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8.Classic Cup 2013
Rally Argentina '83 info:
24.8.2013 0:05 - 30.8.2013 23:59
RZ/SS 6 - Amboy (AU)
Results for class (group): N3
surface new and dry, good weather, morning, crisp, clear
9.6 km
All / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
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SSNameDrivers comments
8Poland ANUSIEWICZ WojciechTobias poza zasiegiem... :)
8Sweden BLOM Clarencehard rally . thx Cat.
8Poland BUCZEK LukasThanks for the rally!
8Czech Republic DOKULIL JiriSkoda 8. RZ, mohlo to byt o dve mista lepsi...
8Romania DraLuca..
8Sweden ERIKSSON Micael2 cfh whas one to much. Thx to orga for a great rally as allways :) Cu all in next event.
8Czech Republic hebbinot good for me - great rally , i love this cup
8Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakubout track with rolled , bad race thx
8Sweden HULT TobiasSafe and good rally. Good luck everyone :)
8Germany HUMMEL StefanDanke Frank!
8Russian Federation IVANOVA KatyaSpasibo Frank!!!
8Ukraine KEVLYUK SashaDibil !
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergeyok nirvana ))
8Czech Republic KUBINI Vladimir+45s ???, thanks for rally!
8Germany LEHMANN WolfgangDanke fuer diese tolle Rallye.
8Germany LUDWIG HaraldTHX - nice tournament - great fun :-))
8Sweden LUNDBERG EliasCrasch on every stage except the first one.....
8Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavThx-nice rally-o.k.
8Germany NACHREINER MichaelSchoene Rally mit ein paar neuen Strecken.Bin ganz zufrieden. Danke Frank. Allen noch viel Erfolg.
8Germany OLIVER PraetzelDanke Frank, war mehr drin gewesen
8SCHENK MikeBig thanks to organisation for this great rally! Everytime & everywhere again!
8Germany STEIN TorstenOk,Thanks
8Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrsome results above are leaving me in anger
8Germany Thunderacebin zufrieden ....
8Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborthank organizer !!
8Czech Republic VALEK Vlastagood old Mr. fighting,thanks Libor....
8Canada Vladimir SINELNIKOVHard for me! thanks
8Czech Republic VODICKA Petrthx
8Ukraine VOLKOVICH AlexanderVery, very bad :((((
7Poland BADKOWSKI Filiptak rozjebanym autem nigdy nie jechalem. w pizdu caly rajd ... ;/
7Poland BUCZEK Lukasa lot of spins and call for help :-(
7Romania DraLuca..
7Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelVery safe...
7Czech Republic hebbicfh
7Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakubrolled
7Sweden HULT Tobiassafe
7Poland JANGAS Mariuszchlodnica nie dojechalem zabraklo 900 m
7Ukraine KEVLYUK SashaNot bad)
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV SergeyCrash-derevo
7Sweden LUNDBERG Eliascrash
7Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavBroken help viewers...
7SCHENK MikeThink it was not our day - very bad driving, no performance and too much mistakes - we hope for better results in future!
7Czech Republic VODICKA Petrcrash
6Czech Republic DOKULIL JiriAuto bylo pochroumane po minule RZ a v pomalem miste jsem to neuridil a spadl ze svahu...
6Romania DraLuca..
6Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelBig high speed crash at the end...big misstake by me, whas sleeping...
6Czech Republic hebbitoo much mistakes
6Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakubrolled with spin one km before finnish
6Poland JANGAS Mariuszpomoc kibicow dachowanie
6Ukraine KEVLYUK SashaSafe
6Sweden LUNDBERG Eliashuge crash x2
6SCHENK MikeWell we dont make a good job, hope that will not be a bad sign - hope for service to repair the lot of small demages of the last stages.
6Czech Republic SUDICKY Miratoo damaged car
6Germany Thunderacesehr schlecht, 1x ZH und viele rutscher
6Greece YANOLIDIS Jannismistakes but ok
5Poland BANASZEK Piotrekout & cfh
5Latvia DABINS Raivofirst split without crash
5Czech Republic DOKULIL JiriV zaveru nejisty v rozpisu. A za letmakem kontakt se stromem, snad to pojede dal.
5Romania DraLuca..
5Sweden ERIKSSON Micael^^ thought it whas least 5 sec is possible to shave of...
5Czech Republic hebbimistake at the end
5Sweden HULT Tobiassafe
