATE THIS STAGE...
1Česká republika TOMECEK LiborHi all !!
1Finsko Topi HovinenWell the game is going to crash on PTD anyway. Great stage choices really :) Just came here to see if I can stay on road until that.
1Česká republika VODICKA Petrhi
1Polsko WACH Tomekzalosny czas :/
1Finsko WILLMAN OskariI rolled about half kilometer after start, I lost over 10 sek :(
1Polsko wlodekhi
1Polsko WROBEL Przemekmistakes

Události na serveru
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  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
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  • Halenkovice 2018

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1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
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Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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