5Ukraine KEVLYUK SashaSafe but PB)
5Poland KOR marekok
5Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavHelp viewers...
5Germany OLIVER Praetzeldas war das erstemal auf dieser WP, da geht noch was
5SCHENK MikeToo much mistakes, but safty over the line.
5Germany STEINBACH Lutz200m vorm Ziel noch weggeschmissen
5Germany ThunderaceUnfall, 10-12sek verlohren
5Czech Republic VALEK Vlasta...hotlap
5Canada Vladimir SINELNIKOVBig crash!
5Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisbeatiful stage...first time drive....
5Czech Republic ZBRANEK Lukashlasi drz se v levo, tak se drzim a najednou letim na kamen.
4Finland ASMUNDELA Tuomospin
4Poland BADKOWSKI FilipNiepotrzebne ratowanie na poczatku ;/
4Latvia DABINS Raivoand again :DDDDDDD
4Romania DraLuca..
4Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakubok
4Ukraine KEVLYUK SashaPB)
4Poland KLIMAS Adrianoff
4Poland KOR marekok
4Czech Republic KRALICEK Pavelkousek pred cilem kamen skoda
4Germany LEHMANN Wolfgangeine Schrecksekunde gehabt, war mal kurz auf zwei Raedern.
4Germany OLIVER Praetzelzu viele Fehler bis her
4SCHENK MikeWe lost control, and have a hard contact with a tree. Demaged the cooling-system and some parts of steering. Our luck, we came direct to the service-point.
4Greece YANOLIDIS Janniscrash
3Poland ANUSIEWICZ Wojciechlot of mistakes
3Finland ASMUNDELA Tuomospin
3Latvia DABINS Raivocrashes after crashes............
3Romania DraLuca..
3Poland KOR marekok
3Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavSpin+out...
3SCHENK MikeWe had a lot of Problems in the first sector, but than it was nearly ok. Must have a look what happens there!
3Poland SWIECH Pawelspin
3Czech Republic VODICKA Petrhit the tree
3Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisroll over..:)
3Czech Republic ZBRANEK Lukaskde berou ty casy, slapu na to jak se da ale nestiham
2Latvia DABINS Raivo3 time crash.......
2Romania DraLuca..
2Argentina eldogoun buen susto en el tropo...
2Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelBig price to pay for a smal smal misstake, cfh
2Czech Republic hebbicfh
2Czech Republic HOFFMANN Jakub3x crash ,2x help people
2Ukraine KEVLYUK Sashasafe
2Poland KLIMAS Adrianmistakes at end
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsxod
2Poland KOR marekok
2Germany LEHMANN Wolfgangbis jetzt alles ok.
2SCHENK MikeWas not perfekt but ok! Only change tires, no demage on car.
2Germany STEINBACH LutzZeitstrafe????!!!!! Ich kann Dir das Replay schicken Frank .
2Slovakia SUCHAC Majomimp trat
2Czech Republic TESINSKY Janoil pump after big jump
2Latvia USVILS Kristaps:(
2Greece YANOLIDIS Jannisbig crash with big service
2Czech Republic ZBRANEK Lukascrash
2Poland ZMYSLOWSKA Magdalenai hate that stage!
1Poland BADKOWSKI Filipksksksks ...
1Romania DraLuca..
1Sweden ERIKSSON MicaelHi all!
1Czech Republic HOFFMANN JakubHi
1Sweden HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :)
1Ukraine KEVLYUK SashaHi/.. Go UA!
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antoncrash big (((( ele doexal
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Sergeyhi
1Poland KOR marekok
1Czech Republic KUBINI VladimirHi
1Estonia LIGUR Jannospin
1Sweden LUNDBERG Eliasok
1Czech Republic MATEJKA MiroslavHi all...
1Germany Rene Rittergood one
1SCHENK MikeHey to all teams - was a relativ good start for us - hope we dont make such a lot mistakes!
1Czech Republic TESINSKY Janfor people ;-)
1Czech Republic TOMECEK Josefok
1Czech Republic TOMECEK Liborhi all
1Latvia USVILS Kristapsbad first split
1Latvia VIZULIS UldisYo
1Canada Vladimir SINELNIKOVHI!
1Czech Republic VODICKA PetrHi
1Czech Republic ZBRANEK Lukasmyslel sem si ze jedu rychle ale opak je pravdou.

Server events
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  • Skalsko - Vinec
Updated track:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

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  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
New tracks:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Updated track:
  • Halenkovice 2018
New track:
  • Halenkovice 2018

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